// @global CZRParams // march 2020 : wp_footer js code to be minified // introduced for https://github.com/presscustomizr/nimble-builder/issues/626 ( function() { var _loading = false; _load = function() { if ( _loading ) return; jQuery( function() { var _headTag = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var _script = document.createElement("script"); _script.setAttribute('src', CZRParams.mainScriptUrl ); _script.setAttribute('id', 'tc-scripts' ); _script.setAttribute('defer', 'defer'); if ( _headTag ) { _headTag.appendChild(_script); } _loading = true; }); }; // recursively try to load jquery every 200ms during 6s ( max 30 times ) var _doWhenJqueryIsReady = function( attempts ) { attempts = attempts || 0; if ( typeof undefined !== typeof window.jQuery ) { _load(); } else if ( attempts < 30 ) { setTimeout( function() { attempts++; _doWhenJqueryIsReady( attempts ); }, 200 ); } else { alert('Customizr problem : jQuery.js was not detected on your website'); } }; // if jQuery has already be printed, let's listen to the load event var jquery_script_el = document.querySelectorAll('[src*="wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js"]'); if ( jquery_script_el[0] ) { jquery_script_el[0].addEventListener('load', function() { _doWhenJqueryIsReady(); }); } try {_doWhenJqueryIsReady();} catch(er) { console.log('tc-init error', er ); } })();