if ( this.options.newTab && '_blank' != this.$_el.attr('target') )
this.$_el.attr('target' , '_blank');
Plugin.prototype._is_eligible = function() {
var self = this;
if ( ! this._is_external( this._href ) )
if ( ! this._is_first_child_tag_allowed () )
if ( 2 != ( ['ids', 'classes'].filter( function( sel_type) { return self._is_selector_allowed(sel_type); } ) ).length )
var _is_eligible = true;
$.each( this.$_el.parents(), function() {
if ( 'underline' == $(this).css('textDecoration') ){
_is_eligible = false;
return false;
return true && _is_eligible;
Plugin.prototype._is_selector_allowed = function( requested_sel_type ) {
if ( czrapp && czrapp.userXP && czrapp.userXP.isSelectorAllowed )
return czrapp.userXP.isSelectorAllowed( this.$_el, this.options.skipSelectors, requested_sel_type);
var sel_type = 'ids' == requested_sel_type ? 'id' : 'class',
_selsToSkip = this.options.skipSelectors[requested_sel_type];
if ( 'object' != typeof(this.options.skipSelectors) || ! this.options.skipSelectors[requested_sel_type] || ! Array.isArray( this.options.skipSelectors[requested_sel_type] ) || 0 === this.options.skipSelectors[requested_sel_type].length )
return true;
if ( this.$_el.parents( _selsToSkip.map( function( _sel ){ return 'id' == sel_type ? '#' + _sel : '.' + _sel; } ).join(',') ).length > 0 )
return false;
if ( ! this.$_el.attr( sel_type ) )
return true;
var _elSels = this.$_el.attr( sel_type ).split(' '),
_filtered = _elSels.filter( function(classe) { return -1 != $.inArray( classe , _selsToSkip ) ;});
return 0 === _filtered.length;
Plugin.prototype._is_first_child_tag_allowed = function() {
if ( 0 === this.$_el.children().length )
return true;
var tagName = this.$_el.children().first()[0].tagName,
_tagToSkip = this.options.skipChildTags;
if ( ! Array.isArray( _tagToSkip ) )
return true;
_tagToSkip = _tagToSkip.map( function( _tag ) { return _tag.toUpperCase(); });
return -1 == $.inArray( tagName , _tagToSkip );
Plugin.prototype._is_external = function( _href ) {
var _main_domain = (location.host).split('.').slice(-2).join('.'),
_reg = new RegExp( _main_domain );
if ( 'string' != typeof( _href ) )
_href = _href.trim();
if ( _href !== '' && _href != '#' && this._isValidURL( _href ) )
return ! _reg.test( _href );
Plugin.prototype._isValidURL = function( _url ){
var _pattern = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;
return _pattern.test( _url );
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName,
new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery );
(function ( $, window ) {
var pluginName = 'centerImages',
defaults = {
enableCentering : true,
onresize : true,
onInit : true,//<= shall we smartload on init or wait for a custom event, typically smartload ?
oncustom : [],//list of event here
$containerToListen : null,//<= we might want to listen to custom event trigger to a parent container.Should be a jQuery obj
imgSel : 'img',
defaultCSSVal : { width : 'auto' , height : 'auto' },
leftAdjust : 0,
zeroLeftAdjust : 0,
topAdjust : 0,
zeroTopAdjust : -2,//<= top ajustement for h-centered
enableGoldenRatio : false,
goldenRatioLimitHeightTo : 350,
goldenRatioVal : 1.618,
skipGoldenRatioClasses : ['no-gold-ratio'],
disableGRUnder : 767,//in pixels
useImgAttr:false,//uses the img height and width attributes if not visible (typically used for the customizr slider hidden images)
setOpacityWhenCentered : false,//this can be used to hide the image during the time it is centered
addCenteredClassWithDelay : 0,//<= a small delay can be required when we rely on the v-centered or h-centered css classes to set the opacity for example
opacity : 1
function Plugin( element, options ) {
var self = this;
this.container = element;
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ;
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
this._customEvt = _.isArray(self.options.oncustom) ? self.options.oncustom : self.options.oncustom.split(' ');
Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
var self = this,
_do = function( _event_ ) {
_event_ = _event_ || 'init';
var $_imgs = $( self.options.imgSel , self.container );
if ( self.options.enableGoldenRatio ) {
_.debounce( function( evt ) { self._maybe_apply_golden_r( evt ); }, 200 )
if ( 1 <= $_imgs.length && self.options.enableCentering ) {
self._parse_imgs( $_imgs, _event_ );
if ( self.options.onInit ) {
if ( _.isArray( self._customEvt ) ) {
self._customEvt.map( function( evt ) {
var $_containerToListen = ( self.options.$containerToListen instanceof $ && 1 < self.options.$containerToListen.length ) ? self.options.$containerToListen : $( self.container );
$_containerToListen.on( evt, {} , function() {
_do( evt );
} );
Plugin.prototype._maybe_apply_golden_r = function() {
if ( ! this.options.enableGoldenRatio || ! this.options.goldenRatioVal || 0 === this.options.goldenRatioVal )
if ( ! this._is_selector_allowed() )
if ( ! this._is_window_width_allowed() ) {
$(this.container).attr('style' , '');
var new_height = Math.round( $(this.container).width() / this.options.goldenRatioVal );
new_height = new_height > this.options.goldenRatioLimitHeightTo ? this.options.goldenRatioLimitHeightTo : new_height;
'line-height' : new_height + 'px',
height : new_height + 'px'
Plugin.prototype._is_window_width_allowed = function() {
return $(window).width() > this.options.disableGRUnder - 15;
Plugin.prototype._parse_imgs = function( $_imgs, _event_ ) {
var self = this;
$_imgs.each(function ( ind, img ) {
var $_img = $(img);
self._pre_img_cent( $_img, _event_ );
if ( self.options.onresize && ! $_img.data('resize-react-bound' ) ) {
$_img.data('resize-react-bound', true );
$(window).on('resize', _.debounce( function() {
self._pre_img_cent( $_img, 'resize');
}, 100 ) );
if ( $(self.container).attr('data-img-centered-in-container') ) {
var _n = parseInt( $(self.container).attr('data-img-centered-in-container'), 10 ) + 1;
$(self.container).attr('data-img-centered-in-container', _n );
} else {
$(self.container).attr('data-img-centered-in-container', 1 );
Plugin.prototype._pre_img_cent = function( $_img ) {
var _state = this._get_current_state( $_img ),
self = this,
_case = _state.current,
_p = _state.prop[_case],
_not_p = _state.prop[ 'h' == _case ? 'v' : 'h'],
_not_p_dir_val = 'h' == _case ? ( this.options.zeroTopAdjust || 0 ) : ( this.options.zeroLeftAdjust || 0 );
var _centerImg = function( $_img ) {
.css( _p.dim.name , _p.dim.val )
.css( _not_p.dim.name , self.options.defaultCSSVal[ _not_p.dim.name ] || 'auto' )
.css( _p.dir.name, _p.dir.val ).css( _not_p.dir.name, _not_p_dir_val );
if ( 0 !== self.options.addCenteredClassWithDelay && _.isNumber( self.options.addCenteredClassWithDelay ) ) {
_.delay( function() {
$_img.addClass( _p._class ).removeClass( _not_p._class );
}, self.options.addCenteredClassWithDelay );
} else {
$_img.addClass( _p._class ).removeClass( _not_p._class );
if ( $_img.attr('data-img-centered') ) {
var _n = parseInt( $_img.attr('data-img-centered'), 10 ) + 1;
$_img.attr('data-img-centered', _n );
} else {
$_img.attr('data-img-centered', 1 );
return $_img;
if ( this.options.setOpacityWhenCentered ) {
$.when( _centerImg( $_img ) ).done( function( $_img ) {
$_img.css( 'opacity', self.options.opacity );
} else {
_.delay(function() { _centerImg( $_img ); }, 0 );
Plugin.prototype._get_current_state = function( $_img ) {
var c_x = $_img.closest(this.container).outerWidth(),
c_y = $(this.container).outerHeight(),
i_x = this._get_img_dim( $_img , 'x'),
i_y = this._get_img_dim( $_img , 'y'),
up_i_x = i_y * c_y !== 0 ? Math.round( i_x / i_y * c_y ) : c_x,
up_i_y = i_x * c_x !== 0 ? Math.round( i_y / i_x * c_x ) : c_y,
current = 'h';
if ( 0 !== c_x * i_x ) {
current = ( c_y / c_x ) >= ( i_y / i_x ) ? 'h' : 'v';
var prop = {
h : {
dim : { name : 'height', val : c_y },
dir : { name : 'left', val : ( c_x - up_i_x ) / 2 + ( this.options.leftAdjust || 0 ) },
_class : 'h-centered'
v : {
dim : { name : 'width', val : c_x },
dir : { name : 'top', val : ( c_y - up_i_y ) / 2 + ( this.options.topAdjust || 0 ) },
_class : 'v-centered'
return { current : current , prop : prop };
Plugin.prototype._get_img_dim = function( $_img, _dim ) {
if ( ! this.options.useImgAttr )
return 'x' == _dim ? $_img.outerWidth() : $_img.outerHeight();
if ( $_img.is(":visible") ) {
return 'x' == _dim ? $_img.outerWidth() : $_img.outerHeight();
} else {
if ( 'x' == _dim ){
var _width = $_img.originalWidth();
return typeof _width === undefined ? 0 : _width;
if ( 'y' == _dim ){
var _height = $_img.originalHeight();
return typeof _height === undefined ? 0 : _height;
Plugin.prototype._is_selector_allowed = function() {
if ( ! $(this.container).attr( 'class' ) )
return true;
if ( ! this.options.skipGoldenRatioClasses || ! _.isArray( this.options.skipGoldenRatioClasses ) )
return true;
var _elSels = $(this.container).attr( 'class' ).split(' '),
_selsToSkip = this.options.skipGoldenRatioClasses,
_filtered = _elSels.filter( function(classe) { return -1 != $.inArray( classe , _selsToSkip ) ;});
return 0 === _filtered.length;
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName,
new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery, window );
(function ( $, window, _ ) {
var pluginName = 'czrParallax',
defaults = {
parallaxRatio : 0.5,
parallaxDirection : 1,
parallaxOverflowHidden : true,
oncustom : [],//list of event here
backgroundClass : 'image',
matchMedia : 'only screen and (max-width: 768px)'
function Plugin( element, options ) {
this.element = $(element);
this.element_wrapper = this.element.closest( '.parallax-wrapper' );
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options, this.parseElementDataOptions() ) ;
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
Plugin.prototype.parseElementDataOptions = function () {
return this.element.data();
Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
this.$_document = $(document);
this.$_window = czrapp ? czrapp.$_window : $(window);
this.doingAnimation = false;
Plugin.prototype._bind_evt = function() {
_.bindAll( this, 'maybeParallaxMe', 'parallaxMe' );
Plugin.prototype.stageParallaxElements = function() {
'position': this.element.hasClass( this.options.backgroundClass ) ? 'absolute' : 'relative',
'will-change': 'transform'
if ( this.options.parallaxOverflowHidden ){
var $_wrapper = this.element_wrapper;
if ( $_wrapper.length )
$_wrapper.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
Plugin.prototype.initWaypoints = function() {
var self = this;
this.way_start = new Waypoint({
element: self.element_wrapper.length ? self.element_wrapper : self.element,
handler: function() {
if ( ! self.element.hasClass('parallaxing') ){
self.$_window.on('scroll', self.maybeParallaxMe );
} else{
self.$_window.off('scroll', self.maybeParallaxMe );
self.doingAnimation = false;
self.element.css('top', 0 );
this.way_stop = new Waypoint({
element: self.element_wrapper.length ? self.element_wrapper : self.element,
handler: function() {
if ( ! self.element.hasClass('parallaxing') ) {
self.$_window.on('scroll', self.maybeParallaxMe );
}else {
self.$_window.off('scroll', self.maybeParallaxMe );
self.doingAnimation = false;
offset: function(){
return - this.adapter.outerHeight();
Plugin.prototype.maybeParallaxMe = function() {
var self = this;
if ( _.isFunction( window.matchMedia ) && matchMedia( self.options.matchMedia ).matches )
return this.setTopPosition();
if ( ! this.doingAnimation ) {
this.doingAnimation = true;
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
self.doingAnimation = false;
Plugin.prototype.setTopPosition = function( _top_ ) {
_top_ = _top_ || 0;
'transform' : 'translate3d(0px, ' + _top_ + 'px, .01px)',
'-webkit-transform' : 'translate3d(0px, ' + _top_ + 'px, .01px)'
Plugin.prototype.parallaxMe = function() {
var ratio = this.options.parallaxRatio,
parallaxDirection = this.options.parallaxDirection,
value = ratio * parallaxDirection * ( this.$_document.scrollTop() - this.way_start.triggerPoint );
this.setTopPosition( parallaxDirection * value < 0 ? 0 : value );
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName,
new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery, window, _ );// http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame']
|| window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
}());/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas, David Knight. Dual MIT/BSD license */
window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function() {
"use strict";
var styleMedia = (window.styleMedia || window.media);
if (!styleMedia) {
var style = document.createElement('style'),
script = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0],
info = null;
style.type = 'text/css';
style.id = 'matchmediajs-test';
if (!script) {
} else {
script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script);
info = ('getComputedStyle' in window) && window.getComputedStyle(style, null) || style.currentStyle;
styleMedia = {
matchMedium: function(media) {
var text = '@media ' + media + '{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }';
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = text;
} else {
style.textContent = text;
return info.width === '1px';
return function(media) {
return {
matches: styleMedia.matchMedium(media || 'all'),
media: media || 'all'
}());// Customizr version of Galambosi's SmoothScroll
(function () {
var defaultOptions = {
frameRate : 150, // [Hz]
animationTime : 400, // [px]
stepSize : 120, // [px]
pulseAlgorithm : true,
pulseScale : 4,
pulseNormalize : 1,
accelerationDelta : 20, // 20
accelerationMax : 1, // 1
keyboardSupport : true, // option
arrowScroll : 50, // [px]
touchpadSupport : true,
fixedBackground : true,
excluded : ''
var options = defaultOptions;
var isExcluded = false;
var isFrame = false;
var direction = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var initDone = false;
var root = document.documentElement;
var activeElement;
var observer;
var deltaBuffer = [];
var isMac = /^Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
var key = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, spacebar: 32,
pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36 };
var options = defaultOptions;
function initTest() {
if (options.keyboardSupport) {
addEvent('keydown', keydown);
function init() {
if (initDone || !document.body) return;
initDone = true;
var body = document.body;
var html = document.documentElement;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var scrollHeight = body.scrollHeight;
root = (document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') >= 0) ? html : body;
activeElement = body;
if (top != self) {
isFrame = true;
else if (scrollHeight > windowHeight &&
(body.offsetHeight <= windowHeight ||
html.offsetHeight <= windowHeight)) {
var fullPageElem = document.createElement('div');
fullPageElem.style.cssText = 'position:absolute; z-index:-10000; ' +
'top:0; left:0; right:0; height:' +
root.scrollHeight + 'px';
var pendingRefresh;
var refresh = function () {
if (pendingRefresh) return; // could also be: clearTimeout(pendingRefresh);
pendingRefresh = setTimeout(function () {
if (isExcluded) return; // could be running after cleanup
fullPageElem.style.height = '0';
fullPageElem.style.height = root.scrollHeight + 'px';
pendingRefresh = null;
}, 500); // act rarely to stay fast
setTimeout(refresh, 10);
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: false
observer = new MutationObserver(refresh);
observer.observe(body, config);
if (root.offsetHeight <= windowHeight) {
var clearfix = document.createElement('div');
clearfix.style.clear = 'both';
if (!options.fixedBackground && !isExcluded) {
body.style.backgroundAttachment = 'scroll';
html.style.backgroundAttachment = 'scroll';
function cleanup() {
observer && observer.disconnect();
removeEvent(wheelEvent, wheel, wheelOpt);
removeEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
removeEvent('keydown', keydown);
var que = [];
var pending = false;
var lastScroll = Date.now();
function scrollArray(elem, left, top) {
directionCheck(left, top);
if (options.accelerationMax != 1) {
var now = Date.now();
var elapsed = now - lastScroll;
if (elapsed < options.accelerationDelta) {
var factor = (1 + (50 / elapsed)) / 2;
if (factor > 1) {
factor = Math.min(factor, options.accelerationMax);
left *= factor;
top *= factor;
lastScroll = Date.now();
x: left,
y: top,
lastX: (left < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99,
lastY: (top < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99,
start: Date.now()
if (pending) {
var scrollWindow = (elem === document.body);
var step = function (time) {
var now = Date.now();
var scrollX = 0;
var scrollY = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < que.length; i++) {
var item = que[i];
var elapsed = now - item.start;
var finished = (elapsed >= options.animationTime);
var position = (finished) ? 1 : elapsed / options.animationTime;
if (options.pulseAlgorithm) {
position = pulse(position);
var x = (item.x * position - item.lastX) >> 0;
var y = (item.y * position - item.lastY) >> 0;
scrollX += x;
scrollY += y;
item.lastX += x;
item.lastY += y;
if (finished) {
que.splice(i, 1); i--;
if (scrollWindow) {
window.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY);
else {
if (scrollX) elem.scrollLeft += scrollX;
if (scrollY) elem.scrollTop += scrollY;
if (!left && !top) {
que = [];
if (que.length) {
requestFrame(step, elem, (1000 / options.frameRate + 1));
} else {
pending = false;
requestFrame(step, elem, 0);
pending = true;
function wheel(event) {
if (!initDone) {
var target = event.target;
var overflowing = overflowingAncestor(target);
if (!overflowing || event.defaultPrevented || event.ctrlKey) {
return true;
if (isNodeName(activeElement, 'embed') ||
(isNodeName(target, 'embed') && /\.pdf/i.test(target.src)) ||
isNodeName(activeElement, 'object')) {
return true;
var deltaX = -event.wheelDeltaX || event.deltaX || 0;
var deltaY = -event.wheelDeltaY || event.deltaY || 0;
if (isMac) {
if (event.wheelDeltaX && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaX, 120)) {
deltaX = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaX / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaX));
if (event.wheelDeltaY && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaY, 120)) {
deltaY = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaY));
if (!deltaX && !deltaY) {
deltaY = -event.wheelDelta || 0;
if (event.deltaMode === 1) {
deltaX *= 40;
deltaY *= 40;
if (!options.touchpadSupport && isTouchpad(deltaY)) {
return true;
if (Math.abs(deltaX) > 1.2) {
deltaX *= options.stepSize / 120;
if (Math.abs(deltaY) > 1.2) {
deltaY *= options.stepSize / 120;
scrollArray(overflowing, deltaX, deltaY);
function keydown(event) {
var target = event.target;
var modifier = event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey ||
(event.shiftKey && event.keyCode !== key.spacebar);
if (!document.contains(activeElement)) {
activeElement = document.activeElement;
var inputNodeNames = /^(textarea|select|embed|object)$/i;
var buttonTypes = /^(button|submit|radio|checkbox|file|color|image)$/i;
if ( inputNodeNames.test(target.nodeName) ||
isNodeName(target, 'input') && !buttonTypes.test(target.type) ||
isNodeName(activeElement, 'video') ||
isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) ||
target.isContentEditable ||
event.defaultPrevented ||
modifier ) {
return true;
if ((isNodeName(target, 'button') ||
isNodeName(target, 'input') && buttonTypes.test(target.type)) &&
event.keyCode === key.spacebar) {
return true;
var shift, x = 0, y = 0;
var elem = overflowingAncestor(activeElement);
var clientHeight = elem.clientHeight;
if (elem == document.body) {
clientHeight = window.innerHeight;
switch (event.keyCode) {
case key.up:
y = -options.arrowScroll;
case key.down:
y = options.arrowScroll;
case key.spacebar: // (+ shift)
shift = event.shiftKey ? 1 : -1;
y = -shift * clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.pageup:
y = -clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.pagedown:
y = clientHeight * 0.9;
case key.home:
y = -elem.scrollTop;
case key.end:
var damt = elem.scrollHeight - elem.scrollTop - clientHeight;
y = (damt > 0) ? damt+10 : 0;
case key.left:
x = -options.arrowScroll;
case key.right:
x = options.arrowScroll;
return true; // a key we don't care about
scrollArray(elem, x, y);
function mousedown(event) {
activeElement = event.target;
var uniqueID = (function () {
var i = 0;
return function (el) {
return el.uniqueID || (el.uniqueID = i++);
var cache = {}; // cleared out after a scrolling session
var clearCacheTimer;
function scheduleClearCache() {
clearCacheTimer = setInterval(function () { cache = {}; }, 1*1000);
function setCache(elems, overflowing) {
for (var i = elems.length; i--;)
cache[uniqueID(elems[i])] = overflowing;
return overflowing;
function overflowingAncestor(el) {
var elems = [];
var body = document.body;
var rootScrollHeight = root.scrollHeight;
do {
var cached = cache[uniqueID(el)];
if (cached) {
return setCache(elems, cached);
if (rootScrollHeight === el.scrollHeight) {
var topOverflowsNotHidden = overflowNotHidden(root) && overflowNotHidden(body);
var isOverflowCSS = topOverflowsNotHidden || overflowAutoOrScroll(root);
if (isFrame && isContentOverflowing(root) ||
!isFrame && isOverflowCSS) {
return setCache(elems, getScrollRoot());
} else if (isContentOverflowing(el) && overflowAutoOrScroll(el)) {
return setCache(elems, el);
} while (el = el.parentElement);
function isContentOverflowing(el) {
return (el.clientHeight + 10 < el.scrollHeight);
function overflowNotHidden(el) {
var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
return (overflow !== 'hidden');
function overflowAutoOrScroll(el) {
var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
return (overflow === 'scroll' || overflow === 'auto');
function addEvent(type, fn, arg ) {
window.addEventListener(type, fn, arg || false);
function removeEvent(type, fn, arg) {
window.removeEventListener(type, fn, arg || false);
function isNodeName(el, tag) {
return (el.nodeName||'').toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase();
function directionCheck(x, y) {
x = (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
y = (y > 0) ? 1 : -1;
if (direction.x !== x || direction.y !== y) {
direction.x = x;
direction.y = y;
que = [];
lastScroll = 0;
var deltaBufferTimer;
if (window.localStorage && localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer) {
deltaBuffer = localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer.split(',');
function isTouchpad(deltaY) {
if (!deltaY) return;
if (!deltaBuffer.length) {
deltaBuffer = [deltaY, deltaY, deltaY];
deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY)
deltaBufferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
if (window.localStorage) {
localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer = deltaBuffer.join(',');
}, 1000);
return !allDeltasDivisableBy(120) && !allDeltasDivisableBy(100);
function isDivisible(n, divisor) {
return (Math.floor(n / divisor) == n / divisor);
function allDeltasDivisableBy(divisor) {
return (isDivisible(deltaBuffer[0], divisor) &&
isDivisible(deltaBuffer[1], divisor) &&
isDivisible(deltaBuffer[2], divisor));
function isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) {
var elem = event.target;
var isControl = false;
if (document.URL.indexOf ('www.youtube.com/watch') != -1) {
do {
isControl = (elem.classList &&
if (isControl) break;
} while (elem = elem.parentNode);
return isControl;
var requestFrame = (function () {
return (window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback, element, delay) {
window.setTimeout(callback, delay || (1000/60));
var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver ||
window.WebKitMutationObserver ||
var getScrollRoot = (function() {
return function() {
var dummy = document.createElement('div');
dummy.style.cssText = 'height:10000px;width:1px;';
var bodyScrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
var docElScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
window.scrollBy(0, 1);
if (document.body.scrollTop != bodyScrollTop)
(SCROLL_ROOT = document.body);
(SCROLL_ROOT = document.documentElement);
window.scrollBy(0, -1);
function pulse_(x) {
var val, start, expx;
x = x * options.pulseScale;
if (x < 1) { // acceleartion
val = x - (1 - Math.exp(-x));
} else { // tail
start = Math.exp(-1);
x -= 1;
expx = 1 - Math.exp(-x);
val = start + (expx * (1 - start));
return val * options.pulseNormalize;
function pulse(x) {
if (x >= 1) return 1;
if (x <= 0) return 0;
if (options.pulseNormalize == 1) {
options.pulseNormalize /= pulse_(1);
return pulse_(x);
var supportsPassive = false;
try {
window.addEventListener("test", null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
get: function () {
supportsPassive = true;
} catch(e) {}
var wheelOpt = supportsPassive ? { passive: false } : false;
var wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document.createElement('div') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel';
function _maybeInit( fire ){
if (wheelEvent) {
addEvent(wheelEvent, wheel, wheelOpt);
addEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
if ( ! fire ) addEvent('load', init);
else init();
return wheelEvent ? true : false;
smoothScroll = function ( _options ) {
smoothScroll._setCustomOptions( _options );
_maybeInit() && czrapp.$_body.addClass('tc-smoothscroll');
smoothScroll._cleanUp = function(){
smoothScroll._maybeFire = function(){
_maybeInit(true) && czrapp.$_body.addClass('tc-smoothscroll');
smoothScroll._setCustomOptions = function( _options ){
options = _options ? _.extend( options, _options) : options;
var smoothScroll;
var tcOutline;
tcOutline = function() {
var style_element = d.createElement('STYLE'),
dom_events = 'addEventListener' in d,
add_event_listener = function(type, callback){
d.addEventListener(type, callback);
d.attachEvent('on' + type, callback);
set_css = function(css_text){
if ( !!style_element.styleSheet )
style_element.styleSheet.cssText = css_text;
style_element.innerHTML = css_text;
add_event_listener('mousedown', function(){
add_event_listener('keydown', function(){
Waypoints - 4.0.0
Copyright © 2011-2015 Caleb Troughton
Licensed under the MIT license.
(function() {
'use strict'
var keyCounter = 0
var allWaypoints = {}
function Waypoint(options) {
if (!options) {
throw new Error('No options passed to Waypoint constructor')
if (!options.element) {
throw new Error('No element option passed to Waypoint constructor')
if (!options.handler) {
throw new Error('No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor')
this.key = 'waypoint-' + keyCounter
this.options = Waypoint.Adapter.extend({}, Waypoint.defaults, options)
this.element = this.options.element
this.adapter = new Waypoint.Adapter(this.element)
this.callback = options.handler
this.axis = this.options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
this.enabled = this.options.enabled
this.triggerPoint = null
this.group = Waypoint.Group.findOrCreate({
name: this.options.group,
axis: this.axis
this.context = Waypoint.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context)
if (Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]) {
this.options.offset = Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]
allWaypoints[this.key] = this
keyCounter += 1
Waypoint.prototype.queueTrigger = function(direction) {
this.group.queueTrigger(this, direction)
Waypoint.prototype.trigger = function(args) {
if (!this.enabled) {
if (this.callback) {
this.callback.apply(this, args)
Waypoint.prototype.destroy = function() {
delete allWaypoints[this.key]
Waypoint.prototype.disable = function() {
this.enabled = false
return this
Waypoint.prototype.enable = function() {
this.enabled = true
return this
Waypoint.prototype.next = function() {
return this.group.next(this)
Waypoint.prototype.previous = function() {
return this.group.previous(this)
Waypoint.invokeAll = function(method) {
var allWaypointsArray = []
for (var waypointKey in allWaypoints) {
for (var i = 0, end = allWaypointsArray.length; i < end; i++) {
Waypoint.destroyAll = function() {
Waypoint.disableAll = function() {
Waypoint.enableAll = function() {
Waypoint.refreshAll = function() {
Waypoint.viewportHeight = function() {
return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight
Waypoint.viewportWidth = function() {
return document.documentElement.clientWidth
Waypoint.adapters = []
Waypoint.defaults = {
context: window,
continuous: true,
enabled: true,
group: 'default',
horizontal: false,
offset: 0
Waypoint.offsetAliases = {
'bottom-in-view': function() {
return this.context.innerHeight() - this.adapter.outerHeight()
'right-in-view': function() {
return this.context.innerWidth() - this.adapter.outerWidth()
window.Waypoint = Waypoint
;(function() {
'use strict'
function requestAnimationFrameShim(callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60)
var keyCounter = 0
var contexts = {}
var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
var oldWindowLoad = window.onload
function Context(element) {
this.element = element
this.Adapter = Waypoint.Adapter
this.adapter = new this.Adapter(element)
this.key = 'waypoint-context-' + keyCounter
this.didScroll = false
this.didResize = false
this.oldScroll = {
x: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
y: this.adapter.scrollTop()
this.waypoints = {
vertical: {},
horizontal: {}
element.waypointContextKey = this.key
contexts[element.waypointContextKey] = this
keyCounter += 1
Context.prototype.add = function(waypoint) {
var axis = waypoint.options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
this.waypoints[axis][waypoint.key] = waypoint
Context.prototype.checkEmpty = function() {
var horizontalEmpty = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.horizontal)
var verticalEmpty = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.vertical)
if (horizontalEmpty && verticalEmpty) {
delete contexts[this.key]
Context.prototype.createThrottledResizeHandler = function() {
var self = this
function resizeHandler() {
self.didResize = false
this.adapter.on('resize.waypoints', function() {
if (!self.didResize) {
self.didResize = true
Context.prototype.createThrottledScrollHandler = function() {
var self = this
function scrollHandler() {
self.didScroll = false
this.adapter.on('scroll.waypoints', function() {
if (!self.didScroll || Waypoint.isTouch) {
self.didScroll = true
Context.prototype.handleResize = function() {
Context.prototype.handleScroll = function() {
var triggeredGroups = {}
var axes = {
horizontal: {
newScroll: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
forward: 'right',
backward: 'left'
vertical: {
newScroll: this.adapter.scrollTop(),
oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
forward: 'down',
backward: 'up'
for (var axisKey in axes) {
var axis = axes[axisKey]
var isForward = axis.newScroll > axis.oldScroll
var direction = isForward ? axis.forward : axis.backward
for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axisKey]) {
var waypoint = this.waypoints[axisKey][waypointKey]
var wasBeforeTriggerPoint = axis.oldScroll < waypoint.triggerPoint
var nowAfterTriggerPoint = axis.newScroll >= waypoint.triggerPoint
var crossedForward = wasBeforeTriggerPoint && nowAfterTriggerPoint
var crossedBackward = !wasBeforeTriggerPoint && !nowAfterTriggerPoint
if (crossedForward || crossedBackward) {
triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
for (var groupKey in triggeredGroups) {
this.oldScroll = {
x: axes.horizontal.newScroll,
y: axes.vertical.newScroll
Context.prototype.innerHeight = function() {
if (this.element == this.element.window) {
return Waypoint.viewportHeight()
return this.adapter.innerHeight()
Context.prototype.remove = function(waypoint) {
delete this.waypoints[waypoint.axis][waypoint.key]
Context.prototype.innerWidth = function() {
if (this.element == this.element.window) {
return Waypoint.viewportWidth()
return this.adapter.innerWidth()
Context.prototype.destroy = function() {
var allWaypoints = []
for (var axis in this.waypoints) {
for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axis]) {
for (var i = 0, end = allWaypoints.length; i < end; i++) {
Context.prototype.refresh = function() {
var isWindow = this.element == this.element.window
var contextOffset = isWindow ? undefined : this.adapter.offset()
var triggeredGroups = {}
var axes
axes = {
horizontal: {
contextOffset: isWindow ? 0 : contextOffset.left,
contextScroll: isWindow ? 0 : this.oldScroll.x,
contextDimension: this.innerWidth(),
oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
forward: 'right',
backward: 'left',
offsetProp: 'left'
vertical: {
contextOffset: isWindow ? 0 : contextOffset.top,
contextScroll: isWindow ? 0 : this.oldScroll.y,
contextDimension: this.innerHeight(),
oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
forward: 'down',
backward: 'up',
offsetProp: 'top'
for (var axisKey in axes) {
var axis = axes[axisKey]
for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axisKey]) {
var waypoint = this.waypoints[axisKey][waypointKey]
var adjustment = waypoint.options.offset
var oldTriggerPoint = waypoint.triggerPoint
var elementOffset = 0
var freshWaypoint = oldTriggerPoint == null
var contextModifier, wasBeforeScroll, nowAfterScroll
var triggeredBackward, triggeredForward
if (waypoint.element !== waypoint.element.window) {
elementOffset = waypoint.adapter.offset()[axis.offsetProp]
if (typeof adjustment === 'function') {
adjustment = adjustment.apply(waypoint)
else if (typeof adjustment === 'string') {
adjustment = parseFloat(adjustment)
if (waypoint.options.offset.indexOf('%') > - 1) {
adjustment = Math.ceil(axis.contextDimension * adjustment / 100)
contextModifier = axis.contextScroll - axis.contextOffset
waypoint.triggerPoint = elementOffset + contextModifier - adjustment
wasBeforeScroll = oldTriggerPoint < axis.oldScroll
nowAfterScroll = waypoint.triggerPoint >= axis.oldScroll
triggeredBackward = wasBeforeScroll && nowAfterScroll
triggeredForward = !wasBeforeScroll && !nowAfterScroll
if (!freshWaypoint && triggeredBackward) {
triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
else if (!freshWaypoint && triggeredForward) {
triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
else if (freshWaypoint && axis.oldScroll >= waypoint.triggerPoint) {
triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
for (var groupKey in triggeredGroups) {
return this
Context.findOrCreateByElement = function(element) {
return Context.findByElement(element) || new Context(element)
Context.refreshAll = function() {
for (var contextId in contexts) {
Context.findByElement = function(element) {
return contexts[element.waypointContextKey]
window.onload = function() {
if (oldWindowLoad) {
Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
var requestFn = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
requestFn.call(window, callback)
Waypoint.Context = Context
;(function() {
'use strict'
function byTriggerPoint(a, b) {
return a.triggerPoint - b.triggerPoint
function byReverseTriggerPoint(a, b) {
return b.triggerPoint - a.triggerPoint
var groups = {
vertical: {},
horizontal: {}
var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
function Group(options) {
this.name = options.name
this.axis = options.axis
this.id = this.name + '-' + this.axis
this.waypoints = []
groups[this.axis][this.name] = this
Group.prototype.add = function(waypoint) {
Group.prototype.clearTriggerQueues = function() {
this.triggerQueues = {
up: [],
down: [],
left: [],
right: []
Group.prototype.flushTriggers = function() {
for (var direction in this.triggerQueues) {
var waypoints = this.triggerQueues[direction]
var reverse = direction === 'up' || direction === 'left'
waypoints.sort(reverse ? byReverseTriggerPoint : byTriggerPoint)
for (var i = 0, end = waypoints.length; i < end; i += 1) {
var waypoint = waypoints[i]
if (waypoint.options.continuous || i === waypoints.length - 1) {
Group.prototype.next = function(waypoint) {
var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
var isLast = index === this.waypoints.length - 1
return isLast ? null : this.waypoints[index + 1]
Group.prototype.previous = function(waypoint) {
var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
return index ? this.waypoints[index - 1] : null
Group.prototype.queueTrigger = function(waypoint, direction) {
Group.prototype.remove = function(waypoint) {
var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
if (index > -1) {
this.waypoints.splice(index, 1)
Group.prototype.first = function() {
return this.waypoints[0]
Group.prototype.last = function() {
return this.waypoints[this.waypoints.length - 1]
Group.findOrCreate = function(options) {
return groups[options.axis][options.name] || new Group(options)
Waypoint.Group = Group
;(function() {
'use strict'
var $ = window.jQuery
var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
function JQueryAdapter(element) {
this.$element = $(element)
], function(i, method) {
JQueryAdapter.prototype[method] = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
return this.$element[method].apply(this.$element, args)
], function(i, method) {
JQueryAdapter[method] = $[method]
name: 'jquery',
Adapter: JQueryAdapter
Waypoint.Adapter = JQueryAdapter
;(function() {
'use strict'
var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
function createExtension(framework) {
return function() {
var waypoints = []
var overrides = arguments[0]
if (framework.isFunction(arguments[0])) {
overrides = framework.extend({}, arguments[1])
overrides.handler = arguments[0]
this.each(function() {
var options = framework.extend({}, overrides, {
element: this
if (typeof options.context === 'string') {
options.context = framework(this).closest(options.context)[0]
waypoints.push(new Waypoint(options))
return waypoints
if (window.jQuery) {
window.jQuery.fn.waypoint = createExtension(window.jQuery)
if (window.Zepto) {
window.Zepto.fn.waypoint = createExtension(window.Zepto)
;var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
czrapp._printLog = function( log ) {
var _render = function() {
return $.Deferred( function() {
var dfd = this;
$.when( $('#footer').before( $('', { id : "bulklog" }) ) ).done( function() {
position: 'fixed',
'z-index': '99999',
'font-size': '0.8em',
color: '#000',
padding: '5%',
width: '90%',
height: '20%',
overflow: 'hidden',
bottom: '0',
left: '0',
background: 'yellow'
_print = function() {
$('#bulklog').prepend('' + czrapp._prettyfy( { consoleArguments : [ log ], prettyfy : false } ) + '
if ( 1 != $('#bulk-log').length ) {
_render().done( _print );
} else {
czrapp._truncate = function( string , length ){
length = length || 150;
if ( ! _.isString( string ) )
return '';
return string.length > length ? string.substr( 0, length - 1 ) : string;
var _prettyPrintLog = function( args ) {
var _defaults = {
bgCol : '#5ed1f5',
textCol : '#000',
consoleArguments : []
args = _.extend( _defaults, args );
var _toArr = Array.from( args.consoleArguments ),
_truncate = function( string ){
if ( ! _.isString( string ) )
return '';
return string.length > 300 ? string.substr( 0, 299 ) + '...' : string;
if ( ! _.isEmpty( _.filter( _toArr, function( it ) { return ! _.isString( it ); } ) ) ) {
_toArr = JSON.stringify( _toArr.join(' ') );
} else {
_toArr = _toArr.join(' ');
return [
'%c ' + _truncate( _toArr ),
[ 'background:' + args.bgCol, 'color:' + args.textCol, 'display: block;' ].join(';')
var _wrapLogInsideTags = function( title, msg, bgColor ) {
if ( ( _.isUndefined( console ) && typeof window.console.log != 'function' ) )
if ( czrapp.localized.isDevMode ) {
if ( _.isUndefined( msg ) ) {
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { bgCol : bgColor, textCol : '#000', consoleArguments : [ '<' + title + '>' ] } ) );
} else {
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { bgCol : bgColor, textCol : '#000', consoleArguments : [ '<' + title + '>' ] } ) );
console.log( msg );
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { bgCol : bgColor, textCol : '#000', consoleArguments : [ '' + title + '>' ] } ) );
} else {
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { bgCol : bgColor, textCol : '#000', consoleArguments : [ title ] } ) );
czrapp.consoleLog = function() {
if ( ! czrapp.localized.isDevMode )
if ( ( _.isUndefined( console ) && typeof window.console.log != 'function' ) )
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { consoleArguments : arguments } ) );
console.log( 'Unstyled console message : ', arguments );
czrapp.errorLog = function() {
if ( ( _.isUndefined( console ) && typeof window.console.log != 'function' ) )
console.log.apply( console, _prettyPrintLog( { bgCol : '#ffd5a0', textCol : '#000', consoleArguments : arguments } ) );
czrapp.errare = function( title, msg ) { _wrapLogInsideTags( title, msg, '#ffd5a0' ); };
czrapp.infoLog = function( title, msg ) { _wrapLogInsideTags( title, msg, '#5ed1f5' ); };
czrapp.doAjax = function( queryParams ) {
queryParams = queryParams || ( _.isObject( queryParams ) ? queryParams : {} );
var ajaxUrl = queryParams.ajaxUrl || czrapp.localized.ajaxUrl,//the ajaxUrl can be specified when invoking doAjax
nonce = czrapp.localized.frontNonce,//{ 'id' => 'HuFrontNonce', 'handle' => wp_create_nonce( 'hu-front-nonce' ) },
dfd = $.Deferred(),
_query_ = _.extend( {
action : '',
withNonce : false
if ( "https:" == document.location.protocol ) {
ajaxUrl = ajaxUrl.replace( "http://", "https://" );
if ( _.isEmpty( _query_.action ) || ! _.isString( _query_.action ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'czrapp.doAjax : unproper action provided' );
return dfd.resolve().promise();
_query_[ nonce.id ] = nonce.handle;
if ( ! _.isObject( nonce ) || _.isUndefined( nonce.id ) || _.isUndefined( nonce.handle ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'czrapp.doAjax : unproper nonce' );
return dfd.resolve().promise();
$.post( ajaxUrl, _query_ )
.done( function( _r ) {
if ( '0' === _r || '-1' === _r || false === _r.success ) {
czrapp.errare( 'czrapp.doAjax : done ajax error for action : ' + _query_.action , _r );
dfd.reject( _r );
dfd.resolve( _r );
.fail( function( _r ) {
czrapp.errare( 'czrapp.doAjax : failed ajax error for : ' + _query_.action, _r );
dfd.reject( _r );
return dfd.promise();
})(jQuery, czrapp);
(function($, czrapp) {
czrapp.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent = function ( event ) {
return ( 'keydown' === event.type && 13 !== event.which );
czrapp.setupDOMListeners = function( event_map , args, instance ) {
var _defaultArgs = {
model : {},
dom_el : {}
if ( _.isUndefined( instance ) || ! _.isObject( instance ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDomListeners : instance should be an object', args );
if ( ! _.isArray( event_map ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDomListeners : event_map should be an array', args );
if ( ! _.isObject( args ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDomListeners : args should be an object', event_map );
args = _.extend( _defaultArgs, args );
if ( ! ( args.dom_el instanceof jQuery ) || 1 != args.dom_el.length ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDomListeners : dom element should be an existing dom element', args );
_.map( event_map , function( _event ) {
if ( ! _.isString( _event.selector ) || _.isEmpty( _event.selector ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDOMListeners : selector must be a string not empty. Aborting setup of action(s) : ' + _event.actions.join(',') );
if ( ! _.isString( _event.selector ) || _.isEmpty( _event.selector ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'setupDOMListeners : selector must be a string not empty. Aborting setup of action(s) : ' + _event.actions.join(',') );
var once = _event.once ? _event.once : false;
args.dom_el[ once ? 'one' : 'on' ]( _event.trigger , _event.selector, function( e, event_params ) {
if ( czrapp.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( e ) ) {
e.preventDefault(); // Keep this AFTER the key filter above
var actionsParams = $.extend( true, {}, args );
if ( _.has( actionsParams, 'model') && _.has( actionsParams.model, 'id') ) {
if ( _.has( instance, 'get' ) )
actionsParams.model = instance();
actionsParams.model = instance.getModel( actionsParams.model.id );
$.extend( actionsParams, { event : _event, dom_event : e } );
$.extend( actionsParams, event_params );
if ( ! _.has( actionsParams, 'event' ) || ! _.has( actionsParams.event, 'actions' ) ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'executeEventActionChain : missing obj.event or obj.event.actions' );
try { czrapp.executeEventActionChain( actionsParams, instance ); } catch( er ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'In setupDOMListeners : problem when trying to fire actions : ' + actionsParams.event.actions );
czrapp.errorLog( 'Error : ' + er );
czrapp.executeEventActionChain = function( args, instance ) {
if ( 'function' === typeof( args.event.actions ) )
return args.event.actions.call( instance, args );
if ( ! _.isArray( args.event.actions ) )
args.event.actions = [ args.event.actions ];
var _break = false;
_.map( args.event.actions, function( _cb ) {
if ( _break )
if ( 'function' != typeof( instance[ _cb ] ) ) {
throw new Error( 'executeEventActionChain : the action : ' + _cb + ' has not been found when firing event : ' + args.event.selector );
var $_dom_el = ( _.has(args, 'dom_el') && -1 != args.dom_el.length ) ? args.dom_el : false;
if ( ! $_dom_el ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'missing dom element');
$_dom_el.trigger( 'before_' + _cb, _.omit( args, 'event' ) );
var _cb_return = instance[ _cb ].call( instance, args );
if ( false === _cb_return )
_break = true;
$_dom_el.trigger( 'after_' + _cb, _.omit( args, 'event' ) );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
czrapp.methods = {};
(function( $ ){
var ctor, inherits, slice = Array.prototype.slice;
ctor = function() {};
inherits = function( parent, protoProps, staticProps ) {
var child;
if ( protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
child = protoProps.constructor;
} else {
child = function() {
var result = parent.apply( this, arguments );
return result;
$.extend( child, parent );
ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
child.prototype = new ctor();
if ( protoProps )
$.extend( child.prototype, protoProps );
if ( staticProps )
$.extend( child, staticProps );
child.prototype.constructor = child;
child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
return child;
czrapp.Class = function( applicator, argsArray, options ) {
var magic, args = arguments;
if ( applicator && argsArray && czrapp.Class.applicator === applicator ) {
args = argsArray;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
magic = this;
if ( this.instance ) {
magic = function() {
return magic.instance.apply( magic, arguments );
$.extend( magic, this );
magic.initialize.apply( magic, args );
return magic;
czrapp.Class.extend = function( protoProps, classProps ) {
var child = inherits( this, protoProps, classProps );
child.extend = this.extend;
return child;
czrapp.Class.applicator = {};
czrapp.Class.prototype.initialize = function() {};
czrapp.Class.prototype.extended = function( constructor ) {
var proto = this;
while ( typeof proto.constructor !== 'undefined' ) {
if ( proto.constructor === constructor )
return true;
if ( typeof proto.constructor.__super__ === 'undefined' )
return false;
proto = proto.constructor.__super__;
return false;
czrapp.Events = {
trigger: function( id ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].fireWith( this, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
bind: function( id ) {
this.topics = this.topics || {};
this.topics[ id ] = this.topics[ id ] || $.Callbacks();
this.topics[ id ].add.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
unbind: function( id ) {
if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
this.topics[ id ].remove.apply( this.topics[ id ], slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
return this;
czrapp.Value = czrapp.Class.extend({
initialize: function( initial, options ) {
this._value = initial; // @todo: potentially change this to a this.set() call.
this.callbacks = $.Callbacks();
this._dirty = false;
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.set = $.proxy( this.set, this );
instance: function() {
return arguments.length ? this.set.apply( this, arguments ) : this.get();
get: function() {
return this._value;
set: function( to, o ) {
var from = this._value, dfd = $.Deferred(), self = this, _promises = [];
to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
to = this.validate( to );
var args = _.extend( { silent : false }, _.isObject( o ) ? o : {} );
if ( null === to || _.isEqual( from, to ) ) {
return dfd.resolveWith( self, [ to, from, o ] ).promise();
this._value = to;
this._dirty = true;
if ( true === args.silent ) {
return dfd.resolveWith( self, [ to, from, o ] ).promise();
if ( this._deferreds ) {
_.each( self._deferreds, function( _prom ) {
_promises.push( _prom.apply( null, [ to, from, o ] ) );
$.when.apply( null, _promises )
.fail( function() { czrapp.errorLog( 'A deferred callback failed in api.Value::set()'); })
.then( function() {
self.callbacks.fireWith( self, [ to, from, o ] );
dfd.resolveWith( self, [ to, from, o ] );
} else {
this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from, o ] );
return dfd.resolveWith( self, [ to, from, o ] ).promise( self );
return dfd.promise( self );
silent_set : function( to, dirtyness ) {
var from = this._value;
to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
to = this.validate( to );
if ( null === to || _.isEqual( from, to ) ) {
return this;
this._value = to;
this._dirty = ( _.isUndefined( dirtyness ) || ! _.isBoolean( dirtyness ) ) ? this._dirty : dirtyness;
this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from, { silent : true } ] );
return this;
_setter: function( to ) {
return to;
setter: function( callback ) {
var from = this.get();
this._setter = callback;
this._value = null;
this.set( from );
return this;
resetSetter: function() {
this._setter = this.constructor.prototype._setter;
this.set( this.get() );
return this;
validate: function( value ) {
return value;
bind: function() {
var self = this,
_isDeferred = false,
_cbs = [];
$.each( arguments, function( _key, _arg ) {
if ( ! _isDeferred )
_isDeferred = _.isObject( _arg ) && _arg.deferred;
if ( _.isFunction( _arg ) )
_cbs.push( _arg );
if ( _isDeferred ) {
self._deferreds = self._deferreds || [];
_.each( _cbs, function( _cb ) {
if ( ! _.contains( _cb, self._deferreds ) )
self._deferreds.push( _cb );
} else {
self.callbacks.add.apply( self.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
unbind: function() {
this.callbacks.remove.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
return this;
czrapp.Values = czrapp.Class.extend({
defaultConstructor: czrapp.Value,
initialize: function( options ) {
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this._value = {};
this._deferreds = {};
instance: function( id ) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 )
return this.value( id );
return this.when.apply( this, arguments );
value: function( id ) {
return this._value[ id ];
has: function( id ) {
return typeof this._value[ id ] !== 'undefined';
add: function( id, value ) {
if ( this.has( id ) )
return this.value( id );
this._value[ id ] = value;
value.parent = this;
if ( value.extended( czrapp.Value ) )
value.bind( this._change );
this.trigger( 'add', value );
if ( this._deferreds[ id ] )
this._deferreds[ id ].resolve();
return this._value[ id ];
create: function( id ) {
return this.add( id, new this.defaultConstructor( czrapp.Class.applicator, slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ) );
each: function( callback, context ) {
context = typeof context === 'undefined' ? this : context;
$.each( this._value, function( key, obj ) {
callback.call( context, obj, key );
remove: function( id ) {
var value;
if ( this.has( id ) ) {
value = this.value( id );
this.trigger( 'remove', value );
if ( value.extended( czrapp.Value ) )
value.unbind( this._change );
delete value.parent;
delete this._value[ id ];
delete this._deferreds[ id ];
when: function() {
var self = this,
ids = slice.call( arguments ),
dfd = $.Deferred();
if ( $.isFunction( ids[ ids.length - 1 ] ) )
dfd.done( ids.pop() );
$.when.apply( $, $.map( ids, function( id ) {
if ( self.has( id ) )
return self._deferreds[ id ] || $.Deferred();
})).done( function() {
var values = $.map( ids, function( id ) {
return self( id );
if ( values.length !== ids.length ) {
self.when.apply( self, ids ).done( function() {
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
dfd.resolveWith( self, values );
return dfd.promise();
_change: function() {
this.parent.trigger( 'change', this );
$.extend( czrapp.Values.prototype, czrapp.Events );
})( jQuery );//@global TCParams
var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
cacheProp : function() {
var self = this;
$.extend( czrapp, {
$_window : $(window),
$_html : $('html'),
$_body : $('body'),
$_wpadminbar : $('#wpadminbar'),
$_header : $('.tc-header'),
localized : "undefined" != typeof(TCParams) && TCParams ? TCParams : { _disabled: [] },
is_responsive : self.isResponsive(),//store the initial responsive state of the window
current_device : self.getDevice()//store the initial device
isResponsive : function() {
return this.matchMedia(979);
getDevice : function() {
var _devices = {
desktop : 979,
tablet : 767,
smartphone : 480
_current_device = 'desktop',
that = this;
_.map( _devices, function( max_width, _dev ){
if ( that.matchMedia( max_width ) )
_current_device = _dev;
} );
return _current_device;
matchMedia : function( _maxWidth ) {
if ( window.matchMedia )
return ( window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+_maxWidth+"px)").matches );
var $_window = czrapp.$_window || $(window);
return $_window.width() <= ( _maxWidth - 15 );
emitCustomEvents : function() {
var that = this;
czrapp.$_window.on('resize', function() {
var //$_windowWidth = czrapp.$_window.width(),
_current = czrapp.current_device,//<= stored on last resize event or on load
_to = that.getDevice();
czrapp.is_responsive = that.isResponsive();
czrapp.current_device = _to;
czrapp.$_body.trigger( 'tc-resize', { current : _current, to : _to} );
} );//resize();
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize.selectiveRefresh ) {
wp.customize.selectiveRefresh.bind( 'partial-content-rendered', function( placement ) {
czrapp.$_header = $('.tc-header');
czrapp.$_body.trigger( 'partialRefresh.czr', placement );
emit : function( cbs, args ) {
cbs = _.isArray(cbs) ? cbs : [cbs];
var self = this;
_.map( cbs, function(cb) {
if ( 'function' == typeof(self[cb]) ) {
args = 'undefined' == typeof( args ) ? [] : args ;
self[cb].apply(self, args );
czrapp.trigger( cb, _.object( _.keys(args), args ) );
triggerSimpleLoad : function( $_imgs ) {
if ( 0 === $_imgs.length )
$_imgs.map( function( _ind, _img ) {
$(_img).on('load', function () {
});//end load event
if ( $(_img)[0] && $(_img)[0].complete )
} );//end map
},//end of fn
isUserLogged : function() {
return czrapp.$_body.hasClass('logged-in') || 0 !== czrapp.$_wpadminbar.length;
isSelectorAllowed : function( $_el, skip_selectors, requested_sel_type ) {
var sel_type = 'ids' == requested_sel_type ? 'id' : 'class',
_selsToSkip = skip_selectors[requested_sel_type];
if ( 'object' != typeof(skip_selectors) || ! skip_selectors[requested_sel_type] || ! _.isArray( skip_selectors[requested_sel_type] ) || 0 === skip_selectors[requested_sel_type].length )
return true;
if ( $_el.parents( _selsToSkip.map( function( _sel ){ return 'id' == sel_type ? '#' + _sel : '.' + _sel; } ).join(',') ).length > 0 )
return false;
if ( ! $_el.attr( sel_type ) )
return true;
var _elSels = $_el.attr( sel_type ).split(' '),
_filtered = _elSels.filter( function(classe) { return -1 != $.inArray( classe , _selsToSkip ) ;});
return 0 === _filtered.length;
_isMobile : function() {
return ( _.isFunction( window.matchMedia ) && matchMedia( 'only screen and (max-width: 720px)' ).matches ) || ( this._isCustomizing() && 'desktop' != this.previewDevice() );
_isCustomizing : function() {
return czrapp.$_body.hasClass('is-customizing') || ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize );
_has_iframe : function ( $_elements ) {
var //that = this,
to_return = [];
_.each( $_elements, function( $_el, container ){
if ( $_el.length > 0 && $_el.find('IFRAME').length > 0 )
return to_return;
czrapp.methods.Base = czrapp.methods.Base || {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.Base , _methods );//$.extend
})(jQuery, czrapp);/***************************
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
addBrowserClassToBody : function() {
if ( !$.browser )
if ( $.browser.chrome )
else if ( $.browser.webkit )
if ( $.browser.mozilla )
else if ( $.browser.msie || '8.0' === $.browser.version || '9.0' === $.browser.version || '10.0' === $.browser.version || '11.0' === $.browser.version )
czrapp.$_body.addClass("ie").addClass("ie" + $.browser.version.replace(/[.0]/g, ''));
if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass("ie") )
czrapp.methods.BrowserDetect = czrapp.methods.BrowserDetect || {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.BrowserDetect , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);
var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
centerImagesWithDelay : function( delay ) {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function(){ self.emit('centerImages'); }, delay || 300 );
centerInfinity : function() {
var centerInfiniteImagesClassicStyle = function( collection, _container ) {
var $_container = $(_container);
if ( 'object' !== typeof collection || 1 > $_container.length) {
_.each( collection, function( elementSelector ) {
var $_img = $( elementSelector + ' .thumb-wrapper', $_container ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == czrapp.localized.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : false,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
oncustom : [ 'simple_load']
}).find( 'img' );
if ( $_img.length < 1 ) {
$_img = $( elementSelector + ' .tc-rectangular-thumb', $_container ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == czrapp.localized.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : true,
goldenRatioVal : czrapp.localized.goldenRatio || 1.618,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
oncustom : [ 'simple_load']
}).find( 'img' );
if ( $_img.length < 1 ) {
$_img = $( elementSelector + ' .tc-grid-figure', $_container ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == czrapp.localized.centerAllImg,
oncustom : [ 'simple_load'],
enableGoldenRatio : true,
goldenRatioVal : czrapp.localized.goldenRatio || 1.618,
goldenRatioLimitHeightTo : czrapp.localized.gridGoldenRatioLimit || 350
}).find( 'img' );
czrapp.methods.Base.triggerSimpleLoad( $_img );
};//end centerInfiniteImagesClassicStyle
czrapp.$_body.on( 'post-load', function( e, response ) {
if ( ( 'undefined' !== typeof response ) && 'success' == response.type && response.collection && response.container ) {
'#'+response.container //_container
} );
imgSmartLoad : function() {
var smartLoadEnabled = 1 == TCParams.imgSmartLoadEnabled,
_where = TCParams.imgSmartLoadOpts.parentSelectors.join();
if ( smartLoadEnabled )
$( _where ).imgSmartLoad(
_.size( TCParams.imgSmartLoadOpts.opts ) > 0 ? TCParams.imgSmartLoadOpts.opts : {}
if ( 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg ) {
var self = this,
$_to_center = smartLoadEnabled ?
$( _.filter( $( _where ).find('img'), function( img ) {
return $(img).is(TCParams.imgSmartLoadOpts.opts.excludeImg.join());
}) ): //filter
$( _where ).find('img');
var $_to_center_with_delay = $( _.filter( $_to_center, function( img ) {
return $(img).hasClass('tc-holder-img');
}) );
setTimeout( function(){
self.triggerSimpleLoad( $_to_center_with_delay );
}, 300 );
self.triggerSimpleLoad( $_to_center );
dropCaps : function() {
if ( ! TCParams.dropcapEnabled || ! _.isObject( TCParams.dropcapWhere ) )
$.each( TCParams.dropcapWhere , function( ind, val ) {
if ( 1 == val ) {
$( '.entry-content' , 'body.' + ( 'page' == ind ? 'page' : 'single-post' ) ).children().first().addDropCap( {
minwords : TCParams.dropcapMinWords,//@todo check if number
skipSelectors : _.isObject(TCParams.dropcapSkipSelectors) ? TCParams.dropcapSkipSelectors : {}
extLinks : function() {
if ( ! TCParams.extLinksStyle && ! TCParams.extLinksTargetExt )
var _isValidURL = function( _url ){
var _pattern = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/;
return _pattern.test( _url );
$('a' , '.entry-content').each( function() {
if ( $(this).attr('href') && _isValidURL( $(this).attr('href') ) ) {
addIcon : TCParams.extLinksStyle,
newTab : TCParams.extLinksTargetExt,
skipSelectors : _.isObject(TCParams.extLinksSkipSelectors) ? TCParams.extLinksSkipSelectors : {}
fancyBox : function() {
if ( 1 != TCParams.FancyBoxState || 'function' != typeof($.fn.fancybox) )
transitionOut: "elastic",
transitionIn: "elastic",
speedIn: 200,
speedOut: 200,
overlayShow: !1,
autoScale: 1 == TCParams.FancyBoxAutoscale ? "true" : "false",
changeFade: "fast",
enableEscapeButton: !0
$('a[rel*=tc-fancybox-group]').each( function() {
var title = $(this).find('img').prop('title');
var alt = $(this).find('img').prop('alt');
if (typeof title !== 'undefined' && 0 !== title.length)
else if (typeof alt !== 'undefined' && 0 !== alt.length)
centerImages : function() {
setTimeout( function() {
$.each( $( '.carousel .carousel-inner') , function() {
$( this ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerSliderImg,
imgSel : '.czr-item .carousel-image img',
oncustom : ['customizr.slid', 'simple_load', 'smartload'],
defaultCSSVal : { width : '100%' , height : 'auto' },
useImgAttr : true
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
$( self ).prevAll('.tc-slider-loader-wrapper').fadeOut();
}, 500 );
} , 50);
$('.widget-front .thumb-wrapper').centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : false,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
zeroTopAdjust : 1,
leftAdjust : 2.5,
oncustom : ['smartload', 'simple_load']
$('.thumb-wrapper', '.czr-hentry' ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : false,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
oncustom : ['smartload', 'simple_load']
$('.tc-rectangular-thumb', '.tc-post-list-context' ).centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : true,
goldenRatioVal : TCParams.goldenRatio || 1.618,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
oncustom : ['smartload', 'refresh-height', 'simple_load'] //bind 'refresh-height' event (triggered to the the customizer preview frame)
$('.tc-rectangular-thumb' , '.tc-singular-thumbnail-wrapper').centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg,
enableGoldenRatio : false,
disableGRUnder : 0,//<= don't disable golden ratio when responsive
oncustom : ['smartload', 'refresh-height', 'simple_load'], //bind 'refresh-height' event (triggered to the the customizer preview frame)
setOpacityWhenCentered : true,//will set the opacity to 1
opacity : 1
$('.tc-grid-figure').centerImages( {
enableCentering : 1 == TCParams.centerAllImg,
oncustom : ['smartload', 'simple_load'],
enableGoldenRatio : true,
goldenRatioVal : TCParams.goldenRatio || 1.618,
goldenRatioLimitHeightTo : TCParams.gridGoldenRatioLimit || 350
} );
parallax : function() {
$( '.parallax-item' ).czrParallax(
parallaxRatio : 0.55
czrapp.methods.JQPlugins = czrapp.methods.JQPlugins || {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.JQPlugins = {} , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
initOnDomReady : function() {
var self = this;
this.$_sliders = $( 'div[id*="customizr-slider"]' );
czrapp.$_window.on('resize', function(){
fireSliders : function(name, delay, hover) {
var self = this,
_name = name || TCParams.SliderName,
_delay = delay || TCParams.SliderDelay,
_hover = hover || TCParams.SliderHover,
_cellSelector = '.czr-item',
_cssLoaderClass = 'tc-css-loader',
_css_loader = '';
if ( 0 === _name.length || 1 > self.$_sliders.length )
if ( czrapp.localized.imgSmartLoadsForSliders ) {
self.$_sliders.find( _cellSelector + '.active').imgSmartLoad().data( 'czr_smartLoaded', true );
var _maybeRemoveLoader = function( $_cell ) {
$_cell.find('.czr-css-loader').fadeOut( {
duration: 'fast',
done : function() { $(this).remove();}
} );
var _smartLoadCellImg = function( _event_ ) {
_event_ = _event_ || 'czr-smartloaded';
var $_cell = this;
if ( 1 > $_cell.find('img[data-src], img[data-smartload]').length )
if ( ! $_cell.data( 'czr_smartLoaded' ) ) {
if ( 1 > $_cell.find('.czr-css-loader').length ) {
$_cell.append( _css_loader ).find('.czr-css-loader').fadeIn( 'slow' );
$_cell.imgSmartLoad().data( 'czr_smartLoaded', true ).addClass( _event_ );
$_cell.data( 'czr_loader_timer' , $.Deferred( function() {
var self = this;
_.delay( function() {
}, 2000 );
return this.promise();
}) );
$_cell.data( 'czr_loader_timer' ).done( function() {
_maybeRemoveLoader( $_cell );
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled', $.Deferred().done( function() {
}) );
var _isSliderDataSetup = function() {
return 1 <= self.$_sliders.length && ! _.isUndefined( self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled' ) );
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_schedule_select',
$.Deferred( function() {
var dfd = this;
self.$_sliders.parent().one( 'customizr.slide click' , function() {
} );
}).done( function() {
if ( ! _isSliderDataSetup() || 'resolved' == self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled' ).state() )
self.$_sliders.find( _cellSelector ).each( function() {
_smartLoadCellImg.call( $(this), 'czr-smartloaded-on-select' );
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled').resolve();
);//data( 'czr_schedule_select' )
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_schedule_scroll_resize',
$.Deferred( function() {
var dfd = this;
czrapp.$_window.one( 'scroll resize', function() {
_.delay( function() { dfd.resolve(); }, 5000 );
}).done( function() {
if ( ! _isSliderDataSetup() || 'resolved' == self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled' ).state() )
self.$_sliders.find( _cellSelector ).each( function() {
_smartLoadCellImg.call( $(this), 'czr-smartloaded-on-scroll' );
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled').resolve();
);//data( 'czr_schedule_scroll_resize' )
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_schedule_autoload',
$.Deferred( function() {
var dfd = this;
_.delay( function() { dfd.resolve(); }, 10000 );
}).done( function() {
if ( ! _isSliderDataSetup() || 'resolved' == self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled' ).state() )
self.$_sliders.find( _cellSelector ).each( function() {
_smartLoadCellImg.call( $(this), 'czr-auto-smartloaded' );
self.$_sliders.data( 'czr_smartload_scheduled').resolve();
self.$_sliders.on( 'smartload', _cellSelector , function() {
_maybeRemoveLoader( $(this) );
}//if czrapp.localized.imgSmartLoadsForSliders
if ( 0 !== _delay.length && ! _hover ) {
interval: _delay,
pause: "false"
} else if ( 0 !== _delay.length ) {
interval: _delay
} else {
parallaxSliders : function() {
if ( 'function' == typeof $.fn.czrParallax ) {
$( '.czr-parallax-slider' ).czrParallax();
manageHoverClass : function() {
this.$_sliders.on('mouseenter', function() {
}).on('mouseleave', function() {
centerSliderArrows : function() {
if ( 0 === this.$_sliders.length )
this.$_sliders.each( function() {
var _slider_height = $( '.carousel-inner' , $(this) ).height();
$('.tc-slider-controls', $(this) ).css("line-height", _slider_height +'px').css("max-height", _slider_height +'px');
addSwipeSupport : function() {
if ( 'function' != typeof($.fn.hammer) || 0 === this.$_sliders.length )
this.$_sliders.on('touchstart touchmove', 'input, button, textarea, select, a:not(".tc-slide-link")', function(ev) {
var _is_rtl = czrapp.$_body.hasClass('rtl');
this.$_sliders.each( function() {
$(this).hammer().on('swipeleft', function() {
$(this).czrCarousel( ! _is_rtl ? 'next' : 'prev' );
$(this).hammer().on('swiperight', function(){
$(this).czrCarousel( ! _is_rtl ? 'prev' : 'next' );
sliderTriggerSimpleLoad : function() {
this.triggerSimpleLoad( this.$_sliders.find('.carousel-inner img') );
};//methods {}
czrapp.methods.Slider = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.Slider , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
initOnDomReady : function() {
this.timer = 0;
this.increment = 1;//used to wait a little bit after the first user scroll actions to trigger the timer
.on('keyup', 'a', function( evt ) {
if( 9 != evt.which )
var $menuItem = $(this).closest( '.menu-item' );
if ( $menuItem.hasClass('menu-item-has-children') ) {
eventListener : function() {
var self = this;
czrapp.$_window.on('scroll', _.throttle( function() {
self.eventHandler( 'scroll' );
}, 50 ) );
eventHandler : function ( evt ) {
var self = this;
switch ( evt ) {
case 'scroll' :
if ( 0 === $('.tc-btt-wrapper').length )
if ( this.timer) {
if ( 1 == TCParams.timerOnScrollAllBrowsers ) {
this.timer = setTimeout( function() {
}, self.increment > 5 ? 50 : 0 );
} else if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass('ie') ) {
this.timer = setTimeout( function() {
}, self.increment > 5 ? 50 : 0 );
outline: function() {
if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass( 'mozilla' ) && 'function' == typeof( tcOutline ) )
smoothScroll: function() {
if ( TCParams.SmoothScroll && TCParams.SmoothScroll.Enabled )
smoothScroll( TCParams.SmoothScroll.Options );
anchorSmoothScroll : function() {
if ( ! TCParams.anchorSmoothScroll || 'easeOutExpo' != TCParams.anchorSmoothScroll )
var _excl_sels = ( TCParams.anchorSmoothScrollExclude && _.isArray( TCParams.anchorSmoothScrollExclude.simple ) ) ? TCParams.anchorSmoothScrollExclude.simple.join(',') : '',
self = this,
$_links = $('#tc-page-wrap a[href^="#"],#tc-sn a[href^="#"]').not(_excl_sels);
var _links, _deep_excl = _.isObject( TCParams.anchorSmoothScrollExclude.deep ) ? TCParams.anchorSmoothScrollExclude.deep : null ;
if ( _deep_excl )
_links = _.toArray($_links).filter( function ( _el ) {
return ( 2 == ( ['ids', 'classes'].filter(
function( sel_type) {
return self.isSelectorAllowed( $(_el), _deep_excl, sel_type);
} ) ).length
$(_links).on('click', function () {
var anchor_id = $(this).attr("href");
if ( ! $(anchor_id).length )
if ('#' != anchor_id) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(anchor_id).offset().top
}, 700, TCParams.anchorSmoothScroll);
return false;
bttArrowVisibility : function () {
if ( czrapp.$_window.scrollTop() > 100 )
backToTop : function() {
var $_html = $("html, body"),
_backToTop = function( evt ) {
return ( evt.which > 0 || "mousedown" === evt.type || "mousewheel" === evt.type) && $_html.stop().off( "scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup", _backToTop );
$(".back-to-top, .tc-btt-wrapper, .btt-arrow").on("click touchstart touchend", function ( evt ) {
$_html.on( "scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup", _backToTop );
scrollTop: 0
}, 1e3, function () {
$_html.stop().off( "scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keyup", _backToTop );
widgetsHoverActions : function() {
czrapp.$_body.on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', '.widget-front, article', _toggleThisHoverClass );
czrapp.$_body.on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', '.widget li', _toggleThisOnClass );
function _toggleThisHoverClass( evt ) {
_toggleElementClassOnHover( $(this), 'hover', evt );
function _toggleThisOnClass( evt ) {
_toggleElementClassOnHover( $(this), 'on', evt );
function _toggleElementClassOnHover( $_el, _class, _evt ) {
if ( 'mouseenter' == _evt.type )
$_el.addClass( _class );
else if ( 'mouseleave' == _evt.type )
$_el.removeClass( _class );
attachmentsFadeEffect : function() {
$("article.attachment img").delay(500).animate({
opacity: 1
}, 700, function () {}
clickableCommentButton : function() {
if ( ! TCParams.HasComments )
$('cite p.edit-link').each(function() {
$(this).removeClass('btn btn-success btn-mini');
$('cite p.edit-link > a').each(function() {
$(this).addClass('btn btn-success btn-mini');
$('.comment .reply').each(function() {
$(this).removeClass('btn btn-small');
$('.comment .reply .comment-reply-link').each(function() {
$(this).addClass('btn btn-small');
dynSidebarReorder : function() {
if ( 1 != TCParams.ReorderBlocks )
if ( 'desktop' != this.getDevice() )
this._reorderSidebars( 'responsive' );
var self = this;
czrapp.$_body.on( 'tc-resize' , function(e, param) {
param = _.isObject(param) ? param : {};
var _to = 'desktop' != param.to ? 'responsive' : 'normal',
_current = 'desktop' != param.current ? 'responsive' : 'normal';
if ( _current != _to )
self._reorderSidebars( _to );
} );
_reorderSidebars : function( _sidebarLayout ) {
_sidebarLayout = _sidebarLayout || 'normal';
var that = this,
LeftSidebarClass = TCParams.LeftSidebarClass || '.span3.left.tc-sidebar',
RightSidebarClass = TCParams.RightSidebarClass || '.span3.right.tc-sidebar';
that.$_content = that.$_content || $("#main-wrapper .container .article-container");
that.$_left = that.$_left || $("#main-wrapper .container " + LeftSidebarClass);
that.$_right = that.$_right || $("#main-wrapper .container " + RightSidebarClass);
var iframeContainers = that._has_iframe( { 'content' : this.$_content, 'left' : this.$_left } ) ;
var leftIframe = $.inArray('left', iframeContainers) > -1,
contentIframe = $.inArray('content', iframeContainers) > -1;
if ( leftIframe && contentIframe )
if ( that.$_left.length ) {
if ( leftIframe )
that.$_content[ _sidebarLayout === 'normal' ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore']( that.$_left );
that.$_left[ _sidebarLayout === 'normal' ? 'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter']( that.$_content );
dropdownMenuEventsHandler : function() {
var $dropdown_ahrefs = $('.tc-open-on-click .menu-item.menu-item-has-children > a[href!="#"]'),
$dropdown_submenus = $('.tc-open-on-click .dropdown .dropdown-submenu');
$dropdown_ahrefs.on('click', function() {
if ( ( $(this).next('.dropdown-menu').css('visibility') != 'hidden' &&
$(this).next('.dropdown-menu').is(':visible') &&
! $(this).parent().hasClass('dropdown-submenu') ) ||
( $(this).next('.dropdown-menu').is(':visible') &&
$(this).parent().hasClass('dropdown-submenu') ) )
window.location = $(this).attr('href');
var $parent = $(this),
$children = $parent.children('[data-toggle="dropdown"]');
$children.on('click', function(){
var //submenu = $(this).next('.dropdown-menu'),
openthis = false;
if ( ! $parent.hasClass('open') ) {
openthis = true;
if ( openthis )
return false;
menuButtonHover : function() {
var $_menu_btns = $('.btn-toggle-nav');
$_menu_btns.on('mouseenter', function() {
}).on('mouseleave', function(){
secondMenuRespActions : function() {
if ( ! TCParams.isSecondMenuEnabled )
var userOption = TCParams.secondMenuRespSet || false,
that = this;
if ( ! userOption || -1 == userOption.indexOf('in-sn') )
var _cacheElements = function() {
that.$_sec_menu_els = $('.nav > li', '.tc-header .nav-collapse');
that.$_sn_wrap = $('.sn-nav', '.sn-nav-wrapper');
that.$_sec_menu_wrap = $('.nav', '.tc-header .nav-collapse');
_maybeClean = function() {
var $_sep = $( '.secondary-menu-separator' );
if ( $_sep.length ) {
switch(userOption) {
case 'in-sn-before' :
case 'in-sn-after' :
var _locationOnDomReady = 'desktop' == this.getDevice() ? 'navbar' : 'side_nav';
if ( 'desktop' != this.getDevice() )
this._manageMenuSeparator( _locationOnDomReady , userOption)._moveSecondMenu( _locationOnDomReady , userOption );
czrapp.$_body.on( 'tc-resize partialRefresh.czr', function( ev, param ) {
var _force = false;
if ( 'partialRefresh' == ev.type && 'czr' === ev.namespace && param.container && param.container.hasClass('tc-header') ) {
param = { to: czrapp.current_device, current: czrapp.current_device };
_force = true;
param = _.isObject(param) ? param : {};
var _to = 'desktop' != param.to ? 'side_nav' : 'navbar',
_current = 'desktop' != param.current ? 'side_nav' : 'navbar';
if ( _current == _to && !_force )
that._manageMenuSeparator( _to, userOption)._moveSecondMenu( _to, userOption );
} );//.on()
_manageMenuSeparator : function( _to, userOption ) {
var that = this;
if ( 'navbar' == _to ) {
$( '.secondary-menu-separator', that.$_sn_wrap).remove();
else {
var $_sep = $( '' );
switch(userOption) {
case 'in-sn-before' :
case 'in-sn-after' :
return this;
_moveSecondMenu : function( _where, userOption ) {
_where = _where || 'side_nav';
var that = this;
switch( _where ) {
case 'navbar' :
case 'side_nav' :
if ( 'in-sn-before' == userOption )
_has_iframe : function ( $_elements ) {
var to_return = [];
_.map( $_elements, function( $_el, container ){
if ( $_el.length > 0 && $_el.find('IFRAME').length > 0 )
return to_return;
czrapp.methods.UserXP = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.UserXP , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);
var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
mayBePrintFrontNote : function() {
if ( czrapp.localized && _.isUndefined( czrapp.localized.frontNotifications ) )
if ( _.isEmpty( czrapp.localized.frontNotifications ) || ! _.isObject( czrapp.localized.frontNotifications ) )
var self = this;
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible = new czrapp.Value( false );
czrapp.frontNotificationRendered = false;
_.each( czrapp.localized.frontNotifications, function( _notification ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( czrapp.frontNotification ) )
if ( ! _.isObject( _notification ) )
_notification = _.extend( {
enabled : false,
content : '',
dismissAction : '',
ajaxUrl : czrapp.localized.ajaxUrl
}, _notification );
if ( _notification.enabled ) {
czrapp.frontNotification = new czrapp.Value( _notification );
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible.bind( function( visible ) {
return self._toggleNotification( visible );//returns a promise()
}, { deferred : true } );
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible( true );
_toggleNotification : function( visible ) {
var self = this,
dfd = $.Deferred();
if ( czrapp.frontNotificationRendered && czrapp.frontNotificationVisible() )
return dfd.resolve().promise();
var _hideAndDestroy = function() {
return $.Deferred( function() {
var _dfd_ = this,
$notifWrap = $('#bottom-front-notification', '#footer');
if ( 1 == $notifWrap.length ) {
$notifWrap.css( { bottom : '-100%' } );
_.delay( function() {
czrapp.frontNotificationRendered = false;
}, 450 );// consistent with css transition: all 0.45s ease-in-out;
} else {
var _renderAndSetup = function() {
var _dfd_ = $.Deferred(),
$footer = $('#footer', '#tc-page-wrap');
if ( _.isUndefined( czrapp.frontNotification ) || ! _.isFunction( czrapp.frontNotification ) || ! _.isObject( czrapp.frontNotification() ) )
return _dfd_.resolve().promise();
$.Deferred( function() {
var dfd = this,
_notifHtml = czrapp.frontNotification().content,
_wrapHtml = [
if ( 1 == $footer.length && ! _.isEmpty( _notifHtml ) ) {
$.when( $footer.append( _wrapHtml ) ).done( function() {
$(this).find( '.note-content').prepend( _notifHtml );
czrapp.frontNotificationRendered = true;
_.delay( function() {
$('#bottom-front-notification', '#footer').css( { bottom : 0 } );
}, 500 );
} else {
}).done( function() {
trigger : 'click keydown',
selector : '.close-note',
actions : function() {
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible( false ).done( function() {
czrapp.doAjax( {
action: czrapp.frontNotification().dismissAction,
withNonce : true,
ajaxUrl : czrapp.frontNotification().ajaxUrl
],//actions to execute
{ dom_el: $footer },//dom scope
self //instance where to look for the cb methods
return _dfd_.promise();
if ( visible ) {
_.delay( function() {
_renderAndSetup().always( function() {
}, 3000 );
} else {
_hideAndDestroy().done( function() {
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible( false );//should be already false
_.delay( function() {
czrapp.frontNotificationVisible( false );
return dfd.promise();
czrapp.methods.UserXP = czrapp.methods.UserXP || {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.UserXP , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
initOnDomReady : function() {
var self = this;
this.elToHide = []; //[ '.social-block' , '.site-description' ],
this.customOffset = TCParams.stickyCustomOffset || {};// defaults : { _initial : 0, _scrolling : 0 }
this.triggerHeight = 20; //0.5 * windowHeight;
this.scrollingDelay = 1 != TCParams.timerOnScrollAllBrowsers && czrapp.$_body.hasClass('ie') ? 50 : 5;
this.isHeaderSticky = new czrapp.Value( false );
this.isHeaderSticky.bind( function( isSticky ) { self._isHeaderStickyReact( isSticky ); } );
stickyHeaderCacheElements : function() {
this.$_resetMarginTop = $('#tc-reset-margin-top');
this.$_sticky_logo = $('img.sticky', '.site-logo');
this.logo = 0 === this.$_sticky_logo.length ? { _logo: $('img:not(".sticky")', '.site-logo') , _ratio: '' }: false;
stickyHeaderEventListener : function() {
var self = this;
czrapp.$_body.on( 'sticky-enabled-on-load' , function() {
self.stickyHeaderEventHandler( 'on-load' );
czrapp.$_window.on( 'tc-resize', function() {
self.stickyHeaderEventHandler( 'resize' );
czrapp.$_body.on( 'partialRefresh.czr', function( e, placement ) {
if ( placement.container && placement.container.hasClass( 'tc-header' ) ) {
self.stickyHeaderEventHandler( 'resize' );
czrapp.$_window.on('scroll', _.throttle( function() {
self.stickyHeaderEventHandler( 'scroll' );
}, ! ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-smoothscroll') && ! self.isHeaderSticky() ) ? self.scrollingDelay : 15 ) );
czrapp.$_body.on( czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-is-mobile') ? 'touchstart' : 'click' , '.sn-toggle', function() {
self.stickyHeaderEventHandler( 'sidenav-toggle' );
triggerStickyHeaderLoad : function() {
if ( ! this._is_sticky_enabled() )
czrapp.$_body.trigger( 'sticky-enabled-on-load' , { on : 'load' } );
stickyHeaderEventHandler : function( evt ) {
if ( ! this._is_sticky_enabled() )
var self = this;
switch ( evt ) {
case 'on-load' :
setTimeout( function() {
self.isHeaderSticky( czrapp.$_window.scrollTop() > self.triggerHeight );
} , 20 );//setTimeout()
case 'scroll' :
self.isHeaderSticky( czrapp.$_window.scrollTop() > self.triggerHeight );
case 'resize' :
case 'sidenav-toggle' :
_isHeaderStickyReact : function( isSticky ) {
var self = this;
if ( isSticky ) {
if ( ! czrapp.$_header.hasClass('tc-shrink-on') ) {
} else {
setTimeout( function() { self._sticky_refresh(); } ,
self._isCustomizing ? 100 : 20
setTimeout( function() { self._sticky_refresh(); } , 200 );
_is_sticky_enabled : function() {
return czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-sticky-header');
_get_top_offset : function() {
var initialOffset = 0,
that = this,
customOffset = +this._get_custom_offset( that.isHeaderSticky() ? '_scrolling' : '_initial' );
if ( 1 == this.isUserLogged() && ! this._isCustomizing() ) {
if ( 580 < czrapp.$_window.width() )
initialOffset = czrapp.$_wpadminbar.height();
initialOffset = ! this.isHeaderSticky() ? czrapp.$_wpadminbar.height() : 0;
return initialOffset + customOffset ;
_get_custom_offset : function( _context ) {
if ( _.isEmpty( this.customOffset ) )
return 0;
if ( ! this.customOffset[_context] )
return 0;
if ( ! this.customOffset.options )
return this.customOffset[_context];
if ( '_scrolling' == _context )
return +this.customOffset[_context] || 0;
if ( this.customOffset.options._static )
return +this.customOffset[_context] || 0;
var that = this,
$_el = $(that.customOffset.options._element);
if ( ! $_el.length )
return 0;
else {
return $_el.outerHeight() || +this.customOffset[_context] || 0;
_set_sticky_offsets : function() {
czrapp.$_header.css('top' , '');
czrapp.$_header.css('height' , 'auto' );
this.$_resetMarginTop.css('margin-top' , '' ).show();
var headerHeight = czrapp.$_header.outerHeight(true); /* include borders and eventual margins (true param)*/
this.$_resetMarginTop.css('margin-top' , + headerHeight + 'px');
_set_header_top_offset : function() {
var self = this;
czrapp.$_header.css('top' , self._get_top_offset() );
_prepare_logo_transition : function(){
if ( ! ( czrapp.$_html.hasClass('csstransitions') && ( this.logo && 0 !== this.logo._logo.length ) ) )
var logoW = this.logo._logo.originalWidth(),
logoH = this.logo._logo.originalHeight();
if ( 2 != _.size( _.filter( [ logoW, logoH ], function(num){ return _.isNumber( parseInt(num, 10) ) && 0 !== num; } ) ) )
this.logo._ratio = logoW / logoH;
this.logo._logo.css('width' , logoW );
_set_logo_height : function(){
if ( this.logo && 0 === this.logo._logo.length || ! this.logo._ratio )
var self = this;
this.logo._logo.css('height' , self.logo._logo.width() / self.logo._ratio );
setTimeout( function() {
} , 200 );
_sticky_refresh : function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
} , 20 );
czrapp.methods.StickyHeader = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.StickyHeader , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
initOnDomReady : function() {
this.$_push = $('#tc-push-footer');
this._class = 'sticky-footer-enabled';
this.$_page = $('#tc-page-wrap');
if ( 1 != TCParams.stickyHeader ) {//sticky header fires a resize
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
self._apply_sticky_footer(); }, 50
stickyFooterEventListener : function() {
var self = this;
czrapp.$_window.on( 'tc-resize', function() {
czrapp.$_window.on( 'golden-ratio-applied', function() {
czrapp.$_body.on( 'refresh-sticky-footer', function() {
stickyFooterEventHandler : function( evt ) {
var self = this;
if ( ! this._is_sticky_footer_enabled() )
switch ( evt ) {
case 'resize':
var func = function() { return self._apply_sticky_footer() ;};
for ( var i = 0; i<5; i++ ) /* I've seen something like that in twentyfifteen */
setTimeout( func, 50 * i);
case 'refresh':
_apply_sticky_footer : function() {
var _f_height = this._get_full_height(),
_w_height = czrapp.$_window.height(),
_push_height = _w_height - _f_height,
_event = false;
if ( _push_height > 0 ) {
this.$_push.css('height', _push_height).addClass(this._class);
_event = 'sticky-footer-on';
}else if ( this.$_push.hasClass(this._class) ) {
_event = 'sticky-footer-off';
if ( _event )
_is_sticky_footer_enabled : function() {
return czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-sticky-footer');
_get_full_height : function() {
if ( this.$_page.length < 1 )
return $(window).outerHeight(true);
var _full_height = this.$_page.outerHeight(true) + this.$_page.offset().top,
_push_height = 'block' == this.$_push.css('display') ? this.$_push.outerHeight() : 0;
return _full_height - _push_height;
czrapp.methods.StickyFooter = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.StickyFooter , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);
var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
initOnDomReady : function() {
this.$_sidenav = $( '#tc-sn' );
if ( ! this._is_sn_on() )
this.$_page_wrapper = $('#tc-page-wrap');
this.$_page_wrapper_node = this.$_page_wrapper.get(0);
this.$_page_wrapper_btn = $('.btn-toggle-nav', '#tc-page-wrap');
this.$_sidenav_inner = $( '.tc-sn-inner', this.$_sidenav);
this._toggle_event = 'click';// before c4, was czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-is-mobile') ? 'touchstart' : 'click';
this._browser_can_translate3d = ! czrapp.$_html.hasClass('no-csstransforms3d');
this.transitionEnd = 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd otransitionend oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd';
sideNavEventListener : function() {
var self = this;
czrapp.$_body.on( this._toggle_event, '.sn-toggle', function( evt ) {
self.sideNavEventHandler( evt, 'toggle' );
this.$_page_wrapper.on( this.transitionEnd, function( evt ) {
self.sideNavEventHandler( evt, 'transitionend' );
czrapp.$_window.on('tc-resize', function( evt ) {
self.sideNavEventHandler( evt, 'resize');
czrapp.$_window.on('scroll', function( evt ) {
self.sideNavEventHandler( evt, 'scroll');
sideNavEventHandler : function( evt, evt_name ) {
var self = this;
switch ( evt_name ) {
case 'toggle':
if ( ! this._is_translating() )
this._toggle_callback( evt );
case 'transitionend' :
if ( this._is_translating() && evt.target == this.$_page_wrapper_node )
case 'scroll' :
case 'resize' :
setTimeout( function(){
}, 200);
_toggle_callback : function ( evt ){
if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass( 'tc-sn-visible' ) )
this._anim_type = 'sn-close';
this._anim_type = 'sn-open';
if ( this._browser_can_translate3d ){
czrapp.$_body.addClass( 'animating ' + this._anim_type )
.trigger( this._anim_type + '_start' );
if ( this._is_sticky_header() ){
if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass('sticky-disabled') )
} else {
.trigger( this._anim_type );
var _event = evt || event,
$_clicked_btn = $( _event.target ),
_is_opening = $('#tc-page-wrap').has( $_clicked_btn).length > 0;
this.$_page_wrapper_btn.each( function(){
$(this).fadeTo( 500 , _is_opening ? 0 : 1 , function() {
$(this).css( "visibility", _is_opening ? "hidden" : "visible");
}); //.fadeTo() duration, opacity, callback
} );
return false;
_transition_end_callback : function() {
czrapp.$_body.removeClass( 'animating ' + this._anim_type)
.toggleClass( 'tc-sn-visible' )
.trigger( this._anim_type + '_end' )
.trigger( this._anim_type );
if ( this._is_sticky_header() ){
if ( czrapp.$_body.hasClass('sticky-disabled') )
_is_sn_on : function() {
return this.$_sidenav.length > 0;
_get_initial_offset : function() {
var _initial_offset = czrapp.$_wpadminbar.length > 0 ? czrapp.$_wpadminbar.height() : 0;
_initial_offset = _initial_offset && czrapp.$_window.scrollTop() && 'absolute' == czrapp.$_wpadminbar.css('position') ? 0 : _initial_offset;
return _initial_offset; /* add a custom offset ?*/
_set_offset_height : function() {
var _offset = this._get_initial_offset();
this.$_sidenav.css('top', _offset );
this.$_sidenav_inner.css('max-height', this.$_sidenav.outerHeight() - _offset);
_is_translating : function() {
return czrapp.$_body.hasClass('animating');
_is_sticky_header : function() {
this.__is_sticky_header = this.__is_sticky_header || czrapp.$_body.hasClass('tc-sticky-header');
return this.__is_sticky_header;
czrapp.methods.SideNav = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.SideNav , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);
var czrapp = czrapp || {};
(function($, czrapp) {
var _methods = {
fireDropDown : function() {
this.$_sidenav = $( '#tc-sn' );
this._dd_first_selector = '.menu-item-has-children.dropdown > .dropdown-menu' ;
this.$_nav_collapse = czrapp.$_header.length > 0 ? czrapp.$_header.find( '.navbar-wrapper .nav-collapse' ) : [];
this.$_nav = this.$_nav_collapse.length ? this.$_nav_collapse.find( '.nav' ) : [];
if ( ! this._has_dd_to_move() )
this.$_navbar_wrapper = this.$_nav_collapse.closest( '.navbar-wrapper' );
this.$_nav = this.$_nav_collapse.find( '.nav' );
this.$_head = $( 'head' );
this._dyn_style_id = 'tc-dropdown-dyn-style';
this._prop = czrapp.$_body.hasClass('rtl') ? 'right' : 'left';
dropdownPlaceCacheElements : function() {
this.$_nav_collapse = czrapp.$_header.length > 0 ? czrapp.$_header.find( '.navbar-wrapper .nav-collapse' ) : [];
this.$_nav = this.$_nav_collapse.length ? this.$_nav_collapse.find( '.nav' ) : [];
this.$_navbar_wrapper = this.$_nav_collapse.length ? this.$_nav_collapse.closest( '.navbar-wrapper' ) : [];
dropdownPlaceEventListener : function() {
var self = this,
_events = 'tc-resize sn-open sn-close tc-sticky-enabled tc-place-dropdowns partialRefresh.czr';
czrapp.$_body.on( _events, function( evt, data ) {
if ( 'partialRefresh' === evt.type && 'czr' === evt.namespace && data.container && data.container.hasClass( 'tc-header' ) ) {
self.dropdownPlaceEventHandler( evt, 'resize' );
dropdownPlaceEventHandler : function( evt, evt_name ) {
var self = this;
switch ( evt_name ) {
case 'resize' :
setTimeout( function(){
}, 250);
_place_dropdowns : function () {
var _dd = this._get_dd_to_move();
if ( ! _dd.length )
this._move_dropdown( _dd );
_has_dd_to_move : function() {
if ( this.$_nav_collapse.length < 1 )
return false;
if ( this.$_nav.length && this.$_nav.find( this._dd_first_selector ) < 1 )
return false;
return true;
_get_dd_to_move : function() {
if ( 'absolute' == this.$_nav_collapse.css('position') )
return {};
if ( ! this.$_nav.is(':visible') )
return {};
return this.$_nav.find( this._dd_first_selector );
_staging : function() {
this._window_width = czrapp.$_window.width();
if ( this.$_navbar_wrapper.hasClass('tc-submenu-fade') )
var _max_width = this._window_width - 40,
_dyn_style_css_prefix = '.tc-header .nav-collapse .dropdown-menu';
this._dyn_style = _dyn_style_css_prefix + ' {max-width: ' + _max_width + 'px;}';
this._dyn_style += _dyn_style_css_prefix + ' > li > a { word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre; }';
_unstaging : function() {
if ( this.$_navbar_wrapper.hasClass('tc-submenu-fade-susp') )
_write_dyn_style : function() {
var $_dyn_style_el = this.$_head.find('#' + this._dyn_style_id);
if ( $_dyn_style_el.length > 0 )
if ( this._dyn_style )
.appendTo( this.$_head );
_move_dropdown : function( $dropdown_menu ) {
if ( $dropdown_menu && $dropdown_menu.length ) {
if ( $dropdown_menu.length > 1 ) {
var self = this;
$.each( $dropdown_menu, function(){
self._move_dropdown( $(this) );
}//end array of dropdown case
}else //no dropdown
var _is_dropdown_visible = $dropdown_menu.is(':visible');
if ( ! _is_dropdown_visible )
$dropdown_menu.css('display', 'block').css('visibility', 'hidden');
this._set_dropdown_offset( $dropdown_menu, '' );
var _overflow = this._get_dropdown_overflow( $dropdown_menu );
if ( _overflow )
this._set_dropdown_offset( $dropdown_menu, _overflow );
var $_children_dropdowns = $dropdown_menu.children('li.dropdown-submenu');
if ( $_children_dropdowns.length )
this._move_dropdown( $_children_dropdowns.children('ul.dropdown-menu') );
if ( ! _is_dropdown_visible )
$dropdown_menu.css('display', '').css('visibility', '');
_set_dropdown_offset : function( $dropdown_menu, _dropdown_overflow ) {
var _offset = '';
if ( _dropdown_overflow ) {
var $_parent_dropdown = $dropdown_menu.parent('.menu-item-has-children'),
_is_dropdown_submenu = $_parent_dropdown.hasClass('dropdown-submenu');
if ( _is_dropdown_submenu ) {
_offset = parseFloat( $dropdown_menu.css( this._prop ) ) - _dropdown_overflow - 5;
if ( $_parent_dropdown.next('.menu-item').length ) {
var _submenu_overflows_parent = this._get_element_overflow( $dropdown_menu, _offset, $_parent_dropdown );
if ( _offset < 30 || _submenu_overflows_parent < 30 )
_offset = _offset - _submenu_overflows_parent - 30;
} else {
_offset = -20 - _dropdown_overflow; //add some space (20px) on the right(rtl-> left)
var _menu_id = $_parent_dropdown.attr('class').match(/(menu|page)-item-\d+/);
_menu_id = _menu_id ? _menu_id[0] : null;
if ( _menu_id )
this._set_dropdown_arrow_style( _menu_id, _offset );
$dropdown_menu.css( this._prop, _offset );
_get_dropdown_overflow : function ( $dropdown_menu ) {
var overflow = null,
if ( 'left' == this._prop ) {
_t_overflow = this._get_element_overflow( $dropdown_menu, $dropdown_menu.offset().left, {}, this._window_width );
overflow = _t_overflow > -5 ? _t_overflow : overflow ;
}else { // rtl
_t_overflow = $dropdown_menu.offset().left;
overflow = _t_overflow < 5 ? -1 * _t_overflow : overflow;
return overflow;
_get_element_overflow : function ( $_el, _offset, $_parent, _parent_width ) {
_parent_width = $_parent.length ? $_parent.width() : _parent_width;
return $_el.width() + _offset - _parent_width;
_set_dropdown_arrow_style : function( _menu_id, _offset ) {
var _arrow_before_offset = +9 - _offset,
_arrow_after_offset = _arrow_before_offset + 1,
_arrow_css_rule_prefix = '.tc-header .navbar .nav > .' + _menu_id + ' > .dropdown-menu',
_arrow_before_css_rule = _arrow_css_rule_prefix + ":before { " + this._prop + ": " + _arrow_before_offset + "px;}",
_arrow_after_css_rule = _arrow_css_rule_prefix + ":after { " + this._prop + ": " + _arrow_after_offset + "px;}";
this._dyn_style += "\n" + _arrow_before_css_rule + "\n" + _arrow_after_css_rule;
czrapp.methods.Dropdowns = {};
$.extend( czrapp.methods.Dropdowns , _methods );
})(jQuery, czrapp);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
( function ( czrapp, $, _ ) {
$.extend( czrapp, czrapp.Events );
czrapp.Root = czrapp.Class.extend( {
initialize : function( options ) {
$.extend( this, options || {} );
this.isReady = $.Deferred();
ready : function() {
var self = this;
if ( self.dom_ready && _.isArray( self.dom_ready ) ) {
czrapp.status = czrapp.status || [];
_.each( self.dom_ready , function( _m_ ) {
if ( ! _.isFunction( _m_ ) && ! _.isFunction( self[_m_]) ) {
czrapp.status.push( 'Method ' + _m_ + ' was not found and could not be fired on DOM ready.');
try { ( _.isFunction( _m_ ) ? _m_ : self[_m_] ).call( self ); } catch( er ){
czrapp.status.push( [ 'NOK', self.id + '::' + _m_, _.isString( er ) ? czrapp._truncate( er ) : er ].join( ' => ') );
czrapp.Base = czrapp.Root.extend( czrapp.methods.Base );
czrapp.ready = $.Deferred();
czrapp.bind( 'czrapp-ready', function() {
var _evt = document.createEvent('Event');
_evt.initEvent('czrapp-is-ready', true, true); //can bubble, and is cancellable
var _instantianteAndFireOnDomReady = function( newMap, previousMap, isInitial ) {
if ( ! _.isObject( newMap ) )
_.each( newMap, function( params, name ) {
if ( czrapp[ name ] || ! _.isObject( params ) )
params = _.extend(
ctor : {},//should extend czrapp.Base with custom methods
ready : [],//a list of method to execute on dom ready,
options : {}//can be used to pass a set of initial params to set to the constructors
var ctorOptions = _.extend(
id : name,
dom_ready : params.ready || []
try { czrapp[ name ] = new params.ctor( ctorOptions ); }
catch( er ) {
czrapp.errorLog( 'Error when loading ' + name + ' | ' + er );
$(function () {
_.each( newMap, function( params, name ) {
if ( czrapp[ name ] && czrapp[ name ].isReady && 'resolved' == czrapp[ name ].isReady.state() )
if ( _.isObject( czrapp[ name ] ) && _.isFunction( czrapp[ name ].ready ) ) {
czrapp[ name ].ready();
czrapp.status = czrapp.status || 'OK';
if ( _.isArray( czrapp.status ) ) {
_.each( czrapp.status, function( error ) {
czrapp.errorLog( error );
czrapp.trigger( isInitial ? 'czrapp-ready' : 'czrapp-updated' );
czrapp.appMap = new czrapp.Value( {} );
czrapp.appMap.bind( _instantianteAndFireOnDomReady );//<=THE MAP IS LISTENED TO HERE
czrapp.customMap = new czrapp.Value( {} );
czrapp.customMap.bind( _instantianteAndFireOnDomReady );//<=THE CUSTOM MAP IS LISTENED TO HERE
})( czrapp, jQuery, _ );/****************************************************************
(function($) {
var _doWhenCzrappIsReady = function() {
var pluginCompatParams = ( czrapp.localized && czrapp.localized.pluginCompats ) ? czrapp.localized.pluginCompats : {},
frontHelpNoticeParams = ( czrapp.localized && czrapp.localized.frontHelpNoticeParams ) ? czrapp.localized.frontHelpNoticeParams : {};
$( function( $ ) {
if ( czrapp.localized.isParallaxOn ) {
$( '.czr-parallax-slider' ).czrParallax( { parallaxRatio : czrapp.localized.parallaxRatio || 0.55 } );
if ( pluginCompatParams.optimizepress_compat && pluginCompatParams.optimizepress_compat.remove_fancybox_loading ) {
var opjq = opjq || 'undefined';
if ( ! _.isUndefined( opjq ) ) {
opjq(document).ready( function() {
} );
if ( window.czrapp && czrapp.ready && 'resolved' == czrapp.ready.state() ) {
} else {
document.addEventListener('czrapp-is-ready', function() {
})(jQuery);var czrapp = czrapp || {};
( function ( czrapp ) {
czrapp.localized = TCParams || {};
var appMap = {
base : {
ctor : czrapp.Base,
ready : [
browserDetect : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.BrowserDetect ),
ready : [ 'addBrowserClassToBody' ]
jqPlugins : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.JQPlugins ),
ready : [
slider : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.Slider ),
ready : [
dropdowns : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.Dropdowns ),
ready : [ 'fireDropDown' ]
userXP : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.UserXP ),
ready : [
stickyHeader : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.StickyHeader ),
ready : [
stickyFooter : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.StickyFooter ),
ready : [
sideNav : {
ctor : czrapp.Base.extend( czrapp.methods.SideNav ),
ready : [
czrapp.appMap( appMap , true );//true for isInitial map
})( czrapp );