(function () { 'use strict'; var findToolbar = function () { return document.querySelector('#yii-debug-toolbar'); }, ajax = function (url, settings) { var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); settings = settings || {}; xhr.open(settings.method || 'GET', url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/html'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status === 200 && settings.success) { settings.success(xhr); } else if (xhr.status !== 200 && settings.error) { settings.error(xhr); } } }; xhr.send(settings.data || ''); }, url, div, toolbarEl = findToolbar(), toolbarAnimatingClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar_animating', barSelector = '.yii-debug-toolbar__bar', viewSelector = '.yii-debug-toolbar__view', blockSelector = '.yii-debug-toolbar__block', toggleSelector = '.yii-debug-toolbar__toggle', externalSelector = '.yii-debug-toolbar__external', CACHE_KEY = 'yii-debug-toolbar', ACTIVE_STATE = 'active', animationTime = 300, activeClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar_active', iframeActiveClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar_iframe_active', iframeAnimatingClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar_iframe_animating', titleClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar__title', blockClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar__block', ignoreClickClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar__ignore_click', blockActiveClass = 'yii-debug-toolbar__block_active', requestStack = []; if (toolbarEl) { url = toolbarEl.getAttribute('data-url'); ajax(url, { success: function (xhr) { div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; toolbarEl.parentNode && toolbarEl.parentNode.replaceChild(div, toolbarEl); showToolbar(findToolbar()); var event; if (typeof(Event) === 'function') { event = new Event('yii.debug.toolbar_attached', {'bubbles': true}); } else { event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent('yii.debug.toolbar_attached', true, true); } div.dispatchEvent(event); }, error: function (xhr) { toolbarEl.innerText = xhr.responseText; } }); } function showToolbar(toolbarEl) { var barEl = toolbarEl.querySelector(barSelector), viewEl = toolbarEl.querySelector(viewSelector), toggleEl = toolbarEl.querySelector(toggleSelector), externalEl = toolbarEl.querySelector(externalSelector), blockEls = barEl.querySelectorAll(blockSelector), blockLinksEls = document.querySelectorAll(blockSelector + ':not(.' + titleClass + ') a'), iframeEl = viewEl.querySelector('iframe'), iframeHeight = function () { return (window.innerHeight * (toolbarEl.dataset.height / 100) - barEl.clientHeight) + 'px'; }, isIframeActive = function () { return toolbarEl.classList.contains(iframeActiveClass); }, resizeIframe = function(mouse) { var availableHeight = window.innerHeight - barEl.clientHeight; viewEl.style.height = Math.min(availableHeight, availableHeight - mouse.y) + "px"; }, showIframe = function (href) { toolbarEl.classList.add(iframeAnimatingClass); toolbarEl.classList.add(iframeActiveClass); iframeEl.src = externalEl.href = href; iframeEl.removeAttribute('tabindex'); viewEl.style.height = iframeHeight(); setTimeout(function () { toolbarEl.classList.remove(iframeAnimatingClass); }, animationTime); }, hideIframe = function () { toolbarEl.classList.add(iframeAnimatingClass); toolbarEl.classList.remove(iframeActiveClass); iframeEl.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); removeActiveBlocksCls(); externalEl.href = '#'; viewEl.style.height = ''; setTimeout(function () { toolbarEl.classList.remove(iframeAnimatingClass); }, animationTime); }, removeActiveBlocksCls = function () { [].forEach.call(blockEls, function (el) { el.classList.remove(blockActiveClass); }); }, toggleToolbarClass = function (className) { toolbarEl.classList.add(toolbarAnimatingClass); if (toolbarEl.classList.contains(className)) { toolbarEl.classList.remove(className); [].forEach.call(blockLinksEls, function (el) { el.setAttribute('tabindex', "-1"); }); } else { [].forEach.call(blockLinksEls, function (el) { el.removeAttribute('tabindex'); }); toolbarEl.classList.add(className); } setTimeout(function () { toolbarEl.classList.remove(toolbarAnimatingClass); }, animationTime); }, toggleStorageState = function (key, value) { if (window.localStorage) { var item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } else { localStorage.setItem(key, value); } } }, restoreStorageState = function (key) { if (window.localStorage) { return localStorage.getItem(key); } }, togglePosition = function () { if (isIframeActive()) { hideIframe(); } else { toggleToolbarClass(activeClass); toggleStorageState(CACHE_KEY, ACTIVE_STATE); } }; if (restoreStorageState(CACHE_KEY) === ACTIVE_STATE) { var transition = toolbarEl.style.transition; toolbarEl.style.transition = 'none'; toolbarEl.classList.add(activeClass); setTimeout(function () { toolbarEl.style.transition = transition; }, animationTime); } else { [].forEach.call(blockLinksEls, function (el) { el.setAttribute('tabindex', "-1"); }); } toolbarEl.style.display = 'block'; window.onresize = function () { if (toolbarEl.classList.contains(iframeActiveClass)) { viewEl.style.height = iframeHeight(); } }; toolbarEl.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { if (isIframeActive() && (e.y - toolbarEl.offsetTop < 4 /* 4px click zone */)) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", resizeIframe, false); } }, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", function(){ if (isIframeActive()) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeIframe, false); } }, false); barEl.onclick = function (e) { var target = e.target, block = findAncestor(target, blockClass); if (block && !block.classList.contains(titleClass) && !block.classList.contains(ignoreClickClass) && e.which !== 2 && !e.ctrlKey // not mouse wheel and not ctrl+click ) { while (target !== this) { if (target.href) { removeActiveBlocksCls(); block.classList.add(blockActiveClass); showIframe(target.href); } target = target.parentNode; } e.preventDefault(); } }; toggleEl.onclick = togglePosition; } function findAncestor(el, cls) { while ((el = el.parentElement) && !el.classList.contains(cls)) ; return el; } function renderAjaxRequests() { var requestCounter = document.getElementsByClassName('yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_counter'); if (!requestCounter.length) { return; } var ajaxToolbarPanel = document.querySelector('.yii-debug-toolbar__ajax'); var tbodies = document.getElementsByClassName('yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_requests'); var state = 'ok'; if (tbodies.length) { var tbody = tbodies[0]; var rows = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (requestStack.length) { var firstItem = requestStack.length > 20 ? requestStack.length - 20 : 0; for (var i = firstItem; i < requestStack.length; i++) { var request = requestStack[i]; var row = document.createElement('tr'); rows.appendChild(row); var methodCell = document.createElement('td'); methodCell.innerHTML = request.method; row.appendChild(methodCell); var statusCodeCell = document.createElement('td'); var statusCode = document.createElement('span'); if (request.statusCode < 300) { statusCode.setAttribute('class', 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request_status yii-debug-toolbar__label_success'); } else if (request.statusCode < 400) { statusCode.setAttribute('class', 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request_status yii-debug-toolbar__label_warning'); } else { statusCode.setAttribute('class', 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request_status yii-debug-toolbar__label_error'); } statusCode.textContent = request.statusCode || '-'; statusCodeCell.appendChild(statusCode); row.appendChild(statusCodeCell); var pathCell = document.createElement('td'); pathCell.className = 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request_url'; pathCell.innerHTML = request.url; pathCell.setAttribute('title', request.url); row.appendChild(pathCell); var durationCell = document.createElement('td'); durationCell.className = 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request_duration'; if (request.duration) { durationCell.innerText = request.duration + " ms"; } else { durationCell.innerText = '-'; } row.appendChild(durationCell); row.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); var profilerCell = document.createElement('td'); if (request.profilerUrl) { var profilerLink = document.createElement('a'); profilerLink.setAttribute('href', request.profilerUrl); profilerLink.innerText = request.profile; profilerCell.appendChild(profilerLink); } else { profilerCell.innerText = 'n/a'; } row.appendChild(profilerCell); if (request.error) { if (state !== "loading" && i > requestStack.length - 4) { state = 'error'; } } else if (request.loading) { state = 'loading' } row.className = 'yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_request'; } while (tbody.firstChild) { tbody.removeChild(tbody.firstChild); } tbody.appendChild(rows); } ajaxToolbarPanel.style.display = 'block'; } requestCounter[0].innerText = requestStack.length; var className = 'yii-debug-toolbar__label yii-debug-toolbar__ajax_counter'; if (state === 'ok') { className += ' yii-debug-toolbar__label_success'; } else if (state === 'error') { className += ' yii-debug-toolbar__label_error'; } requestCounter[0].className = className; } /** * Should AJAX request to be logged in debug panel * * @param requestUrl * @returns {boolean} */ function shouldTrackRequest(requestUrl) { if (!toolbarEl) { return false; } var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = requestUrl; var skipAjaxRequestUrls = JSON.parse(toolbarEl.getAttribute('data-skip-urls')); if (Array.isArray(skipAjaxRequestUrls) && skipAjaxRequestUrls.length && skipAjaxRequestUrls.includes(requestUrl)) { return false; } return a.host === location.host; } var proxied = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url, async, user, pass) { var self = this; if (shouldTrackRequest(url)) { var stackElement = { loading: true, error: false, url: url, method: method, start: new Date() }; requestStack.push(stackElement); this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function () { if (self.readyState === 4) { stackElement.duration = self.getResponseHeader('X-Debug-Duration') || new Date() - stackElement.start; stackElement.loading = false; stackElement.statusCode = self.status; stackElement.error = self.status < 200 || self.status >= 400; stackElement.profile = self.getResponseHeader('X-Debug-Tag'); stackElement.profilerUrl = self.getResponseHeader('X-Debug-Link'); renderAjaxRequests(); } }, false); renderAjaxRequests(); } proxied.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; // catch fetch AJAX requests if (window.fetch) { var originalFetch = window.fetch; window.fetch = function (input, init) { var method; var url; if (typeof input === 'string') { method = (init && init.method) || 'GET'; url = input; } else if (window.URL && input instanceof URL) { // fix https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-debug/issues/296 method = (init && init.method) || 'GET'; url = input.href; } else if (window.Request && input instanceof Request) { method = input.method; url = input.url; } var promise = originalFetch(input, init); if (shouldTrackRequest(url)) { var stackElement = { loading: true, error: false, url: url, method: method, start: new Date() }; requestStack.push(stackElement); promise.then(function (response) { stackElement.duration = response.headers.get('X-Debug-Duration') || new Date() - stackElement.start; stackElement.loading = false; stackElement.statusCode = response.status; stackElement.error = response.status < 200 || response.status >= 400; stackElement.profile = response.headers.get('X-Debug-Tag'); stackElement.profilerUrl = response.headers.get('X-Debug-Link'); renderAjaxRequests(); return response; }).catch(function (error) { stackElement.loading = false; stackElement.error = true; renderAjaxRequests(); throw error; }); renderAjaxRequests(); } return promise; }; } })();