* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Module\LatestActions\Administrator\Helper; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\Component\Actionlogs\Administrator\Helper\ActionlogsHelper; use Joomla\Registry\Registry; /** * Helper for mod_latestactions * * @since 3.9.0 */ abstract class LatestActionsHelper { /** * Get a list of articles. * * @param Registry &$params The module parameters. * * @return mixed An array of action logs, or false on error. * * @since 3.9.1 * * @throws \Exception */ public static function getList(&$params) { /** @var \Joomla\Component\Actionlogs\Administrator\Model\ActionlogsModel $model */ $model = Factory::getApplication()->bootComponent('com_actionlogs')->getMVCFactory() ->createModel('Actionlogs', 'Administrator', ['ignore_request' => true]); // Set the Start and Limit $model->setState('list.start', 0); $model->setState('list.limit', $params->get('count', 5)); $model->setState('list.ordering', 'a.id'); $model->setState('list.direction', 'DESC'); $rows = $model->getItems(); // Load all actionlog plugins language files ActionlogsHelper::loadActionLogPluginsLanguage(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row->message = ActionlogsHelper::getHumanReadableLogMessage($row); } return $rows; } /** * Get the alternate title for the module * * @param Registry $params The module parameters. * * @return string The alternate title for the module. * * @since 3.9.1 */ public static function getTitle($params) { return Text::plural('MOD_LATESTACTIONS_TITLE', $params->get('count', 5)); } }