. /** * Expiry Data. * * @package tool_dataprivacy * @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_dataprivacy; use core_privacy\manager; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Expiry Data. * * @copyright 2018 Andrew Nicols
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class expiry_info { /** @var bool Whether this context is fully expired */ protected $fullyexpired = false; /** @var bool Whether the default expiry value of this purpose has been reached */ protected $defaultexpiryreached = false; /** @var bool Whether the default purpose is protected */ protected $defaultprotected = false; /** @var int[] List of expires roles */ protected $expired = []; /** @var int[] List of unexpires roles */ protected $unexpired = []; /** @var int[] List of unexpired roles which are also protected */ protected $protectedroles = []; /** * Constructor for the expiry_info class. * * @param bool $default Whether the default expiry period for this context has been reached. * @param bool $defaultprotected Whether the default expiry is protected. * @param int[] $expired A list of roles in this context which have explicitly expired. * @param int[] $unexpired A list of roles in this context which have not yet expired. * @param int[] $protectedroles A list of unexpired roles in this context which are protected. */ public function __construct(bool $default, bool $defaultprotected, array $expired, array $unexpired, array $protectedroles) { $this->defaultexpiryreached = $default; $this->defaultprotected = $defaultprotected; $this->expired = $expired; $this->unexpired = $unexpired; $this->protectedroles = $protectedroles; } /** * Whether this context has 'fully' expired. * That is to say that the default retention period has been reached, and that there are no unexpired roles. * * @return bool */ public function is_fully_expired() : bool { return $this->defaultexpiryreached && empty($this->unexpired); } /** * Whether any part of this context has expired. * * @return bool */ public function is_any_expired() : bool { if ($this->is_fully_expired()) { return true; } if (!empty($this->get_expired_roles())) { return true; } if ($this->is_default_expired()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the list of explicitly expired role IDs. * Note: This does not list roles which have been expired via the default retention policy being reached. * * @return int[] */ public function get_expired_roles() : array { if ($this->is_default_expired()) { return []; } return $this->expired; } /** * Check whether the specified role is explicitly expired. * Note: This does not list roles which have been expired via the default retention policy being reached. * * @param int $roleid * @return bool */ public function is_role_expired(int $roleid) : bool { return false !== array_search($roleid, $this->expired); } /** * Whether the default retention policy has been reached. * * @return bool */ public function is_default_expired() : bool { return $this->defaultexpiryreached; } /** * Whether the default purpose is protected. * * @return bool */ public function is_default_protected() : bool { return $this->defaultprotected; } /** * Get the list of unexpired role IDs. * * @return int[] */ public function get_unexpired_roles() : array { return $this->unexpired; } /** * Get the list of unexpired protected roles. * * @return int[] */ public function get_unexpired_protected_roles() : array { return array_keys(array_filter($this->protectedroles)); } /** * Get a list of all overridden roles which are unprotected. * @return int[] */ public function get_unprotected_overridden_roles() : array { $allroles = array_merge($this->expired, $this->unexpired); return array_diff($allroles, $this->protectedroles); } /** * Merge this expiry_info object with another belonging to a child context in order to set the 'safest' heritage. * * It is not possible to delete any part of a context that is not deleted by a parent. * So if a course's retention policy has been reached, then only parts where the children have also expired can be * deleted. * * @param expiry_info $child The child record to merge with. * @return $this */ public function merge_with_child(expiry_info $child) : expiry_info { if ($child->is_fully_expired()) { return $this; } // If the child is not fully expired, then none of the parents can be either. $this->fullyexpired = false; // Remove any role in this node which is not expired in the child. foreach ($this->expired as $key => $roleid) { if (!$child->is_role_expired($roleid)) { unset($this->expired[$key]); } } array_merge($this->unexpired, $child->get_unexpired_roles()); if (!$child->is_default_expired()) { $this->defaultexpiryreached = false; } return $this; } }