. /** * Contains the class used for the displaying the expired contexts table. * * @package tool_dataprivacy * @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_dataprivacy\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php'); use coding_exception; use context_helper; use dml_exception; use Exception; use html_writer; use pix_icon; use stdClass; use table_sql; use tool_dataprivacy\api; use tool_dataprivacy\expired_context; use tool_dataprivacy\external\purpose_exporter; use tool_dataprivacy\purpose; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * The class for displaying the expired contexts table. * * @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class expired_contexts_table extends table_sql { /** @var int The context level acting as a filter for this table. */ protected $contextlevel = null; /** * @var bool $selectall Has the user selected all users on the page? True by default. */ protected $selectall = true; /** @var purpose[] Array of purposes by their id. */ protected $purposes = []; /** @var purpose[] Map of context => purpose. */ protected $purposemap = []; /** @var array List of roles. */ protected $roles = []; /** * expired_contexts_table constructor. * * @param int|null $contextlevel * @throws coding_exception */ public function __construct($contextlevel = null) { parent::__construct('expired-contexts-table'); $this->contextlevel = $contextlevel; $columnheaders = [ 'name' => get_string('name'), 'info' => get_string('info'), 'purpose' => get_string('purpose', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 'category' => get_string('category', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 'retentionperiod' => get_string('retentionperiod', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 'tobedeleted' => get_string('tobedeleted', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 'timecreated' => get_string('expiry', 'tool_dataprivacy'), ]; $checkboxattrs = [ 'title' => get_string('selectall'), 'data-action' => 'selectall' ]; $columnheaders['select'] = html_writer::checkbox('selectall', 1, true, null, $checkboxattrs); $this->define_columns(array_keys($columnheaders)); $this->define_headers(array_values($columnheaders)); $this->no_sorting('name'); $this->no_sorting('select'); $this->no_sorting('info'); $this->no_sorting('purpose'); $this->no_sorting('category'); $this->no_sorting('retentionperiod'); $this->no_sorting('tobedeleted'); // Make this table sorted by first name by default. $this->sortable(true, 'timecreated'); // We use roles in several places. $this->roles = role_get_names(); } /** * The context name column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string * @throws coding_exception */ public function col_name($expiredctx) { global $OUTPUT; $context = context_helper::instance_by_id($expiredctx->get('contextid')); $parent = $context->get_parent_context(); $contextdata = (object)[ 'name' => $context->get_context_name(false, true), 'parent' => $parent->get_context_name(false, true), ]; $fullcontexts = $context->get_parent_contexts(true); $contextsinpath = []; foreach ($fullcontexts as $contextinpath) { $contextsinpath[] = $contextinpath->get_context_name(false, true); } $infoicon = new pix_icon('i/info', implode(' / ', array_reverse($contextsinpath))); $infoiconhtml = $OUTPUT->render($infoicon); $name = html_writer::span(get_string('nameandparent', 'tool_dataprivacy', $contextdata), 'mr-1'); return $name . $infoiconhtml; } /** * The context information column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string * @throws coding_exception */ public function col_info($expiredctx) { global $OUTPUT; $context = context_helper::instance_by_id($expiredctx->get('contextid')); $children = $context->get_child_contexts(); if (empty($children)) { return get_string('none'); } else { $childnames = []; foreach ($children as $child) { $childnames[] = $child->get_context_name(false, true); } $infoicon = new pix_icon('i/info', implode(', ', $childnames)); $infoiconhtml = $OUTPUT->render($infoicon); $name = html_writer::span(get_string('nchildren', 'tool_dataprivacy', count($children)), 'mr-1'); return $name . $infoiconhtml; } } /** * The category name column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return mixed * @throws coding_exception * @throws dml_exception */ public function col_category($expiredctx) { $context = context_helper::instance_by_id($expiredctx->get('contextid')); $category = api::get_effective_context_category($context); return s($category->get('name')); } /** * The purpose column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string * @throws coding_exception */ public function col_purpose($expiredctx) { $purpose = $this->get_purpose_for_expiry($expiredctx); return s($purpose->get('name')); } /** * The retention period column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string */ public function col_retentionperiod($expiredctx) { $purpose = $this->get_purpose_for_expiry($expiredctx); $expiries = []; $expiry = html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('default'), ['class' => 'col-sm-3']); if ($expiredctx->get('defaultexpired')) { $expiries[get_string('default')] = get_string('expiredrolewithretention', 'tool_dataprivacy', (object) [ 'retention' => api::format_retention_period(new \DateInterval($purpose->get('retentionperiod'))), ]); } else { $expiries[get_string('default')] = get_string('unexpiredrolewithretention', 'tool_dataprivacy', (object) [ 'retention' => api::format_retention_period(new \DateInterval($purpose->get('retentionperiod'))), ]); } if (!$expiredctx->is_fully_expired()) { $purposeoverrides = $purpose->get_purpose_overrides(); foreach ($expiredctx->get('unexpiredroles') as $roleid) { $role = $this->roles[$roleid]; $override = $purposeoverrides[$roleid]; $expiries[$role->localname] = get_string('unexpiredrolewithretention', 'tool_dataprivacy', (object) [ 'retention' => api::format_retention_period(new \DateInterval($override->get('retentionperiod'))), ]); } foreach ($expiredctx->get('expiredroles') as $roleid) { $role = $this->roles[$roleid]; $override = $purposeoverrides[$roleid]; $expiries[$role->localname] = get_string('expiredrolewithretention', 'tool_dataprivacy', (object) [ 'retention' => api::format_retention_period(new \DateInterval($override->get('retentionperiod'))), ]); } } $output = array_map(function($rolename, $expiry) { $return = html_writer::tag('dt', $rolename, ['class' => 'col-sm-3']); $return .= html_writer::tag('dd', $expiry, ['class' => 'col-sm-9']); return $return; }, array_keys($expiries), $expiries); return html_writer::tag('dl', implode($output), ['class' => 'row']); } /** * The timecreated a.k.a. the context expiry date column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string */ public function col_timecreated($expiredctx) { return userdate($expiredctx->get('timecreated')); } /** * Generate the select column. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string */ public function col_select($expiredctx) { $id = $expiredctx->get('id'); return html_writer::checkbox('expiredcontext_' . $id, $id, $this->selectall, '', ['class' => 'selectcontext']); } /** * Formatting for the 'tobedeleted' column which indicates in a friendlier fashion whose data will be removed. * * @param stdClass $expiredctx The row data. * @return string */ public function col_tobedeleted($expiredctx) { if ($expiredctx->is_fully_expired()) { return get_string('defaultexpired', 'tool_dataprivacy'); } $purpose = $this->get_purpose_for_expiry($expiredctx); $a = (object) []; $expiredroles = []; foreach ($expiredctx->get('expiredroles') as $roleid) { $expiredroles[] = html_writer::tag('li', $this->roles[$roleid]->localname); } $a->expired = html_writer::tag('ul', implode($expiredroles)); $unexpiredroles = []; foreach ($expiredctx->get('unexpiredroles') as $roleid) { $unexpiredroles[] = html_writer::tag('li', $this->roles[$roleid]->localname); } $a->unexpired = html_writer::tag('ul', implode($unexpiredroles)); if ($expiredctx->get('defaultexpired')) { return get_string('defaultexpiredexcept', 'tool_dataprivacy', $a); } else if (empty($unexpiredroles)) { return get_string('defaultunexpired', 'tool_dataprivacy', $a); } else { return get_string('defaultunexpiredwithexceptions', 'tool_dataprivacy', $a); } } /** * Query the database for results to display in the table. * * @param int $pagesize size of page for paginated displayed table. * @param bool $useinitialsbar do you want to use the initials bar. * @throws dml_exception * @throws coding_exception */ public function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar = true) { // Only count expired contexts that are awaiting confirmation. $total = expired_context::get_record_count_by_contextlevel($this->contextlevel, expired_context::STATUS_EXPIRED); $this->pagesize($pagesize, $total); $sort = $this->get_sql_sort(); if (empty($sort)) { $sort = 'timecreated'; } // Only load expired contexts that are awaiting confirmation. $expiredcontexts = expired_context::get_records_by_contextlevel($this->contextlevel, expired_context::STATUS_EXPIRED, $sort, $this->get_page_start(), $this->get_page_size()); $this->rawdata = []; $contextids = []; foreach ($expiredcontexts as $persistent) { $this->rawdata[] = $persistent; $contextids[] = $persistent->get('contextid'); } $this->preload_contexts($contextids); // Set initial bars. if ($useinitialsbar) { $this->initialbars($total > $pagesize); } } /** * Override default implementation to display a more meaningful information to the user. */ public function print_nothing_to_display() { global $OUTPUT; echo $this->render_reset_button(); $this->print_initials_bar(); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noexpiredcontexts', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 'warning'); } /** * Override the table's show_hide_link method to prevent the show/hide link for the select column from rendering. * * @param string $column the column name, index into various names. * @param int $index numerical index of the column. * @return string HTML fragment. */ protected function show_hide_link($column, $index) { if ($index < 6) { return parent::show_hide_link($column, $index); } return ''; } /** * Get the purpose for the specified expired context. * * @param expired_context $expiredcontext * @return purpose */ protected function get_purpose_for_expiry(expired_context $expiredcontext) : purpose { $context = context_helper::instance_by_id($expiredcontext->get('contextid')); if (empty($this->purposemap[$context->id])) { $purpose = api::get_effective_context_purpose($context); $this->purposemap[$context->id] = $purpose->get('id'); if (empty($this->purposes[$purpose->get('id')])) { $this->purposes[$purpose->get('id')] = $purpose; } } return $this->purposes[$this->purposemap[$context->id]]; } /** * Preload context records given a set of contextids. * * @param array $contextids */ protected function preload_contexts(array $contextids) { global $DB; if (empty($contextids)) { return; } $ctxfields = \context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx'); list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contextids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $sql = "SELECT {$ctxfields} FROM {context} ctx WHERE ctx.id {$insql}"; $contextlist = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $inparams); foreach ($contextlist as $contextdata) { \context_helper::preload_from_record($contextdata); } $contextlist->close(); } }