. /** * url_replace cli script. Examines DB for non-https src or data links, and lists broken ones or replaces all links. * * @package tool_httpsreplace * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Blackboard Inc. (http://www.blackboard.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); require(__DIR__ . '/../../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params( array( 'help' => false, 'list' => false, 'replace' => false, 'confirm' => false, ), array( 'h' => 'help', 'l' => 'list', 'r' => 'replace', ) ); if ($unrecognized) { $unrecognized = implode("\n ", $unrecognized); cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'admin', $unrecognized), 2); } if ($options['help'] || (!$options['list'] && !$options['replace'])) { $help = "Examines DB for non-https src or data links, and lists broken links or replaces all links. Options: -h, --help Print out this help -l, --list List of http (not https) urls on a site in the DB that would become broken. -r, --replace List of http (not https) urls on a site in the DB that would become broken. --confirm Replaces http urls with https across a site's content. Example: \$ sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/tool/httpsreplace/cli/url_replace.php --list \n"; echo $help; exit(0); } if (!$DB->replace_all_text_supported()) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('notimplemented', 'tool_httpsreplace')); exit(1); } if (!is_https()) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('httpwarning', 'tool_httpsreplace'), 'warning'); echo "\n"; } if ($options['replace']) { if ($options['confirm']) { $urlfinder = new \tool_httpsreplace\url_finder(); $urlfinder->upgrade_http_links(); } else { echo "Once this is tool run, changes made can't be reverted. \n" . "A complete backup should be made before running this script. \n\n" . "There is a low risk that the wrong content will be replaced, introducing problems. \n" . "If you are sure you want to continue, add --confirm\n\n"; } } else { $urlfinder = new \tool_httpsreplace\url_finder(); $results = $urlfinder->http_link_stats(); asort($results); $fp = fopen('php://stdout', 'w'); fputcsv($fp, ['clientsite', 'httpdomain', 'urlcount']); foreach ($results as $domain => $count) { fputcsv($fp, [$SITE->shortname, $domain, $count]); } fclose($fp); }