@tool @javascript @tool_lp @tool_lp_template Feature: Manage plearning plan templates As a learning plan admin In order to perform CRUD operations on learning plan template I need to create, update and delete learning plan temlate Background: Given I log in as "admin" And I change window size to "small" And I am on site homepage Scenario: Create a new learning plan template Given I navigate to "Competencies > Learning plan templates" in site administration And I should see "List of learning plan templates" And I click on "Add new learning plan template" "button" And I should see "Add new learning plan template" And I set the field "Name" to "Science template" And I set the field "Description" to "Here description of learning plan template" When I press "Save changes" Then I should see "Learning plan template created" And I should see "Science template" Scenario: Read a learning plan template Given the following lp "templates" exist: | shortname | description | | Science template Year-2 | science template description | And I navigate to "Competencies > Learning plan templates" in site administration And I should see "Science template Year-2" When I click on "Science template Year-2" "link" Then I should see "Science template Year-2" And I should see "Learning plan template competencies" Scenario: Edit a learning plan template Given the following lp "templates" exist: | shortname | description | | Science template Year-3 | science template description | And I navigate to "Competencies > Learning plan templates" in site administration And I should see "Science template Year-3" And I click on "Edit" of edit menu in the "Science template Year-3" row And the field "Name" matches value "Science template Year-3" And I set the field "Name" to "Science template Year-3 Edited" When I press "Save changes" Then I should see "Learning plan template updated" And I should see "Science template Year-3 Edited" Scenario: Delete a learning plan template Given the following lp "templates" exist: | shortname | description | | Science template Year-4 | science template description | And I navigate to "Competencies > Learning plan templates" in site administration And I should see "Science template Year-4" And I click on "Delete" of edit menu in the "Science template Year-4" row And "Confirm" "dialogue" should be visible And "Delete" "button" should exist in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And "Cancel" "button" should exist in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And I click on "Cancel" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And I click on "Delete" of edit menu in the "Science template Year-4" row And "Confirm" "dialogue" should be visible When I click on "Delete" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And I wait until the page is ready Then I should not see "Science template Year-4"