. /** * Provides {@link tool_policy\output\user_agreement} class. * * @package tool_policy * @category output * @copyright 2018 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_policy\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); use moodle_url; use renderable; use renderer_base; use single_button; use templatable; /** * List of users and their acceptances * * @copyright 2018 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class user_agreement implements \templatable, \renderable { /** @var int */ protected $userid; /** @var bool */ protected $onbehalf; /** @var moodle_url */ protected $pageurl; /** @var array */ protected $versions; /** @var array */ protected $accepted; /** @var array */ protected $declined; /** @var bool */ protected $canaccept; /** @var bool */ protected $canrevoke; /** * user_agreement constructor * * @param int $userid * @param array $accepted list of ids of accepted versions * @param array $declined list of ids of declined versions * @param moodle_url $pageurl * @param array $versions list of versions (id=>name) * @param bool $onbehalf whether at least one version was accepted by somebody else on behalf of the user * @param bool $canaccept does the current user have permission to accept/decline the policy on behalf of user $userid * @param bool $canrevoke does the current user have permission to revoke the policy on behalf of user $userid */ public function __construct($userid, array $accepted, array $declined, moodle_url $pageurl, $versions, $onbehalf = false, $canaccept = null, $canrevoke = null) { // Make sure that all ids in $accepted and $declined are present in $versions. if (array_diff(array_merge($accepted, $declined), array_keys($versions))) { throw new \coding_exception('Policy version ids mismatch'); } $this->userid = $userid; $this->onbehalf = $onbehalf; $this->pageurl = $pageurl; $this->versions = $versions; $this->accepted = $accepted; $this->declined = $declined; $this->canaccept = $canaccept; if (count($this->accepted) < count($this->versions) && $canaccept === null) { $this->canaccept = \tool_policy\api::can_accept_policies(array_keys($this->versions), $this->userid); } if (count($this->accepted) > 0 && $canrevoke === null) { $this->canrevoke = \tool_policy\api::can_revoke_policies(array_keys($this->versions), $this->userid); } } /** * Export data to be rendered. * * @param renderer_base $output * @return stdClass */ public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output) { $data = (object)[ 'statusicon' => '', 'statustext' => '', 'statuslink' => '', 'actions' => [], ]; if (count($this->versions) == 1) { // We represent one particular policy's agreement status. $versionname = reset($this->versions); $versionid = key($this->versions); $actionaccept = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactionaccept', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactionacceptone', 'tool_policy', $versionname), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => (new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'versionids[]' => $versionid, 'action' => 'accept', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]))->out(false), ]; $actionrevoke = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactionrevoke', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactionrevokeone', 'tool_policy', $versionname), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => (new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'versionids[]' => $versionid, 'action' => 'revoke', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]))->out(false), ]; $actiondecline = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactiondecline', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactiondeclineone', 'tool_policy', $versionname), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => (new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'versionids[]' => $versionid, 'action' => 'decline', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]))->out(false), ]; if ($this->accepted) { $data->statusicon = 'agreed'; if ($this->onbehalf) { $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusacceptedbehalf', 'tool_policy'); } else { $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusaccepted', 'tool_policy'); } if ($this->canrevoke) { $data->actions[] = $actionrevoke; } } else if ($this->declined) { $data->statusicon = 'declined'; if ($this->onbehalf) { $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusdeclinedbehalf', 'tool_policy'); } else { $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusdeclined', 'tool_policy'); } if ($this->canaccept) { $data->actions[] = $actionaccept; } } else { $data->statusicon = 'pending'; $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatuspending', 'tool_policy'); if ($this->canaccept) { $data->actions[] = $actionaccept; $data->actions[] = $actiondecline; } } } else if (count($this->versions) > 1) { // We represent the summary status for multiple policies. $data->actions[] = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactiondetails', 'tool_policy'), 'url' => (new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/user.php', [ 'userid' => $this->userid, 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]))->out(false), ]; // Prepare the action link to accept all pending policies. $accepturl = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'action' => 'accept', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]); foreach (array_diff(array_keys($this->versions), $this->accepted, $this->declined) as $ix => $versionid) { $accepturl->param('versionids['.$ix.']', $versionid); } $actionaccept = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactionaccept', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactionacceptpending', 'tool_policy'), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => $accepturl->out(false), ]; // Prepare the action link to revoke all agreed policies. $revokeurl = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'action' => 'revoke', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]); foreach ($this->accepted as $ix => $versionid) { $revokeurl->param('versionids['.$ix.']', $versionid); } $actionrevoke = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactionrevoke', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactionrevokeall', 'tool_policy'), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => $revokeurl->out(false), ]; // Prepare the action link to decline all pending policies. $declineurl = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/policy/accept.php', [ 'userids[]' => $this->userid, 'action' => 'decline', 'returnurl' => $this->pageurl->out_as_local_url(false), ]); foreach (array_diff(array_keys($this->versions), $this->accepted, $this->declined) as $ix => $versionid) { $declineurl->param('versionids['.$ix.']', $versionid); } $actiondecline = (object)[ 'text' => get_string('useracceptanceactiondecline', 'tool_policy'), 'title' => get_string('useracceptanceactiondeclinepending', 'tool_policy'), 'data' => 'acceptmodal', 'url' => $declineurl->out(false), ]; $countversions = count($this->versions); $countaccepted = count($this->accepted); $countdeclined = count($this->declined); if ($countaccepted == $countversions) { // All policies accepted. $data->statusicon = 'agreed'; $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusaccepted', 'tool_policy'); if ($this->canrevoke) { $data->actions[] = $actionrevoke; } } else if ($countdeclined == $countversions) { // All policies declined. $data->statusicon = 'declined'; $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatusdeclined', 'tool_policy'); } else if ($countaccepted + $countdeclined == $countversions) { // All policies responded, only some of them accepted. $data->statusicon = 'partial'; $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatuspartial', 'tool_policy'); if ($this->accepted && $this->canrevoke) { $data->actions[] = $actionrevoke; } } else { // Some policies are pending. $data->statusicon = 'pending'; $data->statustext = get_string('acceptancestatuspending', 'tool_policy'); if ($this->canaccept) { $data->actions[] = $actionaccept; $data->actions[] = $actiondecline; } } } return $data; } /** * Describe the status with a plain text for downloading purposes. * * @return string */ public function export_for_download() { if (count($this->versions) == 1) { if ($this->accepted) { if ($this->onbehalf) { return get_string('acceptancestatusacceptedbehalf', 'tool_policy'); } else { return get_string('acceptancestatusaccepted', 'tool_policy'); } } else if ($this->declined) { if ($this->onbehalf) { return get_string('acceptancestatusdeclinedbehalf', 'tool_policy'); } else { return get_string('acceptancestatusdeclined', 'tool_policy'); } } else { return get_string('acceptancestatuspending', 'tool_policy'); } } else if (count($this->versions) > 1) { if (count($this->accepted) == count($this->versions)) { return get_string('acceptancestatusaccepted', 'tool_policy'); } else if (count($this->declined) == count($this->versions)) { return get_string('acceptancestatusdeclined', 'tool_policy'); } else if (count($this->accepted) > 0 || count($this->declined) > 0) { return get_string('acceptancestatuspartial', 'tool_policy'); } else { return get_string('acceptancestatuspending', 'tool_policy'); } } } }