. /** * English strings for tool_recyclebin. * * @package tool_recyclebin * @copyright 2015 Skylar Kelty
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); $string['alertdeleted'] = '\'{$a->name}\' has been deleted.'; $string['alertemptied'] = 'Recycle bin has been emptied.'; $string['alertrestored'] = '\'{$a->name}\' has been restored.'; $string['autohide'] = 'Auto hide'; $string['autohide_desc'] = 'Automatically hides the recycle bin link when the bin is empty.'; $string['categorybinenable'] = 'Enable category recycle bin'; $string['categorybinexpiry'] = 'Course lifetime'; $string['categorybinexpiry_desc'] = 'How long should a deleted course remain in the recycle bin?'; $string['coursebinenable'] = 'Enable course recycle bin'; $string['coursebinexpiry'] = 'Item lifetime'; $string['coursebinexpiry_desc'] = 'How long should a deleted item remain in the recycle bin?'; $string['datedeleted'] = 'Date deleted'; $string['deleteall'] = 'Delete all'; $string['deleteallconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all items from the recycle bin?'; $string['deleteconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected item from the recycle bin?'; $string['deleteexpirywarning'] = 'Contents will be permanently deleted after {$a}.'; $string['eventitemcreated'] = 'Item created'; $string['eventitemcreated_desc'] = 'Item created with ID {$a->objectid}.'; $string['eventitemdeleted'] = 'Item deleted'; $string['eventitemdeleted_desc'] = 'Item with ID {$a->objectid} deleted.'; $string['eventitemrestored'] = 'Item restored'; $string['eventitemrestored_desc'] = 'Item with ID {$a->objectid} restored.'; $string['invalidcontext'] = 'Invalid context supplied.'; $string['noitemsinbin'] = 'There are no items in the recycle bin.'; $string['notenabled'] = 'Sorry, but the recycle bin has been disabled by the administrator.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Recycle bin'; $string['taskcleanupcategorybin'] = 'Cleanup category recycle bin'; $string['taskcleanupcoursebin'] = 'Cleanup course recycle bin'; $string['recyclebin:deleteitems'] = 'Delete recycle bin items'; $string['recyclebin:restoreitems'] = 'Restore recycle bin items'; $string['recyclebin:viewitems'] = 'View recycle bin items'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Recycle bin plugin does not store any personal data.';