. /** * Strings for component 'tool_uploaduser', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_22_STABLE' * * @package tool * @subpackage uploaduser * @copyright 2011 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['allowdeletes'] = 'Allow deletes'; $string['allowrenames'] = 'Allow renames'; $string['allowsuspends'] = 'Allow suspending and activating of accounts'; $string['assignedsysrole'] = 'Assigned system role {$a}'; $string['csvdelimiter'] = 'CSV delimiter'; $string['defaultvalues'] = 'Default values'; $string['deleteerrors'] = 'Delete errors'; $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding'; $string['errormnetadd'] = 'Can not add remote users'; $string['errors'] = 'Errors'; $string['invalidupdatetype'] = 'This option cannot be selected with the chosen upload type.'; $string['invaliduserdata'] = 'Invalid data detected for user {$a} and it has been automatically cleaned.'; $string['invalidtheme'] = 'Theme "{$a}" is not installed and will be ignored.'; $string['nochanges'] = 'No changes'; $string['notheme'] = 'No theme is defined for this user.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'User upload'; $string['renameerrors'] = 'Rename errors'; $string['requiredtemplate'] = 'Required. You may use template syntax here (%l = lastname, %f = firstname, %u = username). See help for details and examples.'; $string['rowpreviewnum'] = 'Preview rows'; $string['unassignedsysrole'] = 'Unassigned system role {$a}'; $string['userthemesnotallowed'] = 'User themes are not enabled, so any included in the upload users file will be ignored.'; $string['uploadpicture_baduserfield'] = 'The user attribute specified is not valid. Please, try again.'; $string['uploadpicture_cannotmovezip'] = 'Cannot move zip file to temporary directory.'; $string['uploadpicture_cannotprocessdir'] = 'Cannot process unzipped files.'; $string['uploadpicture_cannotsave'] = 'Cannot save picture for user {$a}. Check original picture file.'; $string['uploadpicture_cannotunzip'] = 'Cannot unzip pictures file.'; $string['uploadpicture_invalidfilename'] = 'Picture file {$a} has invalid characters in its name. Skipping.'; $string['uploadpicture_overwrite'] = 'Overwrite existing user pictures?'; $string['uploadpicture_userfield'] = 'User attribute to use to match pictures:'; $string['uploadpicture_usernotfound'] = 'User with a \'{$a->userfield}\' value of \'{$a->uservalue}\' does not exist. Skipping.'; $string['uploadpicture_userskipped'] = 'Skipping user {$a} (already has a picture).'; $string['uploadpicture_userupdated'] = 'Picture updated for user {$a}.'; $string['uploadpictures'] = 'Upload user pictures'; $string['uploadpictures_help'] = 'User pictures can be uploaded as a zip file of image files. The image files should be named chosen-user-attribute.extension, for example user1234.jpg for a user with username user1234.'; $string['uploadusers'] = 'Upload users'; $string['uploadusers_help'] = 'Users may be uploaded (and optionally enrolled in courses) via text file. The format of the file should be as follows: * Each line of the file contains one record * Each record is a series of data separated by commas (or other delimiters) * The first record contains a list of fieldnames defining the format of the rest of the file * Required fieldnames are username, password, firstname, lastname, email'; $string['uploaduserspreview'] = 'Upload users preview'; $string['uploadusersresult'] = 'Upload users results'; $string['uploaduser:uploaduserpictures'] = 'Upload user pictures'; $string['useraccountupdated'] = 'User updated'; $string['useraccountuptodate'] = 'User up-to-date'; $string['userdeleted'] = 'User deleted'; $string['userrenamed'] = 'User renamed'; $string['userscreated'] = 'Users created'; $string['usersdeleted'] = 'Users deleted'; $string['usersrenamed'] = 'Users renamed'; $string['usersskipped'] = 'Users skipped'; $string['usersupdated'] = 'Users updated'; $string['usersweakpassword'] = 'Users having a weak password'; $string['uubulk'] = 'Select for bulk user actions'; $string['uubulkall'] = 'All users'; $string['uubulknew'] = 'New users'; $string['uubulkupdated'] = 'Updated users'; $string['uucsvline'] = 'CSV line'; $string['uulegacy1role'] = '(Original Student) typeN=1'; $string['uulegacy2role'] = '(Original Teacher) typeN=2'; $string['uulegacy3role'] = '(Original Non-editing teacher) typeN=3'; $string['uunoemailduplicates'] = 'Prevent email address duplicates'; $string['uuoptype'] = 'Upload type'; $string['uuoptype_addinc'] = 'Add all, append number to usernames if needed'; $string['uuoptype_addnew'] = 'Add new only, skip existing users'; $string['uuoptype_addupdate'] = 'Add new and update existing users'; $string['uuoptype_update'] = 'Update existing users only'; $string['uupasswordcron'] = 'Generated in cron'; $string['uupasswordnew'] = 'New user password'; $string['uupasswordold'] = 'Existing user password'; $string['uustandardusernames'] = 'Standardise usernames'; $string['uuupdateall'] = 'Override with file and defaults'; $string['uuupdatefromfile'] = 'Override with file'; $string['uuupdatemissing'] = 'Fill in missing from file and defaults'; $string['uuupdatetype'] = 'Existing user details'; $string['uuusernametemplate'] = 'Username template'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The User upload plugin does not store any personal data.';