. /** * Tests for field value validators of tool_uploaduser. * * @package tool_uploaduser * @copyright 2019 Jun Pataleta * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ use tool_uploaduser\local\field_value_validators; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; /** * Tests for field value validators of tool_uploaduser. * * @package tool_uploaduser * @copyright 2019 Jun Pataleta * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class field_value_validators_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Data provider for \field_value_validators_testcase::test_validate_theme(). */ public function themes_provider() { return [ 'User themes disabled' => [ false, 'boost', 'warning', get_string('userthemesnotallowed', 'tool_uploaduser') ], 'User themes enabled, empty theme' => [ true, '', 'warning', get_string('notheme', 'tool_uploaduser') ], 'User themes enabled, invalid theme' => [ true, 'badtheme', 'warning', get_string('invalidtheme', 'tool_uploaduser', 'badtheme') ], 'User themes enabled, valid theme' => [ true, 'boost', 'normal', '' ], ]; } /** * Unit test for \tool_uploaduser\local\field_value_validators::validate_theme() * * @dataProvider themes_provider * @param boolean $userthemesallowed Whether to allow user themes. * @param string $themename The theme name to be tested. * @param string $expectedstatus The expected status. * @param string $expectedmessage The expected validation message. */ public function test_validate_theme($userthemesallowed, $themename, $expectedstatus, $expectedmessage) { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set value for $CFG->allowuserthemes. set_config('allowuserthemes', $userthemesallowed); // Validate the theme. list($status, $message) = field_value_validators::validate_theme($themename); // Check the status and validation message. $this->assertEquals($expectedstatus, $status); $this->assertEquals($expectedmessage, $message); } }