. /** * Community of inquiry abstract indicator. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_analytics\local\indicator; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Community of inquire abstract indicator. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class community_of_inquiry_activity extends linear { /** * instancedata * * @var array */ protected $instancedata = array(); /** * @var \core_analytics\course */ protected $course = null; /** * @var array Array of logs by [contextid][userid] */ protected $activitylogs = null; /** * @var array Array of grades by [contextid][userid] */ protected $grades = null; /** * Constant cognitive indicator type. */ const INDICATOR_COGNITIVE = "cognitve"; /** * Constant social indicator type. */ const INDICATOR_SOCIAL = "social"; /** * Constant for this cognitive level. */ const COGNITIVE_LEVEL_1 = 1; /** * Constant for this cognitive level. */ const COGNITIVE_LEVEL_2 = 2; /** * Constant for this cognitive level. */ const COGNITIVE_LEVEL_3 = 3; /** * Constant for this cognitive level. */ const COGNITIVE_LEVEL_4 = 4; /** * Constant for this cognitive level. */ const COGNITIVE_LEVEL_5 = 5; /** * Constant for this social level. */ const SOCIAL_LEVEL_1 = 1; /** * Constant for this social level. */ const SOCIAL_LEVEL_2 = 2; /** * Constant for this social level. */ const SOCIAL_LEVEL_3 = 3; /** * Constant for this social level. */ const SOCIAL_LEVEL_4 = 4; /** * Constant for this social level. */ const SOCIAL_LEVEL_5 = 5; /** * Max cognitive depth level accepted. */ const MAX_COGNITIVE_LEVEL = 5; /** * Max social breadth level accepted. */ const MAX_SOCIAL_LEVEL = 5; /** * Fetch the course grades of this activity type instances. * * @param \core_analytics\analysable $analysable * @return void */ public function fill_per_analysable_caches(\core_analytics\analysable $analysable) { // Better to check it, we can not be 100% it will be a \core_analytics\course object. if ($analysable instanceof \core_analytics\course) { $this->fetch_student_grades($analysable); } } /** * Returns the activity type. No point in changing this class in children classes. * * @var string The activity name (e.g. assign or quiz) */ public final function get_activity_type() { $class = get_class($this); $package = stristr($class, "\\", true); $type = str_replace("mod_", "", $package); if ($type === $package) { throw new \coding_exception("$class does not belong to any module specific namespace"); } return $type; } /** * Returns the potential level of cognitive depth. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @return int */ public function get_cognitive_depth_level(\cm_info $cm) { throw new \coding_exception('Overwrite get_cognitive_depth_level method to set your activity potential cognitive ' . 'depth level'); } /** * Returns the potential level of social breadth. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @return int */ public function get_social_breadth_level(\cm_info $cm) { throw new \coding_exception('Overwrite get_social_breadth_level method to set your activity potential social ' . 'breadth level'); } /** * required_sample_data * * @return string[] */ public static function required_sample_data() { // Only course because the indicator is valid even without students. return array('course'); } /** * Do activity logs contain any log of user in this context? * * If user is empty we look for any log in this context. * * @param int $contextid * @param \stdClass|false $user * @return bool */ protected final function any_log($contextid, $user) { if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid])) { return false; } // Someone interacted with the activity if there is no user or the user interacted with the // activity if there is a user. if (empty($user) || (!empty($user) && !empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$user->id]))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Do activity logs contain any write log of user in this context? * * If user is empty we look for any write log in this context. * * @param int $contextid * @param \stdClass|false $user * @return bool */ protected final function any_write_log($contextid, $user) { if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid])) { return false; } // No specific user, we look at all activity logs. $it = $this->activitylogs[$contextid]; if ($user) { if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$user->id])) { return false; } $it = array($user->id => $this->activitylogs[$contextid][$user->id]); } foreach ($it as $events) { foreach ($events as $log) { if ($log->crud === 'c' || $log->crud === 'u') { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Is there any feedback activity log for this user in this context? * * This method returns true if $user is empty and there is any feedback activity logs. * * @param string $action * @param \cm_info $cm * @param int $contextid * @param \stdClass|false $user * @return bool */ protected function any_feedback($action, \cm_info $cm, $contextid, $user) { if (!in_array($action, ['submitted', 'replied', 'viewed'])) { throw new \coding_exception('Provided action "' . $action . '" is not valid.'); } if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid])) { return false; } if (empty($this->grades[$contextid]) && $this->feedback_check_grades()) { // If there are no grades there is no feedback. return false; } $it = $this->activitylogs[$contextid]; if ($user) { if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$user->id])) { return false; } $it = array($user->id => $this->activitylogs[$contextid][$user->id]); } foreach ($this->activitylogs[$contextid] as $userid => $events) { $methodname = 'feedback_' . $action; if ($this->{$methodname}($cm, $contextid, $userid)) { return true; } // If it wasn't viewed try with the next user. } return false; } /** * $cm is used for this method overrides. * * This function must be fast. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @param mixed $contextid * @param mixed $userid * @param int $after Timestamp, defaults to the graded date or false if we don't check the date. * @return bool */ protected function feedback_viewed(\cm_info $cm, $contextid, $userid, $after = null) { return $this->feedback_post_action($cm, $contextid, $userid, $this->feedback_viewed_events(), $after); } /** * $cm is used for this method overrides. * * This function must be fast. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @param mixed $contextid * @param mixed $userid * @param int $after Timestamp, defaults to the graded date or false if we don't check the date. * @return bool */ protected function feedback_replied(\cm_info $cm, $contextid, $userid, $after = null) { return $this->feedback_post_action($cm, $contextid, $userid, $this->feedback_replied_events(), $after); } /** * $cm is used for this method overrides. * * This function must be fast. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @param mixed $contextid * @param mixed $userid * @param int $after Timestamp, defaults to the graded date or false if we don't check the date. * @return bool */ protected function feedback_submitted(\cm_info $cm, $contextid, $userid, $after = null) { return $this->feedback_post_action($cm, $contextid, $userid, $this->feedback_submitted_events(), $after); } /** * Returns the list of events that involve viewing feedback from other users. * * @return string[] */ protected function feedback_viewed_events() { throw new \coding_exception('Activities with a potential cognitive or social level that include viewing feedback ' . 'should define "feedback_viewed_events" method or should override feedback_viewed method.'); } /** * Returns the list of events that involve replying to feedback from other users. * * @return string[] */ protected function feedback_replied_events() { throw new \coding_exception('Activities with a potential cognitive or social level that include replying to feedback ' . 'should define "feedback_replied_events" method or should override feedback_replied method.'); } /** * Returns the list of events that involve submitting something after receiving feedback from other users. * * @return string[] */ protected function feedback_submitted_events() { throw new \coding_exception('Activities with a potential cognitive or social level that include viewing feedback ' . 'should define "feedback_submitted_events" method or should override feedback_submitted method.'); } /** * Whether this user in this context did any of the provided actions (events) * * @param \cm_info $cm * @param int $contextid * @param int $userid * @param string[] $eventnames * @param int|false $after * @return bool */ protected function feedback_post_action(\cm_info $cm, $contextid, $userid, $eventnames, $after = null) { if ($after === null) { if ($this->feedback_check_grades()) { if (!$after = $this->get_graded_date($contextid, $userid)) { return false; } } else { $after = false; } } if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$userid])) { return false; } foreach ($eventnames as $eventname) { if (!$after) { if (!empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$userid][$eventname])) { // If we don't care about when the feedback has been seen we consider this enough. return true; } } else { if (empty($this->activitylogs[$contextid][$userid][$eventname])) { continue; } $timestamps = $this->activitylogs[$contextid][$userid][$eventname]->timecreated; // Faster to start by the end. rsort($timestamps); foreach ($timestamps as $timestamp) { if ($timestamp > $after) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Returns the date a user was graded. * * @param int $contextid * @param int $userid * @param bool $checkfeedback Check that the student was graded or check that feedback was given * @return int|false */ protected function get_graded_date($contextid, $userid, $checkfeedback = false) { if (empty($this->grades[$contextid][$userid])) { return false; } foreach ($this->grades[$contextid][$userid] as $gradeitemid => $gradeitem) { // We check that either feedback or the grade is set. if (($checkfeedback && $gradeitem->feedback) || $gradeitem->grade) { // Grab the first graded date. if ($gradeitem->dategraded && (empty($after) || $gradeitem->dategraded < $after)) { $after = $gradeitem->dategraded; } } } if (!isset($after)) { // False if there are no graded items. return false; } return $after; } /** * Returns the activities the user had access to between a time period. * * @param int $sampleid * @param string $tablename * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return array */ protected function get_student_activities($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime, $endtime) { // May not be available. $user = $this->retrieve('user', $sampleid); if ($this->course === null) { // The indicator scope is a range, so all activities belong to the same course. $this->course = \core_analytics\course::instance($this->retrieve('course', $sampleid)); } if ($this->activitylogs === null) { // Fetch all activity logs in each activity in the course, not restricted to a specific sample so we can cache it. $courseactivities = $this->course->get_all_activities($this->get_activity_type()); // Null if no activities of this type in this course. if (empty($courseactivities)) { $this->activitylogs = false; return null; } $this->activitylogs = $this->fetch_activity_logs($courseactivities, $starttime, $endtime); } if ($this->grades === null) { // Even if this is probably already filled during fill_per_analysable_caches. $this->fetch_student_grades($this->course); } if ($cm = $this->retrieve('cm', $sampleid)) { // Samples are at cm level or below. $useractivities = array(\context_module::instance($cm->id)->id => $cm); } else { // Activities that should be completed during this time period. $useractivities = $this->get_activities($starttime, $endtime, $user); } return $useractivities; } /** * Fetch acitivity logs from database * * @param array $activities * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return array */ protected function fetch_activity_logs($activities, $starttime = false, $endtime = false) { global $DB; // Filter by context to use the db table index. list($contextsql, $contextparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($activities), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $select = "contextid $contextsql AND timecreated > :starttime AND timecreated <= :endtime"; $params = $contextparams + array('starttime' => $starttime, 'endtime' => $endtime); // Pity that we need to pass through logging readers API when most of the people just uses the standard one. if (!$logstore = \core_analytics\manager::get_analytics_logstore()) { throw new \coding_exception('No log store available'); } $events = $logstore->get_events_select_iterator($select, $params, 'timecreated ASC', 0, 0); // Returs the logs organised by contextid, userid and eventname so it is easier to calculate activities data later. // At the same time we want to keep this array reasonably "not-massive". $processedevents = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { if (!isset($processedevents[$event->contextid])) { $processedevents[$event->contextid] = array(); } if (!isset($processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid])) { $processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid] = array(); } // Contextid and userid have already been used to index the events, the next field to index by is eventname: // crud is unique per eventname, courseid is the same for all records and we append timecreated. if (!isset($processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid][$event->eventname])) { // Remove all data that can change between events of the same type. $data = (object)$event->get_data(); unset($data->id); unset($data->anonymous); unset($data->relateduserid); unset($data->other); unset($data->origin); unset($data->ip); $processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid][$event->eventname] = $data; // We want timecreated attribute to be an array containing all user access times. $processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid][$event->eventname]->timecreated = array(); } // Add the event timecreated. $processedevents[$event->contextid][$event->userid][$event->eventname]->timecreated[] = intval($event->timecreated); } $events->close(); return $processedevents; } /** * Whether grades should be checked or not when looking for feedback. * * @return bool */ protected function feedback_check_grades() { return true; } /** * Calculates the cognitive depth of a sample. * * @param int $sampleid * @param string $tablename * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return float|int|null * @throws \coding_exception */ protected function cognitive_calculate_sample($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime = false, $endtime = false) { // May not be available. $user = $this->retrieve('user', $sampleid); if (!$useractivities = $this->get_student_activities($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime, $endtime)) { // Null if no activities. return null; } $scoreperactivity = (self::get_max_value() - self::get_min_value()) / count($useractivities); $score = self::get_min_value(); // Iterate through the module activities/resources which due date is part of this time range. foreach ($useractivities as $contextid => $cm) { $potentiallevel = $this->get_cognitive_depth_level($cm); if (!is_int($potentiallevel) || $potentiallevel > self::MAX_COGNITIVE_LEVEL || $potentiallevel < self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_1) { throw new \coding_exception('Activities\' potential cognitive depth go from 1 to 5.'); } $scoreperlevel = $scoreperactivity / $potentiallevel; switch ($potentiallevel) { case self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_5: // Cognitive level 5 is to submit after feedback. if ($this->any_feedback('submitted', $cm, $contextid, $user)) { $score += $scoreperlevel * 5; break; } // The user didn't reach the activity max cognitive depth, continue with level 2. case self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_4: // Cognitive level 4 is to comment on feedback. if ($this->any_feedback('replied', $cm, $contextid, $user)) { $score += $scoreperlevel * 4; break; } // The user didn't reach the activity max cognitive depth, continue with level 2. case self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_3: // Cognitive level 3 is to view feedback. if ($this->any_feedback('viewed', $cm, $contextid, $user)) { // Max score for level 3. $score += $scoreperlevel * 3; break; } // The user didn't reach the activity max cognitive depth, continue with level 2. case self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_2: // Cognitive depth level 2 is to submit content. if ($this->any_write_log($contextid, $user)) { $score += $scoreperlevel * 2; break; } // The user didn't reach the activity max cognitive depth, continue with level 1. case self::COGNITIVE_LEVEL_1: // Cognitive depth level 1 is just accessing the activity. if ($this->any_log($contextid, $user)) { $score += $scoreperlevel; } default: } } // To avoid decimal problems. if ($score > self::MAX_VALUE) { return self::MAX_VALUE; } else if ($score < self::MIN_VALUE) { return self::MIN_VALUE; } return $score; } /** * Calculates the social breadth of a sample. * * @param int $sampleid * @param string $tablename * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return float|int|null */ protected function social_calculate_sample($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime = false, $endtime = false) { // May not be available. $user = $this->retrieve('user', $sampleid); if (!$useractivities = $this->get_student_activities($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime, $endtime)) { // Null if no activities. return null; } $scoreperactivity = (self::get_max_value() - self::get_min_value()) / count($useractivities); $score = self::get_min_value(); foreach ($useractivities as $contextid => $cm) { $potentiallevel = $this->get_social_breadth_level($cm); if (!is_int($potentiallevel) || $potentiallevel > self::MAX_SOCIAL_LEVEL || $potentiallevel < self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_1) { throw new \coding_exception('Activities\' potential social breadth go from 1 to ' . community_of_inquiry_activity::MAX_SOCIAL_LEVEL . '.'); } $scoreperlevel = $scoreperactivity / $potentiallevel; switch ($potentiallevel) { case self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_2: case self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_3: case self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_4: case self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_5: // Core activities social breadth only reaches level 2, until core activities social // breadth do not reach level 5 we limit it to what we currently support, which is level 2. // Social breadth level 2 is to view feedback. (Same as cognitive level 3). if ($this->any_feedback('viewed', $cm, $contextid, $user)) { // Max score for level 2. $score += $scoreperlevel * 2; break; } // The user didn't reach the activity max social breadth, continue with level 1. case self::SOCIAL_LEVEL_1: // Social breadth level 1 is just accessing the activity. if ($this->any_log($contextid, $user)) { $score += $scoreperlevel; } } } // To avoid decimal problems. if ($score > self::MAX_VALUE) { return self::MAX_VALUE; } else if ($score < self::MIN_VALUE) { return self::MIN_VALUE; } return $score; } /** * calculate_sample * * @throws \coding_exception * @param int $sampleid * @param string $tablename * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return float|int|null */ protected function calculate_sample($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime = false, $endtime = false) { if ($this->get_indicator_type() == self::INDICATOR_COGNITIVE) { return $this->cognitive_calculate_sample($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime, $endtime); } else if ($this->get_indicator_type() == self::INDICATOR_SOCIAL) { return $this->social_calculate_sample($sampleid, $tablename, $starttime, $endtime); } throw new \coding_exception("Indicator type is invalid."); } /** * Gets the course student grades. * * @param \core_analytics\course $course * @return void */ protected function fetch_student_grades(\core_analytics\course $course) { $courseactivities = $course->get_all_activities($this->get_activity_type()); $this->grades = $course->get_student_grades($courseactivities); } /** * Guesses all activities that were available during a period of time. * * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @param \stdClass|false $student * @return array */ protected function get_activities($starttime, $endtime, $student = false) { $activitytype = $this->get_activity_type(); // Var $student may not be available, default to not calculating dynamic data. $studentid = -1; if ($student) { $studentid = $student->id; } $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->course->get_course_data(), $studentid); $activities = $modinfo->get_instances_of($activitytype); $timerangeactivities = array(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { if (!$this->activity_completed_by($activity, $starttime, $endtime, $student)) { continue; } $timerangeactivities[$activity->context->id] = $activity; } return $timerangeactivities; } /** * Was the activity supposed to be completed during the provided time range?. * * @param \cm_info $activity * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @param \stdClass|false $student * @return bool */ protected function activity_completed_by(\cm_info $activity, $starttime, $endtime, $student = false) { // We can't check uservisible because: // - Any activity with available until would not be counted. // - Sites may block student's course view capabilities once the course is closed. // Students can not view hidden activities by default, this is not reliable 100% but accurate in most of the cases. if ($activity->visible === false) { return false; } // Give priority to the different methods activities have to set a "due" date. $return = $this->activity_type_completed_by($activity, $starttime, $endtime, $student); if (!is_null($return)) { // Method activity_type_completed_by returns null if there is no due date method or there is but it is not set. return $return; } // We skip activities that were not yet visible or their 'until' was not in this $starttime - $endtime range. if ($activity->availability) { $info = new \core_availability\info_module($activity); $activityavailability = $this->availability_completed_by($info, $starttime, $endtime); if ($activityavailability === false) { return false; } else if ($activityavailability === true) { // This activity belongs to this time range. return true; } } // We skip activities in sections that were not yet visible or their 'until' was not in this $starttime - $endtime range. $section = $activity->get_modinfo()->get_section_info($activity->sectionnum); if ($section->availability) { $info = new \core_availability\info_section($section); $sectionavailability = $this->availability_completed_by($info, $starttime, $endtime); if ($sectionavailability === false) { return false; } else if ($sectionavailability === true) { // This activity belongs to this section time range. return true; } } // When the course is using format weeks we use the week's end date. $format = course_get_format($activity->get_modinfo()->get_course()); // We should change this in MDL-60702. if (get_class($format) == 'format_weeks' || is_subclass_of($format, 'format_weeks') && method_exists($format, 'get_section_dates')) { $dates = $format->get_section_dates($section); // We need to consider the +2 hours added by get_section_dates. // Avoid $starttime <= $dates->end because $starttime may be the start of the next week. if ($starttime < ($dates->end - 7200) && $endtime >= ($dates->end - 7200)) { return true; } else { return false; } } if ($activity->sectionnum == 0) { return false; } if (!$this->course->get_end() || !$this->course->get_start()) { debugging('Activities which due date is in a time range can not be calculated ' . 'if the course doesn\'t have start and end date', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } if (!course_format_uses_sections($this->course->get_course_data()->format)) { // If it does not use sections and there are no availability conditions to access it it is available // and we can not magically classify it into any other time range than this one. return true; } // Split the course duration in the number of sections and consider the end of each section the due // date of all activities contained in that section. $formatoptions = $format->get_format_options(); if (!empty($formatoptions['numsections'])) { $nsections = $formatoptions['numsections']; } else { // There are course format that use sections but without numsections, we fallback to the number // of cached sections in get_section_info_all, not that accurate though. $coursesections = $activity->get_modinfo()->get_section_info_all(); $nsections = count($coursesections); if (isset($coursesections[0])) { // We don't count section 0 if it exists. $nsections--; } } $courseduration = $this->course->get_end() - $this->course->get_start(); $sectionduration = round($courseduration / $nsections); $activitysectionenddate = $this->course->get_start() + ($sectionduration * $activity->sectionnum); if ($activitysectionenddate > $starttime && $activitysectionenddate <= $endtime) { return true; } return false; } /** * True if the activity is due or it has been closed during this period, false if during another period, null if no due time. * * It can be overwritten by activities that allow teachers to set a due date or a time close separately * from Moodle availability system. Note that in most of the cases overwriting get_timeclose_field should * be enough. * * Returns true or false if the time close date falls into the provided time range. Null otherwise. * * @param \cm_info $activity * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @param \stdClass|false $student * @return null */ protected function activity_type_completed_by(\cm_info $activity, $starttime, $endtime, $student = false) { $fieldname = $this->get_timeclose_field(); if (!$fieldname) { // This activity type do not have its own availability control. return null; } $this->fill_instance_data($activity); $instance = $this->instancedata[$activity->instance]; if (!$instance->{$fieldname}) { return null; } if ($starttime < $instance->{$fieldname} && $endtime >= $instance->{$fieldname}) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the name of the field that controls activity availability. * * Should be overwritten by activities that allow teachers to set a due date or a time close separately * from Moodle availability system. * * Just 1 field will not be enough for all cases, but for the most simple ones without * overrides and stuff like that. * * @return null|string */ protected function get_timeclose_field() { return null; } /** * Check if the activity/section should have been completed during the provided period according to its availability rules. * * @param \core_availability\info $info * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @return bool|null */ protected function availability_completed_by(\core_availability\info $info, $starttime, $endtime) { $dateconditions = $info->get_availability_tree()->get_all_children('\availability_date\condition'); foreach ($dateconditions as $condition) { // Availability API does not allow us to check from / to dates nicely, we need to be naughty. $conditiondata = $condition->save(); if ($conditiondata->d === \availability_date\condition::DIRECTION_FROM && $conditiondata->t > $endtime) { // Skip this activity if any 'from' date is later than the end time. return false; } else if ($conditiondata->d === \availability_date\condition::DIRECTION_UNTIL && ($conditiondata->t < $starttime || $conditiondata->t > $endtime)) { // Skip activity if any 'until' date is not in $starttime - $endtime range. return false; } else if ($conditiondata->d === \availability_date\condition::DIRECTION_UNTIL && $conditiondata->t < $endtime && $conditiondata->t > $starttime) { return true; } } // This can be interpreted as 'the activity was available but we don't know if its expected completion date // was during this period. return null; } /** * Fills in activity instance data. * * @param \cm_info $cm * @return void */ protected function fill_instance_data(\cm_info $cm) { global $DB; if (!isset($this->instancedata[$cm->instance])) { $this->instancedata[$cm->instance] = $DB->get_record($this->get_activity_type(), array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST); } } /** * Defines indicator type. * * @return string */ abstract public function get_indicator_type(); }