@core @core_auth Feature: Test the 'showlogfailures' feature works. In order to see my recent login failures when logging in As a user I need to have at least one failed login attempt and then log in Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | | teacher1 | And the following config values are set as admin: | displayloginfailures | 1 | # Given the user has at least one failed login attempt, when they login, then they should see both header and footer notices. Scenario: Check that 'displayloginfailures' works without javascript for teachers. # Simulate a log in failure for the teacher. Given I am on homepage And I click on "Log in" "link" in the ".logininfo" "css_element" And I set the field "Username" to "teacher1" And I set the field "Password" to "wrongpass" And I press "Log in" And I should see "Invalid login, please try again" # Now, log in with the correct credentials. When I set the field "Username" to "teacher1" And I set the field "Password" to "teacher1" And I press "Log in" # Confirm the notices are displayed. Then I should see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the ".navbar" "css_element" And I should see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the "page-footer" "region" # Confirm the notices disappear when navigating to another page. And I am on homepage And I should not see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the ".navbar" "css_element" And I should not see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the "page-footer" "region" # Given the user has at least one failed login attempt, when they login, then they should see both header and footer notices. Scenario: Check that 'displayloginfailures' works without javascript for admins. # Simulate a log in failure for the teacher. Given I am on homepage And I click on "Log in" "link" in the ".logininfo" "css_element" And I set the field "Username" to "admin" And I set the field "Password" to "wrongpass" And I press "Log in" And I should see "Invalid login, please try again" # Now, log in with the correct credentials. When I set the field "Username" to "admin" And I set the field "Password" to "admin" And I press "Log in" # Confirm the notices are displayed. Then I should see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the ".navbar" "css_element" And I should see "1 failed logins since your last login (Logs)" in the "page-footer" "region" # Confirm that the link works and that the notices disappear when navigating to another page. And I click on "Logs" "link" in the "page-footer" "region" And I should see "User login failed" in the "table.reportlog" "css_element" And I should not see "1 failed logins since your last login" in the ".navbar" "css_element" And I should not see "1 failed logins since your last login (Logs)" in the "page-footer" "region"