. /** * @package backup-convert * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once('cc_general.php'); class page11_resurce_file extends general_cc_file { protected $rootns = 'xmlns'; protected $rootname = 'html'; protected $ccnamespaces = array('xmlns' => 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'); protected $content = null; protected $title = null; protected $intro = null; public function set_content($value) { // We are not cleaning up this one on purpose. $this->content = $value; } public function set_title($value) { $this->title = self::safexml($value); } public function set_intro($value) { $this->intro = self::safexml(strip_tags($value)); } protected function on_create() { $impl = new DOMImplementation(); $dtd = $impl->createDocumentType( 'html', '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd'); $doc = $impl->createDocument($this->ccnamespaces[$this->rootns], null, $dtd); $doc->formatOutput = true; $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = true; $this->doc = $doc; parent::on_create(); } public function on_save() { $rns = $this->ccnamespaces[$this->rootns]; // Add the basic tags. $head = $this->append_new_element_ns($this->root, $rns, 'head'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($head, $rns, 'profile', 'http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-html/'); // Linking Dublin Core Metadata 1.1. $link_dc = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'link'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($link_dc, $rns, 'rel', 'schema.DC'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($link_dc, $rns, 'href', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'); $link_dcterms = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'link'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($link_dcterms, $rns, 'rel', 'schema.DCTERMS'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($link_dcterms, $rns, 'href', 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/'); // Content type. $meta_type = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'meta'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta_type, $rns, 'name', 'DC.type'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta_type, $rns, 'scheme', 'DCTERMS.DCMIType'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta_type, $rns, 'content', 'Text'); // Content description. if (!empty($this->intro)) { $meta_description = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'meta'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta_description, $rns, 'name', 'DC.description'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta_description, $rns, 'content', $this->intro); } $meta = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'meta'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta, $rns, 'http-equiv', 'Content-type'); $this->append_new_attribute_ns($meta, $rns, 'content', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'); // Set the title. $title = $this->append_new_element_ns($head, $rns, 'title', $this->title); $body = $this->append_new_element_ns($this->root, $rns, 'body'); // We are unable to use DOM for embedding HTML due to numerous content errors. // Therefore we place a dummy tag that will be later replaced with the real content. $this->append_new_element_ns($body, $rns, 'div', '##REPLACE##'); return true; } public function saveTo($fname) { $result = $this->on_save(); if ($result) { $dret = str_replace(''."\n", '', $this->viewXML()); $dret = str_replace('
', $this->content, $dret); $result = (file_put_contents($fname, $dret) !== false); if ($result) { $this->filename = $fname; $this->processPath(); } } return $result; } }