. /** * @package backup-convert * @subpackage cc-library * @copyright 2011 Darko Miletic
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once('xmlbase.php'); /** * * Various helper utils * @author Darko Miletic dmiletic@moodlerooms.com * */ abstract class cc_helpers { /** * Checks extension of the supplied filename * * @param string $filename */ public static function is_html($filename) { $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); return in_array($extension, array('htm', 'html')); } /** * Generates unique identifier * @param string $prefix * @param string $suffix * @return string */ public static function uuidgen($prefix = '', $suffix = '', $uppercase = true) { $uuid = trim(sprintf('%s%04x%04x%s', $prefix, mt_rand(0, 65535), mt_rand(0, 65535), $suffix)); $result = $uppercase ? strtoupper($uuid) : strtolower($uuid); return $result; } /** * Creates new folder with random name * @param string $where * @param string $prefix * @param string $suffix * @return mixed - directory short name or false in case of failure */ public static function randomdir($where, $prefix = '', $suffix = '') { global $CFG; $dirname = false; $randomname = self::uuidgen($prefix, $suffix, false); $newdirname = $where.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$randomname; if (mkdir($newdirname)) { chmod($newdirname, $CFG->directorypermissions); $dirname = $randomname; } return $dirname; } public static function build_query($attributes, $search) { $result = ''; foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if ($result != '') { $result .= ' | '; } $result .= "//*[starts-with(@{$attribute},'{$search}')]/@{$attribute}"; } return $result; } public static function process_embedded_files(&$doc, $attributes, $search, $customslash = null) { $result = array(); $query = self::build_query($attributes, $search); $list = $doc->nodeList($query); foreach ($list as $filelink) { $rvalue = str_replace($search, '', $filelink->nodeValue); if (!empty($customslash)) { $rvalue = str_replace($customslash, '/', $rvalue); } $result[] = rawurldecode($rvalue); } return $result; } /** * * Get list of embedded files * @param string $html * @return multitype:mixed */ public static function embedded_files($html) { $result = array(); $doc = new XMLGenericDocument(); $doc->doc->validateOnParse = false; $doc->doc->strictErrorChecking = false; if (!empty($html) && $doc->loadHTML($html)) { $attributes = array('src', 'href'); $result1 = self::process_embedded_files($doc, $attributes, '@@PLUGINFILE@@'); $result2 = self::process_embedded_files($doc, $attributes, '$@FILEPHP@$', '$@SLASH@$'); $result = array_merge($result1, $result2); } return $result; } public static function embedded_mapping($packageroot, $contextid = null) { $main_file = $packageroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files.xml'; $mfile = new XMLGenericDocument(); if (!$mfile->load($main_file)) { return false; } $query = "/files/file[filename!='.']"; if (!empty($contextid)) { $query .= "[contextid='{$contextid}']"; } $files = $mfile->nodeList($query); $depfiles = array(); foreach ($files as $node) { $mainfile = intval($mfile->nodeValue('sortorder', $node)); $filename = $mfile->nodeValue('filename', $node); $filepath = $mfile->nodeValue('filepath', $node); $source = $mfile->nodeValue('source', $node); $author = $mfile->nodeValue('author', $node); $license = $mfile->nodeValue('license', $node); $hashedname = $mfile->nodeValue('contenthash', $node); $hashpart = substr($hashedname, 0, 2); $location = 'files'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$hashpart.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$hashedname; $type = $mfile->nodeValue('mimetype', $node); $depfiles[$filepath.$filename] = array( $location, ($mainfile == 1), strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $filename)), $type, $source, $author, $license, strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $filepath))); } return $depfiles; } public static function add_files(cc_i_manifest &$manifest, $packageroot, $outdir, $allinone = true) { global $CFG; if (pkg_static_resources::instance()->finished) { return; } $files = cc_helpers::embedded_mapping($packageroot); $rdir = $allinone ? new cc_resource_location($outdir) : null; foreach ($files as $virtual => $values) { $clean_filename = $values[2]; if (!$allinone) { $rdir = new cc_resource_location($outdir); } $rtp = $rdir->fullpath().$values[7].$clean_filename; //Are there any relative virtual directories? //let us try to recreate them $justdir = $rdir->fullpath(false).$values[7]; if (!file_exists($justdir)) { if (!mkdir($justdir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to create directories!'); } } $source = $packageroot.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$values[0]; if (!copy($source, $rtp)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to copy files!'); } $resource = new cc_resource($rdir->rootdir(), $values[7].$clean_filename, $rdir->dirname(false)); $res = $manifest->add_resource($resource, null, cc_version11::webcontent); pkg_static_resources::instance()->add($virtual, $res[0], $rdir->dirname(false).$values[7].$clean_filename, $values[1], $resource); } pkg_static_resources::instance()->finished = true; } /** * * Excerpt from IMS CC 1.1 overview : * No spaces in filenames, directory and file references should * employ all lowercase or all uppercase - no mixed case * * @param cc_i_manifest $manifest * @param string $packageroot * @param integer $contextid * @param string $outdir * @param boolean $allinone * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function handle_static_content(cc_i_manifest &$manifest, $packageroot, $contextid, $outdir, $allinone = true) { self::add_files($manifest, $packageroot, $outdir, $allinone); return pkg_static_resources::instance()->get_values(); } public static function handle_resource_content(cc_i_manifest &$manifest, $packageroot, $contextid, $outdir, $allinone = true) { $result = array(); self::add_files($manifest, $packageroot, $outdir, $allinone); $files = self::embedded_mapping($packageroot, $contextid); $rootnode = null; $rootvals = null; $depfiles = array(); $depres = array(); $flocation = null; foreach ($files as $virtual => $values) { $vals = pkg_static_resources::instance()->get_identifier($virtual); $resource = $vals[3]; $identifier = $resource->identifier; $flocation = $vals[1]; if ($values[1]) { $rootnode = $resource; $rootvals = $flocation; continue; } $depres[] = $identifier; $depfiles[] = $vals[1]; $result[$virtual] = array($identifier, $flocation, false); } if (!empty($rootnode)) { $rootnode->files = array_merge($rootnode->files, $depfiles); $result[$virtual] = array($rootnode->identifier, $rootvals, true); } return $result; } public static function process_linked_files($content, cc_i_manifest &$manifest, $packageroot, $contextid, $outdir, $webcontent = false) { // Detect all embedded files // locate their physical counterparts in moodle 2 backup // copy all files in the cc package stripping any spaces and using only lowercase letters // add those files as resources of the type webcontent to the manifest // replace the links to the resource using $IMS-CC-FILEBASE$ and their new locations // cc_resource has array of files and array of dependencies // most likely we would need to add all files as independent resources and than // attach them all as dependencies to the forum tag. $lfiles = self::embedded_files($content); $text = $content; $deps = array(); if (!empty($lfiles)) { $files = self::handle_static_content($manifest, $packageroot, $contextid, $outdir); $replaceprefix = $webcontent ? '' : '$IMS-CC-FILEBASE$'; foreach ($lfiles as $lfile) { if (isset($files[$lfile])) { $filename = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($lfile)); $content = str_replace('@@PLUGINFILE@@'.$filename, $replaceprefix.'../'.$files[$lfile][1], $content); // For the legacy stuff. $content = str_replace('$@FILEPHP@$'.str_replace('/', '$@SLASH@$', $filename), $replaceprefix.'../'.$files[$lfile][1], $content); $deps[] = $files[$lfile][0]; } } $text = $content; } return array($text, $deps); } public static function relative_location($originpath, $linkingpath) { return false; } } final class cc_resource_location { /** * * Root directory * @var string */ private $rootdir = null; /** * * new directory * @var string */ private $dir = null; /** * * Full precalculated path * @var string */ private $fullpath = null; /** * * ctor * @param string $rootdir - path to the containing directory * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws RuntimeException */ public function __construct($rootdir) { $rdir = realpath($rootdir); if (empty($rdir)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid path!'); } $dir = cc_helpers::randomdir($rdir, 'i_'); if ($dir === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to create directory!'); } $this->rootdir = $rdir; $this->dir = $dir; $this->fullpath = $rdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir; } /** * * Newly created directory * @return string */ public function dirname($endseparator=false) { return $this->dir.($endseparator ? '/' : ''); } /** * * Full path to the new directory * @return string */ public function fullpath($endseparator=false) { return $this->fullpath.($endseparator ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''); } /** * Returns containing dir * @return string */ public function rootdir($endseparator=false) { return $this->rootdir.($endseparator ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : ''); } } class pkg_static_resources { /** * @var array */ private $values = array(); /** * @var boolean */ public $finished = false; /** * @var pkg_static_resources */ private static $instance = null; private function __clone() { } private function __construct() { } /** * @return pkg_static_resources */ public static function instance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c(); } return self::$instance; } /** * * add new element * @param string $identifier * @param string $file * @param boolean $main */ public function add($key, $identifier, $file, $main, $node = null) { $this->values[$key] = array($identifier, $file, $main, $node); } /** * @return array */ public function get_values() { return $this->values; } public function get_identifier($location) { return isset($this->values[$location]) ? $this->values[$location] : false; } public function reset() { $this->values = array(); $this->finished = false; } } class pkg_resource_dependencies { /** * @var array */ private $values = array(); /** * @var pkg_resource_dependencies */ private static $instance = null; private function __clone() { } private function __construct() { } /** * @return pkg_resource_dependencies */ public static function instance() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c(); } return self::$instance; } /** * @param array $deps */ public function add(array $deps) { $this->values = array_merge($this->values, $deps); } public function reset() { $this->values = array(); } /** * @return array */ public function get_deps() { return $this->values; } }