. class cssparser { private $css; private $html; public function __construct($html = true) { // Register "destructor" core_shutdown_manager::register_function(array(&$this, "finalize")); $this->html = ($html != false); $this->Clear(); } /** * Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7. * * @deprecated since Moodle 3.1 */ public function cssparser($html = true) { debugging('Use of class name as constructor is deprecated', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); self::__construct($html); } function finalize() { unset($this->css); } function Clear() { unset($this->css); $this->css = array(); if($this->html) { $this->Add("ADDRESS", ""); $this->Add("APPLET", ""); $this->Add("AREA", ""); $this->Add("A", "text-decoration : underline; color : Blue;"); $this->Add("A:visited", "color : Purple;"); $this->Add("BASE", ""); $this->Add("BASEFONT", ""); $this->Add("BIG", ""); $this->Add("BLOCKQUOTE", ""); $this->Add("BODY", ""); $this->Add("BR", ""); $this->Add("B", "font-weight: bold;"); $this->Add("CAPTION", ""); $this->Add("CENTER", ""); $this->Add("CITE", ""); $this->Add("CODE", ""); $this->Add("DD", ""); $this->Add("DFN", ""); $this->Add("DIR", ""); $this->Add("DIV", ""); $this->Add("DL", ""); $this->Add("DT", ""); $this->Add("EM", ""); $this->Add("FONT", ""); $this->Add("FORM", ""); $this->Add("H1", ""); $this->Add("H2", ""); $this->Add("H3", ""); $this->Add("H4", ""); $this->Add("H5", ""); $this->Add("H6", ""); $this->Add("HEAD", ""); $this->Add("HR", ""); $this->Add("HTML", ""); $this->Add("IMG", ""); $this->Add("INPUT", ""); $this->Add("ISINDEX", ""); $this->Add("I", "font-style: italic;"); $this->Add("KBD", ""); $this->Add("LINK", ""); $this->Add("LI", ""); $this->Add("MAP", ""); $this->Add("MENU", ""); $this->Add("META", ""); $this->Add("OL", ""); $this->Add("OPTION", ""); $this->Add("PARAM", ""); $this->Add("PRE", ""); $this->Add("P", ""); $this->Add("SAMP", ""); $this->Add("SCRIPT", ""); $this->Add("SELECT", ""); $this->Add("SMALL", ""); $this->Add("STRIKE", ""); $this->Add("STRONG", ""); $this->Add("STYLE", ""); $this->Add("SUB", ""); $this->Add("SUP", ""); $this->Add("TABLE", ""); $this->Add("TD", ""); $this->Add("TEXTAREA", ""); $this->Add("TH", ""); $this->Add("TITLE", ""); $this->Add("TR", ""); $this->Add("TT", ""); $this->Add("UL", ""); $this->Add("U", "text-decoration : underline;"); $this->Add("VAR", ""); } } function SetHTML($html) { $this->html = ($html != false); } function Add($key, $codestr) { $key = strtolower($key); $codestr = strtolower($codestr); if(!isset($this->css[$key])) { $this->css[$key] = array(); } $codes = explode(";",$codestr); if(count($codes) > 0) { $codekey=''; $codevalue=''; foreach($codes as $code) { $code = trim($code); $this->assignValues(explode(":",$code),$codekey,$codevalue); if(strlen($codekey) > 0) { $this->css[$key][trim($codekey)] = trim($codevalue); } } } } private function assignValues($arr,&$val1,&$val2) { $n = count($arr); if ($n > 0) { $val1=$arr[0]; $val2=($n > 1) ? $arr[1] : ''; } } function Get($key, $property) { $key = strtolower($key); $property = strtolower($property); $tag='';$subtag='';$class='';$id=''; $this->assignValues(explode(":",$key),$tag,$subtag); $this->assignValues(explode(".",$tag),$tag,$class); $this->assignValues(explode("#",$tag),$tag,$id); $result = ""; $_subtag=''; $_class=''; $_id=''; foreach($this->css as $_tag => $value) { $this->assignValues(explode(":",$_tag),$_tag,$_subtag); $this->assignValues(explode(".",$_tag),$_tag,$_class); $this->assignValues(explode("#",$_tag),$_tag,$_id); $tagmatch = (strcmp($tag, $_tag) == 0) | (strlen($_tag) == 0); $subtagmatch = (strcmp($subtag, $_subtag) == 0) | (strlen($_subtag) == 0); $classmatch = (strcmp($class, $_class) == 0) | (strlen($_class) == 0); $idmatch = (strcmp($id, $_id) == 0); if($tagmatch & $subtagmatch & $classmatch & $idmatch) { $temp = $_tag; if((strlen($temp) > 0) & (strlen($_class) > 0)) { $temp .= ".".$_class; } elseif(strlen($temp) == 0) { $temp = ".".$_class; } if((strlen($temp) > 0) & (strlen($_subtag) > 0)) { $temp .= ":".$_subtag; } elseif(strlen($temp) == 0) { $temp = ":".$_subtag; } if(isset($this->css[$temp][$property])) { $result = $this->css[$temp][$property]; } } } return $result; } function GetSection($key) { $key = strtolower($key); $tag='';$subtag='';$class='';$id=''; $_subtag=''; $_class=''; $_id=''; $this->assignValues(explode(":",$key),$tag,$subtag); $this->assignValues(explode(".",$tag),$tag,$class); $this->assignValues(explode("#",$tag),$tag,$id); $result = array(); foreach($this->css as $_tag => $value) { $this->assignValues(explode(":",$_tag),$_tag,$_subtag); $this->assignValues(explode(".",$_tag),$_tag,$_class); $this->assignValues(explode("#",$_tag),$_tag,$_id); $tagmatch = (strcmp($tag, $_tag) == 0) | (strlen($_tag) == 0); $subtagmatch = (strcmp($subtag, $_subtag) == 0) | (strlen($_subtag) == 0); $classmatch = (strcmp($class, $_class) == 0) | (strlen($_class) == 0); $idmatch = (strcmp($id, $_id) == 0); if($tagmatch & $subtagmatch & $classmatch & $idmatch) { $temp = $_tag; if((strlen($temp) > 0) & (strlen($_class) > 0)) { $temp .= ".".$_class; } elseif(strlen($temp) == 0) { $temp = ".".$_class; } if((strlen($temp) > 0) & (strlen($_subtag) > 0)) { $temp .= ":".$_subtag; } elseif(strlen($temp) == 0) { $temp = ":".$_subtag; } foreach($this->css[$temp] as $property => $value) { $result[$property] = $value; } } } return $result; } function ParseStr($str) { $this->Clear(); // Remove comments $str = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*)?\*\//Usi", "", $str); // Parse this damn csscode $parts = explode("}",$str); if(count($parts) > 0) { foreach($parts as $part) { $keystr='';$codestr=''; $this->assignValues(explode("{",$part),$keystr,$codestr); $keys = explode(",",trim($keystr)); if(count($keys) > 0) { foreach($keys as $key) { if(strlen($key) > 0) { $key = str_replace("\n", "", $key); $key = str_replace("\\", "", $key); $this->Add($key, trim($codestr)); } } } } } // return (count($this->css) > 0); } function Parse($filename) { $this->Clear(); if(file_exists($filename)) { return $this->ParseStr(file_get_contents($filename)); } else { return false; } } function GetCSS() { $result = ""; foreach($this->css as $key => $values) { $result .= $key." {\n"; foreach($values as $key => $value) { $result .= " $key: $value;\n"; } $result .= "}\n\n"; } return $result; } }