. /** * @package core_backup * @category phpunit * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); // Include all the needed stuff global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php'); /** * Restore dbops tests (all). */ class restore_dbops_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Verify the xxx_ids_cached (in-memory backup_ids cache) stuff works as expected. * * Note that those private implementations are tested here by using the public * backup_ids API and later performing low-level tests. */ public function test_backup_ids_cached() { global $DB; $dbman = $DB->get_manager(); // We are going to use database_manager services. $this->resetAfterTest(true); // Playing with temp tables, better reset once finished. // Some variables and objects for testing. $restoreid = 'testrestoreid'; $mapping = new stdClass(); $mapping->itemname = 'user'; $mapping->itemid = 1; $mapping->newitemid = 2; $mapping->parentitemid = 3; $mapping->info = 'info'; // Create the backup_ids temp tables used by restore. restore_controller_dbops::create_restore_temp_tables($restoreid); // Send one mapping using the public api with defaults. restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); // Get that mapping and verify everything is returned as expected. $result = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemname, $result->itemname); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemid, $result->itemid); $this->assertSame(0, $result->newitemid); $this->assertSame(null, $result->parentitemid); $this->assertSame(null, $result->info); // Drop the backup_xxx_temp temptables manually, so memory cache won't be invalidated. $dbman->drop_table(new xmldb_table('backup_ids_temp')); $dbman->drop_table(new xmldb_table('backup_files_temp')); // Verify the mapping continues returning the same info, // now from cache (the table does not exist). $result = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemname, $result->itemname); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemid, $result->itemid); $this->assertSame(0, $result->newitemid); $this->assertSame(null, $result->parentitemid); $this->assertSame(null, $result->info); // Recreate the temp table, just to drop it using the restore API in // order to check that, then, the cache becomes invalid for the same request. restore_controller_dbops::create_restore_temp_tables($restoreid); restore_controller_dbops::drop_restore_temp_tables($restoreid); // No cached info anymore, so the mapping request will arrive to // DB leading to error (temp table does not exist). try { $result = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); $this->fail('Expecting an exception, none occurred'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof dml_exception); $this->assertSame('Table "backup_ids_temp" does not exist', $e->getMessage()); } // Create the backup_ids temp tables once more. restore_controller_dbops::create_restore_temp_tables($restoreid); // Send one mapping using the public api with complete values. restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid, $mapping->newitemid, $mapping->parentitemid, $mapping->info); // Get that mapping and verify everything is returned as expected. $result = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemname, $result->itemname); $this->assertSame($mapping->itemid, $result->itemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->newitemid, $result->newitemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->parentitemid, $result->parentitemid); $this->assertSame($mapping->info, $result->info); // Finally, drop the temp tables properly and get the DB error again (memory caches empty). restore_controller_dbops::drop_restore_temp_tables($restoreid); try { $result = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $mapping->itemname, $mapping->itemid); $this->fail('Expecting an exception, none occurred'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertTrue($e instanceof dml_exception); $this->assertSame('Table "backup_ids_temp" does not exist', $e->getMessage()); } } /** * Data provider for {@link test_precheck_user()} */ public function precheck_user_provider() { $emailmultiplier = [ 'shortmail' => 'normalusername@example.com', 'longmail' => str_repeat('a', 100) // It's not validated, hence any string is ok. ]; $providercases = []; foreach ($emailmultiplier as $emailk => $email) { // Get the related cases. $cases = $this->precheck_user_cases($email); // Rename them (keys). foreach ($cases as $key => $case) { $providercases[$key . ' - ' . $emailk] = $case; } } return $providercases; } /** * Get all the cases implemented in {@link restore_dbops::precheck_users()} * * @param string $email */ private function precheck_user_cases($email) { global $CFG; $baseuserarr = [ 'username' => 'normalusername', 'email' => $email, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'firstaccess' => 123456789, 'deleted' => 0, 'forceemailcleanup' => false, // Hack to force the DB record to have empty mail. 'forceduplicateadminallowed' => false]; // Hack to enable import_general_duplicate_admin_allowed. return [ // Cases with samesite = true. 'samesite match existing (1A)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => $baseuserarr, 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'samesite match existing anon (1B)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'anon01']), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'id' => -1, 'username' => 'anon01', 'firstname' => 'anonfirstname01', 'lastname' => 'anonlastname01', 'email' => 'anon01@doesntexist.invalid']), 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'samesite match existing deleted in db, alive in backup, by db username (1C)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'this_wont_match']), 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'samesite match existing deleted in db, alive in backup, by db email (1C)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'email' => 'this_wont_match']), 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'samesite match existing alive in db, deleted in backup (1D)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'samesite conflict (1E)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, ['id' => -1]), 'samesite' => true, 'outcome' => false ], 'samesite create user (1F)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'newusername']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => true ], // Cases with samesite = false. 'no samesite match existing, by db email (2A1)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'firstaccess' => 0]), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing, by db firstaccess (2A1)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'email' => 'this_wont_match@example.con']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing anon (2A1 too)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'anon01']), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'id' => -1, 'username' => 'anon01', 'firstname' => 'anonfirstname01', 'lastname' => 'anonlastname01', 'email' => 'anon01@doesntexist.invalid']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match dupe admin (2A2)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'admin_old_site_id', 'forceduplicateadminallowed' => true]), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'admin']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing deleted in db, alive in backup, by db username (2B1)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'firstaccess' => 0]), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing deleted in db, alive in backup, by db firstaccess (2B1)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'mail' => 'this_wont_match']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing deleted in db, alive in backup (2B2)' => [ 'dbuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1, 'forceemailcleanup' => true]), 'backupuser' => $baseuserarr, 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite match existing alive in db, deleted in backup (2C)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'deleted' => 1]), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => 'match' ], 'no samesite conflict (2D)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'email' => 'anotheruser@example.com', 'firstaccess' => 0]), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => false ], 'no samesite create user (2E)' => [ 'dbuser' => $baseuserarr, 'backupuser' => array_merge($baseuserarr, [ 'username' => 'newusername']), 'samesite' => false, 'outcome' => true ], ]; } /** * Test restore precheck_user method * * @dataProvider precheck_user_provider * @covers restore_dbops::precheck_user() * * @param array $dbuser * @param array $backupuser * @param bool $samesite * @param mixed $outcome **/ public function test_precheck_user($dbuser, $backupuser, $samesite, $outcome) { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $dbuser = (object)$dbuser; $backupuser = (object)$backupuser; $siteid = null; // If the backup user must be deleted, simulate it (by temp inserting to DB, deleting and fetching it back). if ($backupuser->deleted) { $backupuser->id = $DB->insert_record('user', array_merge((array)$backupuser, ['deleted' => 0])); delete_user($backupuser); $backupuser = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $backupuser->id]); $DB->delete_records('user', ['id' => $backupuser->id]); unset($backupuser->id); } // Create the db user, normally. $dbuser->id = $DB->insert_record('user', array_merge((array)$dbuser, ['deleted' => 0])); $backupuser->id = $backupuser->id ?? $dbuser->id; // We may want to enable the import_general_duplicate_admin_allowed setting and look for old admin records. if ($dbuser->forceduplicateadminallowed) { set_config('import_general_duplicate_admin_allowed', true, 'backup'); $siteid = 'old_site_id'; } // If the DB user must be deleted, do it and fetch it back. if ($dbuser->deleted) { delete_user($dbuser); // We may want to clean the mail field (old behavior, not containing the current md5(username). if ($dbuser->forceemailcleanup) { $DB->set_field('user', 'email', '', ['id' => $dbuser->id]); } } // Get the dbuser record, because we may have changed it above. $dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $dbuser->id]); $method = (new ReflectionClass('restore_dbops'))->getMethod('precheck_user'); $method->setAccessible(true); $result = $method->invoke(null, $backupuser, $samesite, $siteid); if (is_bool($result)) { $this->assertSame($outcome, $result); } else { $outcome = $dbuser; // Outcome is not bool, matching found, so it must be the dbuser, // Just check ids, it means the expected match has been found in database. $this->assertSame($outcome->id, $result->id); } } }