@block @block_admin_bookmarks Feature: Add a bookmarks to an admin pages In order to speed up common tasks As an admin I need to add and access pages through bookmarks Background: Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Server > Tasks > Scheduled tasks" in site administration And I click on "Bookmark this page" "link" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" And I log out # Test bookmark functionality using the "User profile fields" page as our bookmark. Scenario: Admin page can be bookmarked Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Users > Accounts > User profile fields" in site administration When I click on "Bookmark this page" "link" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" Then I should see "User profile fields" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" # See the existing bookmark is there too. And I should see "Scheduled tasks" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" Scenario: Admin page can be accessed through bookmarks block Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Notifications" in site administration And I click on "Scheduled tasks" "link" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" # Verify that we are on the right page. Then I should see "Scheduled tasks" in the "h1" "css_element" Scenario: Admin page can be removed from bookmarks Given I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Notifications" in site administration And I click on "Scheduled tasks" "link" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" When I click on "Unbookmark this page" "link" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block" Then I should see "Bookmark deleted" And I wait to be redirected And I should not see "Scheduled tasks" in the "Admin bookmarks" "block"