// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Javascript to initialise the Recently accessed courses block. * * @module block_recentlyaccessedcourses/main.js * @package block_recentlyaccessedcourses * @copyright 2018 Victor Deniz
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define( [ 'jquery', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/notification', 'core/pubsub', 'core/paged_content_paging_bar', 'core/templates', 'core_course/events', 'core_course/repository', ], function( $, CustomEvents, Notification, PubSub, PagedContentPagingBar, Templates, CourseEvents, CoursesRepository ) { // Constants. var NUM_COURSES_TOTAL = 10; var SELECTORS = { CARD_CONTAINER: '[data-region="card-deck"]', COURSE_IS_FAVOURITE: '[data-region="is-favourite"]', CONTENT: '[data-region="view-content"]', EMPTY_MESSAGE: '[data-region="empty-message"]', LOADING_PLACEHOLDER: '[data-region="loading-placeholder"]', PAGING_BAR: '[data-region="paging-bar"]', PAGING_BAR_NEXT: '[data-control="next"]', PAGING_BAR_PREVIOUS: '[data-control="previous"]' }; // Module variables. var contentLoaded = false; var allCourses = []; var visibleCoursesId = null; var cardWidth = null; var viewIndex = 0; var availableVisibleCards = 1; /** * Show the empty message when no course are found. * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. */ var showEmptyMessage = function(root) { root.find(SELECTORS.EMPTY_MESSAGE).removeClass('hidden'); root.find(SELECTORS.LOADING_PLACEHOLDER).addClass('hidden'); root.find(SELECTORS.CONTENT).addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Show the empty message when no course are found. * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. */ var showContent = function(root) { root.find(SELECTORS.CONTENT).removeClass('hidden'); root.find(SELECTORS.EMPTY_MESSAGE).addClass('hidden'); root.find(SELECTORS.LOADING_PLACEHOLDER).addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Show the paging bar. * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. */ var showPagingBar = function(root) { var pagingBar = root.find(SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR); pagingBar.css('opacity', 1); pagingBar.css('visibility', 'visible'); pagingBar.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }; /** * Hide the paging bar. * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. */ var hidePagingBar = function(root) { var pagingBar = root.find(SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR); pagingBar.css('opacity', 0); pagingBar.css('visibility', 'hidden'); pagingBar.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); }; /** * Show the favourite indicator for the given course (if it's in the list). * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. * @param {number} courseId The id of the course to be favourited. */ var favouriteCourse = function(root, courseId) { allCourses.forEach(function(course) { if (course.attr('data-course-id') == courseId) { course.find(SELECTORS.COURSE_IS_FAVOURITE).removeClass('hidden'); } }); }; /** * Hide the favourite indicator for the given course (if it's in the list). * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. * @param {number} courseId The id of the course to be unfavourited. */ var unfavouriteCourse = function(root, courseId) { allCourses.forEach(function(course) { if (course.attr('data-course-id') == courseId) { course.find(SELECTORS.COURSE_IS_FAVOURITE).addClass('hidden'); } }); }; /** * Render the a list of courses. * * @param {array} courses containing array of courses. * @return {promise} Resolved with list of rendered courses as jQuery objects. */ var renderAllCourses = function(courses) { var promises = courses.map(function(course) { return Templates.render('block_recentlyaccessedcourses/course-card', course); }); return $.when.apply(null, promises).then(function() { var renderedCourses = []; promises.forEach(function(promise) { promise.then(function(html) { renderedCourses.push($(html)); return; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }); return renderedCourses; }); }; /** * Fetch user's recently accessed courses and reload the content of the block. * * @param {int} userid User whose courses will be shown * @returns {promise} The updated content for the block. */ var loadContent = function(userid) { return CoursesRepository.getLastAccessedCourses(userid, NUM_COURSES_TOTAL) .then(function(courses) { return renderAllCourses(courses); }); }; /** * Recalculate the number of courses that should be visible. * * @param {object} root The root element for the courses view. */ var recalculateVisibleCourses = function(root) { var container = root.find(SELECTORS.CONTENT).find(SELECTORS.CARD_CONTAINER); var availableWidth = parseFloat(root.css('width')); var numberOfCourses = allCourses.length; var start = 0; if (!cardWidth) { container.html(allCourses[0]); // Render one card initially to calculate the width of the cards // including the margins. cardWidth = allCourses[0].outerWidth(true); } availableVisibleCards = Math.floor(availableWidth / cardWidth); if (viewIndex + availableVisibleCards < numberOfCourses) { start = viewIndex; } else { var overflow = (viewIndex + availableVisibleCards) - numberOfCourses; start = viewIndex - overflow; start = start >= 0 ? start : 0; } var coursesToShow = allCourses.slice(start, start + availableVisibleCards); // Create an id for the list of courses we expect to be displayed. var newVisibleCoursesId = coursesToShow.reduce(function(carry, course) { return carry + course.attr('data-course-id'); }, ''); // Centre the courses if we have an overflow of courses. if (allCourses.length > coursesToShow.length) { container.addClass('justify-content-center'); container.removeClass('justify-content-start'); } else { container.removeClass('justify-content-center'); container.addClass('justify-content-start'); } // Don't bother updating the DOM unless the visible courses have changed. if (visibleCoursesId != newVisibleCoursesId) { var pagingBar = root.find(PagedContentPagingBar.rootSelector); container.html(coursesToShow); visibleCoursesId = newVisibleCoursesId; if (availableVisibleCards >= allCourses.length) { hidePagingBar(root); } else { showPagingBar(root); if (viewIndex === 0) { PagedContentPagingBar.disablePreviousControlButtons(pagingBar); } else { PagedContentPagingBar.enablePreviousControlButtons(pagingBar); } if (viewIndex + availableVisibleCards >= allCourses.length) { PagedContentPagingBar.disableNextControlButtons(pagingBar); } else { PagedContentPagingBar.enableNextControlButtons(pagingBar); } } } }; /** * Register event listeners for the block. * * @param {object} root The root element for the recentlyaccessedcourses block. */ var registerEventListeners = function(root) { var resizeTimeout = null; var drawerToggling = false; PubSub.subscribe(CourseEvents.favourited, function(courseId) { favouriteCourse(root, courseId); }); PubSub.subscribe(CourseEvents.unfavorited, function(courseId) { unfavouriteCourse(root, courseId); }); PubSub.subscribe('nav-drawer-toggle-start', function() { if (!contentLoaded || !allCourses.length || drawerToggling) { // Nothing to recalculate. return; } drawerToggling = true; var recalculationCount = 0; // This function is going to recalculate the number of courses while // the nav drawer is opening or closes (up to a maximum of 5 recalcs). var doRecalculation = function() { setTimeout(function() { recalculateVisibleCourses(root); recalculationCount++; if (recalculationCount < 5 && drawerToggling) { // If we haven't done too many recalculations and the drawer // is still toggling then recurse. doRecalculation(); } }, 100); }; // Start the recalculations. doRecalculation(root); }); PubSub.subscribe('nav-drawer-toggle-end', function() { drawerToggling = false; }); $(window).on('resize', function() { if (!contentLoaded || !allCourses.length) { // Nothing to reclculate. return; } // Resize events fire rapidly so recalculating the visible courses each // time can be expensive. Let's debounce them, if (!resizeTimeout) { resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { resizeTimeout = null; recalculateVisibleCourses(root); // The recalculateVisibleCourses function will execute at a rate of 15fps. }, 66); } }); CustomEvents.define(root, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR_NEXT, function(e, data) { var button = $(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR_NEXT); if (!button.hasClass('disabled')) { viewIndex = viewIndex + availableVisibleCards; recalculateVisibleCourses(root); } data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }); root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR_PREVIOUS, function(e, data) { var button = $(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.PAGING_BAR_PREVIOUS); if (!button.hasClass('disabled')) { viewIndex = viewIndex - availableVisibleCards; viewIndex = viewIndex < 0 ? 0 : viewIndex; recalculateVisibleCourses(root); } data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }); }; /** * Get and show the recent courses into the block. * * @param {int} userid User from which the courses will be obtained * @param {object} root The root element for the recentlyaccessedcourses block. */ var init = function(userid, root) { root = $(root); registerEventListeners(root); loadContent(userid) .then(function(renderedCourses) { allCourses = renderedCourses; contentLoaded = true; if (allCourses.length) { showContent(root); recalculateVisibleCourses(root); } else { showEmptyMessage(root); } return; }) .catch(Notification.exception); }; return { init: init }; });