. /** * Strings for component 'block_rss_client', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package block_rss_client * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['addfeed'] = 'Add a news feed URL:'; $string['addheadlineblock'] = 'Add RSS headline block'; $string['addnew'] = 'Add new'; $string['addnewfeed'] = 'Add a new feed'; $string['cannotmakemodification'] = 'You are not allowed to make modifications to this RSS feed at this time.'; $string['clientchannellink'] = 'Source site...'; $string['clientnumentries'] = 'The default number of entries to show per feed.'; $string['clientshowchannellinklabel'] = 'Should a link to the original site (channel link) be displayed? (Note that if no feed link is supplied in the news feed then no link will be shown) :'; $string['clientshowimagelabel'] = 'Show channel image if available :'; $string['configblock'] = 'Configure this block'; $string['couldnotfindfeed'] = 'Could not find feed with id'; $string['couldnotfindloadrssfeed'] = 'Could not find or load the RSS feed.'; $string['customtitlelabel'] = 'Custom title (leave blank to use title supplied by feed):'; $string['deletefeedconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this feed?'; $string['disabledrssfeeds'] = 'RSS feeds are disabled'; $string['displaydescriptionlabel'] = 'Display each link\'s description?'; $string['editafeed'] = 'Edit a feed'; $string['editfeeds'] = 'Edit, subscribe or unsubscribe from RSS/Atom news feeds'; $string['editnewsfeeds'] = 'Edit news feeds'; $string['editrssblock'] = 'Edit RSS headline block'; $string['enableautodiscovery'] = 'Enable auto-discovery of feeds?'; $string['enableautodiscovery_help'] = 'If enabled, feeds on web pages are found automatically. For example, if https://docs.moodle.org is entered, then https://docs.moodle.org/en/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&feed=rss would be found.'; $string['failedfeed'] = 'Feed failed to download - will retry after {$a}'; $string['failedfeeds'] = 'One or more RSS feeds have failed'; $string['feed'] = 'Feed'; $string['feedadded'] = 'News feed added'; $string['feeddeleted'] = 'News feed deleted'; $string['feeds'] = 'News feeds'; $string['feedsaddedit'] = 'Add/edit feeds'; $string['feedsconfigurenewinstance'] = 'Click here to configure this block to display RSS feeds.'; $string['feedsconfigurenewinstance2'] = 'Click the edit icon above to configure this block to display RSS feeds.'; $string['feedupdated'] = 'News feed updated'; $string['feedurl'] = 'Feed URL'; $string['findmorefeeds'] = 'Find more RSS feeds'; $string['choosefeedlabel'] = 'Choose the feeds which you would like to make available in this block:'; $string['managefeeds'] = 'Manage all my feeds'; $string['nofeeds'] = 'There are no RSS feeds defined for this site.'; $string['numentries'] = 'Entries per feed'; $string['pickfeed'] = 'Pick a news feed'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Remote RSS feeds'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:description'] = 'The description of the RSS feed.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:preferredtitle'] = 'The preferred (custom) title of the RSS feed.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:shared'] = 'If the RSS feed is available to all courses.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:skiptime'] = 'The defined time in seconds that the cron will wait between attempts to retry failing RSS feeds.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:skipuntil'] = 'The maximum defined time that the cron will attempt to open failing RSS feeds.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:tableexplanation'] = 'RSS block information is stored here.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:title'] = 'The title of the RSS feed.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:url'] = 'The URL of the RSS feed.'; $string['privacy:metadata:block_rss_client:userid'] = 'The ID of the user that added the RSS feed.'; $string['remotenewsfeed'] = 'Remote news feed'; $string['refreshfeedstask'] = 'Refresh RSS feeds task'; $string['rss_client:addinstance'] = 'Add a new remote RSS feeds block'; $string['rss_client:createprivatefeeds'] = 'Create private RSS feeds'; $string['rss_client:createsharedfeeds'] = 'Create shared RSS feeds'; $string['rss_client:manageanyfeeds'] = 'Manage any RSS feeds'; $string['rss_client:manageownfeeds'] = 'Manage own RSS feeds'; $string['rss_client:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new Remote RSS feeds block to Dashboard'; $string['seeallfeeds'] = 'See all feeds'; $string['sharedfeed'] = 'Shared feed'; $string['shownumentrieslabel'] = 'Max number entries to show per block.'; $string['submitters'] = 'Who will be allowed to define new RSS feeds? Defined feeds are available for any page on your site.'; $string['submitters2'] = 'Submitters'; $string['timeout'] = 'Time in minutes before an RSS feed expires in cache. Note that this time defines the minimum time before expiry; the feed will be refreshed in cache on the next cron execution after expiry. Recommended values are 30 mins or greater.'; $string['timeoutdesc'] = 'Time in minutes for an RSS feed to live in cache.'; $string['timeout2'] = 'Timeout'; $string['updatefeed'] = 'Update a news feed URL:'; $string['viewfeed'] = 'View feed';