. /** * Static unit tests * * @package cachestore_static * @copyright 2013 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); // Include the necessary evils. global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/tests/fixtures/stores.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/stores/static/lib.php'); /** * Static unit test class. * * @package cachestore_static * @copyright 2013 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class cachestore_static_test extends cachestore_tests { /** * Returns the static class name * @return string */ protected function get_class_name() { return 'cachestore_static'; } /** * Test the maxsize option. */ public function test_maxsize() { $defid = 'phpunit/testmaxsize'; $config = cache_config_testing::instance(); $config->phpunit_add_definition($defid, array( 'mode' => cache_store::MODE_REQUEST, 'component' => 'phpunit', 'area' => 'testmaxsize', 'maxsize' => 3 )); $definition = cache_definition::load($defid, $config->get_definition_by_id($defid)); $instance = cachestore_static::initialise_test_instance($definition); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key1', 'value1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key2', 'value2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key3', 'value3')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key1')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key3')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key4', 'value4')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key5', 'value5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->has('key1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->has('key2')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key3')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key4')); $this->assertTrue($instance->has('key5')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('key1')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('key2')); $this->assertEquals('value3', $instance->get('key3')); $this->assertEquals('value4', $instance->get('key4')); $this->assertEquals('value5', $instance->get('key5')); // Test adding one more. $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key6', 'value6')); $this->assertFalse($instance->get('key3')); // Test reducing and then adding to make sure we don't lost one. $this->assertTrue($instance->delete('key6')); $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key7', 'value7')); $this->assertEquals('value4', $instance->get('key4')); // Set the same key three times to make sure it doesn't count overrides. for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $this->assertTrue($instance->set('key8', 'value8')); } $this->assertEquals('value7', $instance->get('key7'), 'Overrides are incorrectly incrementing size'); // Test adding many. $this->assertEquals(3, $instance->set_many(array( array('key' => 'keyA', 'value' => 'valueA'), array('key' => 'keyB', 'value' => 'valueB'), array('key' => 'keyC', 'value' => 'valueC') ))); $this->assertEquals(array( 'key4' => false, 'key5' => false, 'key6' => false, 'key7' => false, 'keyA' => 'valueA', 'keyB' => 'valueB', 'keyC' => 'valueC' ), $instance->get_many(array( 'key4', 'key5', 'key6', 'key7', 'keyA', 'keyB', 'keyC' ))); } /** * Simple test to verify igbinary availability and check basic serialization is working ok. */ public function test_igbinary_serializer() { // Skip if igbinary is not available. if (!extension_loaded('igbinary')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Cannot test igbinary serializer. Extension missing'); } // Prepare the static instance. $defid = 'phpunit/igbinary'; $config = cache_config_testing::instance(); $config->phpunit_add_definition($defid, array( 'mode' => cache_store::MODE_REQUEST, 'component' => 'phpunit', 'area' => 'testigbinary' )); $definition = cache_definition::load($defid, $config->get_definition_by_id($defid)); $instance = cachestore_static::initialise_test_instance($definition); // Prepare an object. $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->someint = 9; $obj->somestring = '99'; $obj->somearray = [9 => 999, '99' => '9999']; // Serialize and set. $objser = igbinary_serialize($obj); $instance->set('testigbinary', $objser); // Get and unserialize. $res = $instance->get('testigbinary'); $resunser = igbinary_unserialize($res); // Check expectations. $this->assertSame($objser, $res); // Ok from cache (ig-serialized, 100% same string). $this->assertEquals($obj, $resunser); // Ok ig-unserialized (equal $this->assertNotSame($obj, $resunser);// but different objects, obviously). } }