/** * Resource drag and drop. * * @class M.course.dragdrop.resource * @constructor * @extends M.core.dragdrop */ var DRAGRESOURCE = function() { DRAGRESOURCE.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(DRAGRESOURCE, M.core.dragdrop, { initializer: function() { // Set group for parent class this.groups = ['resource']; this.samenodeclass = CSS.ACTIVITY; this.parentnodeclass = CSS.SECTION; this.samenodelabel = { identifier: 'afterresource', component: 'moodle' }; this.parentnodelabel = { identifier: 'totopofsection', component: 'moodle' }; // Go through all sections var sectionlistselector = M.course.format.get_section_selector(Y); if (sectionlistselector) { sectionlistselector = '.' + CSS.COURSECONTENT + ' ' + sectionlistselector; this.setup_for_section(sectionlistselector); // Initialise drag & drop for all resources/activities var nodeselector = sectionlistselector.slice(CSS.COURSECONTENT.length + 2) + ' li.' + CSS.ACTIVITY; var del = new Y.DD.Delegate({ container: '.' + CSS.COURSECONTENT, nodes: nodeselector, target: true, handles: ['.' + CSS.EDITINGMOVE], dragConfig: {groups: this.groups} }); del.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, { // Don't move the node at the end of the drag moveOnEnd: false, cloneNode: true }); del.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, { // Keep it inside the .course-content constrain: '#' + CSS.PAGECONTENT }); del.dd.plug(Y.Plugin.DDWinScroll); M.course.coursebase.register_module(this); M.course.dragres = this; } }, /** * Apply dragdrop features to the specified selector or node that refers to section(s) * * @method setup_for_section * @param {String} baseselector The CSS selector or node to limit scope to */ setup_for_section: function(baseselector) { Y.Node.all(baseselector).each(function(sectionnode) { var resources = sectionnode.one('.' + CSS.CONTENT + ' ul.' + CSS.SECTION); // See if resources ul exists, if not create one if (!resources) { resources = Y.Node.create('
'); resources.addClass(CSS.SECTION); sectionnode.one('.' + CSS.CONTENT + ' div.' + CSS.SUMMARY).insert(resources, 'after'); } resources.setAttribute('data-draggroups', this.groups.join(' ')); // Define empty ul as droptarget, so that item could be moved to empty list new Y.DD.Drop({ node: resources, groups: this.groups, padding: '20 0 20 0' }); // Initialise each resource/activity in this section this.setup_for_resource('#' + sectionnode.get('id') + ' li.' + CSS.ACTIVITY); }, this); }, /** * Apply dragdrop features to the specified selector or node that refers to resource(s) * * @method setup_for_resource * @param {String} baseselector The CSS selector or node to limit scope to */ setup_for_resource: function(baseselector) { Y.Node.all(baseselector).each(function(resourcesnode) { var draggroups = resourcesnode.getData('draggroups'); if (!draggroups) { // This Drop Node has not been set up. Configure it now. resourcesnode.setAttribute('data-draggroups', this.groups.join(' ')); // Define empty ul as droptarget, so that item could be moved to empty list new Y.DD.Drop({ node: resourcesnode, groups: this.groups, padding: '20 0 20 0' }); } // Replace move icons var move = resourcesnode.one('a.' + CSS.EDITINGMOVE); if (move) { var sr = move.getData('sectionreturn'); move.replace(this.get_drag_handle(M.util.get_string('movecoursemodule', 'moodle'), CSS.EDITINGMOVE, CSS.ICONCLASS, true).setAttribute('data-sectionreturn', sr)); } }, this); }, drag_start: function(e) { // Get our drag object var drag = e.target; if (drag.get('dragNode') === drag.get('node')) { // We do not want to modify the contents of the real node. // They will be the same during a keyboard drag and drop. return; } drag.get('dragNode').setContent(drag.get('node').get('innerHTML')); drag.get('dragNode').all('img.iconsmall').setStyle('vertical-align', 'baseline'); }, drag_dropmiss: function(e) { // Missed the target, but we assume the user intended to drop it // on the last last ghost node location, e.drag and e.drop should be // prepared by global_drag_dropmiss parent so simulate drop_hit(e). this.drop_hit(e); }, drop_hit: function(e) { var drag = e.drag; // Get a reference to our drag node var dragnode = drag.get('node'); var dropnode = e.drop.get('node'); // Add spinner if it not there var actionarea = dragnode.one(CSS.ACTIONAREA); var spinner = M.util.add_spinner(Y, actionarea); var params = {}; // Handle any variables which we must pass back through to var pageparams = this.get('config').pageparams; var varname; for (varname in pageparams) { params[varname] = pageparams[varname]; } // Prepare request parameters params.sesskey = M.cfg.sesskey; params.courseId = this.get('courseid'); params['class'] = 'resource'; params.field = 'move'; params.id = Number(Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getId(dragnode)); params.sectionId = Y.Moodle.core_course.util.section.getId(dropnode.ancestor(M.course.format.get_section_wrapper(Y), true)); if (dragnode.next()) { params.beforeId = Number(Y.Moodle.core_course.util.cm.getId(dragnode.next())); } // Do AJAX request var uri = M.cfg.wwwroot + this.get('ajaxurl'); Y.io(uri, { method: 'POST', data: params, on: { start: function() { this.lock_drag_handle(drag, CSS.EDITINGMOVE); spinner.show(); }, success: function(tid, response) { var responsetext = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText); var params = {element: dragnode, visible: responsetext.visible}; M.course.coursebase.invoke_function('set_visibility_resource_ui', params); this.unlock_drag_handle(drag, CSS.EDITINGMOVE); window.setTimeout(function() { spinner.hide(); }, 250); }, failure: function(tid, response) { this.ajax_failure(response); this.unlock_drag_handle(drag, CSS.SECTIONHANDLE); spinner.hide(); // TODO: revert nodes location } }, context: this }); } }, { NAME: 'course-dragdrop-resource', ATTRS: { courseid: { value: null }, ajaxurl: { value: 0 }, config: { value: 0 } } }); M.course = M.course || {}; M.course.init_resource_dragdrop = function(params) { new DRAGRESOURCE(params); };