/* global Item */ /** * A managed category. * * @namespace M.course.management * @class Category * @constructor * @extends Item */ function Category() { Category.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Category.NAME = 'moodle-course-management-category'; Category.CSS_PREFIX = 'management-category'; Category.ATTRS = { /** * The category ID relating to this category. * @attribute categoryid * @type Number * @writeOnce * @default null */ categoryid: { getter: function(value, name) { if (value === null) { value = this.get('node').getData('id'); this.set(name, value); } return value; }, value: null, writeOnce: true }, /** * True if this category is the currently selected category. * @attribute selected * @type Boolean * @default null */ selected: { getter: function(value, name) { if (value === null) { value = this.get('node').getData(name); if (value === null) { value = false; } this.set(name, value); } return value; }, value: null }, /** * An array of courses belonging to this category. * @attribute courses * @type Course[] * @default Array */ courses: { validator: function(val) { return Y.Lang.isArray(val); }, value: [] } }; Category.prototype = { /** * Initialises an instance of a Category. * @method initializer */ initializer: function() { this.set('itemname', 'category'); }, /** * Returns the name of the category. * @method getName * @return {String} */ getName: function() { return this.get('node').one('a.categoryname').get('innerHTML'); }, /** * Registers a course as belonging to this category. * @method registerCourse * @param {Course} course */ registerCourse: function(course) { var courses = this.get('courses'); courses.push(course); this.set('courses', courses); }, /** * Handles a category related event. * * @method handle * @param {String} action * @param {EventFacade} e * @return {Boolean} */ handle: function(action, e) { var catarg = {categoryid: this.get('categoryid')}, selected = this.get('console').get('activecategoryid'); if (selected && selected !== catarg.categoryid) { catarg.selectedcategory = selected; } switch (action) { case 'moveup': e.preventDefault(); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('movecategoryup', catarg, this.moveup, this); break; case 'movedown': e.preventDefault(); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('movecategorydown', catarg, this.movedown, this); break; case 'show': e.preventDefault(); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('showcategory', catarg, this.show, this); break; case 'hide': e.preventDefault(); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('hidecategory', catarg, this.hide, this); break; case 'expand': e.preventDefault(); if (this.get('node').getData('expanded') === '0') { this.get('node').setAttribute('data-expanded', '1').setData('expanded', 'true'); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('getsubcategorieshtml', catarg, this.loadSubcategories, this); } this.expand(); break; case 'collapse': e.preventDefault(); this.collapse(); break; case 'select': var c = this.get('console'), movecategoryto = c.get('categorylisting').one('#menumovecategoriesto'); // If any category is selected and there are more then one categories. if (movecategoryto) { if (c.isCategorySelected(e.currentTarget) && c.get('categories').length > 1) { movecategoryto.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { movecategoryto.setAttribute('disabled', true); } c.handleBulkSortByaction(); } break; default: Y.log('Invalid AJAX action requested of managed category.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } }, /** * Expands the category making its sub categories visible. * @method expand */ expand: function() { var node = this.get('node'), action = node.one('a[data-action=expand]'), ul = node.one('ul[role=group]'); node.removeClass('collapsed').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); action.setAttribute('data-action', 'collapse').setAttrs({ title: M.util.get_string('collapsecategory', 'moodle', this.getName()) }); require(['core/str', 'core/templates', 'core/notification'], function(Str, Templates, Notification) { Str.get_string('collapse', 'core') .then(function(string) { return Templates.renderPix('t/switch_minus', 'core', string); }) .then(function(html) { html = Y.Node.create(html).addClass('tree-icon').getDOMNode().outerHTML; return action.set('innerHTML', html); }).fail(Notification.exception); }); if (ul) { ul.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } this.get('console').performAjaxAction('expandcategory', {categoryid: this.get('categoryid')}, null, this); }, /** * Collapses the category making its sub categories hidden. * @method collapse */ collapse: function() { var node = this.get('node'), action = node.one('a[data-action=collapse]'), ul = node.one('ul[role=group]'); node.addClass('collapsed').setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); action.setAttribute('data-action', 'expand').setAttrs({ title: M.util.get_string('expandcategory', 'moodle', this.getName()) }); require(['core/str', 'core/templates', 'core/notification'], function(Str, Templates, Notification) { Str.get_string('expand', 'core') .then(function(string) { return Templates.renderPix('t/switch_plus', 'core', string); }) .then(function(html) { html = Y.Node.create(html).addClass('tree-icon').getDOMNode().outerHTML; return action.set('innerHTML', html); }).fail(Notification.exception); }); if (ul) { ul.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); } this.get('console').performAjaxAction('collapsecategory', {categoryid: this.get('categoryid')}, null, this); }, /** * Loads sub categories provided by an AJAX request.. * * @method loadSubcategories * @protected * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success - false otherwise. */ loadSubcategories: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), node = this.get('node'), managementconsole = this.get('console'), ul, actionnode; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX failed to load sub categories for ' + this.get('itemname'), 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } Y.log('AJAX loaded subcategories for ' + this.get('itemname'), 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); node.append(outcome.html); managementconsole.initialiseCategories(node); if (M.core && M.core.actionmenu && M.core.actionmenu.newDOMNode) { M.core.actionmenu.newDOMNode(node); } ul = node.one('ul[role=group]'); actionnode = node.one('a[data-action=collapse]'); if (ul && actionnode) { actionnode.setAttribute('aria-controls', ul.generateID()); } return true; }, /** * Moves the course to this category. * * @method moveCourseTo * @param {Course} course */ moveCourseTo: function(course) { var self = this; Y.use('moodle-core-notification-confirm', function() { var confirm = new M.core.confirm({ title: M.util.get_string('confirm', 'moodle'), question: M.util.get_string('confirmcoursemove', 'moodle', { course: course.getName(), category: self.getName() }), yesLabel: M.util.get_string('move', 'moodle'), noLabel: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle') }); confirm.on('complete-yes', function() { confirm.hide(); confirm.destroy(); this.get('console').performAjaxAction('movecourseintocategory', { categoryid: this.get('categoryid'), courseid: course.get('courseid') }, this.completeMoveCourse, this); }, self); confirm.show(); }); }, /** * Completes moving a course to this category. * @method completeMoveCourse * @protected * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ completeMoveCourse: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), managementconsole = this.get('console'), category, course, totals; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX failed to move courses into this category: ' + this.get('itemname'), 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } course = managementconsole.getCourseById(args.courseid); if (!course) { Y.log('Course was moved but the course listing could not be found to reflect this', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } Y.log('Moved the course (' + course.getName() + ') into this category (' + this.getName() + ')', 'debug', 'moodle-course-management'); this.highlight(); if (course) { if (outcome.paginationtotals) { totals = managementconsole.get('courselisting').one('.listing-pagination-totals'); if (totals) { totals.set('innerHTML', outcome.paginationtotals); } } if (outcome.totalcatcourses !== 'undefined') { totals = this.get('node').one('.course-count span'); if (totals) { totals.set('innerHTML', totals.get('innerHTML').replace(/^\d+/, outcome.totalcatcourses)); } } if (typeof outcome.fromcatcoursecount !== 'undefined') { category = managementconsole.get('activecategoryid'); category = managementconsole.getCategoryById(category); if (category) { totals = category.get('node').one('.course-count span'); if (totals) { totals.set('innerHTML', totals.get('innerHTML').replace(/^\d+/, outcome.fromcatcoursecount)); } } } course.remove(); } return true; }, /** * Makes an item visible. * * @method show * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ show: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), hidebtn; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to show ' + this.get('itemname') + ' by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } this.markVisible(); hidebtn = this.get('node').one('a[data-action=hide]'); if (hidebtn) { hidebtn.focus(); } if (outcome.categoryvisibility) { this.updateChildVisibility(outcome.categoryvisibility); } if (outcome.coursevisibility) { this.updateCourseVisiblity(outcome.coursevisibility); } this.updated(); Y.log('Success: category made visible by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); }, /** * Hides an item. * * @method hide * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ hide: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), showbtn; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to hide ' + this.get('itemname') + ' by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } this.markHidden(); showbtn = this.get('node').one('a[data-action=show]'); if (showbtn) { showbtn.focus(); } if (outcome.categoryvisibility) { this.updateChildVisibility(outcome.categoryvisibility); } if (outcome.coursevisibility) { this.updateCourseVisiblity(outcome.coursevisibility); } this.updated(); Y.log('Success: ' + this.get('itemname') + ' made hidden by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); }, /** * Updates the visibility of child courses if required. * @method updateCourseVisiblity * @chainable * @param courses */ updateCourseVisiblity: function(courses) { var managementconsole = this.get('console'), key, course; Y.log('Changing categories course visibility', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); try { for (key in courses) { if (typeof courses[key] === 'object') { course = managementconsole.getCourseById(courses[key].id); if (course) { if (courses[key].visible === "1") { course.markVisible(); } else { course.markHidden(); } } } } } catch (err) { Y.log('Error trying to update course visibility: ' + err.message, 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); } return this; }, /** * Updates the visibility of subcategories if required. * @method updateChildVisibility * @chainable * @param categories */ updateChildVisibility: function(categories) { var managementconsole = this.get('console'), key, category; Y.log('Changing categories subcategory visibility', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); try { for (key in categories) { if (typeof categories[key] === 'object') { category = managementconsole.getCategoryById(categories[key].id); if (category) { if (categories[key].visible === "1") { category.markVisible(); } else { category.markHidden(); } } } } } catch (err) { Y.log('Error trying to update category visibility: ' + err.message, 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); } return this; } }; Y.extend(Category, Item, Category.prototype);