// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * This module depends on the real jquery - and returns the non-global version of it. * * @module core_customfield/form * @package core_customfield * @copyright 2018 Toni Barbera * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/str', 'core/notification', 'core/ajax', 'core/templates', 'core/sortable_list', 'core/inplace_editable'], function( $, Str, Notification, Ajax, Templates, SortableList) { /** * Display confirmation dialogue * * @param {Number} id * @param {String} type * @param {String} component * @param {String} area * @param {Number} itemid */ var confirmDelete = function(id, type, component, area, itemid) { Str.get_strings([ {'key': 'confirm'}, {'key': 'confirmdelete' + type, component: 'core_customfield'}, {'key': 'yes'}, {'key': 'no'}, ]).done(function(s) { Notification.confirm(s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], function() { var func = (type === 'field') ? 'core_customfield_delete_field' : 'core_customfield_delete_category'; Ajax.call([ {methodname: func, args: {id: id}}, {methodname: 'core_customfield_reload_template', args: {component: component, area: area, itemid: itemid}} ])[1].then(function(response) { return Templates.render('core_customfield/list', response); }).then(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNode($('[data-region="list-page"]'), html, js); return null; }).fail(Notification.exception); }); }).fail(Notification.exception); }; /** * Creates a new custom fields category with default name and updates the list * * @param {String} component * @param {String} area * @param {Number} itemid */ var createNewCategory = function(component, area, itemid) { var promises = Ajax.call([ {methodname: 'core_customfield_create_category', args: {component: component, area: area, itemid: itemid}}, {methodname: 'core_customfield_reload_template', args: {component: component, area: area, itemid: itemid}} ]), categoryid; promises[0].then(function(response) { categoryid = response; return null; }).fail(Notification.exception); promises[1].then(function(response) { return Templates.render('core_customfield/list', response); }).then(function(html, js) { Templates.replaceNode($('[data-region="list-page"]'), html, js); window.location.href = '#category-' + categoryid; return null; }).fail(Notification.exception); }; return { /** * Initialise the custom fields manager */ init: function() { var mainlist = $('#customfield_catlist'), component = mainlist.attr('data-component'), area = mainlist.attr('data-area'), itemid = mainlist.attr('data-itemid'); $("[data-role=deletefield]").on('click', function(e) { confirmDelete($(this).attr('data-id'), 'field', component, area, itemid); e.preventDefault(); }); $("[data-role=deletecategory]").on('click', function(e) { confirmDelete($(this).attr('data-id'), 'category', component, area, itemid); e.preventDefault(); }); $('[data-role=addnewcategory]').on('click', function() { createNewCategory(component, area, itemid); }); var categoryName = function(element) { return element .closest('[data-category-id]') .find('[data-inplaceeditable][data-itemtype=category][data-component=core_customfield]') .attr('data-value'); }; // Sort category. var sortCat = new SortableList( $('#customfield_catlist .categorieslist'), {moveHandlerSelector: '.movecategory [data-drag-type=move]'} ); sortCat.getElementName = function(el) { return $.Deferred().resolve(categoryName(el)); }; $('[data-category-id]').on('sortablelist-drop', function(evt, info) { if (info.positionChanged) { var promises = Ajax.call([ { methodname: 'core_customfield_move_category', args: { id: info.element.data('category-id'), beforeid: info.targetNextElement.data('category-id') } }, ]); promises[0].fail(Notification.exception); } evt.stopPropagation(); // Important for nested lists to prevent multiple targets. }); // Sort fields. var sort = new SortableList( $('#customfield_catlist .fieldslist tbody'), {moveHandlerSelector: '.movefield [data-drag-type=move]'} ); sort.getDestinationName = function(parentElement, afterElement) { if (!afterElement.length) { return Str.get_string('totopofcategory', 'customfield', categoryName(parentElement)); } else if (afterElement.attr('data-field-name')) { return Str.get_string('afterfield', 'customfield', afterElement.attr('data-field-name')); } else { return $.Deferred().resolve(''); } }; $('[data-field-name]').on('sortablelist-drop', function(evt, info) { evt.stopPropagation(); // Important for nested lists to prevent multiple targets. if (info.positionChanged) { var promises = Ajax.call([ { methodname: 'core_customfield_move_field', args: { id: info.element.data('field-id'), beforeid: info.targetNextElement.data('field-id'), categoryid: Number(info.targetList.closest('[data-category-id]').attr('data-category-id')) }, }, ]); promises[0].fail(Notification.exception); } }).on('sortablelist-drag', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); // Important for nested lists to prevent multiple targets. // Refreshing fields tables. Str.get_string('therearenofields', 'core_customfield').then(function(s) { $('#customfield_catlist .categorieslist').children().each(function() { var fields = $(this).find($('.field')), nofields = $(this).find($('.nofields')); if (!fields.length && !nofields.length) { $(this).find('tbody').append( '
' + s + '
' ); } if (fields.length && nofields.length) { nofields.remove(); } }); return null; }).fail(Notification.exception); }); $('[data-category-id], [data-field-name]').on('sortablelist-dragstart', function(evt, info) { setTimeout(function() { $('.sortable-list-is-dragged').width(info.element.width()); }, 501); } ); } }; });