@core @core_course @core_customfield @javascript Feature: Managers can manage categories for course custom fields In order to have additional data on the course As a manager I need to create, edit, remove and sort custom field's categories Scenario: Create a category for custom course fields Given I log in as "admin" When I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration And I press "Add a new category" And I wait until the page is ready Then I should see "Other fields" in the "#customfield_catlist" "css_element" And I navigate to "Reports > Logs" in site administration And I press "Get these logs" And I log out Scenario: Edit a category name for custom course fields Given the following "custom field categories" exist: | name | component | area | itemid | | Category for test | core_course | course | 0 | And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration And I click on "Edit category name" "link" in the "//div[contains(@class,'categoryinstance') and contains(.,'Category for test')]" "xpath_element" And I set the field "New value for Category for test" to "Good fields" And I press key "13" in the field "New value for Category for test" Then I should not see "Category for test" in the "#customfield_catlist" "css_element" And "New value for Category for test" "field" should not exist And I should see "Good fields" in the "#customfield_catlist" "css_element" And I navigate to "Reports > Logs" in site administration And I press "Get these logs" And I log out Scenario: Delete a category for custom course fields Given the following "custom field categories" exist: | name | component | area | itemid | | Category for test | core_course | course | 0 | And the following "custom fields" exist: | name | category | type | shortname | | Field 1 | Category for test | text | f1 | And I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration And I click on "[data-role='deletecategory']" "css_element" And I click on "Yes" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue" And I wait until the page is ready And I wait until "Test category" "text" does not exist Then I should not see "Test category" in the "#customfield_catlist" "css_element" And I navigate to "Reports > Logs" in site administration And I press "Get these logs" And I log out Scenario: Move field in the course custom fields to another category Given the following "custom field categories" exist: | name | component | area | itemid | | Category1 | core_course | course | 0 | | Category2 | core_course | course | 0 | | Category3 | core_course | course | 0 | And the following "custom fields" exist: | name | category | type | shortname | | Field1 | Category1 | text | f1 | | Field2 | Category2 | text | f2 | When I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration Then "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Field2" "text" should appear after "Category2" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Field2" "text" And I press "Move \"Field1\"" And I follow "To the top of category Category2" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category2" "text" And "Field2" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Field2" "text" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category2" "text" And "Field2" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Field2" "text" And I press "Move \"Field1\"" And I follow "After field Field2" And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Field2" "text" And I log out Scenario: Reorder course custom field categories Given the following "custom field categories" exist: | name | component | area | itemid | | Category1 | core_course | course | 0 | | Category2 | core_course | course | 0 | | Category3 | core_course | course | 0 | And the following "custom fields" exist: | name | category | type | shortname | | Field1 | Category1 | text | f1 | When I log in as "admin" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration Then "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Category2" "text" And I press "Move \"Category2\"" And I follow "After \"Category3\"" And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Category3" "text" And I navigate to "Courses > Course custom fields" in site administration And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Category3" "text" And I press "Move \"Category2\"" And I follow "After \"Category1\"" And "Field1" "text" should appear after "Category1" "text" And "Category2" "text" should appear after "Field1" "text" And "Category3" "text" should appear after "Category2" "text" And I log out