. /** * pdf data format writer * * @package dataformat_pdf * @copyright 2019 Shamim Rezaie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace dataformat_pdf; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * pdf data format writer * * @package dataformat_pdf * @copyright 2019 Shamim Rezaie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class writer extends \core\dataformat\base { public $mimetype = "application/pdf"; public $extension = ".pdf"; /** * @var \pdf The pdf object that is used to generate the pdf file. */ protected $pdf; /** * @var float Each column's width in the current sheet. */ protected $colwidth; /** * @var string[] Title of columns in the current sheet. */ protected $columns; /** * writer constructor. */ public function __construct() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pdflib.php'); $this->pdf = new \pdf(); $this->pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $this->pdf->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); // Set background color for headings. $this->pdf->SetFillColor(238, 238, 238); } public function send_http_headers() { } public function start_output() { $this->pdf->AddPage('L'); } public function start_sheet($columns) { $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); $pagewidth = $this->pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right']; $this->colwidth = $pagewidth / count($columns); $this->columns = $columns; $this->print_heading(); } public function write_record($record, $rownum) { $rowheight = 0; // If $record is an object convert it to an array. if (is_object($record)) { $record = (array)$record; } foreach ($record as $cell) { $rowheight = max($rowheight, $this->pdf->getStringHeight($this->colwidth, $cell, false, true, '', 1)); } $margins = $this->pdf->getMargins(); if ($this->pdf->GetY() + $rowheight + $margins['bottom'] > $this->pdf->getPageHeight()) { $this->pdf->AddPage('L'); $this->print_heading(); } // Get the last key for this record. end($record); $lastkey = key($record); // Reset the record pointer. reset($record); // Loop through each element. foreach ($record as $key => $cell) { // Determine whether we're at the last element of the record. $nextposition = ($lastkey === $key) ? 1 : 0; // Write the element. $this->pdf->Multicell($this->colwidth, $rowheight, $cell, 1, 'L', false, $nextposition); } } public function close_output() { $filename = $this->filename . $this->get_extension(); $this->pdf->Output($filename, 'D'); } /** * Prints the heading row. */ private function print_heading() { $fontfamily = $this->pdf->getFontFamily(); $fontstyle = $this->pdf->getFontStyle(); $this->pdf->SetFont($fontfamily, 'B'); $rowheight = 0; foreach ($this->columns as $columns) { $rowheight = max($rowheight, $this->pdf->getStringHeight($this->colwidth, $columns, false, true, '', 1)); } $total = count($this->columns); $counter = 1; foreach ($this->columns as $columns) { $nextposition = ($counter == $total) ? 1 : 0; $this->pdf->Multicell($this->colwidth, $rowheight, $columns, 1, 'C', true, $nextposition); $counter++; } $this->pdf->SetFont($fontfamily, $fontstyle); } }