. /** * Strings for component 'enrol_database', language 'en'. * * @package enrol_database * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['database:config'] = 'Configure database enrol instances'; $string['database:unenrol'] = 'Unenrol suspended users'; $string['dbencoding'] = 'Database encoding'; $string['dbhost'] = 'Database host'; $string['dbhost_desc'] = 'Type database server IP address or host name. Use a system DSN name if using ODBC. Use a PDO DSN if using PDO.'; $string['dbname'] = 'Database name'; $string['dbname_desc'] = 'Leave empty if using a DSN name in database host.'; $string['dbpass'] = 'Database password'; $string['dbsetupsql'] = 'Database setup command'; $string['dbsetupsql_desc'] = 'SQL command for special database setup, often used to setup communication encoding - example for MySQL and PostgreSQL:
SET NAMES \'utf8\'
'; $string['dbsybasequoting'] = 'Use sybase quotes'; $string['dbsybasequoting_desc'] = 'Sybase style single quote escaping - needed for Oracle, MS SQL and some other databases. Do not use for MySQL!'; $string['dbtype'] = 'Database driver'; $string['dbtype_desc'] = 'ADOdb database driver name, type of the external database engine.'; $string['dbuser'] = 'Database user'; $string['debugdb'] = 'Debug ADOdb'; $string['debugdb_desc'] = 'Debug ADOdb connection to external database - use when getting empty page during login. Not suitable for production sites!'; $string['defaultcategory'] = 'Default new course category'; $string['defaultcategory_desc'] = 'The default category for auto-created courses. Used when no new category id specified or not found.'; $string['defaultrole'] = 'Default role'; $string['defaultrole_desc'] = 'The role that will be assigned by default if no other role is specified in external table.'; $string['ignorehiddencourses'] = 'Ignore hidden courses'; $string['ignorehiddencourses_desc'] = 'If enabled users will not be enrolled on courses that are set to be unavailable to students.'; $string['localcategoryfield'] = 'Local category field'; $string['localcoursefield'] = 'Local course field'; $string['localrolefield'] = 'Local role field'; $string['localuserfield'] = 'Local user field'; $string['newcoursetable'] = 'Remote new courses table'; $string['newcoursetable_desc'] = 'Specify of the name of the table that contains list of courses that should be created automatically. Empty means no courses are created.'; $string['newcoursecategory'] = 'New course category field'; $string['newcoursefullname'] = 'New course full name field'; $string['newcourseidnumber'] = 'New course ID number field'; $string['newcourseshortname'] = 'New course short name field'; $string['pluginname'] = 'External database'; $string['pluginname_desc'] = 'You can use an external database (of nearly any kind) to control your enrolments. It is assumed your external database contains at least a field containing a course ID, and a field containing a user ID. These are compared against fields that you choose in the local course and user tables.'; $string['remotecoursefield'] = 'Remote course field'; $string['remotecoursefield_desc'] = 'The name of the field in the remote table that we are using to match entries in the course table.'; $string['remoteenroltable'] = 'Remote user enrolment table'; $string['remoteenroltable_desc'] = 'Specify the name of the table that contains list of user enrolments. Empty means no user enrolment sync.'; $string['remoteotheruserfield'] = 'Remote Other User field'; $string['remoteotheruserfield_desc'] = 'The name of the field in the remote table that we are using to flag "Other User" role assignments.'; $string['remoterolefield'] = 'Remote role field'; $string['remoterolefield_desc'] = 'The name of the field in the remote table that we are using to match entries in the roles table.'; $string['remoteuserfield'] = 'Remote user field'; $string['settingsheaderdb'] = 'External database connection'; $string['settingsheaderlocal'] = 'Local field mapping'; $string['settingsheaderremote'] = 'Remote enrolment sync'; $string['settingsheadernewcourses'] = 'Creation of new courses'; $string['syncenrolmentstask'] = 'Synchronise external database enrolments task'; $string['remoteuserfield_desc'] = 'The name of the field in the remote table that we are using to match entries in the user table.'; $string['templatecourse'] = 'New course template'; $string['templatecourse_desc'] = 'Optional: auto-created courses can copy their settings from a template course. Type here the shortname of the template course.'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The External database enrolment plugin does not store any personal data.';