. /** * A checkbox ui element. * * @package gradereport_singleview * @copyright 2014 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace gradereport_singleview\local\ui; use html_writer; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * A checkbox ui element. * * @package gradereport_singleview * @copyright 2014 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class checkbox_attribute extends element { /** @var bool $ischecked Is it checked? */ private $ischecked; /** * Constructor * * @param string $name The element name * @param string $label The label for the form element * @param bool $ischecked Is this thing on? * @param int $locked Is this element locked either 0 or a time. */ public function __construct($name, $label, $ischecked = false, $locked=0) { $this->ischecked = $ischecked; $this->locked = $locked; parent::__construct($name, 1, $label); } /** * Nasty function allowing checkbox logic to escape the class. * @return bool */ public function is_checkbox() { return true; } /** * Generate the HTML * * @return string */ public function html() { $attributes = array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => $this->name, 'value' => 1, 'id' => $this->name ); // UCSB fixed user should not be able to override locked grade. if ( $this->locked) { $attributes['disabled'] = 'DISABLED'; } $hidden = array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'old' . $this->name ); if ($this->ischecked) { $attributes['checked'] = 'CHECKED'; $hidden['value'] = 1; } $type = "override"; if (preg_match("/^exclude/", $this->name)) { $type = "exclude"; } return ( html_writer::tag('label', get_string($type . 'for', 'gradereport_singleview', $this->label), array('for' => $this->name, 'class' => 'accesshide')) . html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attributes) . html_writer::empty_tag('input', $hidden) ); } }