. /** * Strings for availability system. * * @package core_availability * @copyright 2014 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['accessrestrictions'] = 'Access restrictions'; $string['addrestriction'] = 'Add restriction...'; $string['and'] = 'and'; $string['condition_group'] = 'Restriction set'; $string['condition_group_info'] = 'Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.'; $string['enableavailability'] = 'Enable restricted access'; $string['enableavailability_desc'] = 'If enabled, conditions (based on date, grade, completion etc.) may be set to control whether an activity or resource can be accessed.'; $string['error_list_nochildren'] = 'Restriction sets should contain at least one condition.'; $string['hidden_marker'] = '(hidden otherwise)'; $string['hidden_individual'] = 'Hidden entirely if user does not meet this condition'; $string['invalid'] = 'Please set'; $string['itemheading'] = '{$a->number} {$a->type} restriction'; $string['item_unknowntype'] = 'These restrictions use a plugin which is no longer available (if it is okay to remove that restriction, delete it below)'; $string['shown_individual'] = 'Displayed greyed-out if user does not meet this condition'; $string['hide_verb'] = 'Click to hide'; $string['show_verb'] = 'Click to display greyed-out'; $string['hidden_all'] = 'Hidden entirely if user does not meet conditions'; $string['shown_all'] = 'Displayed greyed-out if user does not meet conditions'; $string['label_multi'] = 'Required restrictions'; $string['label_sign'] = 'Restriction type'; $string['list_and'] = 'All of:'; $string['list_and_hidden'] = 'All of (hidden otherwise):'; $string['list_or'] = 'Any of:'; $string['list_or_hidden'] = 'Any of (hidden otherwise):'; $string['list_root_and'] = 'Not available unless:'; $string['list_root_and_hidden'] = 'Not available (hidden) unless:'; $string['list_root_or'] = 'Not available unless any of:'; $string['list_root_or_hidden'] = 'Not available (hidden) unless any of:'; $string['listheader_sign_before'] = 'Student'; $string['listheader_sign_pos'] = 'must'; $string['listheader_sign_neg'] = 'must not'; $string['listheader_single'] = 'match the following'; $string['listheader_multi_after'] = 'of the following'; $string['listheader_multi_and'] = 'all'; $string['listheader_multi_before'] = 'match'; $string['listheader_multi_or'] = 'any'; $string['manageplugins'] = 'Manage restrictions'; $string['missingplugin'] = 'Missing restriction plugin'; $string['or'] = 'or'; $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Access restriction subsystem does not store any personal data.'; $string['restrictaccess'] = 'Restrict access'; $string['restrictbygroup'] = 'Add group/grouping access restriction'; $string['setheading'] = '{$a->number} Set of {$a->count} restriction(s)'; $string['unknowncondition'] = 'Unknown condition (deleted condition plugin)';