// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * AJAX helper for the inline editing a value. * * This script is automatically included from template core/inplace_editable * It registers a click-listener on [data-inplaceeditablelink] link (the "inplace edit" icon), * then replaces the displayed value with an input field. On "Enter" it sends a request * to web service core_update_inplace_editable, which invokes the specified callback. * Any exception thrown by the web service (or callback) is displayed as an error popup. * * @module core/inplace_editable * @package core * @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.1 */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/str', 'core/config', 'core/url', 'core/form-autocomplete', 'core/pending', ], function($, ajax, templates, notification, str, cfg, url, autocomplete, Pending) { $('body').on('click keypress', '[data-inplaceeditable] [data-inplaceeditablelink]', function(e) { if (e.type === 'keypress' && e.keyCode !== 13) { return; } var editingEnabledPromise = new Pending('autocomplete-start-editing'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var target = $(this), mainelement = target.closest('[data-inplaceeditable]'); var addSpinner = function(element) { element.addClass('updating'); var spinner = element.find('img.spinner'); if (spinner.length) { spinner.show(); } else { spinner = $('
') .attr('src', url.imageUrl('i/loading_small')) .addClass('spinner').addClass('smallicon') ; element.append(spinner); } }; var removeSpinner = function(element) { element.removeClass('updating'); element.find('img.spinner').hide(); }; var updateValue = function(mainelement, value) { var pendingId = [ mainelement.attr('data-itemid'), mainelement.attr('data-component'), mainelement.attr('data-itemtype'), ].join('-'); var pendingPromise = new Pending(pendingId); addSpinner(mainelement); ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_update_inplace_editable', args: { itemid: mainelement.attr('data-itemid'), component: mainelement.attr('data-component'), itemtype: mainelement.attr('data-itemtype'), value: value, }, }])[0] .then(function(data) { return templates.render('core/inplace_editable', data) .then(function(html, js) { var oldvalue = mainelement.attr('data-value'); var newelement = $(html); templates.replaceNode(mainelement, newelement, js); newelement.find('[data-inplaceeditablelink]').focus(); newelement.trigger({ type: 'updated', ajaxreturn: data, oldvalue: oldvalue, }); return; }); }) .then(function() { return pendingPromise.resolve(); }) .fail(function(ex) { var e = $.Event('updatefailed', { exception: ex, newvalue: value }); removeSpinner(mainelement); M.util.js_complete(pendingId); mainelement.trigger(e); if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { notification.exception(ex); } }); }; var turnEditingOff = function(el) { el.find('input').off(); el.find('select').off(); el.html(el.attr('data-oldcontent')); el.removeAttr('data-oldcontent'); el.removeClass('inplaceeditingon'); el.find('[data-inplaceeditablelink]').focus(); }; var turnEditingOffEverywhere = function() { $('span.inplaceeditable.inplaceeditingon').each(function() { turnEditingOff($(this)); }); }; var uniqueId = function(prefix, idlength) { var uniqid = prefix, i; for (i = 0; i < idlength; i++) { uniqid += String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)); } // Make sure this ID is not already taken by an existing element. if ($("#" + uniqid).length === 0) { return uniqid; } return uniqueId(prefix, idlength); }; var turnEditingOnText = function(el) { str.get_string('edittitleinstructions').done(function(s) { var instr = $('
' + s + '
'). attr('id', uniqueId('id_editinstructions_', 20)), inputelement = $('
'). attr('id', uniqueId('id_inplacevalue_', 20)). attr('value', el.attr('data-value')). attr('aria-describedby', instr.attr('id')). addClass('ignoredirty'). addClass('form-control'), lbl = $('
' + mainelement.attr('data-editlabel') + '
'). attr('for', inputelement.attr('id')); el.html('').append(instr).append(lbl).append(inputelement); inputelement.focus(); inputelement.select(); inputelement.on('keyup keypress focusout', function(e) { if (cfg.behatsiterunning && e.type === 'focusout') { // Behat triggers focusout too often. return; } if (e.type === 'keypress' && e.keyCode === 13) { // We need 'keypress' event for Enter because keyup/keydown would catch Enter that was // pressed in other fields. var val = inputelement.val(); turnEditingOff(el); updateValue(el, val); } if ((e.type === 'keyup' && e.keyCode === 27) || e.type === 'focusout') { // We need 'keyup' event for Escape because keypress does not work with Escape. turnEditingOff(el); } }); }); }; var turnEditingOnToggle = function(el, newvalue) { turnEditingOff(el); updateValue(el, newvalue); }; var turnEditingOnSelect = function(el, options) { var i, inputelement = $('
'). attr('id', uniqueId('id_inplacevalue_', 20)). addClass('custom-select'), lbl = $('
' + mainelement.attr('data-editlabel') + '
') .attr('for', inputelement.attr('id')); for (i in options) { inputelement .append($('
') .attr('value', options[i].key) .html(options[i].value)); } inputelement.val(el.attr('data-value')); el.html('') .append(lbl) .append(inputelement); inputelement.focus(); inputelement.select(); inputelement.on('keyup change focusout', function(e) { if (cfg.behatsiterunning && e.type === 'focusout') { // Behat triggers focusout too often. return; } if (e.type === 'change') { var val = inputelement.val(); turnEditingOff(el); updateValue(el, val); } if ((e.type === 'keyup' && e.keyCode === 27) || e.type === 'focusout') { // We need 'keyup' event for Escape because keypress does not work with Escape. turnEditingOff(el); } }); }; var turnEditingOnAutocomplete = function(el, args) { var i, inputelement = $('
'). attr('id', uniqueId('id_inplacevalue_', 20)). addClass('form-autocomplete-original-select'). addClass('custom-select'), lbl = $('
' + mainelement.attr('data-editlabel') + '
') .attr('for', inputelement.attr('id')), options = args.options, attributes = args.attributes, saveelement = $('
'), cancelelement = $('
'); for (i in options) { inputelement .append($('
') .attr('value', options[i].key) .html(options[i].value)); } if (attributes.multiple) { inputelement.attr('multiple', 'true'); } inputelement.val(JSON.parse(el.attr('data-value'))); str.get_string('savechanges', 'core').then(function(s) { return templates.renderPix('e/save', 'core', s); }).then(function(html) { saveelement.append(html); return; }).fail(notification.exception); str.get_string('cancel', 'core').then(function(s) { return templates.renderPix('e/cancel', 'core', s); }).then(function(html) { cancelelement.append(html); return; }).fail(notification.exception); el.html('') .append(lbl) .append(inputelement) .append(saveelement) .append(cancelelement); inputelement.focus(); inputelement.select(); autocomplete.enhance(inputelement, attributes.tags, attributes.ajax, attributes.placeholder, attributes.caseSensitive, attributes.showSuggestions, attributes.noSelectionString) .then(function() { // Focus on the enhanced combobox. el.find('[role=combobox]').focus(); // Stop eslint nagging. return; }).fail(notification.exception); inputelement.on('keyup', function(e) { if ((e.type === 'keyup' && e.keyCode === 27) || e.type === 'focusout') { // We need 'keyup' event for Escape because keypress does not work with Escape. turnEditingOff(el); } }); saveelement.on('click', function(e) { var val = JSON.stringify(inputelement.val()); // We need to empty the node to destroy all event handlers etc. inputelement.empty(); turnEditingOff(el); updateValue(el, val); e.preventDefault(); }); cancelelement.on('click', function(e) { // We need to empty the node to destroy all event handlers etc. inputelement.empty(); turnEditingOff(el); e.preventDefault(); }); }; var turnEditingOn = function(el) { el.addClass('inplaceeditingon'); el.attr('data-oldcontent', el.html()); var type = el.attr('data-type'); var options = el.attr('data-options'); if (type === 'toggle') { turnEditingOnToggle(el, options); } else if (type === 'select') { turnEditingOnSelect(el, $.parseJSON(options)); } else if (type === 'autocomplete') { turnEditingOnAutocomplete(el, $.parseJSON(options)); } else { turnEditingOnText(el); } }; // Turn editing on for the current element and register handler for Enter/Esc keys. turnEditingOffEverywhere(); turnEditingOn(mainelement); editingEnabledPromise.resolve(); }); return {}; });