// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Create a modal. * * @module core/modal_factory * @class modal_factory * @package core * @copyright 2016 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/modal_events', 'core/modal_registry', 'core/modal', 'core/modal_save_cancel', 'core/modal_confirm', 'core/modal_cancel', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/pending'], function($, ModalEvents, ModalRegistry, Modal, ModalSaveCancel, ModalConfirm, ModalCancel, Templates, Notification, CustomEvents, Pending) { // The templates for each type of modal. var TEMPLATES = { DEFAULT: 'core/modal', SAVE_CANCEL: 'core/modal_save_cancel', // Deprecated since Moodle 3.4. Point template to core/modal_save_cancel instead. See MDL-59759. CONFIRM: 'core/modal_save_cancel', CANCEL: 'core/modal_cancel', }; // The available types of modals. var TYPES = { DEFAULT: 'DEFAULT', SAVE_CANCEL: 'SAVE_CANCEL', // Deprecated since Moodle 3.4. See MDL-59759. CONFIRM: 'CONFIRM', CANCEL: 'CANCEL', }; // Register the common set of modals. ModalRegistry.register(TYPES.DEFAULT, Modal, TEMPLATES.DEFAULT); ModalRegistry.register(TYPES.SAVE_CANCEL, ModalSaveCancel, TEMPLATES.SAVE_CANCEL); // Deprecated since Moodle 3.4. See MDL-59759. ModalRegistry.register(TYPES.CONFIRM, ModalConfirm, TEMPLATES.CONFIRM); ModalRegistry.register(TYPES.CANCEL, ModalCancel, TEMPLATES.CANCEL); /** * Set up the events required to show the modal and return focus when the modal * is closed. * * @method setUpTrigger * @param {Promise} modalPromise The modal instance * @param {object} triggerElement The jQuery element to open the modal * @param {object} modalConfig The modal configuration given to the factory */ var setUpTrigger = function(modalPromise, triggerElement, modalConfig) { // The element that actually shows the modal. var actualTriggerElement = null; // Check if the client has provided a callback function to be called // before the modal is displayed. var hasPreShowCallback = (typeof modalConfig.preShowCallback == 'function'); // Function to handle the trigger element being activated. var triggeredCallback = function(e, data) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/modal_factory:setUpTrigger:triggeredCallback'); actualTriggerElement = $(e.currentTarget); modalPromise.then(function(modal) { if (hasPreShowCallback) { // If the client provided a pre-show callback then execute // it now before showing the modal. modalConfig.preShowCallback(actualTriggerElement, modal); } modal.show(); return modal; }) .then(pendingPromise.resolve); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }; // The trigger element can either be a single element or it can be an // element + selector pair to create a delegated event handler to trigger // the modal. if (Array.isArray(triggerElement)) { var selector = triggerElement[1]; triggerElement = triggerElement[0]; CustomEvents.define(triggerElement, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); triggerElement.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, selector, triggeredCallback); } else { CustomEvents.define(triggerElement, [CustomEvents.events.activate]); triggerElement.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, triggeredCallback); } modalPromise.then(function(modal) { modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, function() { // Focus on the trigger element that actually launched the modal. if (actualTriggerElement !== null) { actualTriggerElement.focus(); } }); return modal; }); }; /** * Create the correct instance of a modal based on the givem type. Sets up * the trigger between the modal and the trigger element. * * @method createFromElement * @param {object} registryConf A config from the ModalRegistry * @param {object} modalElement The modal HTML jQuery object * @return {object} Modal instance */ var createFromElement = function(registryConf, modalElement) { modalElement = $(modalElement); var module = registryConf.module; var modal = new module(modalElement); return modal; }; /** * Create the correct modal instance for the given type, including loading * the correct template. * * @method createFromType * @param {object} registryConf A config from the ModalRegistry * @param {object} templateContext The context to render the template with * @return {promise} Resolved with a Modal instance */ var createFromType = function(registryConf, templateContext) { var templateName = registryConf.template; var modalPromise = Templates.render(templateName, templateContext) .then(function(html) { var modalElement = $(html); return createFromElement(registryConf, modalElement); }) .fail(Notification.exception); return modalPromise; }; /** * Create a Modal instance. * * @method create * @param {object} modalConfig The configuration to create the modal instance * @param {object} triggerElement The trigger HTML jQuery object * @return {promise} Resolved with a Modal instance */ var create = function(modalConfig, triggerElement) { var type = modalConfig.type || TYPES.DEFAULT; var isLarge = modalConfig.large ? true : false; var registryConf = null; var templateContext = {}; registryConf = ModalRegistry.get(type); if (!registryConf) { Notification.exception({message: 'Unable to find modal of type: ' + type}); } if (typeof modalConfig.templateContext != 'undefined') { templateContext = modalConfig.templateContext; } var modalPromise = createFromType(registryConf, templateContext) .then(function(modal) { if (typeof modalConfig.title != 'undefined') { modal.setTitle(modalConfig.title); } if (typeof modalConfig.body != 'undefined') { modal.setBody(modalConfig.body); } if (typeof modalConfig.footer != 'undefined') { modal.setFooter(modalConfig.footer); } if (isLarge) { modal.setLarge(); } return modal; }); if (typeof triggerElement != 'undefined') { setUpTrigger(modalPromise, triggerElement, modalConfig); } return modalPromise; }; return { create: create, types: TYPES, }; });