// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * A system for displaying notifications to users from the session. * * Wrapper for the YUI M.core.notification class. Allows us to * use the YUI version in AMD code until it is replaced. * * @module core/notification * @class notification * @package core * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 2.9 */ define(['core/yui', 'jquery', 'core/log', 'core/pending'], function(Y, $, log, Pending) { var notificationModule = { types: { 'success': 'core/notification_success', 'info': 'core/notification_info', 'warning': 'core/notification_warning', 'error': 'core/notification_error', }, fieldName: 'user-notifications', fetchNotifications: function() { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:fetchNotifications'); require(['core/ajax'], function(ajax) { var promises = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_fetch_notifications', args: { contextid: notificationModule.contextid } }]); // This currently fails when not logged in. // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return promises[0] .then(notificationModule.addNotifications) .always(pendingPromise.resolve); }); }, addNotifications: function(notifications) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:addNotifications'); if (!notifications) { notifications = []; } $.each(notifications, function(i, notification) { notificationModule.renderNotification(notification.template, notification.variables); }); pendingPromise.resolve(); }, setupTargetRegion: function() { var targetRegion = $('#' + notificationModule.fieldName); if (targetRegion.length) { return false; } var newRegion = $('
').attr('id', notificationModule.fieldName); targetRegion = $('#region-main'); if (targetRegion.length) { return targetRegion.prepend(newRegion); } targetRegion = $('[role="main"]'); if (targetRegion.length) { return targetRegion.prepend(newRegion); } targetRegion = $('body'); return targetRegion.prepend(newRegion); }, addNotification: function(notification) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:addNotifications'); var template = notificationModule.types.error; notification = $.extend({ closebutton: true, announce: true, type: 'error' }, notification); if (notification.template) { template = notification.template; delete notification.template; } else if (notification.type) { if (typeof notificationModule.types[notification.type] !== 'undefined') { template = notificationModule.types[notification.type]; } delete notification.type; } pendingPromise.resolve(); return notificationModule.renderNotification(template, notification); }, renderNotification: function(template, variables) { if (typeof variables.message === 'undefined' || !variables.message) { log.debug('Notification received without content. Skipping.'); return; } var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:renderNotification'); require(['core/templates'], function(templates) { templates.render(template, variables) .then(function(html, js) { $('#' + notificationModule.fieldName).prepend(html); templates.runTemplateJS(js); return; }) .always(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(notificationModule.exception); }); }, alert: function(title, message, yesLabel) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:alert'); // Here we are wrapping YUI. This allows us to start transitioning, but // wait for a good alternative without having inconsistent dialogues. Y.use('moodle-core-notification-alert', function() { var alert = new M.core.alert({ title: title, message: message, yesLabel: yesLabel }); alert.show(); pendingPromise.resolve(); }); }, confirm: function(title, question, yesLabel, noLabel, yesCallback, noCallback) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:confirm'); // Here we are wrapping YUI. This allows us to start transitioning, but // wait for a good alternative without having inconsistent dialogues. Y.use('moodle-core-notification-confirm', function() { var modal = new M.core.confirm({ title: title, question: question, yesLabel: yesLabel, noLabel: noLabel }); modal.on('complete-yes', function() { yesCallback(); }); if (noCallback) { modal.on('complete-no', function() { noCallback(); }); } modal.show(); pendingPromise.resolve(); }); }, exception: function(ex) { var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/notification:addNotifications'); // Fudge some parameters. if (typeof ex.stack == 'undefined') { ex.stack = ''; } if (ex.debuginfo) { ex.stack += ex.debuginfo + '\n'; } if (!ex.backtrace && ex.stacktrace) { ex.backtrace = ex.stacktrace; } if (ex.backtrace) { ex.stack += ex.backtrace; var ln = ex.backtrace.match(/line ([^ ]*) of/); var fn = ex.backtrace.match(/ of ([^:]*): /); if (ln && ln[1]) { ex.lineNumber = ln[1]; } if (fn && fn[1]) { ex.fileName = fn[1]; if (ex.fileName.length > 30) { ex.fileName = '...' + ex.fileName.substr(ex.fileName.length - 27); } } } if (typeof ex.name == 'undefined' && ex.errorcode) { ex.name = ex.errorcode; } Y.use('moodle-core-notification-exception', function() { var modal = new M.core.exception(ex); modal.show(); pendingPromise.resolve(); }); } }; return /** @alias module:core/notification */{ init: function(contextid, notifications) { notificationModule.contextid = contextid; // Setup the message target region if it isn't setup already notificationModule.setupTargetRegion(); // Add provided notifications. notificationModule.addNotifications(notifications); // Poll for any new notifications. notificationModule.fetchNotifications(); }, /** * Poll the server for any new notifications. * * @method fetchNotifications */ fetchNotifications: notificationModule.fetchNotifications, /** * Add a notification to the page. * * Note: This does not cause the notification to be added to the session. * * @method addNotification * @param {Object} notification The notification to add. * @param {string} notification.message The body of the notification * @param {string} notification.type The type of notification to add (error, warning, info, success). * @param {Boolean} notification.closebutton Whether to show the close button. * @param {Boolean} notification.announce Whether to announce to screen readers. */ addNotification: notificationModule.addNotification, /** * Wrap M.core.alert. * * @method alert * @param {string} title * @param {string} message * @param {string} yesLabel */ alert: notificationModule.alert, /** * Wrap M.core.confirm. * * @method confirm * @param {string} title * @param {string} question * @param {string} yesLabel * @param {string} noLabel * @param {function} yesCallback * @param {function} noCallback Optional parameter to be called if the user presses cancel. */ confirm: notificationModule.confirm, /** * Wrap M.core.exception. * * @method exception * @param {Error} ex */ exception: notificationModule.exception }; });