. /** * Scheduled and adhoc task management. * * @package core * @category task * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core\task; define('CORE_TASK_TASKS_FILENAME', 'db/tasks.php'); /** * Collection of task related methods. * * Some locking rules for this class: * All changes to scheduled tasks must be protected with both - the global cron lock and the lock * for the specific scheduled task (in that order). Locks must be released in the reverse order. * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class manager { /** * Given a component name, will load the list of tasks in the db/tasks.php file for that component. * * @param string $componentname - The name of the component to fetch the tasks for. * @return \core\task\scheduled_task[] - List of scheduled tasks for this component. */ public static function load_default_scheduled_tasks_for_component($componentname) { $dir = \core_component::get_component_directory($componentname); if (!$dir) { return array(); } $file = $dir . '/' . CORE_TASK_TASKS_FILENAME; if (!file_exists($file)) { return array(); } $tasks = null; include($file); if (!isset($tasks)) { return array(); } $scheduledtasks = array(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $record = (object) $task; $scheduledtask = self::scheduled_task_from_record($record); // Safety check in case the task in the DB does not match a real class (maybe something was uninstalled). if ($scheduledtask) { $scheduledtask->set_component($componentname); $scheduledtasks[] = $scheduledtask; } } return $scheduledtasks; } /** * Update the database to contain a list of scheduled task for a component. * The list of scheduled tasks is taken from @load_scheduled_tasks_for_component. * Will throw exceptions for any errors. * * @param string $componentname - The frankenstyle component name. */ public static function reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($componentname) { global $DB; $tasks = self::load_default_scheduled_tasks_for_component($componentname); $validtasks = array(); foreach ($tasks as $taskid => $task) { $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $validtasks[] = $classname; if ($currenttask = self::get_scheduled_task($classname)) { if ($currenttask->is_customised()) { // If there is an existing task with a custom schedule, do not override it. continue; } // Update the record from the default task data. self::configure_scheduled_task($task); } else { // Ensure that the first run follows the schedule. $task->set_next_run_time($task->get_next_scheduled_time()); // Insert the new task in the database. $record = self::record_from_scheduled_task($task); $DB->insert_record('task_scheduled', $record); } } // Delete any task that is not defined in the component any more. $sql = "component = :component"; $params = array('component' => $componentname); if (!empty($validtasks)) { list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($validtasks, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', false); $sql .= ' AND classname ' . $insql; $params = array_merge($params, $inparams); } $DB->delete_records_select('task_scheduled', $sql, $params); } /** * Checks if the task with the same classname, component and customdata is already scheduled * * @param adhoc_task $task * @return bool */ protected static function task_is_scheduled($task) { return false !== self::get_queued_adhoc_task_record($task); } /** * Checks if the task with the same classname, component and customdata is already scheduled * * @param adhoc_task $task * @return bool */ protected static function get_queued_adhoc_task_record($task) { global $DB; $record = self::record_from_adhoc_task($task); $params = [$record->classname, $record->component, $record->customdata]; $sql = 'classname = ? AND component = ? AND ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('customdata', \core_text::strlen($record->customdata) + 1) . ' = ?'; if ($record->userid) { $params[] = $record->userid; $sql .= " AND userid = ? "; } return $DB->get_record_select('task_adhoc', $sql, $params); } /** * Schedule a new task, or reschedule an existing adhoc task which has matching data. * * Only a task matching the same user, classname, component, and customdata will be rescheduled. * If these values do not match exactly then a new task is scheduled. * * @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task - The new adhoc task information to store. * @since Moodle 3.7 */ public static function reschedule_or_queue_adhoc_task(adhoc_task $task) : void { global $DB; if ($existingrecord = self::get_queued_adhoc_task_record($task)) { // Only update the next run time if it is explicitly set on the task. $nextruntime = $task->get_next_run_time(); if ($nextruntime && ($existingrecord->nextruntime != $nextruntime)) { $DB->set_field('task_adhoc', 'nextruntime', $nextruntime, ['id' => $existingrecord->id]); } } else { // There is nothing queued yet. Just queue as normal. self::queue_adhoc_task($task); } } /** * Queue an adhoc task to run in the background. * * @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task - The new adhoc task information to store. * @param bool $checkforexisting - If set to true and the task with the same user, classname, component and customdata * is already scheduled then it will not schedule a new task. Can be used only for ASAP tasks. * @return boolean - True if the config was saved. */ public static function queue_adhoc_task(adhoc_task $task, $checkforexisting = false) { global $DB; if ($userid = $task->get_userid()) { // User found. Check that they are suitable. \core_user::require_active_user(\core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST), true, true); } $record = self::record_from_adhoc_task($task); // Schedule it immediately if nextruntime not explicitly set. if (!$task->get_next_run_time()) { $record->nextruntime = time() - 1; } // Check if the same task is already scheduled. if ($checkforexisting && self::task_is_scheduled($task)) { return false; } // Queue the task. $result = $DB->insert_record('task_adhoc', $record); return $result; } /** * Change the default configuration for a scheduled task. * The list of scheduled tasks is taken from {@link load_scheduled_tasks_for_component}. * * @param \core\task\scheduled_task $task - The new scheduled task information to store. * @return boolean - True if the config was saved. */ public static function configure_scheduled_task(scheduled_task $task) { global $DB; $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $original = $DB->get_record('task_scheduled', array('classname'=>$classname), 'id', MUST_EXIST); $record = self::record_from_scheduled_task($task); $record->id = $original->id; $record->nextruntime = $task->get_next_scheduled_time(); $result = $DB->update_record('task_scheduled', $record); return $result; } /** * Utility method to create a DB record from a scheduled task. * * @param \core\task\scheduled_task $task * @return \stdClass */ public static function record_from_scheduled_task($task) { $record = new \stdClass(); $record->classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $record->component = $task->get_component(); $record->blocking = $task->is_blocking(); $record->customised = $task->is_customised(); $record->lastruntime = $task->get_last_run_time(); $record->nextruntime = $task->get_next_run_time(); $record->faildelay = $task->get_fail_delay(); $record->hour = $task->get_hour(); $record->minute = $task->get_minute(); $record->day = $task->get_day(); $record->dayofweek = $task->get_day_of_week(); $record->month = $task->get_month(); $record->disabled = $task->get_disabled(); return $record; } /** * Utility method to create a DB record from an adhoc task. * * @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task * @return \stdClass */ public static function record_from_adhoc_task($task) { $record = new \stdClass(); $record->classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $record->id = $task->get_id(); $record->component = $task->get_component(); $record->blocking = $task->is_blocking(); $record->nextruntime = $task->get_next_run_time(); $record->faildelay = $task->get_fail_delay(); $record->customdata = $task->get_custom_data_as_string(); $record->userid = $task->get_userid(); return $record; } /** * Utility method to create an adhoc task from a DB record. * * @param \stdClass $record * @return \core\task\adhoc_task */ public static function adhoc_task_from_record($record) { $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($record->classname); if (!class_exists($classname)) { debugging("Failed to load task: " . $classname, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } $task = new $classname; if (isset($record->nextruntime)) { $task->set_next_run_time($record->nextruntime); } if (isset($record->id)) { $task->set_id($record->id); } if (isset($record->component)) { $task->set_component($record->component); } $task->set_blocking(!empty($record->blocking)); if (isset($record->faildelay)) { $task->set_fail_delay($record->faildelay); } if (isset($record->customdata)) { $task->set_custom_data_as_string($record->customdata); } if (isset($record->userid)) { $task->set_userid($record->userid); } return $task; } /** * Utility method to create a task from a DB record. * * @param \stdClass $record * @return \core\task\scheduled_task */ public static function scheduled_task_from_record($record) { $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($record->classname); if (!class_exists($classname)) { debugging("Failed to load task: " . $classname, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } /** @var \core\task\scheduled_task $task */ $task = new $classname; if (isset($record->lastruntime)) { $task->set_last_run_time($record->lastruntime); } if (isset($record->nextruntime)) { $task->set_next_run_time($record->nextruntime); } if (isset($record->customised)) { $task->set_customised($record->customised); } if (isset($record->component)) { $task->set_component($record->component); } $task->set_blocking(!empty($record->blocking)); if (isset($record->minute)) { $task->set_minute($record->minute); } if (isset($record->hour)) { $task->set_hour($record->hour); } if (isset($record->day)) { $task->set_day($record->day); } if (isset($record->month)) { $task->set_month($record->month); } if (isset($record->dayofweek)) { $task->set_day_of_week($record->dayofweek); } if (isset($record->faildelay)) { $task->set_fail_delay($record->faildelay); } if (isset($record->disabled)) { $task->set_disabled($record->disabled); } return $task; } /** * Given a component name, will load the list of tasks from the scheduled_tasks table for that component. * Do not execute tasks loaded from this function - they have not been locked. * @param string $componentname - The name of the component to load the tasks for. * @return \core\task\scheduled_task[] */ public static function load_scheduled_tasks_for_component($componentname) { global $DB; $tasks = array(); // We are just reading - so no locks required. $records = $DB->get_records('task_scheduled', array('component' => $componentname), 'classname', '*', IGNORE_MISSING); foreach ($records as $record) { $task = self::scheduled_task_from_record($record); // Safety check in case the task in the DB does not match a real class (maybe something was uninstalled). if ($task) { $tasks[] = $task; } } return $tasks; } /** * This function load the scheduled task details for a given classname. * * @param string $classname * @return \core\task\scheduled_task or false */ public static function get_scheduled_task($classname) { global $DB; $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($classname); // We are just reading - so no locks required. $record = $DB->get_record('task_scheduled', array('classname'=>$classname), '*', IGNORE_MISSING); if (!$record) { return false; } return self::scheduled_task_from_record($record); } /** * This function load the adhoc tasks for a given classname. * * @param string $classname * @return \core\task\adhoc_task[] */ public static function get_adhoc_tasks($classname) { global $DB; $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($classname); // We are just reading - so no locks required. $records = $DB->get_records('task_adhoc', array('classname' => $classname)); return array_map(function($record) { return self::adhoc_task_from_record($record); }, $records); } /** * This function load the default scheduled task details for a given classname. * * @param string $classname * @return \core\task\scheduled_task or false */ public static function get_default_scheduled_task($classname) { $task = self::get_scheduled_task($classname); $componenttasks = array(); // Safety check in case no task was found for the given classname. if ($task) { $componenttasks = self::load_default_scheduled_tasks_for_component($task->get_component()); } foreach ($componenttasks as $componenttask) { if (get_class($componenttask) == get_class($task)) { return $componenttask; } } return false; } /** * This function will return a list of all the scheduled tasks that exist in the database. * * @return \core\task\scheduled_task[] */ public static function get_all_scheduled_tasks() { global $DB; $records = $DB->get_records('task_scheduled', null, 'component, classname', '*', IGNORE_MISSING); $tasks = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $task = self::scheduled_task_from_record($record); // Safety check in case the task in the DB does not match a real class (maybe something was uninstalled). if ($task) { $tasks[] = $task; } } return $tasks; } /** * This function will dispatch the next adhoc task in the queue. The task will be handed out * with an open lock - possibly on the entire cron process. Make sure you call either * {@link adhoc_task_failed} or {@link adhoc_task_complete} to release the lock and reschedule the task. * * @param int $timestart * @return \core\task\adhoc_task or null if not found * @throws \moodle_exception */ public static function get_next_adhoc_task($timestart) { global $DB; $cronlockfactory = \core\lock\lock_config::get_lock_factory('cron'); $where = '(nextruntime IS NULL OR nextruntime < :timestart1)'; $params = array('timestart1' => $timestart); $records = $DB->get_records_select('task_adhoc', $where, $params, 'nextruntime ASC, id ASC'); foreach ($records as $record) { if ($lock = $cronlockfactory->get_lock('adhoc_' . $record->id, 0)) { $classname = '\\' . $record->classname; // Safety check, see if the task has been already processed by another cron run. $record = $DB->get_record('task_adhoc', array('id' => $record->id)); if (!$record) { $lock->release(); continue; } $task = self::adhoc_task_from_record($record); // Safety check in case the task in the DB does not match a real class (maybe something was uninstalled). if (!$task) { $lock->release(); continue; } // The global cron lock is under the most contention so request it // as late as possible and release it as soon as possible. if (!$cronlock = $cronlockfactory->get_lock('core_cron', 10)) { $lock->release(); throw new \moodle_exception('locktimeout'); } $task->set_lock($lock); if (!$task->is_blocking()) { $cronlock->release(); } else { $task->set_cron_lock($cronlock); } return $task; } } return null; } /** * This function will dispatch the next scheduled task in the queue. The task will be handed out * with an open lock - possibly on the entire cron process. Make sure you call either * {@link scheduled_task_failed} or {@link scheduled_task_complete} to release the lock and reschedule the task. * * @param int $timestart - The start of the cron process - do not repeat any tasks that have been run more recently than this. * @return \core\task\scheduled_task or null * @throws \moodle_exception */ public static function get_next_scheduled_task($timestart) { global $DB; $cronlockfactory = \core\lock\lock_config::get_lock_factory('cron'); $where = "(lastruntime IS NULL OR lastruntime < :timestart1) AND (nextruntime IS NULL OR nextruntime < :timestart2) AND disabled = 0 ORDER BY lastruntime, id ASC"; $params = array('timestart1' => $timestart, 'timestart2' => $timestart); $records = $DB->get_records_select('task_scheduled', $where, $params); $pluginmanager = \core_plugin_manager::instance(); foreach ($records as $record) { if ($lock = $cronlockfactory->get_lock(($record->classname), 0)) { $classname = '\\' . $record->classname; $task = self::scheduled_task_from_record($record); // Safety check in case the task in the DB does not match a real class (maybe something was uninstalled). if (!$task) { $lock->release(); continue; } $task->set_lock($lock); // See if the component is disabled. $plugininfo = $pluginmanager->get_plugin_info($task->get_component()); if ($plugininfo) { if (($plugininfo->is_enabled() === false) && !$task->get_run_if_component_disabled()) { $lock->release(); continue; } } // Make sure the task data is unchanged. if (!$DB->record_exists('task_scheduled', (array) $record)) { $lock->release(); continue; } // The global cron lock is under the most contention so request it // as late as possible and release it as soon as possible. if (!$cronlock = $cronlockfactory->get_lock('core_cron', 10)) { $lock->release(); throw new \moodle_exception('locktimeout'); } if (!$task->is_blocking()) { $cronlock->release(); } else { $task->set_cron_lock($cronlock); } return $task; } } return null; } /** * This function indicates that an adhoc task was not completed successfully and should be retried. * * @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task */ public static function adhoc_task_failed(adhoc_task $task) { global $DB; $delay = $task->get_fail_delay(); // Reschedule task with exponential fall off for failing tasks. if (empty($delay)) { $delay = 60; } else { $delay *= 2; } // Max of 24 hour delay. if ($delay > 86400) { $delay = 86400; } $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $task->set_next_run_time(time() + $delay); $task->set_fail_delay($delay); $record = self::record_from_adhoc_task($task); $DB->update_record('task_adhoc', $record); if ($task->is_blocking()) { $task->get_cron_lock()->release(); } $task->get_lock()->release(); // Finalise the log output. logmanager::finalise_log(true); } /** * This function indicates that an adhoc task was completed successfully. * * @param \core\task\adhoc_task $task */ public static function adhoc_task_complete(adhoc_task $task) { global $DB; // Finalise the log output. logmanager::finalise_log(); // Delete the adhoc task record - it is finished. $DB->delete_records('task_adhoc', array('id' => $task->get_id())); // Reschedule and then release the locks. if ($task->is_blocking()) { $task->get_cron_lock()->release(); } $task->get_lock()->release(); } /** * This function indicates that a scheduled task was not completed successfully and should be retried. * * @param \core\task\scheduled_task $task */ public static function scheduled_task_failed(scheduled_task $task) { global $DB; $delay = $task->get_fail_delay(); // Reschedule task with exponential fall off for failing tasks. if (empty($delay)) { $delay = 60; } else { $delay *= 2; } // Max of 24 hour delay. if ($delay > 86400) { $delay = 86400; } $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $record = $DB->get_record('task_scheduled', array('classname' => $classname)); $record->nextruntime = time() + $delay; $record->faildelay = $delay; $DB->update_record('task_scheduled', $record); if ($task->is_blocking()) { $task->get_cron_lock()->release(); } $task->get_lock()->release(); // Finalise the log output. logmanager::finalise_log(true); } /** * Clears the fail delay for the given task and updates its next run time based on the schedule. * * @param scheduled_task $task Task to reset * @throws \dml_exception If there is a database error */ public static function clear_fail_delay(scheduled_task $task) { global $DB; $record = new \stdClass(); $record->id = $DB->get_field('task_scheduled', 'id', ['classname' => self::get_canonical_class_name($task)]); $record->nextruntime = $task->get_next_scheduled_time(); $record->faildelay = 0; $DB->update_record('task_scheduled', $record); } /** * This function indicates that a scheduled task was completed successfully and should be rescheduled. * * @param \core\task\scheduled_task $task */ public static function scheduled_task_complete(scheduled_task $task) { global $DB; // Finalise the log output. logmanager::finalise_log(); $classname = self::get_canonical_class_name($task); $record = $DB->get_record('task_scheduled', array('classname' => $classname)); if ($record) { $record->lastruntime = time(); $record->faildelay = 0; $record->nextruntime = $task->get_next_scheduled_time(); $DB->update_record('task_scheduled', $record); } // Reschedule and then release the locks. if ($task->is_blocking()) { $task->get_cron_lock()->release(); } $task->get_lock()->release(); } /** * This function is used to indicate that any long running cron processes should exit at the * next opportunity and restart. This is because something (e.g. DB changes) has changed and * the static caches may be stale. */ public static function clear_static_caches() { global $DB; // Do not use get/set config here because the caches cannot be relied on. $record = $DB->get_record('config', array('name'=>'scheduledtaskreset')); if ($record) { $record->value = time(); $DB->update_record('config', $record); } else { $record = new \stdClass(); $record->name = 'scheduledtaskreset'; $record->value = time(); $DB->insert_record('config', $record); } } /** * Return true if the static caches have been cleared since $starttime. * @param int $starttime The time this process started. * @return boolean True if static caches need resetting. */ public static function static_caches_cleared_since($starttime) { global $DB; $record = $DB->get_record('config', array('name'=>'scheduledtaskreset')); return $record && (intval($record->value) > $starttime); } /** * Gets class name for use in database table. Always begins with a \. * * @param string|task_base $taskorstring Task object or a string */ protected static function get_canonical_class_name($taskorstring) { if (is_string($taskorstring)) { $classname = $taskorstring; } else { $classname = get_class($taskorstring); } if (strpos($classname, '\\') !== 0) { $classname = '\\' . $classname; } return $classname; } }