. /** * A scheduled task. * * @package core * @copyright 2013 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core\task; use core_tag_collection, core_tag_tag, core_tag_area, stdClass; /** * Simple task to run the tag cron. */ class tag_cron_task extends scheduled_task { /** * Get a descriptive name for this task (shown to admins). * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return get_string('tasktagcron', 'admin'); } /** * Do the job. * Throw exceptions on errors (the job will be retried). */ public function execute() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) { $this->compute_correlations(); $this->cleanup(); } } /** * Calculates and stores the correlated tags of all tags. * * The correlations are stored in the 'tag_correlation' table. * * Two tags are correlated if they appear together a lot. Ex.: Users tagged with "computers" * will probably also be tagged with "algorithms". * * The rationale for the 'tag_correlation' table is performance. It works as a cache * for a potentially heavy load query done at the 'tag_instance' table. So, the * 'tag_correlation' table stores redundant information derived from the 'tag_instance' table. * * @param int $mincorrelation Only tags with more than $mincorrelation correlations will be identified. */ public function compute_correlations($mincorrelation = 2) { global $DB; // This mighty one line query fetches a row from the database for every // individual tag correlation. We then need to process the rows collecting // the correlations for each tag id. // The fields used by this query are as follows: // tagid : This is the tag id, there should be at least $mincorrelation // rows for each tag id. // correlation : This is the tag id that correlates to the above tagid field. // correlationid : This is the id of the row in the tag_correlation table that // relates to the tagid field and will be NULL if there are no // existing correlations. $sql = 'SELECT pairs.tagid, pairs.correlation, pairs.ocurrences, co.id AS correlationid FROM ( SELECT ta.tagid, tb.tagid AS correlation, COUNT(*) AS ocurrences FROM {tag_instance} ta JOIN {tag} tga ON ta.tagid = tga.id JOIN {tag_instance} tb ON (ta.itemtype = tb.itemtype AND ta.component = tb.component AND ta.itemid = tb.itemid AND ta.tagid <> tb.tagid) JOIN {tag} tgb ON tb.tagid = tgb.id AND tgb.tagcollid = tga.tagcollid GROUP BY ta.tagid, tb.tagid HAVING COUNT(*) > :mincorrelation ) pairs LEFT JOIN {tag_correlation} co ON co.tagid = pairs.tagid ORDER BY pairs.tagid ASC, pairs.ocurrences DESC, pairs.correlation ASC'; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array('mincorrelation' => $mincorrelation)); // Set up an empty tag correlation object. $tagcorrelation = new stdClass; $tagcorrelation->id = null; $tagcorrelation->tagid = null; $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags = array(); // We store each correlation id in this array so we can remove any correlations // that no longer exist. $correlations = array(); // Iterate each row of the result set and build them into tag correlations. // We add all of a tag's correlations to $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags[] // then save the $tagcorrelation object. foreach ($rs as $row) { if ($row->tagid != $tagcorrelation->tagid) { // The tag id has changed so we have all of the correlations for this tag. $tagcorrelationid = $this->process_computed_correlation($tagcorrelation); if ($tagcorrelationid) { $correlations[] = $tagcorrelationid; } // Now we reset the tag correlation object so we can reuse it and set it // up for the current record. $tagcorrelation = new stdClass; $tagcorrelation->id = $row->correlationid; $tagcorrelation->tagid = $row->tagid; $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags = array(); } // Save the correlation on the tag correlation object. $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags[] = $row->correlation; } // Update the current correlation after the last record. $tagcorrelationid = $this->process_computed_correlation($tagcorrelation); if ($tagcorrelationid) { $correlations[] = $tagcorrelationid; } // Close the recordset. $rs->close(); // Remove any correlations that weren't just identified. if (empty($correlations)) { // There are no tag correlations. $DB->delete_records('tag_correlation'); } else { list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($correlations, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param0000', false); $DB->delete_records_select('tag_correlation', 'id '.$sql, $params); } } /** * Clean up the tag tables, making sure all tagged object still exists. * * This method is called from cron. * * This should normally not be necessary, but in case related tags are not deleted * when the tagged record is removed, this should be done once in a while, perhaps * on an occasional cron run. On a site with lots of tags, this could become an * expensive function to call. */ public function cleanup() { global $DB; // Get ids to delete from instances where the tag has been deleted. This should never happen apparently. $sql = "SELECT ti.id FROM {tag_instance} ti LEFT JOIN {tag} t ON t.id = ti.tagid WHERE t.id IS null"; $tagids = $DB->get_records_sql($sql); $tagarray = array(); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $tagarray[] = $tagid->id; } // Next get ids from instances that have an owner that has been deleted. $sql = "SELECT ti.id FROM {tag_instance} ti, {user} u WHERE ti.itemid = u.id AND ti.itemtype = 'user' AND ti.component = 'core' AND u.deleted = 1"; $tagids = $DB->get_records_sql($sql); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $tagarray[] = $tagid->id; } // Get the other itemtypes. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT component, itemtype FROM {tag_instance} WHERE itemtype <> 'user' or component <> 'core'"; $tagareas = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($tagareas as $tagarea) { $sql = 'SELECT ti.id FROM {tag_instance} ti LEFT JOIN {' . $tagarea->itemtype . '} it ON it.id = ti.itemid WHERE it.id IS null AND ti.itemtype = ? AND ti.component = ?'; $tagids = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($tagarea->itemtype, $tagarea->component)); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $tagarray[] = $tagid->id; } } $tagareas->close(); // Get instances for each of the ids to be deleted. if (count($tagarray) > 0) { list($sqlin, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($tagarray); $sql = "SELECT ti.*, COALESCE(t.name, 'deleted') AS name, COALESCE(t.rawname, 'deleted') AS rawname FROM {tag_instance} ti LEFT JOIN {tag} t ON t.id = ti.tagid WHERE ti.id $sqlin"; $instances = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); $this->bulk_delete_instances($instances); } core_tag_collection::cleanup_unused_tags(); } /** * This function processes a tag correlation and makes changes in the database as required. * * The tag correlation object needs have both a tagid property and a correlatedtags property that is an array. * * @param stdClass $tagcorrelation * @return int/bool The id of the tag correlation that was just processed or false. */ public function process_computed_correlation(stdClass $tagcorrelation) { global $DB; // You must provide a tagid and correlatedtags must be set and be an array. if (empty($tagcorrelation->tagid) || !isset($tagcorrelation->correlatedtags) || !is_array($tagcorrelation->correlatedtags)) { return false; } $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags = join(',', $tagcorrelation->correlatedtags); if (!empty($tagcorrelation->id)) { // The tag correlation already exists so update it. $DB->update_record('tag_correlation', $tagcorrelation); } else { // This is a new correlation to insert. $tagcorrelation->id = $DB->insert_record('tag_correlation', $tagcorrelation); } return $tagcorrelation->id; } /** * This function will delete numerous tag instances efficiently. * This removes tag instances only. It doesn't check to see if it is the last use of a tag. * * @param array $instances An array of tag instance objects with the addition of the tagname and tagrawname * (used for recording a delete event). */ public function bulk_delete_instances($instances) { global $DB; $instanceids = array(); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $instanceids[] = $instance->id; } // This is a multi db compatible method of creating the correct sql when using the 'IN' value. // $insql is the sql statement, $params are the id numbers. list($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($instanceids); $sql = 'id ' . $insql; $DB->delete_records_select('tag_instance', $sql, $params); // Now go through and record each tag individually with the event system. foreach ($instances as $instance) { // Trigger tag removed event (i.e. The tag instance has been removed). \core\event\tag_removed::create_from_tag_instance($instance, $instance->name, $instance->rawname, true)->trigger(); } } }