. /** * Provides core\update\code_manager class. * * @package core_plugin * @copyright 2012, 2013, 2015 David Mudrak
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core\update; use core_component; use coding_exception; use moodle_exception; use SplFileInfo; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); /** * General purpose class managing the plugins source code files deployment * * The class is able and supposed to * - fetch and cache ZIP files distributed via the Moodle Plugins directory * - unpack the ZIP files in a temporary storage * - archive existing version of the plugin source code * - move (deploy) the plugin source code into the $CFG->dirroot * * @copyright 2015 David Mudrak
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class code_manager { /** @var string full path to the Moodle app directory root */ protected $dirroot; /** @var string full path to the temp directory root */ protected $temproot; /** * Instantiate the class instance * * @param string $dirroot full path to the moodle app directory root * @param string $temproot full path to our temp directory */ public function __construct($dirroot=null, $temproot=null) { global $CFG; if (empty($dirroot)) { $dirroot = $CFG->dirroot; } if (empty($temproot)) { // Note we are using core_plugin here as that is the valid core // subsystem we are part of. The namespace of this class (core\update) // does not match it for legacy reasons. The data stored in the // temp directory are expected to survive multiple requests and // purging caches during the upgrade, so we make use of // make_temp_directory(). The contents of it can be removed if needed, // given the site is in the maintenance mode (so that cron is not // executed) and the site is not being upgraded. $temproot = make_temp_directory('core_plugin/code_manager'); } $this->dirroot = $dirroot; $this->temproot = $temproot; $this->init_temp_directories(); } /** * Obtain the plugin ZIP file from the given URL * * The caller is supposed to know both downloads URL and the MD5 hash of * the ZIP contents in advance, typically by using the API requests against * the plugins directory. * * @param string $url * @param string $md5 * @return string|bool full path to the file, false on error */ public function get_remote_plugin_zip($url, $md5) { // Sanitize and validate the URL. $url = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $url); if (!preg_match('|^https?://|i', $url)) { $this->debug('Error fetching plugin ZIP: unsupported transport protocol: '.$url); return false; } // The cache location for the file. $distfile = $this->temproot.'/distfiles/'.$md5.'.zip'; if (is_readable($distfile) and md5_file($distfile) === $md5) { return $distfile; } else { @unlink($distfile); } // Download the file into a temporary location. $tempdir = make_request_directory(); $tempfile = $tempdir.'/plugin.zip'; $result = $this->download_plugin_zip_file($url, $tempfile); if (!$result) { return false; } $actualmd5 = md5_file($tempfile); // Make sure the actual md5 hash matches the expected one. if ($actualmd5 !== $md5) { $this->debug('Error fetching plugin ZIP: md5 mismatch.'); return false; } // If the file is empty, something went wrong. if ($actualmd5 === 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') { return false; } // Store the file in our cache. if (!rename($tempfile, $distfile)) { return false; } return $distfile; } /** * Extracts the saved plugin ZIP file. * * Returns the list of files found in the ZIP. The format of that list is * array of (string)filerelpath => (bool|string) where the array value is * either true or a string describing the problematic file. * * @see zip_packer::extract_to_pathname() * @param string $zipfilepath full path to the saved ZIP file * @param string $targetdir full path to the directory to extract the ZIP file to * @param string $rootdir explicitly rename the root directory of the ZIP into this non-empty value * @return array list of extracted files as returned by {@link zip_packer::extract_to_pathname()} */ public function unzip_plugin_file($zipfilepath, $targetdir, $rootdir = '') { // Extract the package into a temporary location. $fp = get_file_packer('application/zip'); $tempdir = make_request_directory(); $files = $fp->extract_to_pathname($zipfilepath, $tempdir); if (!$files) { return array(); } // If requested, rename the root directory of the plugin. if (!empty($rootdir)) { $files = $this->rename_extracted_rootdir($tempdir, $rootdir, $files); } // Sometimes zip may not contain all parent directories, add them to make it consistent. foreach ($files as $path => $status) { if ($status !== true) { continue; } $parts = explode('/', trim($path, '/')); while (array_pop($parts)) { if (empty($parts)) { break; } $dir = implode('/', $parts).'/'; if (!isset($files[$dir])) { $files[$dir] = true; } } } // Move the extracted files into the target location. $this->move_extracted_plugin_files($tempdir, $targetdir, $files); // Set the permissions of extracted subdirs and files. $this->set_plugin_files_permissions($targetdir, $files); return $files; } /** * Make an archive backup of the existing plugin folder. * * @param string $folderpath full path to the plugin folder * @param string $targetzip full path to the zip file to be created * @return bool true if file created, false if not */ public function zip_plugin_folder($folderpath, $targetzip) { if (file_exists($targetzip)) { throw new coding_exception('Attempting to create already existing ZIP file', $targetzip); } if (!is_writable(dirname($targetzip))) { throw new coding_exception('Target ZIP location not writable', dirname($targetzip)); } if (!is_dir($folderpath)) { throw new coding_exception('Attempting to ZIP non-existing source directory', $folderpath); } $files = $this->list_plugin_folder_files($folderpath); $fp = get_file_packer('application/zip'); return $fp->archive_to_pathname($files, $targetzip, false); } /** * Archive the current plugin on-disk version. * * @param string $folderpath full path to the plugin folder * @param string $component * @param int $version * @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing archive if found * @return bool */ public function archive_plugin_version($folderpath, $component, $version, $overwrite=false) { if ($component !== clean_param($component, PARAM_SAFEDIR)) { // This should never happen, but just in case. throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_plugin_component_format', 'core_plugin', '', null, $component); } if ((string)$version !== clean_param((string)$version, PARAM_FILE)) { // Prevent some nasty injections via $plugin->version tricks. throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_plugin_version_format', 'core_plugin', '', null, $version); } if (empty($component) or empty($version)) { return false; } if (!is_dir($folderpath)) { return false; } $archzip = $this->temproot.'/archive/'.$component.'/'.$version.'.zip'; if (file_exists($archzip) and !$overwrite) { return true; } $tmpzip = make_request_directory().'/'.$version.'.zip'; $zipped = $this->zip_plugin_folder($folderpath, $tmpzip); if (!$zipped) { return false; } // Assert that the file looks like a valid one. list($expectedtype, $expectedname) = core_component::normalize_component($component); $actualname = $this->get_plugin_zip_root_dir($tmpzip); if ($actualname !== $expectedname) { // This should not happen. throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_archive_structure', 'core_plugin'); } make_writable_directory(dirname($archzip)); return rename($tmpzip, $archzip); } /** * Return the path to the ZIP file with the archive of the given plugin version. * * @param string $component * @param int $version * @return string|bool false if not found, full path otherwise */ public function get_archived_plugin_version($component, $version) { if (empty($component) or empty($version)) { return false; } $archzip = $this->temproot.'/archive/'.$component.'/'.$version.'.zip'; if (file_exists($archzip)) { return $archzip; } return false; } /** * Returns list of all files in the given directory. * * Given a path like /full/path/to/mod/workshop, it returns array like * * [workshop/] => /full/path/to/mod/workshop * [workshop/lang/] => /full/path/to/mod/workshop/lang * [workshop/lang/workshop.php] => /full/path/to/mod/workshop/lang/workshop.php * ... * * Which mathes the format used by Moodle file packers. * * @param string $folderpath full path to the plugin directory * @return array (string)relpath => (string)fullpath */ public function list_plugin_folder_files($folderpath) { $folder = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folderpath); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($folder); $folderpathinfo = new SplFileInfo($folderpath); $strip = strlen($folderpathinfo->getPathInfo()->getRealPath()) + 1; $files = array(); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { if ($fileinfo->getFilename() === '..') { continue; } if (strpos($fileinfo->getRealPath(), $folderpathinfo->getRealPath()) !== 0) { throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_filepath_mismatch', 'core_plugin'); } $key = substr($fileinfo->getRealPath(), $strip); if ($fileinfo->isDir() and substr($key, -1) !== '/') { $key .= '/'; } $files[str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $key)] = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $fileinfo->getRealPath()); } return $files; } /** * Detects the plugin's name from its ZIP file. * * Plugin ZIP packages are expected to contain a single directory and the * directory name would become the plugin name once extracted to the Moodle * dirroot. * * @param string $zipfilepath full path to the ZIP files * @return string|bool false on error */ public function get_plugin_zip_root_dir($zipfilepath) { $fp = get_file_packer('application/zip'); $files = $fp->list_files($zipfilepath); if (empty($files)) { return false; } $rootdirname = null; foreach ($files as $file) { $pathnameitems = explode('/', $file->pathname); if (empty($pathnameitems)) { return false; } // Set the expected name of the root directory in the first // iteration of the loop. if ($rootdirname === null) { $rootdirname = $pathnameitems[0]; } // Require the same root directory for all files in the ZIP // package. if ($rootdirname !== $pathnameitems[0]) { return false; } } return $rootdirname; } // This is the end, my only friend, the end ... of external public API. /** * Makes sure all temp directories exist and are writable. */ protected function init_temp_directories() { make_writable_directory($this->temproot.'/distfiles'); make_writable_directory($this->temproot.'/archive'); } /** * Raise developer debugging level message. * * @param string $msg */ protected function debug($msg) { debugging($msg, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } /** * Download the ZIP file with the plugin package from the given location * * @param string $url URL to the file * @param string $tofile full path to where to store the downloaded file * @return bool false on error */ protected function download_plugin_zip_file($url, $tofile) { if (file_exists($tofile)) { $this->debug('Error fetching plugin ZIP: target location exists.'); return false; } $status = $this->download_file_content($url, $tofile); if (!$status) { $this->debug('Error fetching plugin ZIP.'); @unlink($tofile); return false; } return true; } /** * Thin wrapper for the core's download_file_content() function. * * @param string $url URL to the file * @param string $tofile full path to where to store the downloaded file * @return bool */ protected function download_file_content($url, $tofile) { // Prepare the parameters for the download_file_content() function. $headers = null; $postdata = null; $fullresponse = false; $timeout = 300; $connecttimeout = 20; $skipcertverify = false; $tofile = $tofile; $calctimeout = false; return download_file_content($url, $headers, $postdata, $fullresponse, $timeout, $connecttimeout, $skipcertverify, $tofile, $calctimeout); } /** * Renames the root directory of the extracted ZIP package. * * This internal helper method assumes that the plugin ZIP package has been * extracted into a temporary empty directory so the plugin folder is the * only folder there. The ZIP package is supposed to be validated so that * it contains just a single root folder. * * @param string $dirname fullpath location of the extracted ZIP package * @param string $rootdir the requested name of the root directory * @param array $files list of extracted files * @return array eventually amended list of extracted files */ protected function rename_extracted_rootdir($dirname, $rootdir, array $files) { if (!is_dir($dirname)) { $this->debug('Unable to rename rootdir of non-existing content'); return $files; } if (file_exists($dirname.'/'.$rootdir)) { // This typically means the real root dir already has the $rootdir name. return $files; } $found = null; // The name of the first subdirectory under the $dirname. foreach (scandir($dirname) as $item) { if (substr($item, 0, 1) === '.') { continue; } if (is_dir($dirname.'/'.$item)) { if ($found !== null and $found !== $item) { // Multiple directories found. throw new moodle_exception('unexpected_archive_structure', 'core_plugin'); } $found = $item; } } if (!is_null($found)) { if (rename($dirname.'/'.$found, $dirname.'/'.$rootdir)) { $newfiles = array(); foreach ($files as $filepath => $status) { $newpath = preg_replace('~^'.preg_quote($found.'/').'~', preg_quote($rootdir.'/'), $filepath); $newfiles[$newpath] = $status; } return $newfiles; } } return $files; } /** * Sets the permissions of extracted subdirs and files * * As a result of unzipping, the subdirs and files are created with * permissions set to $CFG->directorypermissions and $CFG->filepermissions. * These are too benevolent by default (777 and 666 respectively) for PHP * scripts and may lead to HTTP 500 errors in some environments. * * To fix this behaviour, we inherit the permissions of the plugin root * directory itself. * * @param string $targetdir full path to the directory the ZIP file was extracted to * @param array $files list of extracted files */ protected function set_plugin_files_permissions($targetdir, array $files) { $dirpermissions = fileperms($targetdir); $filepermissions = ($dirpermissions & 0666); foreach ($files as $subpath => $notusedhere) { $path = $targetdir.'/'.$subpath; if (is_dir($path)) { @chmod($path, $dirpermissions); } else { @chmod($path, $filepermissions); } } } /** * Moves the extracted contents of the plugin ZIP into the target location. * * @param string $sourcedir full path to the directory the ZIP file was extracted to * @param mixed $targetdir full path to the directory where the files should be moved to * @param array $files list of extracted files */ protected function move_extracted_plugin_files($sourcedir, $targetdir, array $files) { global $CFG; foreach ($files as $file => $status) { if ($status !== true) { throw new moodle_exception('corrupted_archive_structure', 'core_plugin', '', $file, $status); } $source = $sourcedir.'/'.$file; $target = $targetdir.'/'.$file; if (is_dir($source)) { continue; } else { if (!is_dir(dirname($target))) { mkdir(dirname($target), $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } rename($source, $target); } } } }