. /** * TinyMCE text editor integration. * * @package editor * @subpackage tinymce * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); class tinymce_texteditor extends texteditor { /** @var string active version - this is the directory name where to find tinymce code */ public $version = '3.5.11'; /** * Is the current browser supported by this editor? * @return bool */ public function supported_by_browser() { // We don't support any browsers which it doesn't support. return true; } /** * Returns array of supported text formats. * @return array */ public function get_supported_formats() { // FORMAT_MOODLE is not supported here, sorry. return array(FORMAT_HTML => FORMAT_HTML); } /** * Returns text format preferred by this editor. * @return int */ public function get_preferred_format() { return FORMAT_HTML; } /** * Does this editor support picking from repositories? * @return bool */ public function supports_repositories() { return true; } /** * Sets up head code if necessary. */ public function head_setup() { } /** * Use this editor for give element. * * @param string $elementid * @param array $options * @param null $fpoptions */ public function use_editor($elementid, array $options=null, $fpoptions=null) { global $PAGE, $CFG; // Note: use full moodle_url instance to prevent standard JS loader, make sure we are using https on profile page if required. if ($CFG->debugdeveloper) { $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/lib/editor/tinymce/tiny_mce/'.$this->version.'/tiny_mce_src.js')); } else { $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url('/lib/editor/tinymce/tiny_mce/'.$this->version.'/tiny_mce.js')); } $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.editor_tinymce.init_editor', array($elementid, $this->get_init_params($elementid, $options)), true); if ($fpoptions) { $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.editor_tinymce.init_filepicker', array($elementid, $fpoptions), true); } } protected function get_init_params($elementid, array $options=null) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; //TODO: we need to implement user preferences that affect the editor setup too $directionality = get_string('thisdirection', 'langconfig'); $strtime = get_string('strftimetime'); $strdate = get_string('strftimedaydate'); $lang = current_language(); $contentcss = $PAGE->theme->editor_css_url()->out(false); $context = empty($options['context']) ? context_system::instance() : $options['context']; $config = get_config('editor_tinymce'); if (!isset($config->disabledsubplugins)) { $config->disabledsubplugins = ''; } // Remove the manage files button if requested. if (isset($options['enable_filemanagement']) && !$options['enable_filemanagement']) { if (!strpos($config->disabledsubplugins, 'managefiles')) { $config->disabledsubplugins .= ',managefiles'; } } $fontselectlist = empty($config->fontselectlist) ? '' : $config->fontselectlist; $langrev = -1; if (!empty($CFG->cachejs)) { $langrev = get_string_manager()->get_revision(); } $params = array( 'moodle_config' => $config, 'mode' => "exact", 'elements' => $elementid, 'relative_urls' => false, 'document_base_url' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'moodle_plugin_base' => "$CFG->wwwroot/lib/editor/tinymce/plugins/", 'content_css' => $contentcss, 'language' => $lang, 'directionality' => $directionality, 'plugin_insertdate_dateFormat ' => $strdate, 'plugin_insertdate_timeFormat ' => $strtime, 'theme' => "advanced", 'skin' => "moodle", 'apply_source_formatting' => true, 'remove_script_host' => false, 'entity_encoding' => "raw", 'plugins' => 'lists,table,style,layer,advhr,advlink,emotions,inlinepopups,' . 'searchreplace,paste,directionality,fullscreen,nonbreaking,contextmenu,' . 'insertdatetime,save,iespell,preview,print,noneditable,visualchars,' . 'xhtmlxtras,template,pagebreak', 'gecko_spellcheck' => true, 'theme_advanced_font_sizes' => "1,2,3,4,5,6,7", 'theme_advanced_layout_manager' => "SimpleLayout", 'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => "left", 'theme_advanced_fonts' => $fontselectlist, 'theme_advanced_resize_horizontal' => true, 'theme_advanced_resizing' => true, 'theme_advanced_resizing_min_height' => 30, 'min_height' => 30, 'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => "top", 'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => "bottom", 'language_load' => false, // We load all lang strings directly from Moodle. 'langrev' => $langrev, ); // Should we override the default toolbar layout unconditionally? if (!empty($config->customtoolbar) and $customtoolbar = self::parse_toolbar_setting($config->customtoolbar)) { $i = 1; foreach ($customtoolbar as $line) { $params['theme_advanced_buttons'.$i] = $line; $i++; } } else { // At least one line is required. $params['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = ''; } if (!empty($config->customconfig)) { $config->customconfig = trim($config->customconfig); $decoded = json_decode($config->customconfig, true); if (is_array($decoded)) { foreach ($decoded as $k=>$v) { $params[$k] = $v; } } } if (!empty($options['legacy']) or !empty($options['noclean']) or !empty($options['trusted'])) { // now deal somehow with non-standard tags, people scream when we do not make moodle code xtml strict, // but they scream even more when we strip all tags that are not strict :-( $params['valid_elements'] = 'script[src|type],*[*]'; // for some reason the *[*] does not inlcude javascript src attribute MDL-25836 $params['invalid_elements'] = ''; } // Add unique moodle elements - unfortunately we have to decide if these are SPANs or DIVs. $params['extended_valid_elements'] = 'nolink,tex,algebra,lang[lang]'; $params['custom_elements'] = 'nolink,~tex,~algebra,lang'; //Add onblur event for client side text validation if (!empty($options['required'])) { $params['init_instance_callback'] = 'M.editor_tinymce.onblur_event'; } // Allow plugins to adjust parameters. editor_tinymce_plugin::all_update_init_params($params, $context, $options); // Remove temporary parameters. unset($params['moodle_config']); return $params; } /** * Parse the custom toolbar setting. * @param string $customtoolbar * @return array csv toolbar lines */ public static function parse_toolbar_setting($customtoolbar) { $result = array(); $customtoolbar = trim($customtoolbar); if ($customtoolbar === '') { return $result; } $customtoolbar = str_replace("\r", "\n", $customtoolbar); $customtoolbar = strtolower($customtoolbar); $i = 0; foreach (explode("\n", $customtoolbar) as $line) { $line = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_,\|\-]/', ',', $line); $line = str_replace('|', ',|,', $line); $line = preg_replace('/,,+/', ',', $line); $line = trim($line, ',|'); if ($line === '') { continue; } if ($i == 10) { // Maximum is ten lines, merge the rest to the last line. $result[9] = $result[9].','.$line; } else { $result[] = $line; $i++; } } return $result; } /** * Gets a named plugin object. Will cause fatal error if plugin doesn't * exist. This is intended for use by plugin files themselves. * * @param string $plugin Name of plugin e.g. 'moodleemoticon' * @return editor_tinymce_plugin Plugin object */ public function get_plugin($plugin) { global $CFG; return editor_tinymce_plugin::get($plugin); } /** * Equivalent to tinyMCE.baseURL value available from JavaScript, * always use instead of /../ when referencing tinymce core code from moodle plugins! * * @return moodle_url url pointing to the root of TinyMCE javascript code. */ public function get_tinymce_base_url() { global $CFG; return new moodle_url("/lib/editor/tinymce/tiny_mce/$this->version/"); } }