//TODO: ACC test this out - adding a role = application for getting the landmarks working well.
h.push('' + dom.encode(settings.name) + '');
each(controls, function(toolbar) {
return h.join('');
focus : function() {
var t = this;
postRender : function() {
var t = this, items = [];
each(t.controls, function(toolbar) {
each (toolbar.controls, function(control) {
if (control.id) {
t.keyNav = new tinymce.ui.KeyboardNavigation({
root: t.id,
items: items,
onCancel: function() {
//Move focus if webkit so that navigation back will read the item.
if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
excludeFromTabOrder: !t.settings.tab_focus_toolbar
destroy : function() {
var self = this;
(function(tinymce) {
// Shorten class names
var dom = tinymce.DOM, each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.create('tinymce.ui.Toolbar:tinymce.ui.Container', {
renderHTML : function() {
var t = this, h = '', c, co, s = t.settings, i, pr, nx, cl;
cl = t.controls;
for (i=0; i'));
// Add toolbar end before list box and after the previous button
// This is to fix the o2k7 editor skins
if (pr && co.ListBox) {
if (pr.Button || pr.SplitButton)
h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : 'mceToolbarEnd'}, dom.createHTML('span', null, ''));
// Render control HTML
// IE 8 quick fix, needed to propertly generate a hit area for anchors
if (dom.stdMode)
h += '' + co.renderHTML() + ' | ';
h += '' + co.renderHTML() + ' | ';
// Add toolbar start after list box and before the next button
// This is to fix the o2k7 editor skins
if (nx && co.ListBox) {
if (nx.Button || nx.SplitButton)
h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : 'mceToolbarStart'}, dom.createHTML('span', null, ''));
c = 'mceToolbarEnd';
if (co.Button)
c += ' mceToolbarEndButton';
else if (co.SplitButton)
c += ' mceToolbarEndSplitButton';
else if (co.ListBox)
c += ' mceToolbarEndListBox';
h += dom.createHTML('td', {'class' : c}, dom.createHTML('span', null, ''));
return dom.createHTML('table', {id : t.id, 'class' : 'mceToolbar' + (s['class'] ? ' ' + s['class'] : ''), cellpadding : '0', cellspacing : '0', align : t.settings.align || '', role: 'presentation', tabindex: '-1'}, '' + h + '
(function(tinymce) {
var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.create('tinymce.AddOnManager', {
AddOnManager : function() {
var self = this;
self.items = [];
self.urls = {};
self.lookup = {};
self.onAdd = new Dispatcher(self);
get : function(n) {
if (this.lookup[n]) {
return this.lookup[n].instance;
} else {
return undefined;
dependencies : function(n) {
var result;
if (this.lookup[n]) {
result = this.lookup[n].dependencies;
return result || [];
requireLangPack : function(n) {
var s = tinymce.settings;
if (s && s.language && s.language_load !== false)
tinymce.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[n] + '/langs/' + s.language + '.js');
add : function(id, o, dependencies) {
this.lookup[id] = {instance:o, dependencies:dependencies};
this.onAdd.dispatch(this, id, o);
return o;
createUrl: function(baseUrl, dep) {
if (typeof dep === "object") {
return dep
} else {
return {prefix: baseUrl.prefix, resource: dep, suffix: baseUrl.suffix};
addComponents: function(pluginName, scripts) {
var pluginUrl = this.urls[pluginName];
tinymce.each(scripts, function(script){
load : function(n, u, cb, s) {
var t = this, url = u;
function loadDependencies() {
var dependencies = t.dependencies(n);
tinymce.each(dependencies, function(dep) {
var newUrl = t.createUrl(u, dep);
t.load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
if (cb) {
if (s) {
} else {
if (t.urls[n])
if (typeof u === "object")
url = u.prefix + u.resource + u.suffix;
if (url.indexOf('/') !== 0 && url.indexOf('://') == -1)
url = tinymce.baseURL + '/' + url;
t.urls[n] = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
if (t.lookup[n]) {
} else {
tinymce.ScriptLoader.add(url, loadDependencies, s);
// Create plugin and theme managers
tinymce.PluginManager = new tinymce.AddOnManager();
tinymce.ThemeManager = new tinymce.AddOnManager();
(function(tinymce) {
// Shorten names
var each = tinymce.each, extend = tinymce.extend,
DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event,
ThemeManager = tinymce.ThemeManager, PluginManager = tinymce.PluginManager,
explode = tinymce.explode,
Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, undef, instanceCounter = 0;
// Setup some URLs where the editor API is located and where the document is
tinymce.documentBaseURL = window.location.href.replace(/[\?#].*$/, '').replace(/[\/\\][^\/]+$/, '');
if (!/[\/\\]$/.test(tinymce.documentBaseURL))
tinymce.documentBaseURL += '/';
tinymce.baseURL = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.documentBaseURL).toAbsolute(tinymce.baseURL);
tinymce.baseURI = new tinymce.util.URI(tinymce.baseURL);
// Add before unload listener
// This was required since IE was leaking memory if you added and removed beforeunload listeners
// with attachEvent/detatchEvent so this only adds one listener and instances can the attach to the onBeforeUnload event
tinymce.onBeforeUnload = new Dispatcher(tinymce);
// Must be on window or IE will leak if the editor is placed in frame or iframe
Event.add(window, 'beforeunload', function(e) {
tinymce.onBeforeUnload.dispatch(tinymce, e);
tinymce.onAddEditor = new Dispatcher(tinymce);
tinymce.onRemoveEditor = new Dispatcher(tinymce);
tinymce.EditorManager = extend(tinymce, {
editors : [],
i18n : {},
activeEditor : null,
init : function(s) {
var t = this, pl, sl = tinymce.ScriptLoader, e, el = [], ed;
function createId(elm) {
var id = elm.id;
// Use element id, or unique name or generate a unique id
if (!id) {
id = elm.name;
if (id && !DOM.get(id)) {
id = elm.name;
} else {
// Generate unique name
id = DOM.uniqueId();
elm.setAttribute('id', id);
return id;
function execCallback(se, n, s) {
var f = se[n];
if (!f)
if (tinymce.is(f, 'string')) {
s = f.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
s = s ? tinymce.resolve(s) : 0;
f = tinymce.resolve(f);
return f.apply(s || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2));
function hasClass(n, c) {
return c.constructor === RegExp ? c.test(n.className) : DOM.hasClass(n, c);
t.settings = s;
// Legacy call
Event.bind(window, 'ready', function() {
var l, co;
execCallback(s, 'onpageload');
switch (s.mode) {
case "exact":
l = s.elements || '';
if(l.length > 0) {
each(explode(l), function(v) {
if (DOM.get(v)) {
ed = new tinymce.Editor(v, s);
} else {
each(document.forms, function(f) {
each(f.elements, function(e) {
if (e.name === v) {
v = 'mce_editor_' + instanceCounter++;
DOM.setAttrib(e, 'id', v);
ed = new tinymce.Editor(v, s);
case "textareas":
case "specific_textareas":
each(DOM.select('textarea'), function(elm) {
if (s.editor_deselector && hasClass(elm, s.editor_deselector))
if (!s.editor_selector || hasClass(elm, s.editor_selector)) {
ed = new tinymce.Editor(createId(elm), s);
if (s.types) {
// Process type specific selector
each(s.types, function(type) {
each(DOM.select(type.selector), function(elm) {
var editor = new tinymce.Editor(createId(elm), tinymce.extend({}, s, type));
} else if (s.selector) {
// Process global selector
each(DOM.select(s.selector), function(elm) {
var editor = new tinymce.Editor(createId(elm), s);
// Call onInit when all editors are initialized
if (s.oninit) {
l = co = 0;
each(el, function(ed) {
if (!ed.initialized) {
// Wait for it
ed.onInit.add(function() {
// All done
if (l == co)
execCallback(s, 'oninit');
} else
// All done
if (l == co)
execCallback(s, 'oninit');
get : function(id) {
if (id === undef)
return this.editors;
if (!this.editors.hasOwnProperty(id))
return undef;
return this.editors[id];
getInstanceById : function(id) {
return this.get(id);
add : function(editor) {
var self = this, editors = self.editors;
// Add named and index editor instance
editors[editor.id] = editor;
self.onAddEditor.dispatch(self, editor);
return editor;
remove : function(editor) {
var t = this, i, editors = t.editors;
// Not in the collection
if (!editors[editor.id])
return null;
delete editors[editor.id];
for (i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
if (editors[i] == editor) {
editors.splice(i, 1);
// Select another editor since the active one was removed
if (t.activeEditor == editor)
t.onRemoveEditor.dispatch(t, editor);
return editor;
execCommand : function(c, u, v) {
var t = this, ed = t.get(v), w;
function clr() {
w.detachEvent('onunload', clr);
w = w.tinyMCE = w.tinymce = null; // IE leak
// Manager commands
switch (c) {
case "mceFocus":
return true;
case "mceAddEditor":
case "mceAddControl":
if (!t.get(v))
new tinymce.Editor(v, t.settings).render();
return true;
case "mceAddFrameControl":
w = v.window;
// Add tinyMCE global instance and tinymce namespace to specified window
w.tinyMCE = tinyMCE;
w.tinymce = tinymce;
tinymce.DOM.doc = w.document;
tinymce.DOM.win = w;
ed = new tinymce.Editor(v.element_id, v);
// Fix IE memory leaks
if (tinymce.isIE && ! tinymce.isIE11) {
w.attachEvent('onunload', clr);
v.page_window = null;
return true;
case "mceRemoveEditor":
case "mceRemoveControl":
if (ed)
return true;
case 'mceToggleEditor':
if (!ed) {
t.execCommand('mceAddControl', 0, v);
return true;
if (ed.isHidden())
return true;
// Run command on active editor
if (t.activeEditor)
return t.activeEditor.execCommand(c, u, v);
return false;
execInstanceCommand : function(id, c, u, v) {
var ed = this.get(id);
if (ed)
return ed.execCommand(c, u, v);
return false;
triggerSave : function() {
each(this.editors, function(e) {
addI18n : function(p, o) {
var lo, i18n = this.i18n;
if (!tinymce.is(p, 'string')) {
each(p, function(o, lc) {
each(o, function(o, g) {
each(o, function(o, k) {
if (g === 'common')
i18n[lc + '.' + k] = o;
i18n[lc + '.' + g + '.' + k] = o;
} else {
each(o, function(o, k) {
i18n[p + '.' + k] = o;
// Private methods
_setActive : function(editor) {
this.selectedInstance = this.activeEditor = editor;
(function(tinymce) {
// Shorten these names
var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, extend = tinymce.extend,
each = tinymce.each, isGecko = tinymce.isGecko,
isIE = tinymce.isIE, isWebKit = tinymce.isWebKit, is = tinymce.is,
ThemeManager = tinymce.ThemeManager, PluginManager = tinymce.PluginManager,
explode = tinymce.explode;
tinymce.create('tinymce.Editor', {
Editor : function(id, settings) {
var self = this, TRUE = true;
self.settings = settings = extend({
id : id,
language : 'en',
theme : 'advanced',
skin : 'default',
delta_width : 0,
delta_height : 0,
popup_css : '',
plugins : '',
document_base_url : tinymce.documentBaseURL,
add_form_submit_trigger : TRUE,
submit_patch : TRUE,
add_unload_trigger : TRUE,
convert_urls : TRUE,
relative_urls : TRUE,
remove_script_host : TRUE,
table_inline_editing : false,
object_resizing : TRUE,
accessibility_focus : TRUE,
doctype : tinymce.isIE6 ? '' : '', // Use old doctype on IE 6 to avoid horizontal scroll
visual : TRUE,
font_size_style_values : 'xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large',
font_size_legacy_values : 'xx-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large,300%', // See: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#propdef-font-size
apply_source_formatting : TRUE,
directionality : 'ltr',
forced_root_block : 'p',
hidden_input : TRUE,
padd_empty_editor : TRUE,
render_ui : TRUE,
indentation : '30px',
fix_table_elements : TRUE,
inline_styles : TRUE,
convert_fonts_to_spans : TRUE,
indent : 'simple',
indent_before : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
indent_after : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,div,title,style,pre,script,td,ul,li,area,table,thead,tfoot,tbody,tr,section,article,hgroup,aside,figure,option,optgroup,datalist',
validate : TRUE,
entity_encoding : 'named',
url_converter : self.convertURL,
url_converter_scope : self,
ie7_compat : TRUE
}, settings);
self.id = self.editorId = id;
self.isNotDirty = false;
self.plugins = {};
self.documentBaseURI = new tinymce.util.URI(settings.document_base_url || tinymce.documentBaseURL, {
base_uri : tinyMCE.baseURI
self.baseURI = tinymce.baseURI;
self.contentCSS = [];
self.contentStyles = [];
// Creates all events like onClick, onSetContent etc see Editor.Events.js for the actual logic
// Internal command handler objects
self.execCommands = {};
self.queryStateCommands = {};
self.queryValueCommands = {};
// Call setup
self.execCallback('setup', self);
render : function(nst) {
var t = this, s = t.settings, id = t.id, sl = tinymce.ScriptLoader;
// Page is not loaded yet, wait for it
if (!Event.domLoaded) {
Event.add(window, 'ready', function() {
tinyMCE.settings = s;
// Element not found, then skip initialization
if (!t.getElement())
// Is a iPad/iPhone and not on iOS5, then skip initialization. We need to sniff
// here since the browser says it has contentEditable support but there is no visible caret.
if (tinymce.isIDevice && !tinymce.isIOS5)
// Add hidden input for non input elements inside form elements
if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(t.getElement().nodeName) && s.hidden_input && DOM.getParent(id, 'form'))
DOM.insertAfter(DOM.create('input', {type : 'hidden', name : id}), id);
// Hide target element early to prevent content flashing
if (!s.content_editable) {
t.orgVisibility = t.getElement().style.visibility;
t.getElement().style.visibility = 'hidden';
if (tinymce.WindowManager)
t.windowManager = new tinymce.WindowManager(t);
if (s.encoding == 'xml') {
t.onGetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.save)
o.content = DOM.encode(o.content);
if (s.add_form_submit_trigger) {
t.onSubmit.addToTop(function() {
if (t.initialized) {
t.isNotDirty = 1;
if (s.add_unload_trigger) {
t._beforeUnload = tinyMCE.onBeforeUnload.add(function() {
if (t.initialized && !t.destroyed && !t.isHidden())
t.save({format : 'raw', no_events : true});
tinymce.addUnload(t.destroy, t);
if (s.submit_patch) {
t.onBeforeRenderUI.add(function() {
var n = t.getElement().form;
if (!n)
// Already patched
if (n._mceOldSubmit)
// Check page uses id="submit" or name="submit" for it's submit button
if (!n.submit.nodeType && !n.submit.length) {
t.formElement = n;
n._mceOldSubmit = n.submit;
n.submit = function() {
// Save all instances
t.isNotDirty = 1;
return t.formElement._mceOldSubmit(t.formElement);
n = null;
// Load scripts
function loadScripts() {
if (s.language && s.language_load !== false)
sl.add(tinymce.baseURL + '/langs/' + s.language + '.js');
if (s.theme && typeof s.theme != "function" && s.theme.charAt(0) != '-' && !ThemeManager.urls[s.theme])
ThemeManager.load(s.theme, 'themes/' + s.theme + '/editor_template' + tinymce.suffix + '.js');
each(explode(s.plugins), function(p) {
if (p &&!PluginManager.urls[p]) {
if (p.charAt(0) == '-') {
p = p.substr(1, p.length);
var dependencies = PluginManager.dependencies(p);
each(dependencies, function(dep) {
var defaultSettings = {prefix:'plugins/', resource: dep, suffix:'/editor_plugin' + tinymce.suffix + '.js'};
dep = PluginManager.createUrl(defaultSettings, dep);
PluginManager.load(dep.resource, dep);
} else {
// Skip safari plugin, since it is removed as of 3.3b1
if (p == 'safari') {
PluginManager.load(p, {prefix:'plugins/', resource: p, suffix:'/editor_plugin' + tinymce.suffix + '.js'});
// Init when que is loaded
sl.loadQueue(function() {
if (!t.removed)
init : function() {
var n, t = this, s = t.settings, w, h, mh, e = t.getElement(), o, ti, u, bi, bc, re, i, initializedPlugins = [];
s.aria_label = s.aria_label || DOM.getAttrib(e, 'aria-label', t.getLang('aria.rich_text_area'));
if (s.theme) {
if (typeof s.theme != "function") {
s.theme = s.theme.replace(/-/, '');
o = ThemeManager.get(s.theme);
t.theme = new o();
if (t.theme.init)
t.theme.init(t, ThemeManager.urls[s.theme] || tinymce.documentBaseURL.replace(/\/$/, ''));
} else {
t.theme = s.theme;
function initPlugin(p) {
var c = PluginManager.get(p), u = PluginManager.urls[p] || tinymce.documentBaseURL.replace(/\/$/, ''), po;
if (c && tinymce.inArray(initializedPlugins,p) === -1) {
each(PluginManager.dependencies(p), function(dep){
po = new c(t, u);
t.plugins[p] = po;
if (po.init) {
po.init(t, u);
// Create all plugins
each(explode(s.plugins.replace(/\-/g, '')), initPlugin);
// Setup popup CSS path(s)
if (s.popup_css !== false) {
if (s.popup_css)
s.popup_css = t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.popup_css);
s.popup_css = t.baseURI.toAbsolute("themes/" + s.theme + "/skins/" + s.skin + "/dialog.css");
if (s.popup_css_add)
s.popup_css += ',' + t.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(s.popup_css_add);
t.controlManager = new tinymce.ControlManager(t);
// Enables users to override the control factory
t.onBeforeRenderUI.dispatch(t, t.controlManager);
// Measure box
if (s.render_ui && t.theme) {
t.orgDisplay = e.style.display;
if (typeof s.theme != "function") {
w = s.width || e.style.width || e.offsetWidth;
h = s.height || e.style.height || e.offsetHeight;
mh = s.min_height || 100;
re = /^[0-9\.]+(|px)$/i;
if (re.test('' + w))
w = Math.max(parseInt(w, 10) + (o.deltaWidth || 0), 100);
if (re.test('' + h))
h = Math.max(parseInt(h, 10) + (o.deltaHeight || 0), mh);
// Render UI
o = t.theme.renderUI({
targetNode : e,
width : w,
height : h,
deltaWidth : s.delta_width,
deltaHeight : s.delta_height
// Resize editor
DOM.setStyles(o.sizeContainer || o.editorContainer, {
width : w,
height : h
h = (o.iframeHeight || h) + (typeof(h) == 'number' ? (o.deltaHeight || 0) : '');
if (h < mh)
h = mh;
} else {
o = s.theme(t, e);
// Convert element type to id:s
if (o.editorContainer.nodeType) {
o.editorContainer = o.editorContainer.id = o.editorContainer.id || t.id + "_parent";
// Convert element type to id:s
if (o.iframeContainer.nodeType) {
o.iframeContainer = o.iframeContainer.id = o.iframeContainer.id || t.id + "_iframecontainer";
// Use specified iframe height or the targets offsetHeight
h = o.iframeHeight || e.offsetHeight;
// Store away the selection when it's changed to it can be restored later with a editor.focus() call
if (isIE) {
t.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.dom.bind(ed.getBody(), 'beforedeactivate keydown keyup', function() {
ed.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
t.onNodeChange.add(function(ed) {
if (document.activeElement.id == ed.id + "_ifr") {
ed.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
t.editorContainer = o.editorContainer;
// Load specified content CSS last
if (s.content_css) {
each(explode(s.content_css), function(u) {
// Load specified content CSS last
if (s.content_style) {
// Content editable mode ends here
if (s.content_editable) {
e = n = o = null; // Fix IE leak
return t.initContentBody();
// User specified a document.domain value
if (document.domain && location.hostname != document.domain)
tinymce.relaxedDomain = document.domain;
t.iframeHTML = s.doctype + '';
// We only need to override paths if we have to
// IE has a bug where it remove site absolute urls to relative ones if this is specified
if (s.document_base_url != tinymce.documentBaseURL)
t.iframeHTML += '';
// IE8 doesn't support carets behind images setting ie7_compat would force IE8+ to run in IE7 compat mode.
if (tinymce.isIE8) {
if (s.ie7_compat)
t.iframeHTML += '';
t.iframeHTML += '';
t.iframeHTML += '';
// Load the CSS by injecting them into the HTML this will reduce "flicker"
for (i = 0; i < t.contentCSS.length; i++) {
t.iframeHTML += '';
t.contentCSS = [];
bi = s.body_id || 'tinymce';
if (bi.indexOf('=') != -1) {
bi = t.getParam('body_id', '', 'hash');
bi = bi[t.id] || bi;
bc = s.body_class || '';
if (bc.indexOf('=') != -1) {
bc = t.getParam('body_class', '', 'hash');
bc = bc[t.id] || '';
t.iframeHTML += '
// Domain relaxing enabled, then set document domain
if (tinymce.relaxedDomain && (isIE || (tinymce.isOpera && parseFloat(opera.version()) < 11))) {
// We need to write the contents here in IE since multiple writes messes up refresh button and back button
u = 'javascript:(function(){document.open();document.domain="' + document.domain + '";var ed = window.parent.tinyMCE.get("' + t.id + '");document.write(ed.iframeHTML);document.close();ed.initContentBody();})()';
// Create iframe
// TODO: ACC add the appropriate description on this.
n = DOM.add(o.iframeContainer, 'iframe', {
id : t.id + "_ifr",
src : u || 'javascript:""', // Workaround for HTTPS warning in IE6/7
frameBorder : '0',
allowTransparency : "true",
title : s.aria_label,
style : {
width : '100%',
height : h,
display : 'block' // Important for Gecko to render the iframe correctly
t.contentAreaContainer = o.iframeContainer;
if (o.editorContainer) {
DOM.get(o.editorContainer).style.display = t.orgDisplay;
// Restore visibility on target element
e.style.visibility = t.orgVisibility;
DOM.get(t.id).style.display = 'none';
DOM.setAttrib(t.id, 'aria-hidden', true);
if (!tinymce.relaxedDomain || !u)
e = n = o = null; // Cleanup
initContentBody : function() {
var self = this, settings = self.settings, targetElm = DOM.get(self.id), doc = self.getDoc(), html, body, contentCssText;
// Setup iframe body
if ((!isIE || !tinymce.relaxedDomain) && !settings.content_editable) {
if (tinymce.relaxedDomain)
doc.domain = tinymce.relaxedDomain;
if (settings.content_editable) {
DOM.addClass(targetElm, 'mceContentBody');
self.contentDocument = doc = settings.content_document || document;
self.contentWindow = settings.content_window || window;
self.bodyElement = targetElm;
// Prevent leak in IE
settings.content_document = settings.content_window = null;
// It will not steal focus while setting contentEditable
body = self.getBody();
body.disabled = true;
if (!settings.readonly)
body.contentEditable = self.getParam('content_editable_state', true);
body.disabled = false;
self.schema = new tinymce.html.Schema(settings);
self.dom = new tinymce.dom.DOMUtils(doc, {
keep_values : true,
url_converter : self.convertURL,
url_converter_scope : self,
hex_colors : settings.force_hex_style_colors,
class_filter : settings.class_filter,
update_styles : true,
root_element : settings.content_editable ? self.id : null,
schema : self.schema
self.parser = new tinymce.html.DomParser(settings, self.schema);
// Convert src and href into data-mce-src, data-mce-href and data-mce-style
self.parser.addAttributeFilter('src,href,style', function(nodes, name) {
var i = nodes.length, node, dom = self.dom, value, internalName;
while (i--) {
node = nodes[i];
value = node.attr(name);
internalName = 'data-mce-' + name;
// Add internal attribute if we need to we don't on a refresh of the document
if (!node.attributes.map[internalName]) {
if (name === "style")
node.attr(internalName, dom.serializeStyle(dom.parseStyle(value), node.name));
node.attr(internalName, self.convertURL(value, name, node.name));
// Keep scripts from executing
self.parser.addNodeFilter('script', function(nodes, name) {
var i = nodes.length, node;
while (i--) {
node = nodes[i];
node.attr('type', 'mce-' + (node.attr('type') || 'text/javascript'));
self.parser.addNodeFilter('#cdata', function(nodes, name) {
var i = nodes.length, node;
while (i--) {
node = nodes[i];
node.type = 8;
node.name = '#comment';
node.value = '[CDATA[' + node.value + ']]';
self.parser.addNodeFilter('p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div', function(nodes, name) {
var i = nodes.length, node, nonEmptyElements = self.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
while (i--) {
node = nodes[i];
if (node.isEmpty(nonEmptyElements))
node.empty().append(new tinymce.html.Node('br', 1)).shortEnded = true;
self.serializer = new tinymce.dom.Serializer(settings, self.dom, self.schema);
self.selection = new tinymce.dom.Selection(self.dom, self.getWin(), self.serializer, self);
self.formatter = new tinymce.Formatter(self);
self.undoManager = new tinymce.UndoManager(self);
self.forceBlocks = new tinymce.ForceBlocks(self);
self.enterKey = new tinymce.EnterKey(self);
self.editorCommands = new tinymce.EditorCommands(self);
self.onExecCommand.add(function(editor, command) {
// Don't refresh the select lists until caret move
if (!/^(FontName|FontSize)$/.test(command))
// Pass through
self.serializer.onPreProcess.add(function(se, o) {
return self.onPreProcess.dispatch(self, o, se);
self.serializer.onPostProcess.add(function(se, o) {
return self.onPostProcess.dispatch(self, o, se);
if (!settings.browser_spellcheck && !settings.gecko_spellcheck)
doc.body.spellcheck = false;
if (!settings.readonly) {
self.controlManager.onPostRender.dispatch(self, self.controlManager);
self.quirks = tinymce.util.Quirks(self);
if (settings.directionality)
body.dir = settings.directionality;
if (settings.nowrap)
body.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
if (settings.protect) {
self.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
each(settings.protect, function(pattern) {
o.content = o.content.replace(pattern, function(str) {
return '';
// Add visual aids when new contents is added
self.onSetContent.add(function() {
// Remove empty contents
if (settings.padd_empty_editor) {
self.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
o.content = o.content.replace(/^(]*>( | |\s|\u00a0|)<\/p>[\r\n]*|
[\r\n]*)$/, '');
self.load({initial : true, format : 'html'});
self.startContent = self.getContent({format : 'raw'});
self.initialized = true;
self.execCallback('setupcontent_callback', self.id, body, doc);
self.execCallback('init_instance_callback', self);
self.nodeChanged({initial : true});
// Add editor specific CSS styles
if (self.contentStyles.length > 0) {
contentCssText = '';
each(self.contentStyles, function(style) {
contentCssText += style + "\r\n";
// Load specified content CSS last
each(self.contentCSS, function(url) {
// Handle auto focus
if (settings.auto_focus) {
setTimeout(function () {
var ed = tinymce.get(settings.auto_focus);
ed.selection.select(ed.getBody(), 1);
}, 100);
// Clean up references for IE
targetElm = doc = body = null;
focus : function(skip_focus) {
var oed, self = this, selection = self.selection, contentEditable = self.settings.content_editable, ieRng, controlElm, doc = self.getDoc(), body;
if (!skip_focus) {
if (self.bookmark) {
self.bookmark = null;
// Get selected control element
ieRng = selection.getRng();
if (ieRng.item) {
controlElm = ieRng.item(0);
// Focus the window iframe
if (!contentEditable) {
// Focus the body as well since it's contentEditable
if (tinymce.isGecko || contentEditable) {
body = self.getBody();
// Check for setActive since it doesn't scroll to the element
if (body.setActive && ! tinymce.isIE11) {
} else {
if (contentEditable) {
// Restore selected control element
// This is needed when for example an image is selected within a
// layer a call to focus will then remove the control selection
if (controlElm && controlElm.ownerDocument == doc) {
ieRng = doc.body.createControlRange();
if (tinymce.activeEditor != self) {
if ((oed = tinymce.activeEditor) != null)
oed.onDeactivate.dispatch(oed, self);
self.onActivate.dispatch(self, oed);
execCallback : function(n) {
var t = this, f = t.settings[n], s;
if (!f)
// Look through lookup
if (t.callbackLookup && (s = t.callbackLookup[n])) {
f = s.func;
s = s.scope;
if (is(f, 'string')) {
s = f.replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
s = s ? tinymce.resolve(s) : 0;
f = tinymce.resolve(f);
t.callbackLookup = t.callbackLookup || {};
t.callbackLookup[n] = {func : f, scope : s};
return f.apply(s || t, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
translate : function(s) {
var c = this.settings.language || 'en', i18n = tinymce.i18n;
if (!s)
return '';
return i18n[c + '.' + s] || s.replace(/\{\#([^\}]+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
return i18n[c + '.' + b] || '{#' + b + '}';
getLang : function(n, dv) {
return tinymce.i18n[(this.settings.language || 'en') + '.' + n] || (is(dv) ? dv : '{#' + n + '}');
getParam : function(n, dv, ty) {
var tr = tinymce.trim, v = is(this.settings[n]) ? this.settings[n] : dv, o;
if (ty === 'hash') {
o = {};
if (is(v, 'string')) {
each(v.indexOf('=') > 0 ? v.split(/[;,](?![^=;,]*(?:[;,]|$))/) : v.split(','), function(v) {
v = v.split('=');
if (v.length > 1)
o[tr(v[0])] = tr(v[1]);
o[tr(v[0])] = tr(v);
} else
o = v;
return o;
return v;
nodeChanged : function(o) {
var self = this, selection = self.selection, node;
// Fix for bug #1896577 it seems that this can not be fired while the editor is loading
if (self.initialized) {
o = o || {};
// Get start node
node = selection.getStart() || self.getBody();
node = isIE && node.ownerDocument != self.getDoc() ? self.getBody() : node; // Fix for IE initial state
// Get parents and add them to object
o.parents = [];
self.dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
if (node.nodeName == 'BODY')
return true;
o ? o.controlManager || self.controlManager : self.controlManager,
addButton : function(name, settings) {
var self = this;
self.buttons = self.buttons || {};
self.buttons[name] = settings;
addCommand : function(name, callback, scope) {
this.execCommands[name] = {func : callback, scope : scope || this};
addQueryStateHandler : function(name, callback, scope) {
this.queryStateCommands[name] = {func : callback, scope : scope || this};
addQueryValueHandler : function(name, callback, scope) {
this.queryValueCommands[name] = {func : callback, scope : scope || this};
addShortcut : function(pa, desc, cmd_func, sc) {
var t = this, c;
if (t.settings.custom_shortcuts === false)
return false;
t.shortcuts = t.shortcuts || {};
if (is(cmd_func, 'string')) {
c = cmd_func;
cmd_func = function() {
t.execCommand(c, false, null);
if (is(cmd_func, 'object')) {
c = cmd_func;
cmd_func = function() {
t.execCommand(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
each(explode(pa), function(pa) {
var o = {
func : cmd_func,
scope : sc || this,
desc : t.translate(desc),
alt : false,
ctrl : false,
shift : false
each(explode(pa, '+'), function(v) {
switch (v) {
case 'alt':
case 'ctrl':
case 'shift':
o[v] = true;
o.charCode = v.charCodeAt(0);
o.keyCode = v.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
t.shortcuts[(o.ctrl ? 'ctrl' : '') + ',' + (o.alt ? 'alt' : '') + ',' + (o.shift ? 'shift' : '') + ',' + o.keyCode] = o;
return true;
execCommand : function(cmd, ui, val, a) {
var t = this, s = 0, o, st;
if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint|SelectAll)$/.test(cmd) && (!a || !a.skip_focus))
a = extend({}, a);
t.onBeforeExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
if (a.terminate)
return false;
// Command callback
if (t.execCallback('execcommand_callback', t.id, t.selection.getNode(), cmd, ui, val)) {
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
return true;
// Registred commands
if (o = t.execCommands[cmd]) {
st = o.func.call(o.scope, ui, val);
// Fall through on true
if (st !== true) {
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
return st;
// Plugin commands
each(t.plugins, function(p) {
if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
s = 1;
return false;
if (s)
return true;
// Theme commands
if (t.theme && t.theme.execCommand && t.theme.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
return true;
// Editor commands
if (t.editorCommands.execCommand(cmd, ui, val)) {
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
return true;
// Browser commands
t.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, ui, val);
t.onExecCommand.dispatch(t, cmd, ui, val, a);
queryCommandState : function(cmd) {
var t = this, o, s;
// Is hidden then return undefined
if (t._isHidden())
// Registred commands
if (o = t.queryStateCommands[cmd]) {
s = o.func.call(o.scope);
// Fall though on true
if (s !== true)
return s;
// Registred commands
o = t.editorCommands.queryCommandState(cmd);
if (o !== -1)
return o;
// Browser commands
try {
return this.getDoc().queryCommandState(cmd);
} catch (ex) {
// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
queryCommandValue : function(c) {
var t = this, o, s;
// Is hidden then return undefined
if (t._isHidden())
// Registred commands
if (o = t.queryValueCommands[c]) {
s = o.func.call(o.scope);
// Fall though on true
if (s !== true)
return s;
// Registred commands
o = t.editorCommands.queryCommandValue(c);
if (is(o))
return o;
// Browser commands
try {
return this.getDoc().queryCommandValue(c);
} catch (ex) {
// Fails sometimes see bug: 1896577
show : function() {
var self = this;
hide : function() {
var self = this, doc = self.getDoc();
// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
if (isIE && doc)
// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash
// defer the call to hide to prevent an IE9 crash #4921
DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
isHidden : function() {
return !DOM.isHidden(this.id);
setProgressState : function(b, ti, o) {
this.onSetProgressState.dispatch(this, b, ti, o);
return b;
load : function(o) {
var t = this, e = t.getElement(), h;
if (e) {
o = o || {};
o.load = true;
// Double encode existing entities in the value
h = t.setContent(is(e.value) ? e.value : e.innerHTML, o);
o.element = e;
if (!o.no_events)
t.onLoadContent.dispatch(t, o);
o.element = e = null;
return h;
save : function(o) {
var t = this, e = t.getElement(), h, f;
if (!e || !t.initialized)
o = o || {};
o.save = true;
o.element = e;
h = o.content = t.getContent(o);
if (!o.no_events)
t.onSaveContent.dispatch(t, o);
h = o.content;
if (!/TEXTAREA|INPUT/i.test(e.nodeName)) {
e.innerHTML = h;
// Update hidden form element
if (f = DOM.getParent(t.id, 'form')) {
each(f.elements, function(e) {
if (e.name == t.id) {
e.value = h;
return false;
} else
e.value = h;
o.element = e = null;
return h;
setContent : function(content, args) {
var self = this, rootNode, body = self.getBody(), forcedRootBlockName;
// Setup args object
args = args || {};
args.format = args.format || 'html';
args.set = true;
args.content = content;
// Do preprocessing
if (!args.no_events)
self.onBeforeSetContent.dispatch(self, args);
content = args.content;
// Padd empty content in Gecko and Safari. Commands will otherwise fail on the content
// It will also be impossible to place the caret in the editor unless there is a BR element present
if (!tinymce.isIE && (content.length === 0 || /^\s+$/.test(content))) {
forcedRootBlockName = self.settings.forced_root_block;
if (forcedRootBlockName)
content = '<' + forcedRootBlockName + '>
' + forcedRootBlockName + '>';
content = '
body.innerHTML = content;
self.selection.select(body, true);
// Parse and serialize the html
if (args.format !== 'raw') {
content = new tinymce.html.Serializer({}, self.schema).serialize(
// Set the new cleaned contents to the editor
args.content = tinymce.trim(content);
self.dom.setHTML(body, args.content);
// Do post processing
if (!args.no_events)
self.onSetContent.dispatch(self, args);
// Don't normalize selection if the focused element isn't the body in content editable mode since it will steal focus otherwise
if (!self.settings.content_editable || document.activeElement === self.getBody()) {
return args.content;
getContent : function(args) {
var self = this, content, body = self.getBody();
// Setup args object
args = args || {};
args.format = args.format || 'html';
args.get = true;
args.getInner = true;
// Do preprocessing
if (!args.no_events)
self.onBeforeGetContent.dispatch(self, args);
// Get raw contents or by default the cleaned contents
if (args.format == 'raw')
content = body.innerHTML;
else if (args.format == 'text')
content = body.innerText || body.textContent;
content = self.serializer.serialize(body, args);
// Trim whitespace in beginning/end of HTML
if (args.format != 'text') {
args.content = tinymce.trim(content);
} else {
args.content = content;
// Do post processing
if (!args.no_events)
self.onGetContent.dispatch(self, args);
return args.content;
isDirty : function() {
var self = this;
return tinymce.trim(self.startContent) != tinymce.trim(self.getContent({format : 'raw', no_events : 1})) && !self.isNotDirty;
getContainer : function() {
var self = this;
if (!self.container)
self.container = DOM.get(self.editorContainer || self.id + '_parent');
return self.container;
getContentAreaContainer : function() {
return this.contentAreaContainer;
getElement : function() {
return DOM.get(this.settings.content_element || this.id);
getWin : function() {
var self = this, elm;
if (!self.contentWindow) {
elm = DOM.get(self.id + "_ifr");
if (elm)
self.contentWindow = elm.contentWindow;
return self.contentWindow;
getDoc : function() {
var self = this, win;
if (!self.contentDocument) {
win = self.getWin();
if (win)
self.contentDocument = win.document;
return self.contentDocument;
getBody : function() {
return this.bodyElement || this.getDoc().body;
convertURL : function(url, name, elm) {
var self = this, settings = self.settings;
// Use callback instead
if (settings.urlconverter_callback)
return self.execCallback('urlconverter_callback', url, elm, true, name);
// Don't convert link href since thats the CSS files that gets loaded into the editor also skip local file URLs
if (!settings.convert_urls || (elm && elm.nodeName == 'LINK') || url.indexOf('file:') === 0)
return url;
// Convert to relative
if (settings.relative_urls)
return self.documentBaseURI.toRelative(url);
// Convert to absolute
url = self.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url, settings.remove_script_host);
return url;
addVisual : function(elm) {
var self = this, settings = self.settings, dom = self.dom, cls;
elm = elm || self.getBody();
if (!is(self.hasVisual))
self.hasVisual = settings.visual;
each(dom.select('table,a', elm), function(elm) {
var value;
switch (elm.nodeName) {
case 'TABLE':
cls = settings.visual_table_class || 'mceItemTable';
value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'border');
if (!value || value == '0') {
if (self.hasVisual)
dom.addClass(elm, cls);
dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
case 'A':
if (!dom.getAttrib(elm, 'href', false)) {
value = dom.getAttrib(elm, 'name') || elm.id;
cls = 'mceItemAnchor';
if (value) {
if (self.hasVisual)
dom.addClass(elm, cls);
dom.removeClass(elm, cls);
self.onVisualAid.dispatch(self, elm, self.hasVisual);
remove : function() {
var self = this, elm = self.getContainer(), doc = self.getDoc();
if (!self.removed) {
self.removed = 1; // Cancels post remove event execution
// Fixed bug where IE has a blinking cursor left from the editor
if (isIE && doc)
// We must save before we hide so Safari doesn't crash
DOM.setStyle(self.id, 'display', self.orgDisplay);
// Don't clear the window or document if content editable
// is enabled since other instances might still be present
if (!self.settings.content_editable) {
self.execCallback('remove_instance_callback', self);
// Clear all execCommand listeners this is required to avoid errors if the editor was removed inside another command
self.onExecCommand.listeners = [];
destroy : function(s) {
var t = this;
// One time is enough
if (t.destroyed)
// We must unbind on Gecko since it would otherwise produce the pesky "attempt to run compile-and-go script on a cleared scope" message
if (isGecko) {
if (!s) {
// Manual destroy
if (t.theme && t.theme.destroy)
// Destroy controls, selection and dom
if (t.formElement) {
t.formElement.submit = t.formElement._mceOldSubmit;
t.formElement._mceOldSubmit = null;
t.contentAreaContainer = t.formElement = t.container = t.settings.content_element = t.bodyElement = t.contentDocument = t.contentWindow = null;
if (t.selection)
t.selection = t.selection.win = t.selection.dom = t.selection.dom.doc = null;
t.destroyed = 1;
// Internal functions
_refreshContentEditable : function() {
var self = this, body, parent;
// Check if the editor was hidden and the re-initalize contentEditable mode by removing and adding the body again
if (self._isHidden()) {
body = self.getBody();
parent = body.parentNode;
_isHidden : function() {
var s;
if (!isGecko)
return 0;
// Weird, wheres that cursor selection?
s = this.selection.getSel();
return (!s || !s.rangeCount || s.rangeCount === 0);
(function(tinymce) {
var each = tinymce.each;
tinymce.Editor.prototype.setupEvents = function() {
var self = this, settings = self.settings;
// Add events to the editor
], function(name) {
self[name] = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(self);
// Handle legacy cleanup_callback option
if (settings.cleanup_callback) {
self.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
o.content = ed.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor', o.content, o);
self.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.set)
ed.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor_dom', o.node, o);
if (o.get)
ed.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'get_from_editor_dom', o.node, o);
self.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.set)
o.content = ed.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'insert_to_editor', o.content, o);
if (o.get)
o.content = ed.execCallback('cleanup_callback', 'get_from_editor', o.content, o);
// Handle legacy save_callback option
if (settings.save_callback) {
self.onGetContent.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.save)
o.content = ed.execCallback('save_callback', ed.id, o.content, ed.getBody());
// Handle legacy handle_event_callback option
if (settings.handle_event_callback) {
self.onEvent.add(function(ed, e, o) {
if (self.execCallback('handle_event_callback', e, ed, o) === false) {
// Handle legacy handle_node_change_callback option
if (settings.handle_node_change_callback) {
self.onNodeChange.add(function(ed, cm, n) {
ed.execCallback('handle_node_change_callback', ed.id, n, -1, -1, true, ed.selection.isCollapsed());
// Handle legacy save_callback option
if (settings.save_callback) {
self.onSaveContent.add(function(ed, o) {
var h = ed.execCallback('save_callback', ed.id, o.content, ed.getBody());
if (h)
o.content = h;
// Handle legacy onchange_callback option
if (settings.onchange_callback) {
self.onChange.add(function(ed, l) {
ed.execCallback('onchange_callback', ed, l);
tinymce.Editor.prototype.bindNativeEvents = function() {
// 'focus', 'blur', 'dblclick', 'beforedeactivate', submit, reset
var self = this, i, settings = self.settings, dom = self.dom, nativeToDispatcherMap;
nativeToDispatcherMap = {
mouseup : 'onMouseUp',
mousedown : 'onMouseDown',
click : 'onClick',
keyup : 'onKeyUp',
keydown : 'onKeyDown',
keypress : 'onKeyPress',
submit : 'onSubmit',
reset : 'onReset',
contextmenu : 'onContextMenu',
dblclick : 'onDblClick',
paste : 'onPaste' // Doesn't work in all browsers yet
// Handler that takes a native event and sends it out to a dispatcher like onKeyDown
function eventHandler(evt, args) {
var type = evt.type;
// Don't fire events when it's removed
if (self.removed)
// Sends the native event out to a global dispatcher then to the specific event dispatcher
if (self.onEvent.dispatch(self, evt, args) !== false) {
self[nativeToDispatcherMap[evt.fakeType || evt.type]].dispatch(self, evt, args);
// Opera doesn't support focus event for contentEditable elements so we need to fake it
function doOperaFocus(e) {
function nodeChanged(ed, e) {
// Normalize selection for example a|a becomes a|a except for Ctrl+A since it selects everything
if (e.keyCode != 65 || !tinymce.VK.metaKeyPressed(e)) {
// Add DOM events
each(nativeToDispatcherMap, function(dispatcherName, nativeName) {
var root = settings.content_editable ? self.getBody() : self.getDoc();
switch (nativeName) {
case 'contextmenu':
dom.bind(root, nativeName, eventHandler);
case 'paste':
dom.bind(self.getBody(), nativeName, eventHandler);
case 'submit':
case 'reset':
dom.bind(self.getElement().form || tinymce.DOM.getParent(self.id, 'form'), nativeName, eventHandler);
dom.bind(root, nativeName, eventHandler);
// Set the editor as active when focused
dom.bind(settings.content_editable ? self.getBody() : (tinymce.isGecko ? self.getDoc() : self.getWin()), 'focus', function(e) {
if (settings.content_editable && tinymce.isOpera) {
dom.bind(self.getBody(), 'click', doOperaFocus);
dom.bind(self.getBody(), 'keydown', doOperaFocus);
// Add node change handler
self.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 13 || keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 8 || (tinymce.isMac && (keyCode == 91 || keyCode == 93)) || e.ctrlKey)
nodeChanged(ed, e);
// Add reset handler
self.onReset.add(function() {
self.setContent(self.startContent, {format : 'raw'});
// Add shortcuts
function handleShortcut(e, execute) {
if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
each(self.shortcuts, function(shortcut) {
var ctrlState = tinymce.isMac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey;
if (shortcut.ctrl != ctrlState || shortcut.alt != e.altKey || shortcut.shift != e.shiftKey)
if (e.keyCode == shortcut.keyCode || (e.charCode && e.charCode == shortcut.charCode)) {
if (execute) {
return true;
self.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
self.onKeyPress.add(function(ed, e) {
self.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, e) {
handleShortcut(e, true);
if (tinymce.isOpera) {
self.onClick.add(function(ed, e) {
(function(tinymce) {
// Added for compression purposes
var each = tinymce.each, undef, TRUE = true, FALSE = false;
tinymce.EditorCommands = function(editor) {
var dom = editor.dom,
selection = editor.selection,
commands = {state: {}, exec : {}, value : {}},
settings = editor.settings,
formatter = editor.formatter,
function execCommand(command, ui, value) {
var func;
command = command.toLowerCase();
if (func = commands.exec[command]) {
func(command, ui, value);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function queryCommandState(command) {
var func;
command = command.toLowerCase();
if (func = commands.state[command])
return func(command);
return -1;
function queryCommandValue(command) {
var func;
command = command.toLowerCase();
if (func = commands.value[command])
return func(command);
return FALSE;
function addCommands(command_list, type) {
type = type || 'exec';
each(command_list, function(callback, command) {
each(command.toLowerCase().split(','), function(command) {
commands[type][command] = callback;
// Expose public methods
tinymce.extend(this, {
execCommand : execCommand,
queryCommandState : queryCommandState,
queryCommandValue : queryCommandValue,
addCommands : addCommands
// Private methods
function execNativeCommand(command, ui, value) {
if (ui === undef)
ui = FALSE;
if (value === undef)
value = null;
return editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
function isFormatMatch(name) {
return formatter.match(name);
function toggleFormat(name, value) {
formatter.toggle(name, value ? {value : value} : undef);
function storeSelection(type) {
bookmark = selection.getBookmark(type);
function restoreSelection() {
// Add execCommand overrides
// Ignore these, added for compatibility
'mceResetDesignMode,mceBeginUndoLevel' : function() {},
// Add undo manager logic
'mceEndUndoLevel,mceAddUndoLevel' : function() {
'Cut,Copy,Paste' : function(command) {
var doc = editor.getDoc(), failed;
// Try executing the native command
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Command failed
failed = TRUE;
// Present alert message about clipboard access not being available
if (failed || !doc.queryCommandSupported(command)) {
if (tinymce.isGecko) {
editor.windowManager.confirm(editor.getLang('clipboard_msg'), function(state) {
if (state)
open('http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html', '_blank');
} else
// Override unlink command
unlink : function(command) {
if (selection.isCollapsed())
// Override justify commands to use the text formatter engine
'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull' : function(command) {
var align = command.substring(7);
// Remove all other alignments first
each('left,center,right,full'.split(','), function(name) {
if (align != name)
formatter.remove('align' + name);
toggleFormat('align' + align);
// Override list commands to fix WebKit bug
'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList' : function(command) {
var listElm, listParent;
// WebKit produces lists within block elements so we need to split them
// we will replace the native list creation logic to custom logic later on
// TODO: Remove this when the list creation logic is removed
listElm = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ol,ul');
if (listElm) {
listParent = listElm.parentNode;
// If list is within a text block then split that block
if (/^(H[1-6]|P|ADDRESS|PRE)$/.test(listParent.nodeName)) {
dom.split(listParent, listElm);
// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript' : function(command) {
// Override commands to use the text formatter engine
'ForeColor,HiliteColor,FontName' : function(command, ui, value) {
toggleFormat(command, value);
FontSize : function(command, ui, value) {
var fontClasses, fontSizes;
// Convert font size 1-7 to styles
if (value >= 1 && value <= 7) {
fontSizes = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_style_values);
fontClasses = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_classes);
if (fontClasses)
value = fontClasses[value - 1] || value;
value = fontSizes[value - 1] || value;
toggleFormat(command, value);
RemoveFormat : function(command) {
mceBlockQuote : function(command) {
FormatBlock : function(command, ui, value) {
return toggleFormat(value || 'p');
mceCleanup : function() {
var bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
editor.setContent(editor.getContent({cleanup : TRUE}), {cleanup : TRUE});
mceRemoveNode : function(command, ui, value) {
var node = value || selection.getNode();
// Make sure that the body node isn't removed
if (node != editor.getBody()) {
editor.dom.remove(node, TRUE);
mceSelectNodeDepth : function(command, ui, value) {
var counter = 0;
dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 && counter++ == value) {
return FALSE;
}, editor.getBody());
mceSelectNode : function(command, ui, value) {
mceInsertContent : function(command, ui, value) {
var parser, serializer, parentNode, rootNode, fragment, args,
marker, nodeRect, viewPortRect, rng, node, node2, bookmarkHtml, viewportBodyElement;
// Setup parser and serializer
parser = editor.parser;
serializer = new tinymce.html.Serializer({}, editor.schema);
bookmarkHtml = '\uFEFF';
// Run beforeSetContent handlers on the HTML to be inserted
args = {content: value, format: 'html'};
selection.onBeforeSetContent.dispatch(selection, args);
value = args.content;
// Add caret at end of contents if it's missing
if (value.indexOf('{$caret}') == -1)
value += '{$caret}';
// Replace the caret marker with a span bookmark element
value = value.replace(/\{\$caret\}/, bookmarkHtml);
// Insert node maker where we will insert the new HTML and get it's parent
if (!selection.isCollapsed())
editor.getDoc().execCommand('Delete', false, null);
parentNode = selection.getNode();
// Parse the fragment within the context of the parent node
args = {context : parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()};
fragment = parser.parse(value, args);
// Move the caret to a more suitable location
node = fragment.lastChild;
if (node.attr('id') == 'mce_marker') {
marker = node;
for (node = node.prev; node; node = node.walk(true)) {
if (node.type == 3 || !dom.isBlock(node.name)) {
node.parent.insert(marker, node, node.name === 'br');
// If parser says valid we can insert the contents into that parent
if (!args.invalid) {
value = serializer.serialize(fragment);
// Check if parent is empty or only has one BR element then set the innerHTML of that parent
node = parentNode.firstChild;
node2 = parentNode.lastChild;
if (!node || (node === node2 && node.nodeName === 'BR'))
dom.setHTML(parentNode, value);
} else {
// If the fragment was invalid within that context then we need
// to parse and process the parent it's inserted into
// Insert bookmark node and get the parent
parentNode = selection.getNode();
rootNode = editor.getBody();
// Opera will return the document node when selection is in root
if (parentNode.nodeType == 9)
parentNode = node = rootNode;
node = parentNode;
// Find the ancestor just before the root element
while (node !== rootNode) {
parentNode = node;
node = node.parentNode;
// Get the outer/inner HTML depending on if we are in the root and parser and serialize that
value = parentNode == rootNode ? rootNode.innerHTML : dom.getOuterHTML(parentNode);
value = serializer.serialize(
// Need to replace by using a function since $ in the contents would otherwise be a problem
value.replace(//i, function() {
return serializer.serialize(fragment);
// Set the inner/outer HTML depending on if we are in the root or not
if (parentNode == rootNode)
dom.setHTML(rootNode, value);
dom.setOuterHTML(parentNode, value);
marker = dom.get('mce_marker');
// Scroll range into view scrollIntoView on element can't be used since it will scroll the main view port as well
nodeRect = dom.getRect(marker);
viewPortRect = dom.getViewPort(editor.getWin());
// Check if node is out side the viewport if it is then scroll to it
if ((nodeRect.y + nodeRect.h > viewPortRect.y + viewPortRect.h || nodeRect.y < viewPortRect.y) ||
(nodeRect.x > viewPortRect.x + viewPortRect.w || nodeRect.x < viewPortRect.x)) {
viewportBodyElement = tinymce.isIE ? editor.getDoc().documentElement : editor.getBody();
viewportBodyElement.scrollLeft = nodeRect.x;
viewportBodyElement.scrollTop = nodeRect.y - viewPortRect.h + 25;
// Move selection before marker and remove it
rng = dom.createRng();
// If previous sibling is a text node set the selection to the end of that node
node = marker.previousSibling;
if (node && node.nodeType == 3) {
rng.setStart(node, node.nodeValue.length);
} else {
// If the previous sibling isn't a text node or doesn't exist set the selection before the marker node
// Remove the marker node and set the new range
// Dispatch after event and add any visual elements needed
selection.onSetContent.dispatch(selection, args);
mceInsertRawHTML : function(command, ui, value) {
editor.setContent(editor.getContent().replace(/tiny_mce_marker/g, function() { return value }));
mceToggleFormat : function(command, ui, value) {
mceSetContent : function(command, ui, value) {
'Indent,Outdent' : function(command) {
var intentValue, indentUnit, value;
// Setup indent level
intentValue = settings.indentation;
indentUnit = /[a-z%]+$/i.exec(intentValue);
intentValue = parseInt(intentValue);
if (!queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') && !queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
// If forced_root_blocks is set to false we don't have a block to indent so lets create a div
if (!settings.forced_root_block && !dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)) {
each(selection.getSelectedBlocks(), function(element) {
if (command == 'outdent') {
value = Math.max(0, parseInt(element.style.paddingLeft || 0) - intentValue);
dom.setStyle(element, 'paddingLeft', value ? value + indentUnit : '');
} else
dom.setStyle(element, 'paddingLeft', (parseInt(element.style.paddingLeft || 0) + intentValue) + indentUnit);
} else
mceRepaint : function() {
var bookmark;
if (tinymce.isGecko) {
try {
if (selection.getSel())
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore
mceToggleFormat : function(command, ui, value) {
InsertHorizontalRule : function() {
editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '
mceToggleVisualAid : function() {
editor.hasVisual = !editor.hasVisual;
mceReplaceContent : function(command, ui, value) {
editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, value.replace(/\{\$selection\}/g, selection.getContent({format : 'text'})));
mceInsertLink : function(command, ui, value) {
var anchor;
if (typeof(value) == 'string')
value = {href : value};
anchor = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'a');
// Spaces are never valid in URLs and it's a very common mistake for people to make so we fix it here.
value.href = value.href.replace(' ', '%20');
// Remove existing links if there could be child links or that the href isn't specified
if (!anchor || !value.href) {
// Apply new link to selection
if (value.href) {
formatter.apply('link', value, anchor);
selectAll : function() {
var root = dom.getRoot(), rng = dom.createRng();
// Old IE does a better job with selectall than new versions
if (selection.getRng().setStart) {
rng.setStart(root, 0);
rng.setEnd(root, root.childNodes.length);
} else {
// Add queryCommandState overrides
// Override justify commands
'JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull' : function(command) {
var name = 'align' + command.substring(7);
var nodes = selection.isCollapsed() ? [dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), dom.isBlock)] : selection.getSelectedBlocks();
var matches = tinymce.map(nodes, function(node) {
return !!formatter.matchNode(node, name);
return tinymce.inArray(matches, TRUE) !== -1;
'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,Superscript,Subscript' : function(command) {
return isFormatMatch(command);
mceBlockQuote : function() {
return isFormatMatch('blockquote');
Outdent : function() {
var node;
if (settings.inline_styles) {
if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getStart(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft) > 0)
return TRUE;
if ((node = dom.getParent(selection.getEnd(), dom.isBlock)) && parseInt(node.style.paddingLeft) > 0)
return TRUE;
return queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') || queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') || (!settings.inline_styles && !!dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'BLOCKQUOTE'));
'InsertUnorderedList,InsertOrderedList' : function(command) {
var list = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'ul,ol');
return list &&
(command === 'insertunorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'UL'
|| command === 'insertorderedlist' && list.tagName === 'OL');
}, 'state');
// Add queryCommandValue overrides
'FontSize,FontName' : function(command) {
var value = 0, parent;
if (parent = dom.getParent(selection.getNode(), 'span')) {
if (command == 'fontsize')
value = parent.style.fontSize;
value = parent.style.fontFamily.replace(/, /g, ',').replace(/[\'\"]/g, '').toLowerCase();
return value;
}, 'value');
// Add undo manager logic
Undo : function() {
Redo : function() {
(function(tinymce) {
var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;
tinymce.UndoManager = function(editor) {
var self, index = 0, data = [], beforeBookmark, onAdd, onUndo, onRedo;
function getContent() {
// Remove whitespace before/after and remove pure bogus nodes
return tinymce.trim(editor.getContent({format : 'raw', no_events : 1}).replace(/]+data-mce-bogus[^>]+>[\u200B\uFEFF]+<\/span>/g, ''));
function addNonTypingUndoLevel() {
self.typing = false;
// Create event instances
onBeforeAdd = new Dispatcher(self);
onAdd = new Dispatcher(self);
onUndo = new Dispatcher(self);
onRedo = new Dispatcher(self);
// Pass though onAdd event from UndoManager to Editor as onChange
onAdd.add(function(undoman, level) {
if (undoman.hasUndo())
return editor.onChange.dispatch(editor, level, undoman);
// Pass though onUndo event from UndoManager to Editor
onUndo.add(function(undoman, level) {
return editor.onUndo.dispatch(editor, level, undoman);
// Pass though onRedo event from UndoManager to Editor
onRedo.add(function(undoman, level) {
return editor.onRedo.dispatch(editor, level, undoman);
// Add initial undo level when the editor is initialized
editor.onInit.add(function() {
// Get position before an execCommand is processed
editor.onBeforeExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val, args) {
if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint' && (!args || !args.skip_undo)) {
// Add undo level after an execCommand call was made
editor.onExecCommand.add(function(ed, cmd, ui, val, args) {
if (cmd != 'Undo' && cmd != 'Redo' && cmd != 'mceRepaint' && (!args || !args.skip_undo)) {
// Add undo level on save contents, drag end and blur/focusout
editor.dom.bind(editor.dom.getRoot(), 'dragend', addNonTypingUndoLevel);
editor.dom.bind(editor.getBody(), 'focusout', function(e) {
if (!editor.removed && self.typing) {
editor.onKeyUp.add(function(editor, e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45 || keyCode == 13 || e.ctrlKey) {
editor.onKeyDown.add(function(editor, e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
// Is caracter positon keys left,right,up,down,home,end,pgdown,pgup,enter
if ((keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 36) || (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40) || keyCode == 45) {
if (self.typing) {
// If key isn't shift,ctrl,alt,capslock,metakey
if ((keyCode < 16 || keyCode > 20) && keyCode != 224 && keyCode != 91 && !self.typing) {
self.typing = true;
editor.onMouseDown.add(function(editor, e) {
if (self.typing) {
// Add keyboard shortcuts for undo/redo keys
editor.addShortcut('ctrl+z', 'undo_desc', 'Undo');
editor.addShortcut('ctrl+y', 'redo_desc', 'Redo');
self = {
// Explose for debugging reasons
data : data,
typing : false,
onBeforeAdd: onBeforeAdd,
onAdd : onAdd,
onUndo : onUndo,
onRedo : onRedo,
beforeChange : function() {
beforeBookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
add : function(level) {
var i, settings = editor.settings, lastLevel;
level = level || {};
level.content = getContent();
self.onBeforeAdd.dispatch(self, level);
// Add undo level if needed
lastLevel = data[index];
if (lastLevel && lastLevel.content == level.content)
return null;
// Set before bookmark on previous level
if (data[index])
data[index].beforeBookmark = beforeBookmark;
// Time to compress
if (settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
if (data.length > settings.custom_undo_redo_levels) {
for (i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++)
data[i] = data[i + 1];
index = data.length;
// Get a non intrusive normalized bookmark
level.bookmark = editor.selection.getBookmark(2, true);
// Crop array if needed
if (index < data.length - 1)
data.length = index + 1;
index = data.length - 1;
self.onAdd.dispatch(self, level);
editor.isNotDirty = 0;
return level;
undo : function() {
var level, i;
if (self.typing) {
self.typing = false;
if (index > 0) {
level = data[--index];
editor.setContent(level.content, {format : 'raw'});
self.onUndo.dispatch(self, level);
return level;
redo : function() {
var level;
if (index < data.length - 1) {
level = data[++index];
editor.setContent(level.content, {format : 'raw'});
self.onRedo.dispatch(self, level);
return level;
clear : function() {
data = [];
index = 0;
self.typing = false;
hasUndo : function() {
return index > 0 || this.typing;
hasRedo : function() {
return index < data.length - 1 && !this.typing;
return self;
tinymce.ForceBlocks = function(editor) {
var settings = editor.settings, dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, blockElements = editor.schema.getBlockElements();
function addRootBlocks() {
var node = selection.getStart(), rootNode = editor.getBody(), rng, startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset, rootBlockNode, tempNode, offset = -0xFFFFFF, wrapped, isInEditorDocument;
if (!node || node.nodeType !== 1 || !settings.forced_root_block)
// Check if node is wrapped in block
while (node && node != rootNode) {
if (blockElements[node.nodeName])
node = node.parentNode;
// Get current selection
rng = selection.getRng();
if (rng.setStart) {
startContainer = rng.startContainer;
startOffset = rng.startOffset;
endContainer = rng.endContainer;
endOffset = rng.endOffset;
} else {
// Force control range into text range
if (rng.item) {
node = rng.item(0);
rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
isInEditorDocument = rng.parentElement().ownerDocument === editor.getDoc();
tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
startOffset = tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1;
if (!tmpRng.collapsed) {
tmpRng = rng.duplicate();
endOffset = (tmpRng.move('character', offset) * -1) - startOffset;
// Wrap non block elements and text nodes
node = rootNode.firstChild;
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType === 3 || (node.nodeType == 1 && !blockElements[node.nodeName])) {
// Remove empty text nodes
if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length == 0) {
tempNode = node;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (!rootBlockNode) {
rootBlockNode = dom.create(settings.forced_root_block);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(rootBlockNode, node);
wrapped = true;
tempNode = node;
node = node.nextSibling;
} else {
rootBlockNode = null;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (wrapped) {
if (rng.setStart) {
rng.setStart(startContainer, startOffset);
rng.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset);
} else {
// Only select if the previous selection was inside the document to prevent auto focus in quirks mode
if (isInEditorDocument) {
try {
rng = editor.getDoc().body.createTextRange();
rng.moveStart('character', startOffset);
if (endOffset > 0)
rng.moveEnd('character', endOffset);
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore
// Force root blocks
if (settings.forced_root_block) {
(function(tinymce) {
// Shorten names
var DOM = tinymce.DOM, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, each = tinymce.each, extend = tinymce.extend;
tinymce.create('tinymce.ControlManager', {
ControlManager : function(ed, s) {
var t = this, i;
s = s || {};
t.editor = ed;
t.controls = {};
t.onAdd = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
t.onPostRender = new tinymce.util.Dispatcher(t);
t.prefix = s.prefix || ed.id + '_';
t._cls = {};
t.onPostRender.add(function() {
each(t.controls, function(c) {
get : function(id) {
return this.controls[this.prefix + id] || this.controls[id];
setActive : function(id, s) {
var c = null;
if (c = this.get(id))
return c;
setDisabled : function(id, s) {
var c = null;
if (c = this.get(id))
return c;
add : function(c) {
var t = this;
if (c) {
t.controls[c.id] = c;
t.onAdd.dispatch(c, t);
return c;
createControl : function(name) {
var ctrl, i, l, self = this, editor = self.editor, factories, ctrlName;
// Build control factory cache
if (!self.controlFactories) {
self.controlFactories = [];
each(editor.plugins, function(plugin) {
if (plugin.createControl) {
// Create controls by asking cached factories
factories = self.controlFactories;
for (i = 0, l = factories.length; i < l; i++) {
ctrl = factories[i].createControl(name, self);
if (ctrl) {
return self.add(ctrl);
// Create sepearator
if (name === "|" || name === "separator") {
return self.createSeparator();
// Create control from button collection
if (editor.buttons && (ctrl = editor.buttons[name])) {
return self.createButton(name, ctrl);
return self.add(ctrl);
createDropMenu : function(id, s, cc) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, c, bm, v, cls;
s = extend({
'class' : 'mceDropDown',
constrain : ed.settings.constrain_menus
}, s);
s['class'] = s['class'] + ' ' + ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin';
if (v = ed.getParam('skin_variant'))
s['class'] += ' ' + ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin' + v.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + v.substring(1);
s['class'] += ed.settings.directionality == "rtl" ? ' mceRtl' : '';
id = t.prefix + id;
cls = cc || t._cls.dropmenu || tinymce.ui.DropMenu;
c = t.controls[id] = new cls(id, s);
c.onAddItem.add(function(c, o) {
var s = o.settings;
s.title = ed.getLang(s.title, s.title);
if (!s.onclick) {
s.onclick = function(v) {
if (s.cmd)
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, s.value);
ed.onRemove.add(function() {
// Fix for bug #1897785, #1898007
if (tinymce.isIE) {
c.onShowMenu.add(function() {
// IE 8 needs focus in order to store away a range with the current collapsed caret location
bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
c.onHideMenu.add(function() {
if (bm) {
bm = 0;
return t.add(c);
createListBox : function(id, s, cc) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls;
if (t.get(id))
return null;
s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
s.scope = s.scope || ed;
if (!s.onselect) {
s.onselect = function(v) {
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);
s = extend({
title : s.title,
'class' : 'mce_' + id,
scope : s.scope,
control_manager : t
}, s);
id = t.prefix + id;
function useNativeListForAccessibility(ed) {
return ed.settings.use_accessible_selects && !tinymce.isGecko
if (ed.settings.use_native_selects || useNativeListForAccessibility(ed))
c = new tinymce.ui.NativeListBox(id, s);
else {
cls = cc || t._cls.listbox || tinymce.ui.ListBox;
c = new cls(id, s, ed);
t.controls[id] = c;
// Fix focus problem in Safari
if (tinymce.isWebKit) {
c.onPostRender.add(function(c, n) {
// Store bookmark on mousedown
Event.add(n, 'mousedown', function() {
ed.bookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
// Restore on focus, since it might be lost
Event.add(n, 'focus', function() {
ed.bookmark = null;
if (c.hideMenu)
ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);
return t.add(c);
createButton : function(id, s, cc) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, o, c, cls;
if (t.get(id))
return null;
s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
s.label = ed.translate(s.label);
s.scope = s.scope || ed;
if (!s.onclick && !s.menu_button) {
s.onclick = function() {
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, s.value);
s = extend({
title : s.title,
'class' : 'mce_' + id,
unavailable_prefix : ed.getLang('unavailable', ''),
scope : s.scope,
control_manager : t
}, s);
id = t.prefix + id;
if (s.menu_button) {
cls = cc || t._cls.menubutton || tinymce.ui.MenuButton;
c = new cls(id, s, ed);
ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);
} else {
cls = t._cls.button || tinymce.ui.Button;
c = new cls(id, s, ed);
return t.add(c);
createMenuButton : function(id, s, cc) {
s = s || {};
s.menu_button = 1;
return this.createButton(id, s, cc);
createSplitButton : function(id, s, cc) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls;
if (t.get(id))
return null;
s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
s.scope = s.scope || ed;
if (!s.onclick) {
s.onclick = function(v) {
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);
if (!s.onselect) {
s.onselect = function(v) {
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);
s = extend({
title : s.title,
'class' : 'mce_' + id,
scope : s.scope,
control_manager : t
}, s);
id = t.prefix + id;
cls = cc || t._cls.splitbutton || tinymce.ui.SplitButton;
c = t.add(new cls(id, s, ed));
ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);
return c;
createColorSplitButton : function(id, s, cc) {
var t = this, ed = t.editor, cmd, c, cls, bm;
if (t.get(id))
return null;
s.title = ed.translate(s.title);
s.scope = s.scope || ed;
if (!s.onclick) {
s.onclick = function(v) {
if (tinymce.isIE)
bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);
if (!s.onselect) {
s.onselect = function(v) {
ed.execCommand(s.cmd, s.ui || false, v || s.value);
s = extend({
title : s.title,
'class' : 'mce_' + id,
'menu_class' : ed.getParam('skin') + 'Skin',
scope : s.scope,
more_colors_title : ed.getLang('more_colors')
}, s);
id = t.prefix + id;
cls = cc || t._cls.colorsplitbutton || tinymce.ui.ColorSplitButton;
c = new cls(id, s, ed);
ed.onMouseDown.add(c.hideMenu, c);
// Remove the menu element when the editor is removed
ed.onRemove.add(function() {
// Fix for bug #1897785, #1898007
if (tinymce.isIE) {
c.onShowMenu.add(function() {
// IE 8 needs focus in order to store away a range with the current collapsed caret location
bm = ed.selection.getBookmark(1);
c.onHideMenu.add(function() {
if (bm) {
bm = 0;
return t.add(c);
createToolbar : function(id, s, cc) {
var c, t = this, cls;
id = t.prefix + id;
cls = cc || t._cls.toolbar || tinymce.ui.Toolbar;
c = new cls(id, s, t.editor);
if (t.get(id))
return null;
return t.add(c);
createToolbarGroup : function(id, s, cc) {
var c, t = this, cls;
id = t.prefix + id;
cls = cc || this._cls.toolbarGroup || tinymce.ui.ToolbarGroup;
c = new cls(id, s, t.editor);
if (t.get(id))
return null;
return t.add(c);
createSeparator : function(cc) {
var cls = cc || this._cls.separator || tinymce.ui.Separator;
return new cls();
setControlType : function(n, c) {
return this._cls[n.toLowerCase()] = c;
destroy : function() {
each(this.controls, function(c) {
this.controls = null;
(function(tinymce) {
var Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher, each = tinymce.each, isIE = tinymce.isIE, isOpera = tinymce.isOpera;
tinymce.create('tinymce.WindowManager', {
WindowManager : function(ed) {
var t = this;
t.editor = ed;
t.onOpen = new Dispatcher(t);
t.onClose = new Dispatcher(t);
t.params = {};
t.features = {};
open : function(s, p) {
var t = this, f = '', x, y, mo = t.editor.settings.dialog_type == 'modal', w, sw, sh, vp = tinymce.DOM.getViewPort(), u;
// Default some options
s = s || {};
p = p || {};
sw = isOpera ? vp.w : screen.width; // Opera uses windows inside the Opera window
sh = isOpera ? vp.h : screen.height;
s.name = s.name || 'mc_' + new Date().getTime();
s.width = parseInt(s.width || 320);
s.height = parseInt(s.height || 240);
s.resizable = true;
s.left = s.left || parseInt(sw / 2.0) - (s.width / 2.0);
s.top = s.top || parseInt(sh / 2.0) - (s.height / 2.0);
p.inline = false;
p.mce_width = s.width;
p.mce_height = s.height;
p.mce_auto_focus = s.auto_focus;
if (mo) {
if (isIE) {
s.center = true;
s.help = false;
s.dialogWidth = s.width + 'px';
s.dialogHeight = s.height + 'px';
s.scroll = s.scrollbars || false;
// Build features string
each(s, function(v, k) {
if (tinymce.is(v, 'boolean'))
v = v ? 'yes' : 'no';
if (!/^(name|url)$/.test(k)) {
if (isIE && mo)
f += (f ? ';' : '') + k + ':' + v;
f += (f ? ',' : '') + k + '=' + v;
t.features = s;
t.params = p;
t.onOpen.dispatch(t, s, p);
u = s.url || s.file;
u = tinymce._addVer(u);
try {
if (isIE && mo) {
w = 1;
window.showModalDialog(u, window, f);
} else
w = window.open(u, s.name, f);
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore
if (!w)
close : function(w) {
createInstance : function(cl, a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = tinymce.resolve(cl);
return new f(a, b, c, d, e);
confirm : function(t, cb, s, w) {
w = w || window;
cb.call(s || this, w.confirm(this._decode(this.editor.getLang(t, t))));
alert : function(tx, cb, s, w) {
var t = this;
w = w || window;
w.alert(t._decode(t.editor.getLang(tx, tx)));
if (cb)
cb.call(s || t);
resizeBy : function(dw, dh, win) {
win.resizeBy(dw, dh);
// Internal functions
_decode : function(s) {
return tinymce.DOM.decode(s).replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
(function(tinymce) {
tinymce.Formatter = function(ed) {
var formats = {},
each = tinymce.each,
dom = ed.dom,
selection = ed.selection,
TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker,
rangeUtils = new tinymce.dom.RangeUtils(dom),
isValid = ed.schema.isValidChild,
isArray = tinymce.isArray,
isBlock = dom.isBlock,
forcedRootBlock = ed.settings.forced_root_block,
nodeIndex = dom.nodeIndex,
MCE_ATTR_RE = /^(src|href|style)$/,
FALSE = false,
TRUE = true,
getContentEditable = dom.getContentEditable;
function isTextBlock(name) {
if (name.nodeType) {
name = name.nodeName;
return !!ed.schema.getTextBlockElements()[name.toLowerCase()];
function getParents(node, selector) {
return dom.getParents(node, selector, dom.getRoot());
function isCaretNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === 1 && node.id === '_mce_caret';
function defaultFormats() {
alignleft : [
{selector : 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'left'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
{selector : 'img,table', collapsed : false, styles : {'float' : 'left'}}
aligncenter : [
{selector : 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'center'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
{selector : 'img', collapsed : false, styles : {display : 'block', marginLeft : 'auto', marginRight : 'auto'}},
{selector : 'table', collapsed : false, styles : {marginLeft : 'auto', marginRight : 'auto'}}
alignright : [
{selector : 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'right'}, defaultBlock: 'div'},
{selector : 'img,table', collapsed : false, styles : {'float' : 'right'}}
alignfull : [
{selector : 'figure,p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li', styles : {textAlign : 'justify'}, defaultBlock: 'div'}
bold : [
{inline : 'strong', remove : 'all'},
{inline : 'span', styles : {fontWeight : 'bold'}},
{inline : 'b', remove : 'all'}
italic : [
{inline : 'em', remove : 'all'},
{inline : 'span', styles : {fontStyle : 'italic'}},
{inline : 'i', remove : 'all'}
underline : [
{inline : 'span', styles : {textDecoration : 'underline'}, exact : true},
{inline : 'u', remove : 'all'}
strikethrough : [
{inline : 'span', styles : {textDecoration : 'line-through'}, exact : true},
{inline : 'strike', remove : 'all'}
forecolor : {inline : 'span', styles : {color : '%value'}, wrap_links : false},
hilitecolor : {inline : 'span', styles : {backgroundColor : '%value'}, wrap_links : false},
fontname : {inline : 'span', styles : {fontFamily : '%value'}},
fontsize : {inline : 'span', styles : {fontSize : '%value'}},
fontsize_class : {inline : 'span', attributes : {'class' : '%value'}},
blockquote : {block : 'blockquote', wrapper : 1, remove : 'all'},
subscript : {inline : 'sub'},
superscript : {inline : 'sup'},
link : {inline : 'a', selector : 'a', remove : 'all', split : true, deep : true,
onmatch : function(node) {
return true;
onformat : function(elm, fmt, vars) {
each(vars, function(value, key) {
dom.setAttrib(elm, key, value);
removeformat : [
{selector : 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike', remove : 'all', split : true, expand : false, block_expand : true, deep : true},
{selector : 'span', attributes : ['style', 'class'], remove : 'empty', split : true, expand : false, deep : true},
{selector : '*', attributes : ['style', 'class'], split : false, expand : false, deep : true}
// Register default block formats
each('p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 div address pre div code dt dd samp'.split(/\s/), function(name) {
register(name, {block : name, remove : 'all'});
// Register user defined formats
function addKeyboardShortcuts() {
// Add some inline shortcuts
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+b', 'bold_desc', 'Bold');
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+i', 'italic_desc', 'Italic');
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+u', 'underline_desc', 'Underline');
// BlockFormat shortcuts keys
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+' + i, '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'h' + i]);
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+7', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'p']);
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+8', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'div']);
ed.addShortcut('ctrl+9', '', ['FormatBlock', false, 'address']);
// Public functions
function get(name) {
return name ? formats[name] : formats;
function register(name, format) {
if (name) {
if (typeof(name) !== 'string') {
each(name, function(format, name) {
register(name, format);
} else {
// Force format into array and add it to internal collection
format = format.length ? format : [format];
each(format, function(format) {
// Set deep to false by default on selector formats this to avoid removing
// alignment on images inside paragraphs when alignment is changed on paragraphs
if (format.deep === undef)
format.deep = !format.selector;
// Default to true
if (format.split === undef)
format.split = !format.selector || format.inline;
// Default to true
if (format.remove === undef && format.selector && !format.inline)
format.remove = 'none';
// Mark format as a mixed format inline + block level
if (format.selector && format.inline) {
format.mixed = true;
format.block_expand = true;
// Split classes if needed
if (typeof(format.classes) === 'string')
format.classes = format.classes.split(/\s+/);
formats[name] = format;
var getTextDecoration = function(node) {
var decoration;
ed.dom.getParent(node, function(n) {
decoration = ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'text-decoration');
return decoration && decoration !== 'none';
return decoration;
var processUnderlineAndColor = function(node) {
var textDecoration;
if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1) {
textDecoration = getTextDecoration(node.parentNode);
if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'color') && textDecoration) {
ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', textDecoration);
} else if (ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'textdecoration') === textDecoration) {
ed.dom.setStyle(node, 'text-decoration', null);
function apply(name, vars, node) {
var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, rng, i, isCollapsed = selection.isCollapsed();
function setElementFormat(elm, fmt) {
fmt = fmt || format;
if (elm) {
if (fmt.onformat) {
fmt.onformat(elm, fmt, vars, node);
each(fmt.styles, function(value, name) {
dom.setStyle(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
each(fmt.attributes, function(value, name) {
dom.setAttrib(elm, name, replaceVars(value, vars));
each(fmt.classes, function(value) {
value = replaceVars(value, vars);
if (!dom.hasClass(elm, value))
dom.addClass(elm, value);
function adjustSelectionToVisibleSelection() {
function findSelectionEnd(start, end) {
var walker = new TreeWalker(end);
for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.prev()) {
if (node.childNodes.length > 1 || node == start || node.tagName == 'BR') {
return node;
// Adjust selection so that a end container with a end offset of zero is not included in the selection
// as this isn't visible to the user.
var rng = ed.selection.getRng();
var start = rng.startContainer;
var end = rng.endContainer;
if (start != end && rng.endOffset === 0) {
var newEnd = findSelectionEnd(start, end);
var endOffset = newEnd.nodeType == 3 ? newEnd.length : newEnd.childNodes.length;
rng.setEnd(newEnd, endOffset);
return rng;
function applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process){
var nodes = [], listIndex = -1, list, startIndex = -1, endIndex = -1, currentWrapElm;
// find the index of the first child list.
each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
if (n.nodeName === "UL" || n.nodeName === "OL") {
listIndex = index;
list = n;
return false;
// get the index of the bookmarks
each(node.childNodes, function(n, index) {
if (n.nodeName === "SPAN" && dom.getAttrib(n, "data-mce-type") == "bookmark") {
if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_start") {
startIndex = index;
} else if (n.id == bookmark.id + "_end") {
endIndex = index;
// if the selection spans across an embedded list, or there isn't an embedded list - handle processing normally
if (listIndex <= 0 || (startIndex < listIndex && endIndex > listIndex)) {
each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), process);
return 0;
} else {
currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
// create a list of the nodes on the same side of the list as the selection
each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), function(n, index) {
if ((startIndex < listIndex && index < listIndex) || (startIndex > listIndex && index > listIndex)) {
// insert the wrapping element either before or after the list.
if (startIndex < listIndex) {
node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list);
} else if (startIndex > listIndex) {
node.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, list.nextSibling);
// add the new nodes to the list.
each(nodes, function(node) {
return currentWrapElm;
function applyRngStyle(rng, bookmark, node_specific) {
var newWrappers = [], wrapName, wrapElm, contentEditable = true;
// Setup wrapper element
wrapName = format.inline || format.block;
wrapElm = dom.create(wrapName);
rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
var currentWrapElm;
function process(node) {
var nodeName, parentName, found, hasContentEditableState, lastContentEditable;
lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
parentName = node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Node has a contentEditable value
if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
// Stop wrapping on br elements
if (isEq(nodeName, 'br')) {
currentWrapElm = 0;
// Remove any br elements when we wrap things
if (format.block)
// If node is wrapper type
if (format.wrapper && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
currentWrapElm = 0;
// Can we rename the block
if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && format.block && !format.wrapper && isTextBlock(nodeName)) {
node = dom.rename(node, wrapName);
currentWrapElm = 0;
// Handle selector patterns
if (format.selector) {
// Look for matching formats
each(formatList, function(format) {
// Check collapsed state if it exists
if ('collapsed' in format && format.collapsed !== isCollapsed) {
if (dom.is(node, format.selector) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
setElementFormat(node, format);
found = true;
// Continue processing if a selector match wasn't found and a inline element is defined
if (!format.inline || found) {
currentWrapElm = 0;
// Is it valid to wrap this item
if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState && isValid(wrapName, nodeName) && isValid(parentName, wrapName) &&
!(!node_specific && node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue.length === 1 && node.nodeValue.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) && !isCaretNode(node) && (!format.inline || !isBlock(node))) {
// Start wrapping
if (!currentWrapElm) {
// Wrap the node
currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(currentWrapElm, node);
} else if (nodeName == 'li' && bookmark) {
// Start wrapping - if we are in a list node and have a bookmark, then we will always begin by wrapping in a new element.
currentWrapElm = applyStyleToList(node, bookmark, wrapElm, newWrappers, process);
} else {
// Start a new wrapper for possible children
currentWrapElm = 0;
each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), process);
if (hasContentEditableState) {
contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
// End the last wrapper
currentWrapElm = 0;
// Process siblings from range
each(nodes, process);
// Wrap links inside as well, for example color inside a link when the wrapper is around the link
if (format.wrap_links === false) {
each(newWrappers, function(node) {
function process(node) {
var i, currentWrapElm, children;
if (node.nodeName === 'A') {
currentWrapElm = dom.clone(wrapElm, FALSE);
children = tinymce.grep(node.childNodes);
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), process);
// Cleanup
each(newWrappers, function(node) {
var childCount;
function getChildCount(node) {
var count = 0;
each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
if (!isWhiteSpaceNode(node) && !isBookmarkNode(node))
return count;
function mergeStyles(node) {
var child, clone;
each(node.childNodes, function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(node) && !isCaretNode(node)) {
child = node;
return FALSE; // break loop
// If child was found and of the same type as the current node
if (child && matchName(child, format)) {
clone = dom.clone(child, FALSE);
dom.replace(clone, node, TRUE);
dom.remove(child, 1);
return clone || node;
childCount = getChildCount(node);
// Remove empty nodes but only if there is multiple wrappers and they are not block
// elements so never remove single since that would remove the currrent empty block element where the caret is at
if ((newWrappers.length > 1 || !isBlock(node)) && childCount === 0) {
dom.remove(node, 1);
if (format.inline || format.wrapper) {
// Merges the current node with it's children of similar type to reduce the number of elements
if (!format.exact && childCount === 1)
node = mergeStyles(node);
// Remove/merge children
each(formatList, function(format) {
// Merge all children of similar type will move styles from child to parent
// this: text
// will become: text
each(dom.select(format.inline, node), function(child) {
var parent;
// When wrap_links is set to false we don't want
// to remove the format on children within links
if (format.wrap_links === false) {
parent = child.parentNode;
do {
if (parent.nodeName === 'A')
} while (parent = parent.parentNode);
removeFormat(format, vars, child, format.exact ? child : null);
// Remove child if direct parent is of same type
if (matchNode(node.parentNode, name, vars)) {
dom.remove(node, 1);
node = 0;
return TRUE;
// Look for parent with similar style format
if (format.merge_with_parents) {
dom.getParent(node.parentNode, function(parent) {
if (matchNode(parent, name, vars)) {
dom.remove(node, 1);
node = 0;
return TRUE;
// Merge next and previous siblings if they are similar texttext becomes texttext
if (node && format.merge_siblings !== false) {
node = mergeSiblings(getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node), node);
node = mergeSiblings(node, getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, TRUE));
if (format) {
if (node) {
if (node.nodeType) {
rng = dom.createRng();
applyRngStyle(expandRng(rng, formatList), null, true);
} else {
applyRngStyle(node, null, true);
} else {
if (!isCollapsed || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected').length) {
// Obtain selection node before selection is unselected by applyRngStyle()
var curSelNode = ed.selection.getNode();
// If the formats have a default block and we can't find a parent block then start wrapping it with a DIV this is for forced_root_blocks: false
// It's kind of a hack but people should be using the default block type P since all desktop editors work that way
if (!forcedRootBlock && formatList[0].defaultBlock && !dom.getParent(curSelNode, dom.isBlock)) {
// Apply formatting to selection
bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
applyRngStyle(expandRng(selection.getRng(TRUE), formatList), bookmark);
// Colored nodes should be underlined so that the color of the underline matches the text color.
if (format.styles && (format.styles.color || format.styles.textDecoration)) {
tinymce.walk(curSelNode, processUnderlineAndColor, 'childNodes');
} else
performCaretAction('apply', name, vars);
function remove(name, vars, node) {
var formatList = get(name), format = formatList[0], bookmark, i, rng, contentEditable = true;
// Merges the styles for each node
function process(node) {
var children, i, l, localContentEditable, lastContentEditable, hasContentEditableState;
// Skip on text nodes as they have neither format to remove nor children
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
// Node has a contentEditable value
if (node.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(node)) {
lastContentEditable = contentEditable;
contentEditable = getContentEditable(node) === "true";
hasContentEditableState = true; // We don't want to wrap the container only it's children
// Grab the children first since the nodelist might be changed
children = tinymce.grep(node.childNodes);
// Process current node
if (contentEditable && !hasContentEditableState) {
for (i = 0, l = formatList.length; i < l; i++) {
if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, node, node))
// Process the children
if (format.deep) {
if (children.length) {
for (i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)
if (hasContentEditableState) {
contentEditable = lastContentEditable; // Restore last contentEditable state from stack
function findFormatRoot(container) {
var formatRoot;
// Find format root
each(getParents(container.parentNode).reverse(), function(parent) {
var format;
// Find format root element
if (!formatRoot && parent.id != '_start' && parent.id != '_end') {
// Is the node matching the format we are looking for
format = matchNode(parent, name, vars);
if (format && format.split !== false)
formatRoot = parent;
return formatRoot;
function wrapAndSplit(format_root, container, target, split) {
var parent, clone, lastClone, firstClone, i, formatRootParent;
// Format root found then clone formats and split it
if (format_root) {
formatRootParent = format_root.parentNode;
for (parent = container.parentNode; parent && parent != formatRootParent; parent = parent.parentNode) {
clone = dom.clone(parent, FALSE);
for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
if (removeFormat(formatList[i], vars, clone, clone)) {
clone = 0;
// Build wrapper node
if (clone) {
if (lastClone)
if (!firstClone)
firstClone = clone;
lastClone = clone;
// Never split block elements if the format is mixed
if (split && (!format.mixed || !isBlock(format_root)))
container = dom.split(format_root, container);
// Wrap container in cloned formats
if (lastClone) {
target.parentNode.insertBefore(lastClone, target);
return container;
function splitToFormatRoot(container) {
return wrapAndSplit(findFormatRoot(container), container, container, true);
function unwrap(start) {
var node = dom.get(start ? '_start' : '_end'),
out = node[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
// If the end is placed within the start the result will be removed
// So this checks if the out node is a bookmark node if it is it
// checks for another more suitable node
if (isBookmarkNode(out))
out = out[start ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
dom.remove(node, true);
return out;
function removeRngStyle(rng) {
var startContainer, endContainer, node;
rng = expandRng(rng, formatList, TRUE);
if (format.split) {
startContainer = getContainer(rng, TRUE);
endContainer = getContainer(rng);
if (startContainer != endContainer) {
// WebKit will render the table incorrectly if we wrap a TD in a SPAN so lets see if the can use the first child instead
// This will happen if you tripple click a table cell and use remove formatting
if (/^(TR|TD)$/.test(startContainer.nodeName) && startContainer.firstChild) {
startContainer = (startContainer.nodeName == "TD" ? startContainer.firstChild : startContainer.firstChild.firstChild) || startContainer;
// Wrap start/end nodes in span element since these might be cloned/moved
startContainer = wrap(startContainer, 'span', {id : '_start', 'data-mce-type' : 'bookmark'});
endContainer = wrap(endContainer, 'span', {id : '_end', 'data-mce-type' : 'bookmark'});
// Split start/end
// Unwrap start/end to get real elements again
startContainer = unwrap(TRUE);
endContainer = unwrap();
} else
startContainer = endContainer = splitToFormatRoot(startContainer);
// Update range positions since they might have changed after the split operations
rng.startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
rng.startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
rng.endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
rng.endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
// Remove items between start/end
rangeUtils.walk(rng, function(nodes) {
each(nodes, function(node) {
// Remove parent span if it only contains text-decoration: underline, yet a parent node is also underlined.
if (node.nodeType === 1 && ed.dom.getStyle(node, 'text-decoration') === 'underline' && node.parentNode && getTextDecoration(node.parentNode) === 'underline') {
removeFormat({'deep': false, 'exact': true, 'inline': 'span', 'styles': {'textDecoration' : 'underline'}}, null, node);
// Handle node
if (node) {
if (node.nodeType) {
rng = dom.createRng();
} else {
if (!selection.isCollapsed() || !format.inline || dom.select('td.mceSelected,th.mceSelected').length) {
bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
// Check if start element still has formatting then we are at: "text|text" and need to move the start into the next text node
if (format.inline && match(name, vars, selection.getStart())) {
} else
performCaretAction('remove', name, vars);
function toggle(name, vars, node) {
var fmt = get(name);
if (match(name, vars, node) && (!('toggle' in fmt[0]) || fmt[0].toggle))
remove(name, vars, node);
apply(name, vars, node);
function matchNode(node, name, vars, similar) {
var formatList = get(name), format, i, classes;
function matchItems(node, format, item_name) {
var key, value, items = format[item_name], i;
// Custom match
if (format.onmatch) {
return format.onmatch(node, format, item_name);
// Check all items
if (items) {
// Non indexed object
if (items.length === undef) {
for (key in items) {
if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (item_name === 'attributes')
value = dom.getAttrib(node, key);
value = getStyle(node, key);
if (similar && !value && !format.exact)
if ((!similar || format.exact) && !isEq(value, replaceVars(items[key], vars)))
} else {
// Only one match needed for indexed arrays
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (item_name === 'attributes' ? dom.getAttrib(node, items[i]) : getStyle(node, items[i]))
return format;
return format;
if (formatList && node) {
// Check each format in list
for (i = 0; i < formatList.length; i++) {
format = formatList[i];
// Name name, attributes, styles and classes
if (matchName(node, format) && matchItems(node, format, 'attributes') && matchItems(node, format, 'styles')) {
// Match classes
if (classes = format.classes) {
for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (!dom.hasClass(node, classes[i]))
return format;
function match(name, vars, node) {
var startNode;
function matchParents(node) {
// Find first node with similar format settings
node = dom.getParent(node, function(node) {
return !!matchNode(node, name, vars, true);
// Do an exact check on the similar format element
return matchNode(node, name, vars);
// Check specified node
if (node)
return matchParents(node);
// Check selected node
node = selection.getNode();
if (matchParents(node))
return TRUE;
// Check start node if it's different
startNode = selection.getStart();
if (startNode != node) {
if (matchParents(startNode))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function matchAll(names, vars) {
var startElement, matchedFormatNames = [], checkedMap = {}, i, ni, name;
// Check start of selection for formats
startElement = selection.getStart();
dom.getParent(startElement, function(node) {
var i, name;
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
name = names[i];
if (!checkedMap[name] && matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
checkedMap[name] = true;
}, dom.getRoot());
return matchedFormatNames;
function canApply(name) {
var formatList = get(name), startNode, parents, i, x, selector;
if (formatList) {
startNode = selection.getStart();
parents = getParents(startNode);
for (x = formatList.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
selector = formatList[x].selector;
// Format is not selector based, then always return TRUE
if (!selector)
return TRUE;
for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (dom.is(parents[i], selector))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function formatChanged(formats, callback, similar) {
var currentFormats;
// Setup format node change logic
if (!formatChangeData) {
formatChangeData = {};
currentFormats = {};
ed.onNodeChange.addToTop(function(ed, cm, node) {
var parents = getParents(node), matchedFormats = {};
// Check for new formats
each(formatChangeData, function(callbacks, format) {
each(parents, function(node) {
if (matchNode(node, format, {}, callbacks.similar)) {
if (!currentFormats[format]) {
// Execute callbacks
each(callbacks, function(callback) {
callback(true, {node: node, format: format, parents: parents});
currentFormats[format] = callbacks;
matchedFormats[format] = callbacks;
return false;
// Check if current formats still match
each(currentFormats, function(callbacks, format) {
if (!matchedFormats[format]) {
delete currentFormats[format];
each(callbacks, function(callback) {
callback(false, {node: node, format: format, parents: parents});
// Add format listeners
each(formats.split(','), function(format) {
if (!formatChangeData[format]) {
formatChangeData[format] = [];
formatChangeData[format].similar = similar;
return this;
// Expose to public
tinymce.extend(this, {
get : get,
register : register,
apply : apply,
remove : remove,
toggle : toggle,
match : match,
matchAll : matchAll,
matchNode : matchNode,
canApply : canApply,
formatChanged: formatChanged
// Initialize
// Private functions
function matchName(node, format) {
// Check for inline match
if (isEq(node, format.inline))
return TRUE;
// Check for block match
if (isEq(node, format.block))
return TRUE;
// Check for selector match
if (format.selector)
return dom.is(node, format.selector);
function isEq(str1, str2) {
str1 = str1 || '';
str2 = str2 || '';
str1 = '' + (str1.nodeName || str1);
str2 = '' + (str2.nodeName || str2);
return str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase();
function getStyle(node, name) {
var styleVal = dom.getStyle(node, name);
// Force the format to hex
if (name == 'color' || name == 'backgroundColor')
styleVal = dom.toHex(styleVal);
// Opera will return bold as 700
if (name == 'fontWeight' && styleVal == 700)
styleVal = 'bold';
return '' + styleVal;
function replaceVars(value, vars) {
if (typeof(value) != "string")
value = value(vars);
else if (vars) {
value = value.replace(/%(\w+)/g, function(str, name) {
return vars[name] || str;
return value;
function isWhiteSpaceNode(node) {
return node && node.nodeType === 3 && /^([\t \r\n]+|)$/.test(node.nodeValue);
function wrap(node, name, attrs) {
var wrapper = dom.create(name, attrs);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
return wrapper;
function expandRng(rng, format, remove) {
var sibling, lastIdx, leaf, endPoint,
startContainer = rng.startContainer,
startOffset = rng.startOffset,
endContainer = rng.endContainer,
endOffset = rng.endOffset;
// This function walks up the tree if there is no siblings before/after the node
function findParentContainer(start) {
var container, parent, child, sibling, siblingName, root;
container = parent = start ? startContainer : endContainer;
siblingName = start ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';
root = dom.getRoot();
function isBogusBr(node) {
return node.nodeName == "BR" && node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus') && !node.nextSibling;
// If it's a text node and the offset is inside the text
if (container.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(container)) {
if (start ? startOffset > 0 : endOffset < container.nodeValue.length) {
return container;
for (;;) {
// Stop expanding on block elements
if (!format[0].block_expand && isBlock(parent))
return parent;
// Walk left/right
for (sibling = parent[siblingName]; sibling; sibling = sibling[siblingName]) {
if (!isBookmarkNode(sibling) && !isWhiteSpaceNode(sibling) && !isBogusBr(sibling)) {
return parent;
// Check if we can move up are we at root level or body level
if (parent.parentNode == root) {
container = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return container;
// This function walks down the tree to find the leaf at the selection.
// The offset is also returned as if node initially a leaf, the offset may be in the middle of the text node.
function findLeaf(node, offset) {
if (offset === undef)
offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
while (node && node.hasChildNodes()) {
node = node.childNodes[offset];
if (node)
offset = node.nodeType === 3 ? node.length : node.childNodes.length;
return { node: node, offset: offset };
// If index based start position then resolve it
if (startContainer.nodeType == 1 && startContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
lastIdx = startContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
startContainer = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : startOffset];
if (startContainer.nodeType == 3)
startOffset = 0;
// If index based end position then resolve it
if (endContainer.nodeType == 1 && endContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
lastIdx = endContainer.childNodes.length - 1;
endContainer = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : endOffset - 1];
if (endContainer.nodeType == 3)
endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length;
// Expands the node to the closes contentEditable false element if it exists
function findParentContentEditable(node) {
var parent = node;
while (parent) {
if (parent.nodeType === 1 && getContentEditable(parent)) {
return getContentEditable(parent) === "false" ? parent : node;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return node;
function findWordEndPoint(container, offset, start) {
var walker, node, pos, lastTextNode;
function findSpace(node, offset) {
var pos, pos2, str = node.nodeValue;
if (typeof(offset) == "undefined") {
offset = start ? str.length : 0;
if (start) {
pos = str.lastIndexOf(' ', offset);
pos2 = str.lastIndexOf('\u00a0', offset);
pos = pos > pos2 ? pos : pos2;
// Include the space on remove to avoid tag soup
if (pos !== -1 && !remove) {
} else {
pos = str.indexOf(' ', offset);
pos2 = str.indexOf('\u00a0', offset);
pos = pos !== -1 && (pos2 === -1 || pos < pos2) ? pos : pos2;
return pos;
if (container.nodeType === 3) {
pos = findSpace(container, offset);
if (pos !== -1) {
return {container : container, offset : pos};
lastTextNode = container;
// Walk the nodes inside the block
walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, isBlock) || ed.getBody());
while (node = walker[start ? 'prev' : 'next']()) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
lastTextNode = node;
pos = findSpace(node);
if (pos !== -1) {
return {container : node, offset : pos};
} else if (isBlock(node)) {
if (lastTextNode) {
if (start) {
offset = 0;
} else {
offset = lastTextNode.length;
return {container: lastTextNode, offset: offset};
function findSelectorEndPoint(container, sibling_name) {
var parents, i, y, curFormat;
if (container.nodeType == 3 && container.nodeValue.length === 0 && container[sibling_name])
container = container[sibling_name];
parents = getParents(container);
for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
for (y = 0; y < format.length; y++) {
curFormat = format[y];
// If collapsed state is set then skip formats that doesn't match that
if ("collapsed" in curFormat && curFormat.collapsed !== rng.collapsed)
if (dom.is(parents[i], curFormat.selector))
return parents[i];
return container;
function findBlockEndPoint(container, sibling_name, sibling_name2) {
var node;
// Expand to block of similar type
if (!format[0].wrapper)
node = dom.getParent(container, format[0].block);
// Expand to first wrappable block element or any block element
if (!node)
node = dom.getParent(container.nodeType == 3 ? container.parentNode : container, isTextBlock);
// Exclude inner lists from wrapping
if (node && format[0].wrapper)
node = getParents(node, 'ul,ol').reverse()[0] || node;
// Didn't find a block element look for first/last wrappable element
if (!node) {
node = container;
while (node[sibling_name] && !isBlock(node[sibling_name])) {
node = node[sibling_name];
// Break on BR but include it will be removed later on
// we can't remove it now since we need to check if it can be wrapped
if (isEq(node, 'br'))
return node || container;
// Expand to closest contentEditable element
startContainer = findParentContentEditable(startContainer);
endContainer = findParentContentEditable(endContainer);
// Exclude bookmark nodes if possible
if (isBookmarkNode(startContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(startContainer)) {
startContainer = isBookmarkNode(startContainer) ? startContainer : startContainer.parentNode;
startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling || startContainer;
if (startContainer.nodeType == 3)
startOffset = 0;
if (isBookmarkNode(endContainer.parentNode) || isBookmarkNode(endContainer)) {
endContainer = isBookmarkNode(endContainer) ? endContainer : endContainer.parentNode;
endContainer = endContainer.previousSibling || endContainer;
if (endContainer.nodeType == 3)
endOffset = endContainer.length;
if (format[0].inline) {
if (rng.collapsed) {
// Expand left to closest word boundery
endPoint = findWordEndPoint(startContainer, startOffset, true);
if (endPoint) {
startContainer = endPoint.container;
startOffset = endPoint.offset;
// Expand right to closest word boundery
endPoint = findWordEndPoint(endContainer, endOffset);
if (endPoint) {
endContainer = endPoint.container;
endOffset = endPoint.offset;
// Avoid applying formatting to a trailing space.
leaf = findLeaf(endContainer, endOffset);
if (leaf.node) {
while (leaf.node && leaf.offset === 0 && leaf.node.previousSibling)
leaf = findLeaf(leaf.node.previousSibling);
if (leaf.node && leaf.offset > 0 && leaf.node.nodeType === 3 &&
leaf.node.nodeValue.charAt(leaf.offset - 1) === ' ') {
if (leaf.offset > 1) {
endContainer = leaf.node;
endContainer.splitText(leaf.offset - 1);
// Move start/end point up the tree if the leaves are sharp and if we are in different containers
// Example * becomes !: !*texttext*
// This will reduce the number of wrapper elements that needs to be created
// Move start point up the tree
if (format[0].inline || format[0].block_expand) {
if (!format[0].inline || (startContainer.nodeType != 3 || startOffset === 0)) {
startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
if (!format[0].inline || (endContainer.nodeType != 3 || endOffset === endContainer.nodeValue.length)) {
endContainer = findParentContainer();
// Expand start/end container to matching selector
if (format[0].selector && format[0].expand !== FALSE && !format[0].inline) {
// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
startContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
endContainer = findSelectorEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
// Expand start/end container to matching block element or text node
if (format[0].block || format[0].selector) {
// Find new startContainer/endContainer if there is better one
startContainer = findBlockEndPoint(startContainer, 'previousSibling');
endContainer = findBlockEndPoint(endContainer, 'nextSibling');
// Non block element then try to expand up the leaf
if (format[0].block) {
if (!isBlock(startContainer))
startContainer = findParentContainer(true);
if (!isBlock(endContainer))
endContainer = findParentContainer();
// Setup index for startContainer
if (startContainer.nodeType == 1) {
startOffset = nodeIndex(startContainer);
startContainer = startContainer.parentNode;
// Setup index for endContainer
if (endContainer.nodeType == 1) {
endOffset = nodeIndex(endContainer) + 1;
endContainer = endContainer.parentNode;
// Return new range like object
return {
startContainer : startContainer,
startOffset : startOffset,
endContainer : endContainer,
endOffset : endOffset
function removeFormat(format, vars, node, compare_node) {
var i, attrs, stylesModified;
// Check if node matches format
if (!matchName(node, format))
return FALSE;
// Should we compare with format attribs and styles
if (format.remove != 'all') {
// Remove styles
each(format.styles, function(value, name) {
value = replaceVars(value, vars);
// Indexed array
if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
name = value;
compare_node = 0;
if (!compare_node || isEq(getStyle(compare_node, name), value))
dom.setStyle(node, name, '');
stylesModified = 1;
// Remove style attribute if it's empty
if (stylesModified && dom.getAttrib(node, 'style') == '') {
// Remove attributes
each(format.attributes, function(value, name) {
var valueOut;
value = replaceVars(value, vars);
// Indexed array
if (typeof(name) === 'number') {
name = value;
compare_node = 0;
if (!compare_node || isEq(dom.getAttrib(compare_node, name), value)) {
// Keep internal classes
if (name == 'class') {
value = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
if (value) {
// Build new class value where everything is removed except the internal prefixed classes
valueOut = '';
each(value.split(/\s+/), function(cls) {
if (/mce\w+/.test(cls))
valueOut += (valueOut ? ' ' : '') + cls;
// We got some internal classes left
if (valueOut) {
dom.setAttrib(node, name, valueOut);
// IE6 has a bug where the attribute doesn't get removed correctly
if (name == "class")
// Remove mce prefixed attributes
if (MCE_ATTR_RE.test(name))
node.removeAttribute('data-mce-' + name);
// Remove classes
each(format.classes, function(value) {
value = replaceVars(value, vars);
if (!compare_node || dom.hasClass(compare_node, value))
dom.removeClass(node, value);
// Check for non internal attributes
attrs = dom.getAttribs(node);
for (i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
if (attrs[i].nodeName.indexOf('_') !== 0)
return FALSE;
// Remove the inline child if it's empty for example or
if (format.remove != 'none') {
removeNode(node, format);
return TRUE;
function removeNode(node, format) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode, rootBlockElm;
function find(node, next, inc) {
node = getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc);
return !node || (node.nodeName == 'BR' || isBlock(node));
if (format.block) {
if (!forcedRootBlock) {
// Append BR elements if needed before we remove the block
if (isBlock(node) && !isBlock(parentNode)) {
if (!find(node, FALSE) && !find(node.firstChild, TRUE, 1))
node.insertBefore(dom.create('br'), node.firstChild);
if (!find(node, TRUE) && !find(node.lastChild, FALSE, 1))
} else {
// Wrap the block in a forcedRootBlock if we are at the root of document
if (parentNode == dom.getRoot()) {
if (!format.list_block || !isEq(node, format.list_block)) {
each(tinymce.grep(node.childNodes), function(node) {
if (isValid(forcedRootBlock, node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
if (!rootBlockElm)
rootBlockElm = wrap(node, forcedRootBlock);
} else
rootBlockElm = 0;
// Never remove nodes that isn't the specified inline element if a selector is specified too
if (format.selector && format.inline && !isEq(format.inline, node))
dom.remove(node, 1);
function getNonWhiteSpaceSibling(node, next, inc) {
if (node) {
next = next ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling';
for (node = inc ? node : node[next]; node; node = node[next]) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 || !isWhiteSpaceNode(node))
return node;
function isBookmarkNode(node) {
return node && node.nodeType == 1 && node.getAttribute('data-mce-type') == 'bookmark';
function mergeSiblings(prev, next) {
var marker, sibling, tmpSibling;
function compareElements(node1, node2) {
// Not the same name
if (node1.nodeName != node2.nodeName)
return FALSE;
function getAttribs(node) {
var attribs = {};
each(dom.getAttribs(node), function(attr) {
var name = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Don't compare internal attributes or style
if (name.indexOf('_') !== 0 && name !== 'style')
attribs[name] = dom.getAttrib(node, name);
return attribs;
function compareObjects(obj1, obj2) {
var value, name;
for (name in obj1) {
// Obj1 has item obj2 doesn't have
if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
value = obj2[name];
// Obj2 doesn't have obj1 item
if (value === undef)
return FALSE;
// Obj2 item has a different value
if (obj1[name] != value)
return FALSE;
// Delete similar value
delete obj2[name];
// Check if obj 2 has something obj 1 doesn't have
for (name in obj2) {
// Obj2 has item obj1 doesn't have
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(name))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Attribs are not the same
if (!compareObjects(getAttribs(node1), getAttribs(node2)))
return FALSE;
// Styles are not the same
if (!compareObjects(dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node1, 'style')), dom.parseStyle(dom.getAttrib(node2, 'style'))))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function findElementSibling(node, sibling_name) {
for (sibling = node; sibling; sibling = sibling[sibling_name]) {
if (sibling.nodeType == 3 && sibling.nodeValue.length !== 0)
return node;
if (sibling.nodeType == 1 && !isBookmarkNode(sibling))
return sibling;
return node;
// Check if next/prev exists and that they are elements
if (prev && next) {
// If previous sibling is empty then jump over it
prev = findElementSibling(prev, 'previousSibling');
next = findElementSibling(next, 'nextSibling');
// Compare next and previous nodes
if (compareElements(prev, next)) {
// Append nodes between
for (sibling = prev.nextSibling; sibling && sibling != next;) {
tmpSibling = sibling;
sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
// Remove next node
// Move children into prev node
each(tinymce.grep(next.childNodes), function(node) {
return prev;
return next;
function getContainer(rng, start) {
var container, offset, lastIdx, walker;
container = rng[start ? 'startContainer' : 'endContainer'];
offset = rng[start ? 'startOffset' : 'endOffset'];
if (container.nodeType == 1) {
lastIdx = container.childNodes.length - 1;
if (!start && offset)
container = container.childNodes[offset > lastIdx ? lastIdx : offset];
// If start text node is excluded then walk to the next node
if (container.nodeType === 3 && start && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).next() || container;
// If end text node is excluded then walk to the previous node
if (container.nodeType === 3 && !start && offset === 0) {
container = new TreeWalker(container, ed.getBody()).prev() || container;
return container;
function performCaretAction(type, name, vars) {
var caretContainerId = '_mce_caret', debug = ed.settings.caret_debug;
// Creates a caret container bogus element
function createCaretContainer(fill) {
var caretContainer = dom.create('span', {id: caretContainerId, 'data-mce-bogus': true, style: debug ? 'color:red' : ''});
if (fill) {
return caretContainer;
function isCaretContainerEmpty(node, nodes) {
while (node) {
if ((node.nodeType === 3 && node.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) || node.childNodes.length > 1) {
return false;
// Collect nodes
if (nodes && node.nodeType === 1) {
node = node.firstChild;
return true;
// Returns any parent caret container element
function getParentCaretContainer(node) {
while (node) {
if (node.id === caretContainerId) {
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
// Finds the first text node in the specified node
function findFirstTextNode(node) {
var walker;
if (node) {
walker = new TreeWalker(node, node);
for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
return node;
// Removes the caret container for the specified node or all on the current document
function removeCaretContainer(node, move_caret) {
var child, rng;
if (!node) {
node = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
if (!node) {
while (node = dom.get(caretContainerId)) {
removeCaretContainer(node, false);
} else {
rng = selection.getRng(true);
if (isCaretContainerEmpty(node)) {
if (move_caret !== false) {
} else {
child = findFirstTextNode(node);
if (child.nodeValue.charAt(0) === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
child = child.deleteData(0, 1);
dom.remove(node, 1);
// Applies formatting to the caret postion
function applyCaretFormat() {
var rng, caretContainer, textNode, offset, bookmark, container, text;
rng = selection.getRng(true);
offset = rng.startOffset;
container = rng.startContainer;
text = container.nodeValue;
caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
if (caretContainer) {
textNode = findFirstTextNode(caretContainer);
// Expand to word is caret is in the middle of a text node and the char before/after is a alpha numeric character
if (text && offset > 0 && offset < text.length && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset)) && /\w/.test(text.charAt(offset - 1))) {
// Get bookmark of caret position
bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
rng = expandRng(rng, get(name));
rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
// Apply the format to the range
apply(name, vars, rng);
// Move selection back to caret position
} else {
if (!caretContainer || textNode.nodeValue !== INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
caretContainer = createCaretContainer(true);
textNode = caretContainer.firstChild;
offset = 1;
apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
} else {
apply(name, vars, caretContainer);
// Move selection to text node
selection.setCursorLocation(textNode, offset);
function removeCaretFormat() {
var rng = selection.getRng(true), container, offset, bookmark,
hasContentAfter, node, formatNode, parents = [], i, caretContainer;
container = rng.startContainer;
offset = rng.startOffset;
node = container;
if (container.nodeType == 3) {
if (offset != container.nodeValue.length || container.nodeValue === INVISIBLE_CHAR) {
hasContentAfter = true;
node = node.parentNode;
while (node) {
if (matchNode(node, name, vars)) {
formatNode = node;
if (node.nextSibling) {
hasContentAfter = true;
node = node.parentNode;
// Node doesn't have the specified format
if (!formatNode) {
// Is there contents after the caret then remove the format on the element
if (hasContentAfter) {
// Get bookmark of caret position
bookmark = selection.getBookmark();
// Collapse bookmark range (WebKit)
// Expand the range to the closest word and split it at those points
rng = expandRng(rng, get(name), true);
rng = rangeUtils.split(rng);
// Remove the format from the range
remove(name, vars, rng);
// Move selection back to caret position
} else {
caretContainer = createCaretContainer();
node = caretContainer;
for (i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
node.appendChild(dom.clone(parents[i], false));
node = node.firstChild;
// Insert invisible character into inner most format element
node = node.firstChild;
var block = dom.getParent(formatNode, isTextBlock);
if (block && dom.isEmpty(block)) {
// Replace formatNode with caretContainer when removing format from empty block like |
formatNode.parentNode.replaceChild(caretContainer, formatNode);
} else {
// Insert caret container after the formated node
dom.insertAfter(caretContainer, formatNode);
// Move selection to text node
selection.setCursorLocation(node, 1);
// If the formatNode is empty, we can remove it safely.
if (dom.isEmpty(formatNode)) {
// Checks if the parent caret container node isn't empty if that is the case it
// will remove the bogus state on all children that isn't empty
function unmarkBogusCaretParents() {
var i, caretContainer, node;
caretContainer = getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart());
if (caretContainer && !dom.isEmpty(caretContainer)) {
tinymce.walk(caretContainer, function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.id !== caretContainerId && !dom.isEmpty(node)) {
dom.setAttrib(node, 'data-mce-bogus', null);
}, 'childNodes');
// Only bind the caret events once
if (!self._hasCaretEvents) {
// Mark current caret container elements as bogus when getting the contents so we don't end up with empty elements
ed.onBeforeGetContent.addToTop(function() {
var nodes = [], i;
if (isCaretContainerEmpty(getParentCaretContainer(selection.getStart()), nodes)) {
// Mark children
i = nodes.length;
while (i--) {
dom.setAttrib(nodes[i], 'data-mce-bogus', '1');
// Remove caret container on mouse up and on key up
tinymce.each('onMouseUp onKeyUp'.split(' '), function(name) {
ed[name].addToTop(function() {
// Remove caret container on keydown and it's a backspace, enter or left/right arrow keys
ed.onKeyDown.addToTop(function(ed, e) {
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 37 || keyCode == 39) {
// Remove bogus state if they got filled by contents using editor.selection.setContent
self._hasCaretEvents = true;
// Do apply or remove caret format
if (type == "apply") {
} else {
function moveStart(rng) {
var container = rng.startContainer,
offset = rng.startOffset, isAtEndOfText,
walker, node, nodes, tmpNode;
// Convert text node into index if possible
if (container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
// Get the parent container location and walk from there
offset = nodeIndex(container);
container = container.parentNode;
isAtEndOfText = true;
// Move startContainer/startOffset in to a suitable node
if (container.nodeType == 1) {
nodes = container.childNodes;
container = nodes[Math.min(offset, nodes.length - 1)];
walker = new TreeWalker(container, dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock));
// If offset is at end of the parent node walk to the next one
if (offset > nodes.length - 1 || isAtEndOfText)
for (node = walker.current(); node; node = walker.next()) {
if (node.nodeType == 3 && !isWhiteSpaceNode(node)) {
// IE has a "neat" feature where it moves the start node into the closest element
// we can avoid this by inserting an element before it and then remove it after we set the selection
tmpNode = dom.create('a', null, INVISIBLE_CHAR);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(tmpNode, node);
// Set selection and remove tmpNode
rng.setStart(node, 0);
tinymce.onAddEditor.add(function(tinymce, ed) {
var filters, fontSizes, dom, settings = ed.settings;
function replaceWithSpan(node, styles) {
tinymce.each(styles, function(value, name) {
if (value)
dom.setStyle(node, name, value);
dom.rename(node, 'span');
function convert(editor, params) {
dom = editor.dom;
if (settings.convert_fonts_to_spans) {
tinymce.each(dom.select('font,u,strike', params.node), function(node) {
filters[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()](ed.dom, node);
if (settings.inline_styles) {
fontSizes = tinymce.explode(settings.font_size_legacy_values);
filters = {
font : function(dom, node) {
replaceWithSpan(node, {
backgroundColor : node.style.backgroundColor,
color : node.color,
fontFamily : node.face,
fontSize : fontSizes[parseInt(node.size, 10) - 1]
u : function(dom, node) {
replaceWithSpan(node, {
textDecoration : 'underline'
strike : function(dom, node) {
replaceWithSpan(node, {
textDecoration : 'line-through'
ed.onInit.add(function() {
(function(tinymce) {
var TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker;
tinymce.EnterKey = function(editor) {
var dom = editor.dom, selection = editor.selection, settings = editor.settings, undoManager = editor.undoManager, nonEmptyElementsMap = editor.schema.getNonEmptyElements();
function handleEnterKey(evt) {
var rng = selection.getRng(true), tmpRng, editableRoot, container, offset, parentBlock, documentMode, shiftKey,
newBlock, fragment, containerBlock, parentBlockName, containerBlockName, newBlockName, isAfterLastNodeInContainer;
// Returns true if the block can be split into two blocks or not
function canSplitBlock(node) {
return node &&
dom.isBlock(node) &&
!/^(TD|TH|CAPTION|FORM)$/.test(node.nodeName) &&
!/^(fixed|absolute)/i.test(node.style.position) &&
dom.getContentEditable(node) !== "true";
// Renders empty block on IE
function renderBlockOnIE(block) {
var oldRng;
if (tinymce.isIE && !tinymce.isIE11 && dom.isBlock(block)) {
oldRng = selection.getRng();
block.appendChild(dom.create('span', null, '\u00a0'));
block.lastChild.outerHTML = '';
// Remove the first empty inline element of the block so this: x
becomes this: x
function trimInlineElementsOnLeftSideOfBlock(block) {
var node = block, firstChilds = [], i;
// Find inner most first child ex: *
while (node = node.firstChild) {
if (dom.isBlock(node)) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 && !nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
i = firstChilds.length;
while (i--) {
node = firstChilds[i];
if (!node.hasChildNodes() || (node.firstChild == node.lastChild && node.firstChild.nodeValue === '')) {
} else {
// Remove see #5381
if (node.nodeName == "A" && (node.innerText || node.textContent) === ' ') {
// Moves the caret to a suitable position within the root for example in the first non pure whitespace text node or before an image
function moveToCaretPosition(root) {
var walker, node, rng, y, viewPort, lastNode = root, tempElm;
rng = dom.createRng();
if (root.hasChildNodes()) {
walker = new TreeWalker(root, root);
while (node = walker.current()) {
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
rng.setStart(node, 0);
rng.setEnd(node, 0);
if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
lastNode = node;
node = walker.next();
if (!node) {
rng.setStart(lastNode, 0);
rng.setEnd(lastNode, 0);
} else {
if (root.nodeName == 'BR') {
if (root.nextSibling && dom.isBlock(root.nextSibling)) {
// Trick on older IE versions to render the caret before the BR between two lists
if (!documentMode || documentMode < 9) {
tempElm = dom.create('br');
root.parentNode.insertBefore(tempElm, root);
} else {
} else {
rng.setStart(root, 0);
rng.setEnd(root, 0);
// Remove tempElm created for old IE:s
viewPort = dom.getViewPort(editor.getWin());
// scrollIntoView seems to scroll the parent window in most browsers now including FF 3.0b4 so it's time to stop using it and do it our selfs
y = dom.getPos(root).y;
if (y < viewPort.y || y + 25 > viewPort.y + viewPort.h) {
editor.getWin().scrollTo(0, y < viewPort.y ? y : y - viewPort.h + 25); // Needs to be hardcoded to roughly one line of text if a huge text block is broken into two blocks
// Creates a new block element by cloning the current one or creating a new one if the name is specified
// This function will also copy any text formatting from the parent block and add it to the new one
function createNewBlock(name) {
var node = container, block, clonedNode, caretNode;
block = name || parentBlockName == "TABLE" ? dom.create(name || newBlockName) : parentBlock.cloneNode(false);
caretNode = block;
// Clone any parent styles
if (settings.keep_styles !== false) {
do {
if (/^(SPAN|STRONG|B|EM|I|FONT|STRIKE|U)$/.test(node.nodeName)) {
// Never clone a caret containers
if (node.id == '_mce_caret') {
clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
dom.setAttrib(clonedNode, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
if (block.hasChildNodes()) {
} else {
caretNode = clonedNode;
} while (node = node.parentNode);
// BR is needed in empty blocks on non IE browsers
if (!tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isIE11) {
caretNode.innerHTML = '
return block;
// Returns true/false if the caret is at the start/end of the parent block element
function isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(start) {
var walker, node, name;
// Caret is in the middle of a text node like "a|b"
if (container.nodeType == 3 && (start ? offset > 0 : offset < container.nodeValue.length)) {
return false;
// If after the last element in block node edge case for #5091
if (container.parentNode == parentBlock && isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) {
return true;
// If the caret if before the first element in parentBlock
if (start && container.nodeType == 1 && container == parentBlock.firstChild) {
return true;
// Caret can be before/after a table
if (container.nodeName === "TABLE" || (container.previousSibling && container.previousSibling.nodeName == "TABLE")) {
return (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && !start) || (!isAfterLastNodeInContainer && start);
// Walk the DOM and look for text nodes or non empty elements
walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock);
// If caret is in beginning or end of a text block then jump to the next/previous node
if (container.nodeType == 3) {
if (start && offset == 0) {
} else if (!start && offset == container.nodeValue.length) {
while (node = walker.current()) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
// Ignore bogus elements
if (!node.getAttribute('data-mce-bogus')) {
// Keep empty elements like but not trailing br:s like text|
name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nonEmptyElementsMap[name] && name !== 'br') {
return false;
} else if (node.nodeType === 3 && !/^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)) {
return false;
if (start) {
} else {
return true;
// Wraps any text nodes or inline elements in the specified forced root block name
function wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset) {
var newBlock, parentBlock, startNode, node, next, blockName = newBlockName || 'P';
// Not in a block element or in a table cell or caption
parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
if (!parentBlock || !canSplitBlock(parentBlock)) {
parentBlock = parentBlock || editableRoot;
if (!parentBlock.hasChildNodes()) {
newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
rng.setStart(newBlock, 0);
rng.setEnd(newBlock, 0);
return newBlock;
// Find parent that is the first child of parentBlock
node = container;
while (node.parentNode != parentBlock) {
node = node.parentNode;
// Loop left to find start node start wrapping at
while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
startNode = node;
node = node.previousSibling;
if (startNode) {
newBlock = dom.create(blockName);
startNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, startNode);
// Start wrapping until we hit a block
node = startNode;
while (node && !dom.isBlock(node)) {
next = node.nextSibling;
node = next;
// Restore range to it's past location
rng.setStart(container, offset);
rng.setEnd(container, offset);
return container;
// Inserts a block or br before/after or in the middle of a split list of the LI is empty
function handleEmptyListItem() {
function isFirstOrLastLi(first) {
var node = containerBlock[first ? 'firstChild' : 'lastChild'];
// Find first/last element since there might be whitespace there
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 1) {
node = node[first ? 'nextSibling' : 'previousSibling'];
return node === parentBlock;
newBlock = newBlockName ? createNewBlock(newBlockName) : dom.create('BR');
if (isFirstOrLastLi(true) && isFirstOrLastLi()) {
// Is first and last list item then replace the OL/UL with a text block
dom.replace(newBlock, containerBlock);
} else if (isFirstOrLastLi(true)) {
// First LI in list then remove LI and add text block before list
containerBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(newBlock, containerBlock);
} else if (isFirstOrLastLi()) {
// Last LI in list then temove LI and add text block after list
dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
} else {
// Middle LI in list the split the list and insert a text block in the middle
// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
dom.insertAfter(fragment, containerBlock);
dom.insertAfter(newBlock, containerBlock);
// Walks the parent block to the right and look for any contents
function hasRightSideContent() {
var walker = new TreeWalker(container, parentBlock), node;
while (node = walker.next()) {
if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || node.length > 0) {
return true;
// Inserts a BR element if the forced_root_block option is set to false or empty string
function insertBr() {
var brElm, extraBr, marker;
if (container && container.nodeType == 3 && offset >= container.nodeValue.length) {
// Insert extra BR element at the end block elements
if ((!tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isIE11) && !hasRightSideContent()) {
brElm = dom.create('br');
extraBr = true;
brElm = dom.create('br');
// Rendering modes below IE8 doesn't display BR elements in PRE unless we have a \n before it
if ((tinymce.isIE && !tinymce.isIE11) && parentBlockName == 'PRE' && (!documentMode || documentMode < 8)) {
brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(dom.doc.createTextNode('\r'), brElm);
// Insert temp marker and scroll to that
marker = dom.create('span', {}, ' ');
brElm.parentNode.insertBefore(marker, brElm);
if (!extraBr) {
} else {
// Trims any linebreaks at the beginning of node user for example when pressing enter in a PRE element
function trimLeadingLineBreaks(node) {
do {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^[\r\n]+/, '');
node = node.firstChild;
} while (node);
function getEditableRoot(node) {
var root = dom.getRoot(), parent, editableRoot;
// Get all parents until we hit a non editable parent or the root
parent = node;
while (parent !== root && dom.getContentEditable(parent) !== "false") {
if (dom.getContentEditable(parent) === "true") {
editableRoot = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return parent !== root ? editableRoot : root;
// Adds a BR at the end of blocks that only contains an IMG or INPUT since these might be floated and then they won't expand the block
function addBrToBlockIfNeeded(block) {
var lastChild;
// IE will render the blocks correctly other browsers needs a BR
if (!tinymce.isIE || tinymce.isIE11) {
block.normalize(); // Remove empty text nodes that got left behind by the extract
// Check if the block is empty or contains a floated last child
lastChild = block.lastChild;
if (!lastChild || (/^(left|right)$/gi.test(dom.getStyle(lastChild, 'float', true)))) {
dom.add(block, 'br');
// Delete any selected contents
if (!rng.collapsed) {
// Event is blocked by some other handler for example the lists plugin
if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) {
// Setup range items and newBlockName
container = rng.startContainer;
offset = rng.startOffset;
newBlockName = (settings.force_p_newlines ? 'p' : '') || settings.forced_root_block;
newBlockName = newBlockName ? newBlockName.toUpperCase() : '';
documentMode = dom.doc.documentMode;
shiftKey = evt.shiftKey;
// Resolve node index
if (container.nodeType == 1 && container.hasChildNodes()) {
isAfterLastNodeInContainer = offset > container.childNodes.length - 1;
container = container.childNodes[Math.min(offset, container.childNodes.length - 1)] || container;
if (isAfterLastNodeInContainer && container.nodeType == 3) {
offset = container.nodeValue.length;
} else {
offset = 0;
// Get editable root node normaly the body element but sometimes a div or span
editableRoot = getEditableRoot(container);
// If there is no editable root then enter is done inside a contentEditable false element
if (!editableRoot) {
// If editable root isn't block nor the root of the editor
if (!dom.isBlock(editableRoot) && editableRoot != dom.getRoot()) {
if (!newBlockName || shiftKey) {
// Wrap the current node and it's sibling in a default block if it's needed.
// for example this
text|text2 | will become this text|text2 |
// This won't happen if root blocks are disabled or the shiftKey is pressed
if ((newBlockName && !shiftKey) || (!newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
container = wrapSelfAndSiblingsInDefaultBlock(container, offset);
// Find parent block and setup empty block paddings
parentBlock = dom.getParent(container, dom.isBlock);
containerBlock = parentBlock ? dom.getParent(parentBlock.parentNode, dom.isBlock) : null;
// Setup block names
parentBlockName = parentBlock ? parentBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
containerBlockName = containerBlock ? containerBlock.nodeName.toUpperCase() : ''; // IE < 9 & HTML5
// Enter inside block contained within a LI then split or insert before/after LI
if (containerBlockName == 'LI' && !evt.ctrlKey) {
parentBlock = containerBlock;
parentBlockName = containerBlockName;
// Handle enter in LI
if (parentBlockName == 'LI') {
if (!newBlockName && shiftKey) {
// Handle enter inside an empty list item
if (dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
// Let the list plugin or browser handle nested lists for now
if (/^(UL|OL|LI)$/.test(containerBlock.parentNode.nodeName)) {
return false;
// Don't split PRE tags but insert a BR instead easier when writing code samples etc
if (parentBlockName == 'PRE' && settings.br_in_pre !== false) {
if (!shiftKey) {
} else {
// If no root block is configured then insert a BR by default or if the shiftKey is pressed
if ((!newBlockName && !shiftKey && parentBlockName != 'LI') || (newBlockName && shiftKey)) {
// Default block name if it's not configured
newBlockName = newBlockName || 'P';
// Insert new block before/after the parent block depending on caret location
if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock()) {
// If the caret is at the end of a header we produce a P tag after it similar to Word unless we are in a hgroup
if (/^(H[1-6]|PRE)$/.test(parentBlockName) && containerBlockName != 'HGROUP') {
newBlock = createNewBlock(newBlockName);
} else {
newBlock = createNewBlock();
// Split the current container block element if enter is pressed inside an empty inner block element
if (settings.end_container_on_empty_block && canSplitBlock(containerBlock) && dom.isEmpty(parentBlock)) {
// Split container block for example a BLOCKQUOTE at the current blockParent location for example a P
newBlock = dom.split(containerBlock, parentBlock);
} else {
dom.insertAfter(newBlock, parentBlock);
} else if (isCaretAtStartOrEndOfBlock(true)) {
// Insert new block before
newBlock = parentBlock.parentNode.insertBefore(createNewBlock(), parentBlock);
} else {
// Extract after fragment and insert it after the current block
tmpRng = rng.cloneRange();
fragment = tmpRng.extractContents();
newBlock = fragment.firstChild;
dom.insertAfter(fragment, parentBlock);
dom.setAttrib(newBlock, 'id', ''); // Remove ID since it needs to be document unique
editor.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, evt) {
if (evt.keyCode == 13) {
if (handleEnterKey(evt) !== false) {