/** * Provides the Calendar class. * * @module moodle-form-dateselector */ /** * Calendar class */ var CALENDAR = function() { CALENDAR.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; CALENDAR.prototype = { panel: null, yearselect: null, monthselect: null, dayselect: null, calendarimage: null, enablecheckbox: null, closepopup: true, initializer: function() { var controls = this.get('node').all('select'); controls.each(function(node) { if (node.get('name').match(/\[year\]/)) { this.yearselect = node; } else if (node.get('name').match(/\[month\]/)) { this.monthselect = node; } else if (node.get('name').match(/\[day\]/)) { this.dayselect = node; } node.after('change', this.handle_select_change, this); }, this); // Loop through the input fields. var inputs = this.get('node').all('input, a'); inputs.each(function(node) { // Check if the current node is a calendar image field. if (node.get('name').match(/\[calendar\]/)) { // Set it so that when the image is clicked the pop-up displays. node.on('click', this.focus_event, this); // Set the node to the calendarimage variable. this.calendarimage = node; } else { // Must be the enabled checkbox field. // If the enable checkbox is clicked we want to either disable/enable the calendar image. node.on('click', this.toggle_calendar_image, this); // Set the node to the enablecheckbox variable. this.enablecheckbox = node; } // Ensure that the calendarimage and enablecheckbox values have been set. if (this.calendarimage && this.enablecheckbox) { // Set the calendar icon status depending on the value of the checkbox. this.toggle_calendar_image(); } }, this); }, focus_event: function(e) { M.form.dateselector.cancel_any_timeout(); // If the current owner is set, then the pop-up is currently being displayed, so hide it. if (M.form.dateselector.currentowner === this) { this.release_calendar(); } else if ((this.enablecheckbox === null) || (this.enablecheckbox.get('checked'))) { // Must be hidden. If the field is enabled display the pop-up. this.claim_calendar(); } // Stop the input image field from submitting the form. e.preventDefault(); }, handle_select_change: function() { // It may seem as if the following variable is not used, however any call to set_date_from_selects will trigger a // call to set_selects_from_date if the calendar is open as the date has changed. Whenever the calendar is displayed // the set_selects_from_date function is set to trigger on any date change (see function connect_handlers). this.closepopup = false; this.set_date_from_selects(); this.closepopup = true; }, claim_calendar: function() { M.form.dateselector.cancel_any_timeout(); if (M.form.dateselector.currentowner === this) { return; } if (M.form.dateselector.currentowner) { M.form.dateselector.currentowner.release_calendar(); } if (M.form.dateselector.currentowner !== this) { this.connect_handlers(); this.set_date_from_selects(); } M.form.dateselector.currentowner = this; M.form.dateselector.calendar.set('mindate', new Date(this.yearselect.firstOptionValue(), 0, 1)); M.form.dateselector.calendar.set('maxdate', new Date(this.yearselect.lastOptionValue(), 11, 31)); M.form.dateselector.panel.show(); M.form.dateselector.calendar.show(); M.form.dateselector.fix_position(); setTimeout(function() { M.form.dateselector.cancel_any_timeout(); }, 100); // Focus on the calendar. M.form.dateselector.calendar.focus(); // When the user tab out the calendar, close it. Y.one(document.body).on('keyup', function(e) { // hide the calendar if we press a key and the calendar is not focussed, or if we press ESC in the calendar. if ((M.form.dateselector.currentowner === this && !M.form.dateselector.calendar.get('focused')) || ((e.keyCode === 27) && M.form.dateselector.calendar.get('focused'))) { // Focus back on the calendar button. this.calendarimage.focus(); this.release_calendar(); } }, this); }, set_date_from_selects: function() { var year = parseInt(this.yearselect.get('value'), 10); var month = parseInt(this.monthselect.get('value'), 10) - 1; var day = parseInt(this.dayselect.get('value'), 10); var date = new Date(year, month, day); M.form.dateselector.calendar.deselectDates(); M.form.dateselector.calendar.selectDates([date]); M.form.dateselector.calendar.set("date", date); M.form.dateselector.calendar.render(); if (date.getDate() !== day) { // Must've selected the 29 to 31st of a month that doesn't have such dates. this.dayselect.set('value', date.getDate()); this.monthselect.set('value', date.getMonth() + 1); } }, set_selects_from_date: function(ev) { var date = ev.newSelection[0]; var newyear = Y.DataType.Date.format(date, {format: "%Y"}); var newindex = newyear - this.yearselect.firstOptionValue(); this.yearselect.set('selectedIndex', newindex); this.monthselect.set('selectedIndex', Y.DataType.Date.format(date, {format: "%m"}) - this.monthselect.firstOptionValue()); this.dayselect.set('selectedIndex', Y.DataType.Date.format(date, {format: "%d"}) - this.dayselect.firstOptionValue()); if (M.form.dateselector.currentowner && this.closepopup) { this.release_calendar(); } }, connect_handlers: function() { M.form.dateselector.calendar.on('selectionChange', this.set_selects_from_date, this, true); }, release_calendar: function(e) { var wasOwner = M.form.dateselector.currentowner === this; M.form.dateselector.panel.hide(); M.form.dateselector.calendar.detach('selectionChange', this.set_selects_from_date); M.form.dateselector.calendar.hide(); M.form.dateselector.currentowner = null; // Put the focus back to the image calendar that we clicked, only if it was visible. if (wasOwner && (e === null || typeof e === "undefined" || e.type !== "click")) { this.calendarimage.focus(); } }, toggle_calendar_image: function() { // If the enable checkbox is det checked, disable the image. if (!this.enablecheckbox.get('checked')) { this.calendarimage.set('disabled', 'disabled'); this.calendarimage.setStyle('cursor', 'default'); this.release_calendar(); } else { this.calendarimage.set('disabled', false); this.calendarimage.setStyle('cursor', null); } } }; Y.extend(CALENDAR, Y.Base, CALENDAR.prototype, { NAME: 'Date Selector', ATTRS: { firstdayofweek: { validator: Y.Lang.isString }, node: { setter: function(node) { return Y.one(node); } } } });