/* global CALENDAR, MOODLECALENDAR */ var DIALOGUE_SELECTOR = ' [role=dialog]', MENUBAR_SELECTOR = '[role=menubar]', DOT = '.', HAS_ZINDEX = 'moodle-has-zindex'; /** * Add some custom methods to the node class to make our lives a little * easier within this module. */ Y.mix(Y.Node.prototype, { /** * Gets the value of the first option in the select box */ firstOptionValue: function() { if (this.get('nodeName').toLowerCase() !== 'select') { return false; } return this.one('option').get('value'); }, /** * Gets the value of the last option in the select box */ lastOptionValue: function() { if (this.get('nodeName').toLowerCase() !== 'select') { return false; } return this.all('option').item(this.optionSize() - 1).get('value'); }, /** * Gets the number of options in the select box */ optionSize: function() { if (this.get('nodeName').toLowerCase() !== 'select') { return false; } return parseInt(this.all('option').size(), 10); }, /** * Gets the value of the selected option in the select box */ selectedOptionValue: function() { if (this.get('nodeName').toLowerCase() !== 'select') { return false; } return this.all('option').item(this.get('selectedIndex')).get('value'); } }); M.form = M.form || {}; M.form.dateselector = { panel: null, calendar: null, currentowner: null, hidetimeout: null, repositiontimeout: null, init_date_selectors: function(config) { if (this.panel === null) { this.initPanel(config); } Y.all('.fdate_time_selector').each(function() { config.node = this; new CALENDAR(config); }); Y.all('.fdate_selector').each(function() { config.node = this; new CALENDAR(config); }); }, initPanel: function(config) { this.panel = new Y.Overlay({ visible: false, bodyContent: Y.Node.create('
'), id: 'dateselector-calendar-panel', constrain: true // constrain panel to viewport. }); this.panel.render(document.body); // Determine the correct zindex by looking at all existing dialogs and menubars in the page. var highestzindex = 0; Y.all(DIALOGUE_SELECTOR + ', ' + MENUBAR_SELECTOR + ', ' + DOT + HAS_ZINDEX).each(function(node) { var zindex = this.findZIndex(node); if (zindex > highestzindex) { highestzindex = zindex; } }, this); // Only set the zindex if we found a wrapper. var zindexvalue = (highestzindex + 1).toString(); Y.one('#dateselector-calendar-panel').setStyle('zIndex', zindexvalue); this.panel.on('heightChange', this.fix_position, this); Y.one('#dateselector-calendar-panel').on('click', function(e) { e.halt(); }); Y.one(document.body).on('click', this.document_click, this); this.calendar = new MOODLECALENDAR({ contentBox: "#dateselector-calendar-content", width: "300px", showPrevMonth: true, showNextMonth: true, firstdayofweek: parseInt(config.firstdayofweek, 10), WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM: [ config.sun, config.mon, config.tue, config.wed, config.thu, config.fri, config.sat] }); }, findZIndex: function(node) { // In most cases the zindex is set on the parent of the dialog. var zindex = node.getStyle('zIndex') || node.ancestor().getStyle('zIndex'); if (zindex) { return parseInt(zindex, 10); } return 0; }, cancel_any_timeout: function() { if (this.hidetimeout) { clearTimeout(this.hidetimeout); this.hidetimeout = null; } if (this.repositiontimeout) { clearTimeout(this.repositiontimeout); this.repositiontimeout = null; } }, delayed_reposition: function() { if (this.repositiontimeout) { clearTimeout(this.repositiontimeout); this.repositiontimeout = null; } this.repositiontimeout = setTimeout(this.fix_position, 500); }, fix_position: function() { if (this.currentowner) { var alignpoints = [ Y.WidgetPositionAlign.BL, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL ]; // Change the alignment if this is an RTL language. if (window.right_to_left()) { alignpoints = [ Y.WidgetPositionAlign.BR, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TR ]; } this.panel.set('align', { node: this.currentowner.get('node').one('select'), points: alignpoints }); } }, document_click: function(e) { if (this.currentowner) { if (this.currentowner.get('node').ancestor('div').contains(e.target)) { setTimeout(function() { M.form.dateselector.cancel_any_timeout(); }, 100); } else { this.currentowner.release_calendar(e); } } } };