/** * Provides the form shortforms class. * * @module moodle-form-shortforms */ /** * A class for a shortforms. * * @class M.form.shortforms * @constructor * @extends Base */ function SHORTFORMS() { SHORTFORMS.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } var SELECTORS = { COLLAPSEEXPAND: '.collapsible-actions .collapseexpand', COLLAPSED: '.collapsed', FIELDSETCOLLAPSIBLE: 'fieldset.collapsible', FIELDSETLEGENDLINK: 'fieldset.collapsible .fheader', FHEADER: '.fheader', LEGENDFTOGGLER: 'legend.ftoggler' }, CSS = { COLLAPSEALL: 'collapse-all', COLLAPSED: 'collapsed', FHEADER: 'fheader' }, ATTRS = {}; /** * The form ID attribute definition. * * @attribute formid * @type String * @default '' * @writeOnce */ ATTRS.formid = { value: null }; Y.extend(SHORTFORMS, Y.Base, { /** * A reference to the form. * * @property form * @protected * @type Node * @default null */ form: null, /** * The initializer for the shortforms instance. * * @method initializer * @protected */ initializer: function() { var form = Y.one('#' + this.get('formid')), fieldlist, btn, link, idlist; if (!form) { Y.log('Could not locate the form', 'warn', 'moodle-form-shortforms'); return; } // Stores the form in the object. this.form = form; // Look through collapsible fieldset divs. fieldlist = form.all(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCOLLAPSIBLE); fieldlist.each(this.process_fieldset, this); // Subscribe collapsible fieldsets and buttons to click events. form.delegate('click', this.switch_state, SELECTORS.FIELDSETLEGENDLINK, this); form.delegate('key', this.switch_state, 'down:enter,32', SELECTORS.FIELDSETLEGENDLINK, this); // Handle event, when there's an error in collapsed section. Y.Global.on(M.core.globalEvents.FORM_ERROR, this.expand_fieldset, this); // Make the collapse/expand a link. btn = form.one(SELECTORS.COLLAPSEEXPAND); if (btn) { link = Y.Node.create('
'); link.setHTML(btn.getHTML()); link.setAttribute('class', btn.getAttribute('class')); link.setAttribute('role', 'button'); // Get list of IDs controlled by this button to set the aria-controls attribute. idlist = []; form.all(SELECTORS.FIELDSETLEGENDLINK).each(function(node) { idlist[idlist.length] = node.generateID(); }); link.setAttribute('aria-controls', idlist.join(' ')); // Placing the button and binding the event. link.on('click', this.set_state_all, this, true); link.on('key', this.set_state_all, 'down:enter,32', this, true); btn.replace(link); this.update_btns(form); } }, /** * Process the supplied fieldset to add appropriate links, and ARIA * roles. * * @method process_fieldset * @param {Node} fieldset The Node relating to the fieldset to add collapsing to. * @chainable */ process_fieldset: function(fieldset) { // Get legend element. var legendelement = fieldset.one(SELECTORS.LEGENDFTOGGLER); // Turn headers to links for accessibility. var headerlink = Y.Node.create('
'); headerlink.addClass(CSS.FHEADER); headerlink.appendChild(legendelement.get('firstChild')); headerlink.setAttribute('role', 'button'); headerlink.setAttribute('aria-controls', fieldset.generateID()); if (legendelement.ancestor(SELECTORS.COLLAPSED)) { headerlink.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } else { headerlink.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } legendelement.prepend(headerlink); return this; }, /** * Set the collapsed state for the specified fieldset. * * @method set_state * @param {Node} fieldset The Node relating to the fieldset to set state on. * @param {Boolean} [collapsed] Whether the fieldset is collapsed. * @chainable */ set_state: function(fieldset, collapsed) { var headerlink = fieldset.one(SELECTORS.FHEADER); if (collapsed) { fieldset.addClass(CSS.COLLAPSED); if (headerlink) { headerlink.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } } else { fieldset.removeClass(CSS.COLLAPSED); if (headerlink) { headerlink.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } } var statuselement = this.form.one('input[name=mform_isexpanded_' + fieldset.get('id') + ']'); if (!statuselement) { Y.log("M.form.shortforms::switch_state was called on an fieldset without a status field: '" + fieldset.get('id') + "'", 'debug', 'moodle-form-shortforms'); return this; } statuselement.set('value', collapsed ? 0 : 1); return this; }, /** * Set the state for all fieldsets in the form. * * @method set_state_all * @param {EventFacade} e */ set_state_all: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var collapsed = e.target.hasClass(CSS.COLLAPSEALL), fieldlist = this.form.all(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCOLLAPSIBLE); fieldlist.each(function(node) { this.set_state(node, collapsed); }, this); this.update_btns(); }, /** * Toggle the state for the fieldset that was clicked. * * @method switch_state * @param {EventFacade} e */ switch_state: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var fieldset = e.target.ancestor(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCOLLAPSIBLE); this.set_state(fieldset, !fieldset.hasClass(CSS.COLLAPSED)); this.update_btns(); }, /** * Update the Expand/Collapse all buttons as required. * * @method update_btns * @chainable */ update_btns: function() { var btn, collapsed = 0, expandbtn = false, fieldlist; btn = this.form.one(SELECTORS.COLLAPSEEXPAND); if (!btn) { return this; } // Counting the number of collapsed sections. fieldlist = this.form.all(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCOLLAPSIBLE); fieldlist.each(function(node) { if (node.hasClass(CSS.COLLAPSED)) { collapsed++; } }); if (collapsed !== 0) { expandbtn = true; } // Updating the button. if (expandbtn) { btn.removeClass(CSS.COLLAPSEALL); btn.setHTML(M.util.get_string('expandall', 'moodle')); } else { btn.addClass(CSS.COLLAPSEALL); btn.setHTML(M.util.get_string('collapseall', 'moodle')); } return this; }, /** * Expand the fieldset, which contains an error. * * @method expand_fieldset * @param {EventFacade} e */ expand_fieldset: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var formid = e.formid; if (formid === this.form.getAttribute('id')) { var errorfieldset = Y.one('#' + e.elementid).ancestor('fieldset'); if (errorfieldset) { this.set_state(errorfieldset, false); } } } }, { NAME: 'moodle-form-shortforms', ATTRS: ATTRS }); M.form = M.form || {}; M.form.shortforms = M.form.shortforms || function(params) { return new SHORTFORMS(params); };