getMessage(), $error->getCode()); $this->details = $this->_getPearTrace($error); } /** * Return a trace for the PEAR error. * * @param PEAR_Error $error The PEAR error. * * @return string The backtrace as a string. */ private function _getPearTrace(PEAR_Error $error) { $pear_error = ''; $backtrace = $error->getBacktrace(); if (!empty($backtrace)) { $pear_error .= 'PEAR backtrace:' . "\n\n"; foreach ($backtrace as $frame) { $pear_error .= (isset($frame['class']) ? $frame['class'] : '') . (isset($frame['type']) ? $frame['type'] : '') . (isset($frame['function']) ? $frame['function'] : 'unkown') . ' ' . (isset($frame['file']) ? $frame['file'] : 'unkown') . ':' . (isset($frame['line']) ? $frame['line'] : 'unkown') . "\n"; } } $userinfo = $error->getUserInfo(); if (!empty($userinfo)) { $pear_error .= "\n" . 'PEAR user info:' . "\n\n"; if (is_string($userinfo)) { $pear_error .= $userinfo; } else { $pear_error .= print_r($userinfo, true); } } return $pear_error; } /** * Exception handling. * * @param mixed $result The result to be checked for a PEAR_Error. * * @return mixed Returns the original result if it was no PEAR_Error. * * @throws Horde_Exception_Pear In case the result was a PEAR_Error. */ public static function catchError($result) { if ($result instanceof PEAR_Error) { throw new self::$_class($result); } return $result; } }