phpExcel = $phpExcel; } /** * Save PHPExcel to file * * @param string $pFilename * @throws PHPExcel_Writer_Exception */ public function save($pFilename = null) { // Fetch sheet $sheet = $this->phpExcel->getSheet($this->sheetIndex); $saveDebugLog = PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($this->phpExcel)->getDebugLog()->getWriteDebugLog(); PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($this->phpExcel)->getDebugLog()->setWriteDebugLog(false); $saveArrayReturnType = PHPExcel_Calculation::getArrayReturnType(); PHPExcel_Calculation::setArrayReturnType(PHPExcel_Calculation::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_VALUE); // Open file $fileHandle = fopen($pFilename, 'wb+'); if ($fileHandle === false) { throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Could not open file $pFilename for writing."); } if ($this->excelCompatibility) { fwrite($fileHandle, "\xEF\xBB\xBF"); // Enforce UTF-8 BOM Header $this->setEnclosure('"'); // Set enclosure to " $this->setDelimiter(";"); // Set delimiter to a semi-colon $this->setLineEnding("\r\n"); fwrite($fileHandle, 'sep=' . $this->getDelimiter() . $this->lineEnding); } elseif ($this->useBOM) { // Write the UTF-8 BOM code if required fwrite($fileHandle, "\xEF\xBB\xBF"); } // Identify the range that we need to extract from the worksheet $maxCol = $sheet->getHighestDataColumn(); $maxRow = $sheet->getHighestDataRow(); // Write rows to file for ($row = 1; $row <= $maxRow; ++$row) { // Convert the row to an array... $cellsArray = $sheet->rangeToArray('A'.$row.':'.$maxCol.$row, '', $this->preCalculateFormulas); // ... and write to the file $this->writeLine($fileHandle, $cellsArray[0]); } // Close file fclose($fileHandle); PHPExcel_Calculation::setArrayReturnType($saveArrayReturnType); PHPExcel_Calculation::getInstance($this->phpExcel)->getDebugLog()->setWriteDebugLog($saveDebugLog); } /** * Get delimiter * * @return string */ public function getDelimiter() { return $this->delimiter; } /** * Set delimiter * * @param string $pValue Delimiter, defaults to , * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setDelimiter($pValue = ',') { $this->delimiter = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get enclosure * * @return string */ public function getEnclosure() { return $this->enclosure; } /** * Set enclosure * * @param string $pValue Enclosure, defaults to " * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setEnclosure($pValue = '"') { if ($pValue == '') { $pValue = null; } $this->enclosure = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get line ending * * @return string */ public function getLineEnding() { return $this->lineEnding; } /** * Set line ending * * @param string $pValue Line ending, defaults to OS line ending (PHP_EOL) * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setLineEnding($pValue = PHP_EOL) { $this->lineEnding = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get whether BOM should be used * * @return boolean */ public function getUseBOM() { return $this->useBOM; } /** * Set whether BOM should be used * * @param boolean $pValue Use UTF-8 byte-order mark? Defaults to false * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setUseBOM($pValue = false) { $this->useBOM = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get whether the file should be saved with full Excel Compatibility * * @return boolean */ public function getExcelCompatibility() { return $this->excelCompatibility; } /** * Set whether the file should be saved with full Excel Compatibility * * @param boolean $pValue Set the file to be written as a fully Excel compatible csv file * Note that this overrides other settings such as useBOM, enclosure and delimiter * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setExcelCompatibility($pValue = false) { $this->excelCompatibility = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get sheet index * * @return int */ public function getSheetIndex() { return $this->sheetIndex; } /** * Set sheet index * * @param int $pValue Sheet index * @return PHPExcel_Writer_CSV */ public function setSheetIndex($pValue = 0) { $this->sheetIndex = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Write line to CSV file * * @param mixed $pFileHandle PHP filehandle * @param array $pValues Array containing values in a row * @throws PHPExcel_Writer_Exception */ private function writeLine($pFileHandle = null, $pValues = null) { if (is_array($pValues)) { // No leading delimiter $writeDelimiter = false; // Build the line $line = ''; foreach ($pValues as $element) { // Escape enclosures $element = str_replace($this->enclosure, $this->enclosure . $this->enclosure, $element); // Add delimiter if ($writeDelimiter) { $line .= $this->delimiter; } else { $writeDelimiter = true; } // Add enclosed string $line .= $this->enclosure . $element . $this->enclosure; } // Add line ending $line .= $this->lineEnding; // Write to file fwrite($pFileHandle, $line); } else { throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Invalid data row passed to CSV writer."); } } }