' . PHP_EOL;
// Write cells
$colNum = 0;
foreach ($pValues as $cellAddress) {
$cell = ($cellAddress > '') ? $pSheet->getCell($cellAddress) : '';
$coordinate = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($colNum) . ($pRow + 1);
if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
$cssClass = '';
$cssClass = 'column' . $colNum;
} else {
$cssClass = array();
if ($cellType == 'th') {
if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum])) {
$this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum];
} else {
if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum])) {
$this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum];
$colSpan = 1;
$rowSpan = 1;
// initialize
$cellData = ' ';
// PHPExcel_Cell
if ($cell instanceof PHPExcel_Cell) {
$cellData = '';
if (is_null($cell->getParent())) {
// Value
if ($cell->getValue() instanceof PHPExcel_RichText) {
// Loop through rich text elements
$elements = $cell->getValue()->getRichTextElements();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
// Rich text start?
if ($element instanceof PHPExcel_RichText_Run) {
$cellData .= '';
if ($element->getFont()->getSuperScript()) {
$cellData .= '';
} elseif ($element->getFont()->getSubScript()) {
$cellData .= '';
// Convert UTF8 data to PCDATA
$cellText = $element->getText();
$cellData .= htmlspecialchars($cellText);
if ($element instanceof PHPExcel_RichText_Run) {
if ($element->getFont()->getSuperScript()) {
$cellData .= '';
} elseif ($element->getFont()->getSubScript()) {
$cellData .= '';
$cellData .= '';
} else {
if ($this->preCalculateFormulas) {
$cellData = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString(
array($this, 'formatColor')
} else {
$cellData = PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::toFormattedString(
array($this, 'formatColor')
$cellData = htmlspecialchars($cellData);
if ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSuperScript()) {
$cellData = ''.$cellData.'';
} elseif ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSubScript()) {
$cellData = ''.$cellData.'';
// Converts the cell content so that spaces occuring at beginning of each new line are replaced by
// Example: " Hello\n to the world" is converted to " Hello\n to the world"
$cellData = preg_replace("/(?m)(?:^|\\G) /", ' ', $cellData);
// convert newline "\n" to '
$cellData = nl2br($cellData);
// Extend CSS class?
if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
$cssClass .= ' style' . $cell->getXfIndex();
$cssClass .= ' ' . $cell->getDataType();
} else {
if ($cellType == 'th') {
if (isset($this->cssStyles['th.style' . $cell->getXfIndex()])) {
$cssClass = array_merge($cssClass, $this->cssStyles['th.style' . $cell->getXfIndex()]);
} else {
if (isset($this->cssStyles['td.style' . $cell->getXfIndex()])) {
$cssClass = array_merge($cssClass, $this->cssStyles['td.style' . $cell->getXfIndex()]);
// General horizontal alignment: Actual horizontal alignment depends on dataType
$sharedStyle = $pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex());
if ($sharedStyle->getAlignment()->getHorizontal() == PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL
&& isset($this->cssStyles['.' . $cell->getDataType()]['text-align'])) {
$cssClass['text-align'] = $this->cssStyles['.' . $cell->getDataType()]['text-align'];
// Hyperlink?
if ($pSheet->hyperlinkExists($coordinate) && !$pSheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->isInternal()) {
$cellData = '' . $cellData . '';
// Should the cell be written or is it swallowed by a rowspan or colspan?
$writeCell = !(isset($this->isSpannedCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum])
&& $this->isSpannedCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum]);
// Colspan and Rowspan
$colspan = 1;
$rowspan = 1;
if (isset($this->isBaseCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum])) {
$spans = $this->isBaseCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum];
$rowSpan = $spans['rowspan'];
$colSpan = $spans['colspan'];
// Also apply style from last cell in merge to fix borders -
// relies on !important for non-none border declarations in createCSSStyleBorder
$endCellCoord = PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($colNum + $colSpan - 1) . ($pRow + $rowSpan);
if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
$cssClass .= ' style' . $pSheet->getCell($endCellCoord)->getXfIndex();
// Write
if ($writeCell) {
// Column start
$html .= ' <' . $cellType;
if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
$html .= ' class="' . $cssClass . '"';
} else {
//** Necessary redundant code for the sake of PHPExcel_Writer_PDF **
// We must explicitly write the width of the element because TCPDF
// does not recognize e.g.
$width = 0;
$i = $colNum - 1;
$e = $colNum + $colSpan - 1;
while ($i++ < $e) {
if (isset($this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$i])) {
$width += $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$i];
$cssClass['width'] = $width . 'pt';
// We must also explicitly write the height of the | element because TCPDF
// does not recognize e.g. |