@core Feature: Navigate action menu In order to navigate an action menu As a user I need to be able to use the keyboard @javascript Scenario: The menu does not close on keyboard navigation When I log in as "admin" # Click to open the user menu. And I click on ".usermenu a.toggle-display" "css_element" in the ".usermenu" "css_element" # The menu should now be visible. Then ".usermenu [role='menu']" "css_element" should be visible # Press down arrow. And I press key "40" in "#actionmenuaction-1" "css_element" # The menu should still be visible. And ".usermenu [role='menu']" "css_element" should be visible @javascript Scenario: The menu closes when it clicked outside When I log in as "admin" # Click to open the user menu. And I click on ".usermenu a.toggle-display" "css_element" in the ".usermenu" "css_element" # The menu should now be visible. Then ".usermenu [role='menu']" "css_element" should be visible # Click outside the menu. And I click on "adminsearchquery" "field" # The menu should now be hidden. And ".usermenu [role='menu']" "css_element" should not be visible