. /** * Contains the class containing unit tests for the daily completion cron task. * * @package core * @copyright 2020 Jun Pataleta * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core\task; use advanced_testcase; /** * Class containing unit tests for the daily completion cron task. * * @package core * @copyright 2020 Jun Pataleta * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_completion_cron_task_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Test calendar cron task with a broken subscription URL. */ public function test_completion_daily_cron() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); set_config('enablecompletion', 1); set_config('enrol_plugins_enabled', 'self,manual'); $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $now = time(); $lastweek = $now - WEEKSECS; $yesterday = $now - DAYSECS; $tomorrow = $now + DAYSECS; // Course with completion enabled and has already started. $c1 = $generator->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => $lastweek]); // Course with completion enabled but hasn't started yet. $c2 = $generator->create_course(['enablecompletion' => 1, 'startdate' => $tomorrow]); // Completion not enabled. $c3 = $generator->create_course(); // Create users. $t1 = $generator->create_user(['username' => 't1']); $t2 = $generator->create_user(['username' => 't2']); $s1 = $generator->create_user(['username' => 's1']); $s2 = $generator->create_user(['username' => 's2']); // Enrol s1 by self and manual methods to c1. $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c1->id, 'student', 'self', $lastweek); $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c1->id, 'student', 'manual', $yesterday); // Enrol s1 by self and manual methods to c2. $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c2->id, 'student', 'self'); $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c2->id, 'student', 'manual', $tomorrow); // Enrol s1 by self and manual methods to c3. $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c3->id, 'student', 'self', $lastweek); $generator->enrol_user($s1->id, $c3->id, 'student'); // Enrol the rest. foreach ([$c1, $c2, $c3] as $course) { // Enrol s2 by manual and self enrol methods. $generator->enrol_user($s2->id, $course->id, 'student', 'self'); $generator->enrol_user($s2->id, $course->id, 'student', 'manual', $course->startdate); // Enrol t1 as teacher to these courses. $generator->enrol_user($t1->id, $course->id, 'editingteacher', 'manual', $course->startdate); $generator->enrol_user($t1->id, $course->id, 'editingteacher', 'manual', $course->startdate); // Enrol t2 as a non-editing teacher to these courses. $generator->enrol_user($t1->id, $course->id, 'teacher', 'manual', $course->startdate); $generator->enrol_user($t1->id, $course->id, 'teacher', 'manual', $course->startdate); } // The course completion table should be empty prior to running the task. $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('course_completions')); // Run the daily completion task. ob_start(); $task = new completion_daily_task(); $task->execute(); ob_end_clean(); // Confirm there are no completion records for teachers nor for courses that haven't started yet or without completion. list($tsql, $tparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal([$t1->id, $t2->id], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); list($csql, $cparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal([$c2->id, $c3->id], SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $select = "userid $tsql OR course $csql"; $params = array_merge($tparams, $cparams); $this->assertEmpty($DB->get_records_select('course_completions', $select, $params)); // We should have 2 completion records for both s1 and s2 in course c1. $this->assertCount(2, $DB->get_records('course_completions')); // Get s1's completion record from c1. $s1c1 = $DB->get_record('course_completions', ['userid' => $s1->id, 'course' => $c1->id]); $this->assertEquals(userdate($now), userdate($s1c1->timeenrolled)); // Get s2's completion record from c1. $s2c1 = $DB->get_record('course_completions', ['userid' => $s2->id, 'course' => $c1->id]); $this->assertEquals(userdate($now), userdate($s2c1->timeenrolled)); } }