. /** * Test classes for handling embedded media (audio/video). * * @package core_media * @category phpunit * @copyright 2012 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Test script for media embedding. */ class core_medialib_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Pre-test setup. Preserves $CFG. */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // Reset $CFG and $SERVER. $this->resetAfterTest(); // "Install" a fake plugin for testing. set_config('version', '2016101400', 'media_test'); // Consistent initial setup: all players disabled. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins(''); $_SERVER = array('HTTP_USER_AGENT' => ''); $this->pretend_to_be_safari(); } /** * Sets user agent to Safari. */ private function pretend_to_be_safari() { // Pretend to be using Safari browser (must support mp4 for tests to work). core_useragent::instance(true, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8; de-at) ' . 'AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1'); } /** * Sets user agent to Firefox. */ private function pretend_to_be_firefox() { // Pretend to be using Firefox browser (must support ogg for tests to work). core_useragent::instance(true, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0 '); } /** * Test for core_media::get_filename. */ public function test_get_filename() { $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('frog.mp4', $manager->get_filename(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php/312/mod_page/content/7/frog.mp4'))); // This should work even though slasharguments is true, because we want // it to support 'legacy' links if somebody toggles the option later. $this->assertSame('frog.mp4', $manager->get_filename(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php?file=/312/mod_page/content/7/frog.mp4'))); } /** * Test for core_media::get_extension. */ public function test_get_extension() { $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('mp4', $manager->get_extension(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php/312/mod_page/content/7/frog.mp4'))); $this->assertSame('', $manager->get_extension(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php/312/mod_page/content/7/frog'))); $this->assertSame('mp4', $manager->get_extension(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php?file=/312/mod_page/content/7/frog.mp4'))); $this->assertSame('', $manager->get_extension(new moodle_url( '/pluginfile.php?file=/312/mod_page/content/7/frog'))); } /** * Test for the core_media_player list_supported_urls. */ public function test_list_supported_urls() { $test = new media_test_plugin(1, 13, ['tst', 'test']); // Some example URLs. $supported1 = new moodle_url('http://example.org/1.test'); $supported2 = new moodle_url('http://example.org/2.TST'); $unsupported = new moodle_url('http://example.org/2.jpg'); // No URLs => none. $result = $test->list_supported_urls(array()); $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); // One supported URL => same. $result = $test->list_supported_urls(array($supported1)); $this->assertEquals(array($supported1), $result); // Two supported URLS => same. $result = $test->list_supported_urls(array($supported1, $supported2)); $this->assertEquals(array($supported1, $supported2), $result); // One unsupported => none. $result = $test->list_supported_urls(array($unsupported)); $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); // Two supported and one unsupported => same. $result = $test->list_supported_urls(array($supported2, $unsupported, $supported1)); $this->assertEquals(array($supported2, $supported1), $result); } /** * Test for get_players */ public function test_get_players() { // All players are initially disabled (except link, which you can't). $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertEmpty($this->get_players_test($manager)); // A couple enabled, check the order. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('youtube,html5audio'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('youtube, html5audio', $this->get_players_test($manager)); // Test SWF and HTML5 media order. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5video,html5audio,swf'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('html5video, html5audio, swf', $this->get_players_test($manager)); // Make sure that our test plugin is considered installed. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('test,html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('test, html5video', $this->get_players_test($manager)); // Make sure that non-existing plugin is NOT considered installed. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('nonexistingplugin,html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertSame('html5video', $this->get_players_test($manager)); } /** * Test for can_embed_url */ public function test_can_embed_url() { // All players are initially disabled, so mp4 cannot be rendered. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertFalse($manager->can_embed_url($url)); // Enable VideoJS player. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('videojs'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertTrue($manager->can_embed_url($url)); // VideoJS + html5. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('videojs,html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertTrue($manager->can_embed_url($url)); // Only html5. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertTrue($manager->can_embed_url($url)); // Only SWF. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('swf'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->assertFalse($manager->can_embed_url($url)); } /** * Test for embed_url. * Checks multiple format/fallback support. */ public function test_embed_url_fallbacks() { // Key strings in the embed code that identify with the media formats being tested. $swf = ''; $html5video = ''; $html5audio = ''; $link = 'mediafallbacklink'; $test = 'mediaplugin_test'; $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'); // All plugins disabled, NOLINK option. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins(''); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $t = $manager->embed_url($url, 0, 0, '', array(core_media_manager::OPTION_NO_LINK => true)); // Completely empty. $this->assertSame('', $t); // All plugins disabled but not NOLINK. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins(''); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $t = $manager->embed_url($url); $this->assertContains($link, $t); // Enable media players that can play the same media formats. (ie. test & html5audio for mp3 files, etc.) \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('test,html5video,html5audio,swf'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); // Test media formats that can be played by 2 or more players. $mediaformats = array('mp3', 'mp4'); foreach ($mediaformats as $format) { $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.' . $format); $textwithlink = $manager->embed_url($url); $textwithoutlink = $manager->embed_url($url, 0, 0, '', array(core_media_manager::OPTION_NO_LINK => true)); switch ($format) { case 'mp3': $this->assertContains($test, $textwithlink); $this->assertNotContains($html5video, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($html5audio, $textwithlink); $this->assertNotContains($swf, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($link, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($test, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($html5video, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertContains($html5audio, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($swf, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($link, $textwithoutlink); break; case 'mp4': $this->assertContains($test, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($html5video, $textwithlink); $this->assertNotContains($html5audio, $textwithlink); $this->assertNotContains($swf, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($link, $textwithlink); $this->assertContains($test, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertContains($html5video, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($html5audio, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($swf, $textwithoutlink); $this->assertNotContains($link, $textwithoutlink); break; default: break; } } } /** * Test for embed_url. * Check SWF works including the special option required to enable it */ public function test_embed_url_swf() { \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('swf'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); // Without any options... $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.swf'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url); $this->assertNotContains('', $t); // ...and with the 'no it's safe, I checked it' option. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.swf'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url, '', 0, 0, array(core_media_manager::OPTION_TRUSTED => true)); $this->assertContains('', $t); } /** * Same as test_embed_url MP3 test, but for slash arguments. */ public function test_slash_arguments() { // Again we do not turn slasharguments actually on, because it has to // work regardless of the setting of that variable in case of handling // links created using previous setting. // Enable player. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5audio'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); // Format: mp3. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/pluginfile.php?file=x/y/z/test.mp3'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url); $this->assertContains('', $t); } /** * Test for embed_url. * Checks the EMBED_OR_BLANK option. */ public function test_embed_or_blank() { \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5audio'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $this->pretend_to_be_firefox(); $options = array(core_media_manager::OPTION_FALLBACK_TO_BLANK => true); // Embed that does match something should still include the link too. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.ogg'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url, '', 0, 0, $options); $this->assertContains('', $t); $this->assertContains('mediafallbacklink', $t); // Embed that doesn't match something should be totally blank. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url, '', 0, 0, $options); $this->assertSame('', $t); } /** * Test for embed_url. * Checks that size is passed through correctly to player objects and tests * size support in html5video output. */ public function test_embed_url_size() { global $CFG; // Technically this could break in every format and they handle size // in several different ways, but I'm too lazy to test it in every // format, so let's just pick one to check the values get passed // through. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'); // HTML5 default size - specifies core width and does not specify height. $t = $manager->embed_url($url); $this->assertContains('width="' . $CFG->media_default_width . '"', $t); $this->assertNotContains('height', $t); // HTML5 specified size - specifies both. $t = $manager->embed_url($url, '', '666', '101'); $this->assertContains('width="666"', $t); $this->assertContains('height="101"', $t); // HTML5 size specified in url, overrides call. $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4?d=123x456'); $t = $manager->embed_url($url, '', '666', '101'); $this->assertContains('width="123"', $t); $this->assertContains('height="456"', $t); } /** * Test for embed_url. * Checks that name is passed through correctly to player objects and tests * name support in html5video output. */ public function test_embed_url_name() { // As for size this could break in every format but I'm only testing // html5video. \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); $url = new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'); // HTML5 default name - use filename. $t = $manager->embed_url($url); $this->assertContains('title="test.mp4"', $t); // HTML5 specified name - check escaping. $t = $manager->embed_url($url, 'frog & toad'); $this->assertContains('title="frog & toad"', $t); } /** * Test for split_alternatives. */ public function test_split_alternatives() { $mediamanager = core_media_manager::instance(); // Single URL - identical moodle_url. $mp4 = 'http://example.org/test.mp4'; $result = $mediamanager->split_alternatives($mp4, $w, $h); $this->assertEquals($mp4, $result[0]->out(false)); // Width and height weren't specified. $this->assertEquals(0, $w); $this->assertEquals(0, $h); // Two URLs - identical moodle_urls. $webm = 'http://example.org/test.webm'; $result = $mediamanager->split_alternatives("$mp4#$webm", $w, $h); $this->assertEquals($mp4, $result[0]->out(false)); $this->assertEquals($webm, $result[1]->out(false)); // Two URLs plus dimensions. $size = 'd=400x280'; $result = $mediamanager->split_alternatives("$mp4#$webm#$size", $w, $h); $this->assertEquals($mp4, $result[0]->out(false)); $this->assertEquals($webm, $result[1]->out(false)); $this->assertEquals(400, $w); $this->assertEquals(280, $h); // Two URLs plus legacy dimensions (use last one). $result = $mediamanager->split_alternatives("$mp4?d=1x1#$webm?$size", $w, $h); $this->assertEquals($mp4, $result[0]->out(false)); $this->assertEquals($webm, $result[1]->out(false)); $this->assertEquals(400, $w); $this->assertEquals(280, $h); } /** * Test for embed_alternatives (with multiple urls) */ public function test_embed_alternatives() { // Most aspects of this are same as single player so let's just try // a single typical / complicated scenario. // MP4, OGV, WebM and FLV. $urls = array( new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.mp4'), new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.ogv'), new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.webm'), new moodle_url('http://example.org/test.flv'), ); // Enable html5 and "test" ("test" first). \core\plugininfo\media::set_enabled_plugins('test,html5video'); $manager = core_media_manager::instance(); // Result should contain HTML5 with two sources + FLV. $t = $manager->embed_alternatives($urls); // HTML5 sources - mp4, but not ogv, flv or webm (not supported in Safari). $this->assertContains('
pretend_to_be_firefox(); $t = $manager->embed_alternatives($urls); // HTML5 sources - mp4, ogv and webm, but not flv. $this->assertContains('
assertSame($mediamanager1, $mediamanager2); $moodlepage3 = new moodle_page(); $mediamanager3 = core_media_manager::instance($moodlepage3); $this->assertNotSame($mediamanager1, $mediamanager3); } /** * Access list of players as string, shortening it by getting rid of * repeated text. * @param core_media_manager $manager The core_media_manager instance * @return string Comma-separated list of players */ public function get_players_test($manager) { $method = new ReflectionMethod("core_media_manager", "get_players"); $method->setAccessible(true); $players = $method->invoke($manager); $out = ''; foreach ($players as $player) { if ($out) { $out .= ', '; } $out .= str_replace('core_media_player_', '', preg_replace('/^media_(.*)_plugin$/', '$1', get_class($player))); } return $out; } } /** * Media player stub for testing purposes. */ class media_test_plugin extends core_media_player { /** @var array Array of supported extensions */ public $ext; /** @var int Player rank */ public $rank; /** @var int Arbitrary number */ public $num; /** * @param int $num Number (used in output) * @param int $rank Player rank * @param array $ext Array of supported extensions */ public function __construct($num = 1, $rank = 13, $ext = array('mp3', 'flv', 'f4v', 'mp4')) { $this->ext = $ext; $this->rank = $rank; $this->num = $num; } public function embed($urls, $name, $width, $height, $options) { self::pick_video_size($width, $height); $contents = "\ntestsource=". join("\ntestsource=", $urls) . "\ntestname=$name\ntestwidth=$width\ntestheight=$height\n\n"; return html_writer::span($contents, 'mediaplugin mediaplugin_test'); } public function get_supported_extensions() { return $this->ext; } public function get_rank() { return 10; } }