. /** * uploadlib.php - This class handles all aspects of fileuploading * * @package core * @subpackage file * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * This class handles all aspects of fileuploading * * @deprecated since 2.7 - use new file pickers instead * * @package moodlecore * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class upload_manager { /** * Constructor, sets up configuration stuff so we know how to act. * * Note: destination not taken as parameter as some modules want to use the insertid in the path and we need to check the other stuff first. * * @deprecated since 2.7 - use new file pickers instead * */ function __construct($inputname='', $deleteothers=false, $handlecollisions=false, $course=null, $recoverifmultiple=false, $modbytes=0, $silent=false, $allownull=false, $allownullmultiple=true) { throw new coding_exception('upload_manager class can not be used any more, please use file picker instead'); } }