/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('axis-numeric-base', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides functionality for the handling of numeric axis data for a chart. * * @module charts * @submodule axis-numeric-base */ var Y_Lang = Y.Lang; /** * NumericImpl contains logic for numeric data. NumericImpl is used by the following classes: *
{{#crossLink "NumericAxisBase"}}{{/crossLink}}
{{#crossLink "NumericAxis"}}{{/crossLink}}
* * @class NumericImpl * @constructor * @submodule axis-numeric-base */ function NumericImpl() { } NumericImpl.NAME = "numericImpl"; NumericImpl.ATTRS = { /** * Indicates whether 0 should always be displayed. * * @attribute alwaysShowZero * @type Boolean */ alwaysShowZero: { value: true }, /** * Method used for formatting a label. This attribute allows for the default label formatting method to overridden. * The method use would need to implement the arguments below and return a `String` or an `HTMLElement`. The default * implementation of the method returns a `String`. The output of this method will be rendered to the DOM using * `appendChild`. If you override the `labelFunction` method and return an html string, you will also need to override * the Data' `appendLabelFunction` to accept html as a `String`. *
Label to be formatted. (`String`)
Object containing properties used to format the label. (optional)
* * @attribute labelFunction * @type Function */ /** * Object containing properties used by the `labelFunction` to format a * label. * * @attribute labelFormat * @type Object */ labelFormat: { value: { prefix: "", thousandsSeparator: "", decimalSeparator: "", decimalPlaces: "0", suffix: "" } }, /** *Indicates how to round unit values. *
Units will be smoothed based on the number of ticks and data range.
If the range is greater than 1, the units will be rounded.
numeric value
Units will be equal to the numeric value.
No rounding will occur.
* * @attribute roundingMethod * @type String * @default niceNumber */ roundingMethod: { value: "niceNumber" }, /** * Indicates the scaling for the chart. The default value is `linear`. For a logarithmic axis, set the value * to `logarithmic`. * * @attribute * @type String * @default linear */ scaleType: { value: "linear" } }; NumericImpl.prototype = { /** * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function() { this.after("alwaysShowZeroChange", this._keyChangeHandler); this.after("roundingMethodChange", this._keyChangeHandler); this.after("scaleTypeChange", this._keyChangeHandler); }, /** * Formats a label based on the axis type and optionally specified format. * * @method * @param {Object} value * @param {Object} format Pattern used to format the value. * @return String */ formatLabel: function(val, format) { if(format) { return Y.DataType.Number.format(val, format); } return val; }, /** * Returns the sum of all values per key. * * @method getTotalByKey * @param {String} key The identifier for the array whose values will be calculated. * @return Number */ getTotalByKey: function(key) { var total = 0, values = this.getDataByKey(key), i = 0, val, len = values ? values.length : 0; for(; i < len; ++i) { val = parseFloat(values[i]); if(!isNaN(val)) { total += val; } } return total; }, /** * Returns the value corresponding to the origin on the axis. * * @method getOrigin * @return Number */ getOrigin: function() { var origin = 0, min = this.get("minimum"), max = this.get("maximum"); origin = Math.max(origin, min); origin = Math.min(origin, max); return origin; }, /** * Type of data used in `Data`. * * @property _type * @readOnly * @private */ _type: "numeric", /** * Helper method for getting a `roundingUnit` when calculating the minimum and maximum values. * * @method _getMinimumUnit * @param {Number} max Maximum number * @param {Number} min Minimum number * @param {Number} units Number of units on the axis * @return Number * @private */ _getMinimumUnit:function(max, min, units) { return this._getNiceNumber(Math.ceil((max - min)/units)); }, /** * Calculates a nice rounding unit based on the range. * * @method _getNiceNumber * @param {Number} roundingUnit The calculated rounding unit. * @return Number * @private */ _getNiceNumber: function(roundingUnit) { var tempMajorUnit = roundingUnit, order = Math.ceil(Math.log(tempMajorUnit) * 0.4342944819032518), roundedMajorUnit = Math.pow(10, order), roundedDiff; if (roundedMajorUnit / 2 >= tempMajorUnit) { roundedDiff = Math.floor((roundedMajorUnit / 2 - tempMajorUnit) / (Math.pow(10,order-1)/2)); tempMajorUnit = roundedMajorUnit/2 - roundedDiff*Math.pow(10,order-1)/2; } else { tempMajorUnit = roundedMajorUnit; } if(!isNaN(tempMajorUnit)) { return tempMajorUnit; } return roundingUnit; }, /** * Calculates the maximum and minimum values for the `Data`. * * @method _updateMinAndMax * @private */ _updateMinAndMax: function() { var data = this.get("data"), max, min, len, num, i = 0, setMax = this.get("setMax"), setMin = this.get("setMin"); if(!setMax || !setMin) { if(data && data.length && data.length > 0) { len = data.length; for(; i < len; i++) { num = data[i]; if(isNaN(num)) { max = setMax ? this._setMaximum : max; min = setMin ? this._setMinimum : min; continue; } if(setMin) { min = this._setMinimum; } else if(min === undefined) { min = num; } else { min = Math.min(num, min); } if(setMax) { max = this._setMaximum; } else if(max === undefined) { max = num; } else { max = Math.max(num, max); } this._actualMaximum = max; this._actualMinimum = min; } } if(this.get("scaleType") !== "logarithmic") { this._roundMinAndMax(min, max, setMin, setMax); } else { this._dataMaximum = max; this._dataMinimum = min; } } }, /** * Rounds the mimimum and maximum values based on the `roundingUnit` attribute. * * @method _roundMinAndMax * @param {Number} min Minimum value * @param {Number} max Maximum value * @private */ _roundMinAndMax: function(min, max, setMin, setMax) { var roundingUnit, minimumRange, minGreaterThanZero = min >= 0, maxGreaterThanZero = max > 0, dataRangeGreater, maxRound, minRound, topTicks, botTicks, tempMax, tempMin, units = this.getTotalMajorUnits() - 1, alwaysShowZero = this.get("alwaysShowZero"), roundingMethod = this.get("roundingMethod"), useIntegers = (max - min)/units >= 1; if(roundingMethod) { if(roundingMethod === "niceNumber") { roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if((alwaysShowZero || min < roundingUnit) && !setMin) { min = 0; roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); } else { min = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); } if(setMax) { if(!alwaysShowZero) { min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } } else if(setMin) { max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } else { max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero) { topTicks = Math.round(units/((-1 * min)/max + 1)); topTicks = Math.max(Math.min(topTicks, units - 1), 1); botTicks = units - topTicks; tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; if(setMin) { while(tempMin < tempMax && botTicks >= 0) { botTicks--; topTicks++; tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; } //if there are any bottom ticks left calcualate the maximum by multiplying by the tempMin value //if not, it's impossible to ensure that a zero is shown. skip it if(botTicks > 0) { max = tempMin * topTicks; } else { max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } } else if(setMax) { while(tempMax < tempMin && topTicks >= 0) { botTicks++; topTicks--; tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); } //if there are any top ticks left calcualate the minimum by multiplying by the tempMax value //if not, it's impossible to ensure that a zero is shown. skip it if(topTicks > 0) { min = tempMax * botTicks * -1; } else { min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } } else { roundingUnit = Math.max(tempMax, tempMin); roundingUnit = this._getNiceNumber(roundingUnit); max = roundingUnit * topTicks; min = roundingUnit * botTicks * -1; } } else { if(setMax) { min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } else if(setMin) { max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } else { min = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } } } else { if(setMin) { if(alwaysShowZero) { max = 0; } else { max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } } else if(!setMax) { if(alwaysShowZero || max === 0 || max + roundingUnit > 0) { max = 0; roundingUnit = this._getMinimumUnit(max, min, units); min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } else { min = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } } else { min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } } } else if(roundingMethod === "auto") { if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if((alwaysShowZero || min < (max-min)/units) && !setMin) { min = 0; } roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); max = min + (roundingUnit * units); } else { max = min + Math.ceil(roundingUnit * units * 100000)/100000; } } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero) { topTicks = Math.round( units / ( (-1 * min) /max + 1) ); topTicks = Math.max(Math.min(topTicks, units - 1), 1); botTicks = units - topTicks; if(useIntegers) { tempMax = Math.ceil( max/topTicks ); tempMin = Math.floor( min/botTicks ) * -1; roundingUnit = Math.max(tempMax, tempMin); max = roundingUnit * topTicks; min = roundingUnit * botTicks * -1; } else { tempMax = max/topTicks; tempMin = min/botTicks * -1; roundingUnit = Math.max(tempMax, tempMin); max = Math.ceil(roundingUnit * topTicks * 100000)/100000; min = Math.ceil(roundingUnit * botTicks * 100000)/100000 * -1; } } else { roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } min = Math.round(this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit) * 100000)/100000; max = Math.round(this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit) * 100000)/100000; } } else { roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { roundingUnit = Math.ceil(roundingUnit); } if(alwaysShowZero || max === 0 || max + roundingUnit > 0) { max = 0; roundingUnit = (max - min)/units; if(useIntegers) { Math.ceil(roundingUnit); min = max - (roundingUnit * units); } else { min = max - Math.ceil(roundingUnit * units * 100000)/100000; } } else { min = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); max = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); } } } else if(!isNaN(roundingMethod) && isFinite(roundingMethod)) { roundingUnit = roundingMethod; minimumRange = roundingUnit * units; dataRangeGreater = (max - min) > minimumRange; minRound = this._roundDownToNearest(min, roundingUnit); maxRound = this._roundUpToNearest(max, roundingUnit); if(setMax) { min = max - minimumRange; } else if(setMin) { max = min + minimumRange; } else if(minGreaterThanZero && maxGreaterThanZero) { if(alwaysShowZero || minRound <= 0) { min = 0; } else { min = minRound; } max = min + minimumRange; } else if(maxGreaterThanZero && !minGreaterThanZero) { min = minRound; max = maxRound; } else { if(alwaysShowZero || maxRound >= 0) { max = 0; } else { max = maxRound; } min = max - minimumRange; } } } this._dataMaximum = max; this._dataMinimum = min; }, /** * Rounds a Number to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 to the nearest 10, you will receive 20. Similar to the built-in function Math.round(). * * @method _roundToNearest * @param {Number} number Number to round * @param {Number} nearest Multiple to round towards. * @return Number * @private */ _roundToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; var roundedNumber = Math.round(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; return this._roundToPrecision(roundedNumber, 10); }, /** * Rounds a Number up to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 up to the nearest 10, you will receive 20. Similar to the built-in function Math.ceil(). * * @method _roundUpToNearest * @param {Number} number Number to round * @param {Number} nearest Multiple to round towards. * @return Number * @private */ _roundUpToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; return Math.ceil(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; }, /** * Rounds a Number down to the nearest multiple of an input. For example, by rounding * 16 down to the nearest 10, you will receive 10. Similar to the built-in function Math.floor(). * * @method _roundDownToNearest * @param {Number} number Number to round * @param {Number} nearest Multiple to round towards. * @return Number * @private */ _roundDownToNearest: function(number, nearest) { nearest = nearest || 1; return Math.floor(this._roundToPrecision(number / nearest, 10)) * nearest; }, /** * Returns a coordinate corresponding to a data values. * * @method _getCoordFromValue * @param {Number} min The minimum for the axis. * @param {Number} max The maximum for the axis. * @param {Number} length The distance that the axis spans. * @param {Number} dataValue A value used to ascertain the coordinate. * @param {Number} offset Value in which to offset the coordinates. * @param {Boolean} reverse Indicates whether the coordinates should start from * the end of an axis. Only used in the numeric implementation. * @return Number * @private */ _getCoordFromValue: function(min, max, length, dataValue, offset, reverse) { var range, multiplier, valuecoord, isNumber = Y_Lang.isNumber; dataValue = parseFloat(dataValue); if(isNumber(dataValue)) { if(this.get("scaleType") === "logarithmic" && min > 0) { min = Math.log(min); max = Math.log(max); dataValue = Math.log(dataValue); } range = max - min; multiplier = length/range; valuecoord = (dataValue - min) * multiplier; valuecoord = reverse ? offset - valuecoord : offset + valuecoord; } else { valuecoord = NaN; } return valuecoord; }, /** * Rounds a number to a certain level of precision. Useful for limiting the number of * decimal places on a fractional number. * * @method _roundToPrecision * @param {Number} number Number to round * @param {Number} precision Multiple to round towards. * @return Number * @private */ _roundToPrecision: function(number, precision) { precision = precision || 0; var decimalPlaces = Math.pow(10, precision); return Math.round(decimalPlaces * number) / decimalPlaces; } }; Y.NumericImpl = NumericImpl; /** * NumericAxisBase manages numeric data for an axis. * * @class NumericAxisBase * @constructor * @extends AxisBase * @uses NumericImpl * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule axis-numeric-base */ Y.NumericAxisBase = Y.Base.create("numericAxisBase", Y.AxisBase, [Y.NumericImpl]); }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["axis-base"]});