/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('charts-base', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Provides functionality for creating charts. * * @module charts * @submodule charts-base */ var CONFIG = Y.config, WINDOW = CONFIG.win, DOCUMENT = CONFIG.doc, Y_Lang = Y.Lang, IS_STRING = Y_Lang.isString, _getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName, SERIES_MARKER = _getClassName("seriesmarker"); /** * Gridlines draws gridlines on a Graph. * * @class Gridlines * @constructor * @extends Base * @uses Renderer * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters. * @submodule charts-base */ Y.Gridlines = Y.Base.create("gridlines", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], { /** * Reference to the `Path` element used for drawing Gridlines. * * @property _path * @type Path * @private */ _path: null, /** * Removes the Gridlines. * * @method remove * @private */ remove: function() { var path = this._path; if(path) { path.destroy(); } }, /** * Draws the gridlines * * @method draw * @protected */ draw: function() { if(this.get("axis") && this.get("graph")) { this._drawGridlines(); } }, /** * Algorithm for drawing gridlines * * @method _drawGridlines * @private */ _drawGridlines: function() { var path, axis = this.get("axis"), axisPosition = axis.get("position"), points, i = 0, l, direction = this.get("direction"), graph = this.get("graph"), w = graph.get("width"), h = graph.get("height"), line = this.get("styles").line, color = line.color, weight = line.weight, alpha = line.alpha, count = this.get("count"), length, lineFunction; if(isFinite(w) && isFinite(h) && w > 0 && h > 0) { if(count && Y.Lang.isNumber(count)) { points = this._getPoints(count, w, h); } else if(axisPosition !== "none" && axis && axis.get("tickPoints")) { points = axis.get("tickPoints"); } else { points = this._getPoints(axis.get("styles").majorUnit.count, w, h); } l = points.length; path = graph.get("gridlines"); path.set("width", w); path.set("height", h); path.set("stroke", { weight: weight, color: color, opacity: alpha }); if(direction === "vertical") { lineFunction = this._verticalLine; length = h; } else { lineFunction = this._horizontalLine; length = w; } for(i = 0; i < l; i = i + 1) { lineFunction(path, points[i], length); } path.end(); } }, /** * Calculates the coordinates for the gridlines based on a count. * * @method _getPoints * @param {Number} count Number of gridlines * @return Array * @private */ _getPoints: function(count, w, h) { var i, points = [], multiplier, divisor = count - 1; for(i = 0; i < count; i = i + 1) { multiplier = i/divisor; points[i] = { x: w * multiplier, y: h * multiplier }; } return points; }, /** * Algorithm for horizontal lines. * * @method _horizontalLine * @param {Path} path Reference to path element * @param {Object} pt Coordinates corresponding to a major unit of an axis. * @param {Number} w Width of the Graph * @private */ _horizontalLine: function(path, pt, w) { path.moveTo(0, pt.y); path.lineTo(w, pt.y); }, /** * Algorithm for vertical lines. * * @method _verticalLine * @param {Path} path Reference to path element * @param {Object} pt Coordinates corresponding to a major unit of an axis. * @param {Number} h Height of the Graph * @private */ _verticalLine: function(path, pt, h) { path.moveTo(pt.x, 0); path.lineTo(pt.x, h); }, /** * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object * @protected */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var defs = { line: { color:"#f0efe9", weight: 1, alpha: 1 } }; return defs; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Indicates the direction of the gridline. * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: {}, /** * Indicate the `Axis` in which to bind * the gridlines. * * @attribute axis * @type Axis */ axis: {}, /** * Indicates the `Graph` in which the gridlines * are drawn. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: {}, /** * Indicates the number of gridlines to display. If no value is set, gridlines will equal the number of ticks in * the corresponding axis. * * @attribute count * @type Number */ count: {} } }); /** * Graph manages and contains series instances for a `CartesianChart` * instance. * * @class Graph * @constructor * @extends Widget * @uses Renderer * @submodule charts-base */ Y.Graph = Y.Base.create("graph", Y.Widget, [Y.Renderer], { /** * @method bindUI * @private */ bindUI: function() { var bb = this.get("boundingBox"); bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this.after("widthChange", this._sizeChangeHandler); this.after("heightChange", this._sizeChangeHandler); this.after("stylesChange", this._updateStyles); this.after("groupMarkersChange", this._drawSeries); }, /** * @method syncUI * @private */ syncUI: function() { var background, cb, bg, sc = this.get("seriesCollection"), series, i = 0, len = sc ? sc.length : 0, hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"); if(this.get("showBackground")) { background = this.get("background"); cb = this.get("contentBox"); bg = this.get("styles").background; bg.stroke = bg.border; bg.stroke.opacity = bg.stroke.alpha; bg.fill.opacity = bg.fill.alpha; bg.width = this.get("width"); bg.height = this.get("height"); bg.type = bg.shape; background.set(bg); } for(; i < len; ++i) { series = sc[i]; if(series instanceof Y.SeriesBase) { series.render(); } } if(hgl && hgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { hgl.draw(); } if(vgl && vgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { vgl.draw(); } }, /** * Object of arrays containing series mapped to a series type. * * @property seriesTypes * @type Object * @private */ seriesTypes: null, /** * Returns a series instance based on an index. * * @method getSeriesByIndex * @param {Number} val index of the series * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeriesByIndex: function(val) { var col = this.get("seriesCollection"), series; if(col && col.length > val) { series = col[val]; } return series; }, /** * Returns a series instance based on a key value. * * @method getSeriesByKey * @param {String} val key value of the series * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeriesByKey: function(val) { var obj = this._seriesDictionary, series; if(obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(val)) { series = obj[val]; } return series; }, /** * Adds dispatcher to a `_dispatcher` used to * to ensure all series have redrawn before for firing event. * * @method addDispatcher * @param {CartesianSeries} val series instance to add * @protected */ addDispatcher: function(val) { if(!this._dispatchers) { this._dispatchers = []; } this._dispatchers.push(val); }, /** * Collection of series to be displayed in the graph. * * @property _seriesCollection * @type Array * @private */ _seriesCollection: null, /** * Object containing key value pairs of `CartesianSeries` instances. * * @property _seriesDictionary * @type Object * @private */ _seriesDictionary: null, /** * Parses series instances to be displayed in the graph. * * @method _parseSeriesCollection * @param {Array} Collection of `CartesianSeries` instances or objects container `CartesianSeries` attributes values. * @private */ _parseSeriesCollection: function(val) { if(!val) { return; } var len = val.length, i = 0, series, seriesKey; this._seriesCollection = []; this._seriesDictionary = {}; this.seriesTypes = []; for(; i < len; ++i) { series = val[i]; if(!(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) && !(series instanceof Y.PieSeries)) { this._createSeries(series); continue; } this._addSeries(series); } len = this._seriesCollection.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { series = this.get("seriesCollection")[i]; seriesKey = series.get("direction") === "horizontal" ? "yKey" : "xKey"; this._seriesDictionary[series.get(seriesKey)] = series; } }, /** * Adds a series to the graph. * * @method _addSeries * @param {CartesianSeries} series Series to add to the graph. * @private */ _addSeries: function(series) { var type = series.get("type"), seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), graphSeriesLength = seriesCollection.length, seriesTypes = this.seriesTypes, typeSeriesCollection; if(!series.get("graph")) { series.set("graph", this); } seriesCollection.push(series); if(!seriesTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) { this.seriesTypes[type] = []; } typeSeriesCollection = this.seriesTypes[type]; series.set("graphOrder", graphSeriesLength); series.set("order", typeSeriesCollection.length); typeSeriesCollection.push(series); series.set("seriesTypeCollection", typeSeriesCollection); this.addDispatcher(series); series.after("drawingComplete", Y.bind(this._drawingCompleteHandler, this)); this.fire("seriesAdded", series); }, /** * Creates a `CartesianSeries` instance from an object containing attribute key value pairs. The key value pairs include * attributes for the specific series and a type value which defines the type of series to be used. * * @method createSeries * @param {Object} seriesData Series attribute key value pairs. * @private */ _createSeries: function(seriesData) { var type = seriesData.type, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), seriesTypes = this.seriesTypes, typeSeriesCollection, SeriesClass, series; seriesData.graph = this; if(!seriesTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) { seriesTypes[type] = []; } typeSeriesCollection = seriesTypes[type]; seriesData.graph = this; seriesData.order = typeSeriesCollection.length; seriesData.graphOrder = seriesCollection.length; SeriesClass = this._getSeries(seriesData.type); series = new SeriesClass(seriesData); this.addDispatcher(series); series.after("drawingComplete", Y.bind(this._drawingCompleteHandler, this)); typeSeriesCollection.push(series); seriesCollection.push(series); series.set("seriesTypeCollection", typeSeriesCollection); if(this.get("rendered")) { series.render(); } }, /** * String reference for pre-defined `Series` classes. * * @property _seriesMap * @type Object * @private */ _seriesMap: { line : Y.LineSeries, column : Y.ColumnSeries, bar : Y.BarSeries, area : Y.AreaSeries, candlestick : Y.CandlestickSeries, ohlc : Y.OHLCSeries, stackedarea : Y.StackedAreaSeries, stackedline : Y.StackedLineSeries, stackedcolumn : Y.StackedColumnSeries, stackedbar : Y.StackedBarSeries, markerseries : Y.MarkerSeries, spline : Y.SplineSeries, areaspline : Y.AreaSplineSeries, stackedspline : Y.StackedSplineSeries, stackedareaspline : Y.StackedAreaSplineSeries, stackedmarkerseries : Y.StackedMarkerSeries, pie : Y.PieSeries, combo : Y.ComboSeries, stackedcombo : Y.StackedComboSeries, combospline : Y.ComboSplineSeries, stackedcombospline : Y.StackedComboSplineSeries }, /** * Returns a specific `CartesianSeries` class based on key value from a look up table of a direct reference to a * class. When specifying a key value, the following options are available: * *
Key Value
* * When referencing a class directly, you can specify any of the above classes or any custom class that extends * `CartesianSeries` or `PieSeries`. * * @method _getSeries * @param {String | Object} type Series type. * @return CartesianSeries * @private */ _getSeries: function(type) { var seriesClass; if(Y_Lang.isString(type)) { seriesClass = this._seriesMap[type]; } else { seriesClass = type; } return seriesClass; }, /** * Event handler for marker events. * * @method _markerEventHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _markerEventHandler: function(e) { var type = e.type, markerNode = e.currentTarget, strArr = markerNode.getAttribute("id").split("_"), series = this.getSeriesByIndex(strArr[1]), index = strArr[2]; series.updateMarkerState(type, index); }, /** * Collection of `CartesianSeries` instances to be redrawn. * * @property _dispatchers * @type Array * @private */ _dispatchers: null, /** * Updates the `Graph` styles. * * @method _updateStyles * @private */ _updateStyles: function() { var styles = this.get("styles").background, border = styles.border; border.opacity = border.alpha; styles.stroke = border; styles.fill.opacity = styles.fill.alpha; this.get("background").set(styles); this._sizeChangeHandler(); }, /** * Event handler for size changes. * * @method _sizeChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _sizeChangeHandler: function() { var hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), bg = this.get("styles").background, weight, background; if(bg && bg.border) { weight = bg.border.weight || 0; } if(this.get("showBackground")) { background = this.get("background"); if(w && h) { background.set("width", w); background.set("height", h); } } if(this._gridlines) { this._gridlines.clear(); } if(hgl && hgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { hgl.draw(); } if(vgl && vgl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { vgl.draw(); } this._drawSeries(); }, /** * Draws each series. * * @method _drawSeries * @private */ _drawSeries: function() { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } var sc, i, len, graphic = this.get("graphic"); graphic.set("autoDraw", false); graphic.set("width", this.get("width")); graphic.set("height", this.get("height")); this._callLater = false; this._drawing = true; sc = this.get("seriesCollection"); i = 0; len = sc ? sc.length : 0; for(; i < len; ++i) { sc[i].draw(); if((!sc[i].get("xcoords") || !sc[i].get("ycoords")) && !sc[i] instanceof Y.PieSeries) { this._callLater = true; break; } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._drawSeries(); } }, /** * Event handler for series drawingComplete event. * * @method _drawingCompleteHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _drawingCompleteHandler: function(e) { var series = e.currentTarget, graphic, index = Y.Array.indexOf(this._dispatchers, series); if(index > -1) { this._dispatchers.splice(index, 1); } if(this._dispatchers.length < 1) { graphic = this.get("graphic"); if(!graphic.get("autoDraw")) { graphic._redraw(); } this.fire("chartRendered"); } }, /** * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides * base implementation. * * @method _getDefaultStyles * @return Object * @protected */ _getDefaultStyles: function() { var defs = { background: { shape: "rect", fill:{ color:"#faf9f2" }, border: { color:"#dad8c9", weight: 1 } } }; return defs; }, /** * Destructor implementation Graph class. Removes all Graphic instances from the widget. * * @method destructor * @protected */ destructor: function() { if(this._graphic) { this._graphic.destroy(); this._graphic = null; } if(this._background) { this._background.get("graphic").destroy(); this._background = null; } if(this._gridlines) { this._gridlines.get("graphic").destroy(); this._gridlines = null; } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * The x-coordinate for the graph. * * @attribute x * @type Number * @protected */ x: { setter: function(val) { this.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", val + "px"); return val; } }, /** * The y-coordinate for the graph. * * @attribute y * @type Number * @protected */ y: { setter: function(val) { this.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", val + "px"); return val; } }, /** * Reference to the chart instance using the graph. * * @attribute chart * @type ChartBase * @readOnly */ chart: { getter: function() { var chart = this._state.chart || this; return chart; } }, /** * Collection of series. When setting the `seriesCollection` the array can contain a combination of either * `CartesianSeries` instances or object literals with properties that will define a series. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type CartesianSeries */ seriesCollection: { getter: function() { return this._seriesCollection; }, setter: function(val) { this._parseSeriesCollection(val); return this._seriesCollection; } }, /** * Indicates whether the `Graph` has a background. * * @attribute showBackground * @type Boolean * @default true */ showBackground: { value: true }, /** * Read-only hash lookup for all series on in the `Graph`. * * @attribute seriesDictionary * @type Object * @readOnly */ seriesDictionary: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this._seriesDictionary; } }, /** * Reference to the horizontal `Gridlines` instance. * * @attribute horizontalGridlines * @type Gridlines * @default null */ horizontalGridlines: { value: null, setter: function(val) { var cfg, key, gl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"); if(gl && gl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl.remove(); } if(val instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl = val; val.set("graph", this); return val; } else if(val) { cfg = { direction: "horizonal", graph: this }; for(key in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(key)) { cfg[key] = val[key]; } } gl = new Y.Gridlines(cfg); return gl; } } }, /** * Reference to the vertical `Gridlines` instance. * * @attribute verticalGridlines * @type Gridlines * @default null */ verticalGridlines: { value: null, setter: function(val) { var cfg, key, gl = this.get("verticalGridlines"); if(gl && gl instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl.remove(); } if(val instanceof Y.Gridlines) { gl = val; val.set("graph", this); return val; } else if(val) { cfg = { direction: "vertical", graph: this }; for(key in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(key)) { cfg[key] = val[key]; } } gl = new Y.Gridlines(cfg); return gl; } } }, /** * Reference to graphic instance used for the background. * * @attribute background * @type Graphic * @readOnly */ background: { getter: function() { if(!this._background) { this._backgroundGraphic = new Y.Graphic({render:this.get("contentBox")}); this._backgroundGraphic.get("node").style.zIndex = 0; this._background = this._backgroundGraphic.addShape({type: "rect"}); } return this._background; } }, /** * Reference to graphic instance used for gridlines. * * @attribute gridlines * @type Graphic * @readOnly */ gridlines: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(!this._gridlines) { this._gridlinesGraphic = new Y.Graphic({render:this.get("contentBox")}); this._gridlinesGraphic.get("node").style.zIndex = 1; this._gridlines = this._gridlinesGraphic.addShape({type: "path"}); } return this._gridlines; } }, /** * Reference to graphic instance used for series. * * @attribute graphic * @type Graphic * @readOnly */ graphic: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { if(!this._graphic) { this._graphic = new Y.Graphic({render:this.get("contentBox")}); this._graphic.get("node").style.zIndex = 2; this._graphic.set("autoDraw", false); } return this._graphic; } }, /** * Indicates whether or not markers for a series will be grouped and rendered in a single complex shape instance. * * @attribute groupMarkers * @type Boolean */ groupMarkers: { value: false } /** * Style properties used for drawing a background. Below are the default values: *
An object containing the following values: *
Defines the style properties for the fill. Contains the following values: *
Color of the fill. The default value is #faf9f2.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the background fill. * The default value is 1.
Defines the style properties for the border. Contains the following values: *
Color of the border. The default value is #dad8c9.
Number from 0 to 1 indicating the opacity of the background border. * The default value is 1.
Number indicating the width of the border. The default value is 1.
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ } }); /** * The ChartBase class is an abstract class used to create charts. * * @class ChartBase * @constructor * @submodule charts-base */ function ChartBase() {} ChartBase.ATTRS = { /** * Data used to generate the chart. * * @attribute dataProvider * @type Array */ dataProvider: { lazyAdd: false, valueFn: function() { var defDataProvider = []; if(!this._wereSeriesKeysExplicitlySet()) { this.set("seriesKeys", this._buildSeriesKeys(defDataProvider), {src: "internal"}); } return defDataProvider; }, setter: function(val) { var dataProvider = this._setDataValues(val); if(!this._wereSeriesKeysExplicitlySet()) { this.set("seriesKeys", this._buildSeriesKeys(dataProvider), {src: "internal"}); } return dataProvider; } }, /** * A collection of keys that map to the series axes. If no keys are set, * they will be generated automatically depending on the data structure passed into * the chart. * * @attribute seriesKeys * @type Array */ seriesKeys: { lazyAdd: false, setter: function(val) { var opts = arguments[2]; if(!val || (opts && opts.src && opts.src === "internal")) { this._seriesKeysExplicitlySet = false; } else { this._seriesKeysExplicitlySet = true; } return val; } }, /** * Sets the `aria-label` for the chart. * * @attribute ariaLabel * @type String */ ariaLabel: { value: "Chart Application", setter: function(val) { var cb = this.get("contentBox"); if(cb) { cb.setAttribute("aria-label", val); } return val; } }, /** * Sets the aria description for the chart. * * @attribute ariaDescription * @type String */ ariaDescription: { value: "Use the up and down keys to navigate between series. Use the left and right keys to navigate through items in a series.", setter: function(val) { if(this._description) { this._description.set("text", val); } return val; } }, /** * Reference to the default tooltip available for the chart. *
Contains the following properties:
Reference to the actual dom node
Event that should trigger the tooltip
Event that should trigger the removal of a tooltip (can be an event or an array of events)
A hash of style properties that will be applied to the tooltip node
Indicates whether or not to show the tooltip
Displays and hides tooltip based on marker events
Displays and hides tooltip based on planar events
Reference to the function used to format a marker event triggered tooltip's text. * The method contains the following arguments: *
An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the category is bound.
The display name set to the category (defaults to key if not provided).
The key of the category.
The value of the category.
An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the item's series is bound.
The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)
The key for the series.
The value for the series item.
The index of the item within the series.
The `CartesianSeries` instance of the item.
The index of the series in the `seriesCollection`.
* The method returns an `HTMLElement` which is written into the DOM using `appendChild`. If you override this method and choose * to return an html string, you will also need to override the tooltip's `setTextFunction` method to accept an html string. *
Reference to the function used to format a planar event triggered tooltip's text *
`CategoryAxis` Reference to the categoryAxis of the chart. *
Array of objects for each series that has a data point in the coordinate plane of the event. Each * object contains the following data: *
The value axis of the series.
The key for the series.
The value for the series item.
The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)
The index of the item within its series.
Array of series instances for each value item.
The index of the series in the `seriesCollection`.
* The method returns an `HTMLElement` which is written into the DOM using `appendChild`. If you override this method and choose * to return an html string, you will also need to override the tooltip's `setTextFunction` method to accept an html string. * *
Method that writes content returned from `planarLabelFunction` or `markerLabelFunction` into the * the tooltip node. Has the following signature: *
The `HTMLElement` that the content is to be added.
The content to be rendered into tooltip. This can be a `String` or `HTMLElement`. If an HTML string is used, * it will be rendered as a string.
* * @attribute tooltip * @type Object */ tooltip: { valueFn: "_getTooltip", setter: function(val) { return this._updateTooltip(val); } }, /** * The key value used for the chart's category axis. * * @attribute categoryKey * @type String * @default category */ categoryKey: { value: "category" }, /** * Indicates the type of axis to use for the category axis. * *
Specifies a `CategoryAxis`.
Specifies a `TimeAxis
* * @attribute categoryType * @type String * @default category */ categoryType:{ value:"category" }, /** * Indicates the the type of interactions that will fire events. * *
Events will be broadcasted when the mouse interacts with individual markers.
Events will be broadcasted when the mouse intersects the plane of any markers on the chart.
No events will be broadcasted.
* * @attribute interactionType * @type String * @default marker */ interactionType: { value: "marker" }, /** * Reference to all the axes in the chart. * * @attribute axesCollection * @type Array */ axesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to graph instance. * * @attribute graph * @type Graph */ graph: { valueFn: "_getGraph" }, /** * Indicates whether or not markers for a series will be grouped and rendered in a single complex shape instance. * * @attribute groupMarkers * @type Boolean */ groupMarkers: { value: false } }; ChartBase.prototype = { /** * Utility method to determine if `seriesKeys` was explicitly provided * (for example during construction, or set by the user), as opposed to * being derived from the dataProvider for example. * * @method _wereSeriesKeysExplicitlySet * @private * @return boolean true if the `seriesKeys` attribute was explicitly set. */ _wereSeriesKeysExplicitlySet : function() { var seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys"); return seriesKeys && this._seriesKeysExplicitlySet; }, /** * Handles groupMarkers change event. * * @method _groupMarkersChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _groupMarkersChangeHandler: function(e) { var graph = this.get("graph"), useGroupMarkers = e.newVal; if(graph) { graph.set("groupMarkers", useGroupMarkers); } }, /** * Handler for itemRendered event. * * @method _itemRendered * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _itemRendered: function(e) { this._itemRenderQueue = this._itemRenderQueue.splice(1 + Y.Array.indexOf(this._itemRenderQueue, e.currentTarget), 1); if(this._itemRenderQueue.length < 1) { this._redraw(); } }, /** * Default value function for the `Graph` attribute. * * @method _getGraph * @return Graph * @private */ _getGraph: function() { var graph = new Y.Graph({ chart:this, groupMarkers: this.get("groupMarkers") }); graph.after("chartRendered", Y.bind(function() { this.fire("chartRendered"); }, this)); return graph; }, /** * Returns a series instance by index or key value. * * @method getSeries * @param val * @return CartesianSeries */ getSeries: function(val) { var series = null, graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { if(Y_Lang.isNumber(val)) { series = graph.getSeriesByIndex(val); } else { series = graph.getSeriesByKey(val); } } return series; }, /** * Returns an `Axis` instance by key reference. If the axis was explicitly set through the `axes` attribute, * the key will be the same as the key used in the `axes` object. For default axes, the key for * the category axis is the value of the `categoryKey` (`category`). For the value axis, the default * key is `values`. * * @method getAxisByKey * @param {String} val Key reference used to look up the axis. * @return Axis */ getAxisByKey: function(val) { var axis, axes = this.get("axes"); if(axes && axes.hasOwnProperty(val)) { axis = axes[val]; } return axis; }, /** * Returns the category axis for the chart. * * @method getCategoryAxis * @return Axis */ getCategoryAxis: function() { var axis, key = this.get("categoryKey"), axes = this.get("axes"); if(axes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { axis = axes[key]; } return axis; }, /** * Default direction of the chart. * * @property _direction * @type String * @default horizontal * @private */ _direction: "horizontal", /** * Storage for the `dataProvider` attribute. * * @property _dataProvider * @type Array * @private */ _dataProvider: null, /** * Setter method for `dataProvider` attribute. * * @method _setDataValues * @param {Array} val Array to be set as `dataProvider`. * @return Array * @private */ _setDataValues: function(val) { if(Y_Lang.isArray(val[0])) { var hash, dp = [], cats = val[0], i = 0, l = cats.length, n, sl = val.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { hash = {category:cats[i]}; for(n = 1; n < sl; ++n) { hash["series" + n] = val[n][i]; } dp[i] = hash; } return dp; } return val; }, /** * Storage for `seriesCollection` attribute. * * @property _seriesCollection * @type Array * @private */ _seriesCollection: null, /** * Setter method for `seriesCollection` attribute. * * @property _setSeriesCollection * @param {Array} val Array of either `CartesianSeries` instances or objects containing series attribute key value pairs. * @private */ _setSeriesCollection: function(val) { this._seriesCollection = val; }, /** * Helper method that returns the axis class that a key references. * * @method _getAxisClass * @param {String} t The type of axis. * @return Axis * @private */ _getAxisClass: function(t) { return this._axisClass[t]; }, /** * Key value pairs of axis types. * * @property _axisClass * @type Object * @private */ _axisClass: { stacked: Y.StackedAxis, numeric: Y.NumericAxis, category: Y.CategoryAxis, time: Y.TimeAxis }, /** * Collection of axes. * * @property _axes * @type Array * @private */ _axes: null, /** * @method initializer * @private */ initializer: function() { this._itemRenderQueue = []; this._seriesIndex = -1; this._itemIndex = -1; this.after("dataProviderChange", this._dataProviderChangeHandler); }, /** * @method renderUI * @private */ renderUI: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), bb = this.get("boundingBox"), cb = this.get("contentBox"); //move the position = absolute logic to a class file bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); cb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._addAxes(); this._addSeries(); if(tt && tt.show) { this._addTooltip(); } this._setAriaElements(bb, cb); }, /** * Creates an aria `live-region`, `aria-label` and `aria-describedby` for the Chart. * * @method _setAriaElements * @param {Node} cb Reference to the Chart's `contentBox` attribute. * @private */ _setAriaElements: function(bb, cb) { var description = this._getAriaOffscreenNode(), id = this.get("id") + "_description", liveRegion = this._getAriaOffscreenNode(); cb.set("tabIndex", 0); cb.set("role", "img"); cb.setAttribute("aria-label", this.get("ariaLabel")); cb.setAttribute("aria-describedby", id); description.set("id", id); description.set("tabIndex", -1); description.set("text", this.get("ariaDescription")); liveRegion.set("id", "live-region"); liveRegion.set("aria-live", "polite"); liveRegion.set("aria-atomic", "true"); liveRegion.set("role", "status"); bb.setAttribute("role", "application"); bb.appendChild(description); bb.appendChild(liveRegion); this._description = description; this._liveRegion = liveRegion; }, /** * Sets a node offscreen for use as aria-description or aria-live-regin. * * @method _setOffscreen * @return Node * @private */ _getAriaOffscreenNode: function() { var node = Y.Node.create("
"), ie = Y.UA.ie, clipRect = (ie && ie < 8) ? "rect(1px 1px 1px 1px)" : "rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)"; node.setStyle("position", "absolute"); node.setStyle("height", "1px"); node.setStyle("width", "1px"); node.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); node.setStyle("clip", clipRect); return node; }, /** * @method syncUI * @private */ syncUI: function() { this._redraw(); }, /** * @method bindUI * @private */ bindUI: function() { this.after("tooltipChange", Y.bind(this._tooltipChangeHandler, this)); this.after("widthChange", this._sizeChanged); this.after("heightChange", this._sizeChanged); this.after("groupMarkersChange", this._groupMarkersChangeHandler); var tt = this.get("tooltip"), hideEvent = "mouseout", showEvent = "mouseover", cb = this.get("contentBox"), interactionType = this.get("interactionType"), i = 0, len, markerClassName = "." + SERIES_MARKER, isTouch = ((WINDOW && ("ontouchstart" in WINDOW)) && !(Y.UA.chrome && Y.UA.chrome < 6)); Y.on("keydown", Y.bind(function(e) { var key = e.keyCode, numKey = parseFloat(key), msg; if(numKey > 36 && numKey < 41) { e.halt(); msg = this._getAriaMessage(numKey); this._liveRegion.set("text", msg); } }, this), this.get("contentBox")); if(interactionType === "marker") { //if touch capabilities, toggle tooltip on touchend. otherwise, the tooltip attribute's hideEvent/showEvent types. hideEvent = tt.hideEvent; showEvent = tt.showEvent; if(isTouch) { Y.delegate("touchend", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); //hide active tooltip if the chart is touched Y.on("touchend", Y.bind(function(e) { //only halt the event if it originated from the chart if(cb.contains(e.target)) { e.halt(true); } if(this._activeMarker) { this._activeMarker = null; this.hideTooltip(e); } }, this)); } else { Y.delegate("mouseenter", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); Y.delegate("mousedown", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); Y.delegate("mouseup", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); Y.delegate("mouseleave", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); Y.delegate("click", Y.bind(this._markerEventDispatcher, this), cb, markerClassName); Y.delegate("mousemove", Y.bind(this._positionTooltip, this), cb, markerClassName); } } else if(interactionType === "planar") { if(isTouch) { this._overlay.on("touchend", Y.bind(this._planarEventDispatcher, this)); } else { this._overlay.on("mousemove", Y.bind(this._planarEventDispatcher, this)); this.on("mouseout", this.hideTooltip); } } if(tt) { this.on("markerEvent:touchend", Y.bind(function(e) { var marker = e.series.get("markers")[e.index]; if(this._activeMarker && marker === this._activeMarker) { this._activeMarker = null; this.hideTooltip(e); } else { this._activeMarker = marker; tt.markerEventHandler.apply(this, [e]); } }, this)); if(hideEvent && showEvent && hideEvent === showEvent) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent, this.toggleTooltip); } else { if(showEvent) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + showEvent, tt[interactionType + "EventHandler"]); } if(hideEvent) { if(Y_Lang.isArray(hideEvent)) { len = hideEvent.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent[i], this.hideTooltip); } } this.on(interactionType + "Event:" + hideEvent, this.hideTooltip); } } } }, /** * Event handler for marker events. * * @method _markerEventDispatcher * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _markerEventDispatcher: function(e) { var type = e.type, cb = this.get("contentBox"), markerNode = e.currentTarget, strArr = markerNode.getAttribute("id").split("_"), index = strArr.pop(), seriesIndex = strArr.pop(), series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)), items = this.getSeriesItems(series, index), isTouch = e && e.hasOwnProperty("changedTouches"), pageX = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX, pageY = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY, x = pageX - cb.getX(), y = pageY - cb.getY(); if(type === "mouseenter") { type = "mouseover"; } else if(type === "mouseleave") { type = "mouseout"; } series.updateMarkerState(type, index); e.halt(); /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `marker` and a series marker has received a mouseover event. * * * @event markerEvent:mouseover * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category `Axis`.
Hash containing information about the value `Axis`.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The `order` of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `marker` and a series marker has received a mouseout event. * * @event markerEvent:mouseout * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category `Axis`.
Hash containing information about the value `Axis`.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The `order` of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `marker` and a series marker has received a mousedown event. * * @event markerEvent:mousedown * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category `Axis`.
Hash containing information about the value `Axis`.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The `order` of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `marker` and a series marker has received a mouseup event. * * @event markerEvent:mouseup * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category `Axis`.
Hash containing information about the value `Axis`.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The `order` of the marker's series.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `marker` and a series marker has received a click event. * * @event markerEvent:click * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
Hash containing information about the category `Axis`.
Hash containing information about the value `Axis`.
The dom node of the marker.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The x location of the event on the page (including scroll)
The y location of the event on the page (including scroll)
Reference to the series of the marker.
Index of the marker in the series.
The `order` of the marker's series.
Underlying dom event.
*/ this.fire("markerEvent:" + type, { originEvent: e, pageX:pageX, pageY:pageY, categoryItem:items.category, valueItem:items.value, node:markerNode, x:x, y:y, series:series, index:index, seriesIndex:seriesIndex }); }, /** * Event handler for dataProviderChange. * * @method _dataProviderChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _dataProviderChangeHandler: function(e) { var dataProvider = e.newVal, axes, i, axis; this._seriesIndex = -1; this._itemIndex = -1; if(this instanceof Y.CartesianChart) { this.set("axes", this.get("axes")); this.set("seriesCollection", this.get("seriesCollection")); } axes = this.get("axes"); if(axes) { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; if(axis instanceof Y.Axis) { if(axis.get("position") !== "none") { this._addToAxesRenderQueue(axis); } axis.set("dataProvider", dataProvider); } } } } }, /** * Event listener for toggling the tooltip. If a tooltip is visible, hide it. If not, it * will create and show a tooltip based on the event object. * * @method toggleTooltip * @param {Object} e Event object. */ toggleTooltip: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"); if(tt.visible) { this.hideTooltip(); } else { tt.markerEventHandler.apply(this, [e]); } }, /** * Shows a tooltip * * @method _showTooltip * @param {String} msg Message to dispaly in the tooltip. * @param {Number} x x-coordinate * @param {Number} y y-coordinate * @private */ _showTooltip: function(msg, x, y) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node; if(msg) { tt.visible = true; tt.setTextFunction(node, msg); node.setStyle("top", y + "px"); node.setStyle("left", x + "px"); node.setStyle("visibility", "visible"); } }, /** * Positions the tooltip * * @method _positionTooltip * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _positionTooltip: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node, cb = this.get("contentBox"), x = (e.pageX + 10) - cb.getX(), y = (e.pageY + 10) - cb.getY(); if(node) { node.setStyle("left", x + "px"); node.setStyle("top", y + "px"); } }, /** * Hides the default tooltip * * @method hideTooltip */ hideTooltip: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node; tt.visible = false; node.set("innerHTML", ""); node.setStyle("left", -10000); node.setStyle("top", -10000); node.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); }, /** * Adds a tooltip to the dom. * * @method _addTooltip * @private */ _addTooltip: function() { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), id = this.get("id") + "_tooltip", cb = this.get("contentBox"), oldNode = DOCUMENT.getElementById(id); if(oldNode) { cb.removeChild(oldNode); } tt.node.set("id", id); tt.node.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); cb.appendChild(tt.node); }, /** * Updates the tooltip attribute. * * @method _updateTooltip * @param {Object} val Object containing properties for the tooltip. * @return Object * @private */ _updateTooltip: function(val) { var tt = this.get("tooltip") || this._getTooltip(), i, styles, node, props = { markerLabelFunction:"markerLabelFunction", planarLabelFunction:"planarLabelFunction", setTextFunction:"setTextFunction", showEvent:"showEvent", hideEvent:"hideEvent", markerEventHandler:"markerEventHandler", planarEventHandler:"planarEventHandler", show:"show" }; if(Y_Lang.isObject(val)) { styles = val.styles; if(val.node && tt.node) { tt.node.destroy(true); node = Y.one(val.node); } else { node = tt.node; } if(styles) { for(i in styles) { if(styles.hasOwnProperty(i)) { node.setStyle(i, styles[i]); } } } for(i in props) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { tt[i] = val[i]; } } tt.node = node; } return tt; }, /** * Default getter for `tooltip` attribute. * * @method _getTooltip * @return Object * @private */ _getTooltip: function() { var node = DOCUMENT.createElement("div"), tooltipClass = _getClassName("chart-tooltip"), tt = { setTextFunction: this._setText, markerLabelFunction: this._tooltipLabelFunction, planarLabelFunction: this._planarLabelFunction, show: true, hideEvent: "mouseout", showEvent: "mouseover", markerEventHandler: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), msg = tt.markerLabelFunction.apply(this, [e.categoryItem, e.valueItem, e.index, e.series, e.seriesIndex]); this._showTooltip(msg, e.x + 10, e.y + 10); }, planarEventHandler: function(e) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), msg , categoryAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"); msg = tt.planarLabelFunction.apply(this, [categoryAxis, e.valueItem, e.index, e.items, e.seriesIndex]); this._showTooltip(msg, e.x + 10, e.y + 10); } }; node = Y.one(node); node.set("id", this.get("id") + "_tooltip"); node.setStyle("fontSize", "85%"); node.setStyle("opacity", "0.83"); node.setStyle("position", "absolute"); node.setStyle("paddingTop", "2px"); node.setStyle("paddingRight", "5px"); node.setStyle("paddingBottom", "4px"); node.setStyle("paddingLeft", "2px"); node.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#fff"); node.setStyle("border", "1px solid #dbdccc"); node.setStyle("pointerEvents", "none"); node.setStyle("zIndex", 3); node.setStyle("whiteSpace", "noWrap"); node.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); node.addClass(tooltipClass); tt.node = Y.one(node); return tt; }, /** * Formats tooltip text when `interactionType` is `planar`. * * @method _planarLabelFunction * @param {Axis} categoryAxis Reference to the categoryAxis of the chart. * @param {Array} valueItems Array of objects for each series that has a data point in the coordinate plane of the event. * Each object contains the following data: *
The value axis of the series.
The key for the series.
The value for the series item.
The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)
* @param {Number} index The index of the item within its series. * @param {Array} seriesArray Array of series instances for each value item. * @param {Number} seriesIndex The index of the series in the `seriesCollection`. * @return {HTMLElement} * @private */ _planarLabelFunction: function(categoryAxis, valueItems, index, seriesArray) { var msg = DOCUMENT.createElement("div"), valueItem, i = 0, len = seriesArray.length, axis, categoryValue, seriesValue, series; if(categoryAxis) { categoryValue = categoryAxis.get("labelFunction").apply( this, [categoryAxis.getKeyValueAt(this.get("categoryKey"), index), categoryAxis.get("labelFormat")] ); if(!Y_Lang.isObject(categoryValue)) { categoryValue = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(categoryValue); } msg.appendChild(categoryValue); } for(; i < len; ++i) { series = seriesArray[i]; if(series.get("visible")) { valueItem = valueItems[i]; axis = valueItem.axis; seriesValue = axis.get("labelFunction").apply( this, [axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index), axis.get("labelFormat")] ); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createElement("br")); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(valueItem.displayName)); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(": ")); if(!Y_Lang.isObject(seriesValue)) { seriesValue = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(seriesValue); } msg.appendChild(seriesValue); } } return msg; }, /** * Formats tooltip text when `interactionType` is `marker`. * * @method _tooltipLabelFunction * @param {Object} categoryItem An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the category is bound.
The display name set to the category (defaults to key if not provided)
The key of the category.
The value of the category
* @param {Object} valueItem An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the item's series is bound.
The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)
The key for the series.
The value for the series item.
* @return {HTMLElement} * @private */ _tooltipLabelFunction: function(categoryItem, valueItem) { var msg = DOCUMENT.createElement("div"), categoryValue = categoryItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply( this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")] ), seriesValue = valueItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply( this, [valueItem.value, valueItem.axis.get("labelFormat")] ); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(categoryItem.displayName)); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(": ")); if(!Y_Lang.isObject(categoryValue)) { categoryValue = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(categoryValue); } msg.appendChild(categoryValue); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createElement("br")); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(valueItem.displayName)); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(": ")); if(!Y_Lang.isObject(seriesValue)) { seriesValue = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(seriesValue); } msg.appendChild(seriesValue); return msg; }, /** * Event handler for the tooltipChange. * * @method _tooltipChangeHandler * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _tooltipChangeHandler: function() { if(this.get("tooltip")) { var tt = this.get("tooltip"), node = tt.node, show = tt.show, cb = this.get("contentBox"); if(node && show) { if(!cb.contains(node)) { this._addTooltip(); } } } }, /** * Updates the content of text field. This method writes a value into a text field using * `appendChild`. If the value is a `String`, it is converted to a `TextNode` first. * * @method _setText * @param label {HTMLElement} label to be updated * @param val {String} value with which to update the label * @private */ _setText: function(textField, val) { textField.empty(); if(Y_Lang.isNumber(val)) { val = val + ""; } else if(!val) { val = ""; } if(IS_STRING(val)) { val = DOCUMENT.createTextNode(val); } textField.appendChild(val); }, /** * Returns all the keys contained in a `dataProvider`. * * @method _getAllKeys * @param {Array} dp Collection of objects to be parsed. * @return Object */ _getAllKeys: function(dp) { var i = 0, len = dp.length, item, key, keys = {}; for(; i < len; ++i) { item = dp[i]; for(key in item) { if(item.hasOwnProperty(key)) { keys[key] = true; } } } return keys; }, /** * Constructs seriesKeys if not explicitly specified. * * @method _buildSeriesKeys * @param {Array} dataProvider The dataProvider for the chart. * @return Array * @private */ _buildSeriesKeys: function(dataProvider) { var allKeys, catKey = this.get("categoryKey"), keys = [], i; if(this._seriesKeysExplicitlySet) { return this._seriesKeys; } allKeys = this._getAllKeys(dataProvider); for(i in allKeys) { if(allKeys.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== catKey) { keys.push(i); } } return keys; } }; Y.ChartBase = ChartBase; /** * The CartesianChart class creates a chart with horizontal and vertical axes. * * @class CartesianChart * @extends ChartBase * @constructor * @submodule charts-base */ Y.CartesianChart = Y.Base.create("cartesianChart", Y.Widget, [Y.ChartBase, Y.Renderer], { /** * @method renderUI * @private */ renderUI: function() { var bb = this.get("boundingBox"), cb = this.get("contentBox"), tt = this.get("tooltip"), overlayClass = _getClassName("overlay"); //move the position = absolute logic to a class file bb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); cb.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._addAxes(); this._addGridlines(); this._addSeries(); if(tt && tt.show) { this._addTooltip(); } if(this.get("interactionType") === "planar") { this._overlay = Y.Node.create("
"); this._overlay.set("id", this.get("id") + "_overlay"); this._overlay.setStyle("position", "absolute"); this._overlay.setStyle("background", "#fff"); this._overlay.setStyle("opacity", 0); this._overlay.addClass(overlayClass); this._overlay.setStyle("zIndex", 4); cb.append(this._overlay); } this._setAriaElements(bb, cb); this._redraw(); }, /** * When `interactionType` is set to `planar`, listens for mouse move events and fires `planarEvent:mouseover` or `planarEvent:mouseout` * depending on the position of the mouse in relation to data points on the `Chart`. * * @method _planarEventDispatcher * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _planarEventDispatcher: function(e) { var graph = this.get("graph"), bb = this.get("boundingBox"), cb = graph.get("contentBox"), isTouch = e && e.hasOwnProperty("changedTouches"), pageX = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageX : e.pageX, pageY = isTouch ? e.changedTouches[0].pageY : e.pageY, posX = pageX - bb.getX(), posY = pageY - bb.getY(), offset = { x: pageX - cb.getX(), y: pageY - cb.getY() }, sc = graph.get("seriesCollection"), series, i = 0, index, oldIndex = this._selectedIndex, item, items = [], categoryItems = [], valueItems = [], direction = this.get("direction"), hasMarkers, catAxis, valAxis, coord, //data columns and area data could be created on a graph level markerPlane, len, coords; e.halt(true); if(direction === "horizontal") { catAxis = "x"; valAxis = "y"; } else { valAxis = "x"; catAxis = "y"; } coord = offset[catAxis]; if(sc) { len = sc.length; while(i < len && !markerPlane) { if(sc[i]) { markerPlane = sc[i].get(catAxis + "MarkerPlane"); } i++; } } if(markerPlane) { len = markerPlane.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(coord <= markerPlane[i].end && coord >= markerPlane[i].start) { index = i; break; } } len = sc.length; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { series = sc[i]; coords = series.get(valAxis + "coords"); hasMarkers = series.get("markers"); if(hasMarkers && !isNaN(oldIndex) && oldIndex > -1) { series.updateMarkerState("mouseout", oldIndex); } if(coords && coords[index] > -1) { if(hasMarkers && !isNaN(index) && index > -1) { series.updateMarkerState("mouseover", index); } item = this.getSeriesItems(series, index); categoryItems.push(item.category); valueItems.push(item.value); items.push(series); } } this._selectedIndex = index; /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `planar` and a series' marker plane has received a mouseover event. * * * @event planarEvent:mouseover * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional * properties: *
An array of hashes, each containing information about the category `Axis` of each marker * whose plane has been intersected.
An array of hashes, each containing information about the value `Axis` of each marker whose * plane has been intersected.
The x-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The y-coordinate of the mouse in relation to the Chart.
The x location of the event on the page (including scroll)
The y location of the event on the page (including scroll)
An array including all the series which contain a marker whose plane has been intersected.
Index of the markers in their respective series.
Underlying dom event.
*/ /** * Broadcasts when `interactionType` is set to `planar` and a series' marker plane has received a mouseout event. * * @event planarEvent:mouseout * @preventable false * @param {EventFacade} e */ if(index > -1) { this.fire("planarEvent:mouseover", { categoryItem:categoryItems, valueItem:valueItems, x:posX, y:posY, pageX:pageX, pageY:pageY, items:items, index:index, originEvent:e }); } else { this.fire("planarEvent:mouseout"); } } }, /** * Indicates the default series type for the chart. * * @property _type * @type {String} * @private */ _type: "combo", /** * Queue of axes instances that will be updated. This method is used internally to determine when all axes have been updated. * * @property _itemRenderQueue * @type Array * @private */ _itemRenderQueue: null, /** * Adds an `Axis` instance to the `_itemRenderQueue`. * * @method _addToAxesRenderQueue * @param {Axis} axis An `Axis` instance. * @private */ _addToAxesRenderQueue: function(axis) { if(!this._itemRenderQueue) { this._itemRenderQueue = []; } if(Y.Array.indexOf(this._itemRenderQueue, axis) < 0) { this._itemRenderQueue.push(axis); } }, /** * Adds axis instance to the appropriate array based on position * * @method _addToAxesCollection * @param {String} position The position of the axis * @param {Axis} axis The `Axis` instance */ _addToAxesCollection: function(position, axis) { var axesCollection = this.get(position + "AxesCollection"); if(!axesCollection) { axesCollection = []; this.set(position + "AxesCollection", axesCollection); } axesCollection.push(axis); }, /** * Returns the default value for the `seriesCollection` attribute. * * @method _getDefaultSeriesCollection * @param {Array} val Array containing either `CartesianSeries` instances or objects containing data to construct series instances. * @return Array * @private */ _getDefaultSeriesCollection: function() { var seriesCollection, dataProvider = this.get("dataProvider"); if(dataProvider) { seriesCollection = this._parseSeriesCollection(); } return seriesCollection; }, /** * Parses and returns a series collection from an object and default properties. * * @method _parseSeriesCollection * @param {Object} val Object contain properties for series being set. * @return Object * @private */ _parseSeriesCollection: function(val) { var dir = this.get("direction"), seriesStyles = this.get("styles").series, stylesAreArray = seriesStyles && Y_Lang.isArray(seriesStyles), stylesIndex, setStyles, globalStyles, sc = [], catAxis, valAxis, tempKeys = [], series, seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys").concat(), i, index, l, type = this.get("type"), key, catKey, seriesKey, graph, orphans = [], categoryKey = this.get("categoryKey"), showMarkers = this.get("showMarkers"), showAreaFill = this.get("showAreaFill"), showLines = this.get("showLines"); val = val ? val.concat() : []; if(dir === "vertical") { catAxis = "yAxis"; catKey = "yKey"; valAxis = "xAxis"; seriesKey = "xKey"; } else { catAxis = "xAxis"; catKey = "xKey"; valAxis = "yAxis"; seriesKey = "yKey"; } l = val.length; while(val && val.length > 0) { series = val.shift(); key = this._getBaseAttribute(series, seriesKey); if(key) { index = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, key); if(index > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(index, 1); tempKeys.push(key); sc.push(series); } else { orphans.push(series); } } else { orphans.push(series); } } while(orphans.length > 0) { series = orphans.shift(); if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { key = seriesKeys.shift(); this._setBaseAttribute(series, seriesKey, key); tempKeys.push(key); sc.push(series); } else if(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) { series.destroy(true); } } if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { tempKeys = tempKeys.concat(seriesKeys); } l = tempKeys.length; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { series = sc[i] || {type:type}; if(series instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) { this._parseSeriesAxes(series); } else { series[catKey] = series[catKey] || categoryKey; series[seriesKey] = series[seriesKey] || seriesKeys.shift(); series[catAxis] = this._getCategoryAxis(); series[valAxis] = this._getSeriesAxis(series[seriesKey]); series.type = series.type || type; series.direction = series.direction || dir; if(series.type === "combo" || series.type === "stackedcombo" || series.type === "combospline" || series.type === "stackedcombospline") { if(showAreaFill !== null) { series.showAreaFill = (series.showAreaFill !== null && series.showAreaFill !== undefined) ? series.showAreaFill : showAreaFill; } if(showMarkers !== null) { series.showMarkers = (series.showMarkers !== null && series.showMarkers !== undefined) ? series.showMarkers : showMarkers; } if(showLines !== null) { series.showLines = (series.showLines !== null && series.showLines !== undefined) ? series.showLines : showLines; } } if(seriesStyles) { stylesIndex = stylesAreArray ? i : series[seriesKey]; globalStyles = seriesStyles[stylesIndex]; if(globalStyles) { setStyles = series.styles; if(setStyles) { series.styles = this._mergeStyles(setStyles, globalStyles); } else { series.styles = globalStyles; } } } sc[i] = series; } } if(sc) { graph = this.get("graph"); graph.set("seriesCollection", sc); sc = graph.get("seriesCollection"); } return sc; }, /** * Parse and sets the axes for a series instance. * * @method _parseSeriesAxes * @param {CartesianSeries} series A `CartesianSeries` instance. * @private */ _parseSeriesAxes: function(series) { var axes = this.get("axes"), xAxis = series.get("xAxis"), yAxis = series.get("yAxis"), YAxis = Y.Axis, axis; if(xAxis && !(xAxis instanceof YAxis) && Y_Lang.isString(xAxis) && axes.hasOwnProperty(xAxis)) { axis = axes[xAxis]; if(axis instanceof YAxis) { series.set("xAxis", axis); } } if(yAxis && !(yAxis instanceof YAxis) && Y_Lang.isString(yAxis) && axes.hasOwnProperty(yAxis)) { axis = axes[yAxis]; if(axis instanceof YAxis) { series.set("yAxis", axis); } } }, /** * Returns the category axis instance for the chart. * * @method _getCategoryAxis * @return Axis * @private */ _getCategoryAxis: function() { var axis, axes = this.get("axes"), categoryAxisName = this.get("categoryAxisName") || this.get("categoryKey"); axis = axes[categoryAxisName]; return axis; }, /** * Returns the value axis for a series. * * @method _getSeriesAxis * @param {String} key The key value used to determine the axis instance. * @return Axis * @private */ _getSeriesAxis:function(key, axisName) { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, keys, axis; if(axes) { if(axisName && axes.hasOwnProperty(axisName)) { axis = axes[axisName]; } else { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { keys = axes[i].get("keys"); if(keys && keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { axis = axes[i]; break; } } } } } return axis; }, /** * Gets an attribute from an object, using a getter for Base objects and a property for object * literals. Used for determining attributes from series/axis references which can be an actual class instance * or a hash of properties that will be used to create a class instance. * * @method _getBaseAttribute * @param {Object} item Object or instance in which the attribute resides. * @param {String} key Attribute whose value will be returned. * @return Object * @private */ _getBaseAttribute: function(item, key) { if(item instanceof Y.Base) { return item.get(key); } if(item.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return item[key]; } return null; }, /** * Sets an attribute on an object, using a setter of Base objects and a property for object * literals. Used for setting attributes on a Base class, either directly or to be stored in an object literal * for use at instantiation. * * @method _setBaseAttribute * @param {Object} item Object or instance in which the attribute resides. * @param {String} key Attribute whose value will be assigned. * @param {Object} value Value to be assigned to the attribute. * @private */ _setBaseAttribute: function(item, key, value) { if(item instanceof Y.Base) { item.set(key, value); } else { item[key] = value; } }, /** * Creates `Axis` instances. * * @method _setAxes * @param {Object} val Object containing `Axis` instances or objects in which to construct `Axis` instances. * @return Object * @private */ _setAxes: function(val) { var hash = this._parseAxes(val), axes = {}, axesAttrs = { edgeOffset: "edgeOffset", calculateEdgeOffset: "calculateEdgeOffset", position: "position", overlapGraph:"overlapGraph", labelValues: "labelValues", hideFirstMajorUnit: "hideFirstMajorUnit", hideLastMajorUnit: "hideLastMajorUnit", labelFunction:"labelFunction", labelFunctionScope:"labelFunctionScope", labelFormat:"labelFormat", appendLabelFunction: "appendLabelFunction", appendTitleFunction: "appendTitleFunction", maximum:"maximum", minimum:"minimum", roundingMethod:"roundingMethod", alwaysShowZero:"alwaysShowZero", scaleType: "scaleType", title:"title", width:"width", height:"height" }, dp = this.get("dataProvider"), ai, i, pos, axis, axisPosition, dh, AxisClass, config, axesCollection; for(i in hash) { if(hash.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dh = hash[i]; if(dh instanceof Y.Axis) { axis = dh; } else { axis = null; config = {}; config.dataProvider = dh.dataProvider || dp; config.keys = dh.keys; if(dh.hasOwnProperty("roundingUnit")) { config.roundingUnit = dh.roundingUnit; } pos = dh.position; if(dh.styles) { config.styles = dh.styles; } config.position = dh.position; for(ai in axesAttrs) { if(axesAttrs.hasOwnProperty(ai) && dh.hasOwnProperty(ai)) { config[ai] = dh[ai]; } } //only check for existing axis if we constructed the default axes already if(val) { axis = this.getAxisByKey(i); } if(axis && axis instanceof Y.Axis) { axisPosition = axis.get("position"); if(pos !== axisPosition) { if(axisPosition !== "none") { axesCollection = this.get(axisPosition + "AxesCollection"); axesCollection.splice(Y.Array.indexOf(axesCollection, axis), 1); } if(pos !== "none") { this._addToAxesCollection(pos, axis); } } axis.setAttrs(config); } else { AxisClass = this._getAxisClass(dh.type); axis = new AxisClass(config); axis.after("axisRendered", Y.bind(this._itemRendered, this)); } } if(axis) { axesCollection = this.get(pos + "AxesCollection"); if(axesCollection && Y.Array.indexOf(axesCollection, axis) > 0) { axis.set("overlapGraph", false); } axes[i] = axis; } } } return axes; }, /** * Adds axes to the chart. * * @method _addAxes * @private */ _addAxes: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, axis, pos, w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), node = Y.Node.one(this._parentNode); if(!this._axesCollection) { this._axesCollection = []; } for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; if(axis instanceof Y.Axis) { if(!w) { this.set("width", node.get("offsetWidth")); w = this.get("width"); } if(!h) { this.set("height", node.get("offsetHeight")); h = this.get("height"); } this._addToAxesRenderQueue(axis); pos = axis.get("position"); if(!this.get(pos + "AxesCollection")) { this.set(pos + "AxesCollection", [axis]); } else { this.get(pos + "AxesCollection").push(axis); } this._axesCollection.push(axis); if(axis.get("keys").hasOwnProperty(this.get("categoryKey"))) { this.set("categoryAxis", axis); } axis.render(this.get("contentBox")); } } } }, /** * Renders the Graph. * * @method _addSeries * @private */ _addSeries: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); graph.render(this.get("contentBox")); }, /** * Adds gridlines to the chart. * * @method _addGridlines * @private */ _addGridlines: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), hgl = this.get("horizontalGridlines"), vgl = this.get("verticalGridlines"), direction = this.get("direction"), leftAxesCollection = this.get("leftAxesCollection"), rightAxesCollection = this.get("rightAxesCollection"), bottomAxesCollection = this.get("bottomAxesCollection"), topAxesCollection = this.get("topAxesCollection"), seriesAxesCollection, catAxis = this.get("categoryAxis"), hAxis, vAxis; if(this._axesCollection) { seriesAxesCollection = this._axesCollection.concat(); seriesAxesCollection.splice(Y.Array.indexOf(seriesAxesCollection, catAxis), 1); } if(hgl) { if(leftAxesCollection && leftAxesCollection[0]) { hAxis = leftAxesCollection[0]; } else if(rightAxesCollection && rightAxesCollection[0]) { hAxis = rightAxesCollection[0]; } else { hAxis = direction === "horizontal" ? catAxis : seriesAxesCollection[0]; } if(!this._getBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis") && hAxis) { this._setBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis", hAxis); } if(this._getBaseAttribute(hgl, "axis")) { graph.set("horizontalGridlines", hgl); } } if(vgl) { if(bottomAxesCollection && bottomAxesCollection[0]) { vAxis = bottomAxesCollection[0]; } else if (topAxesCollection && topAxesCollection[0]) { vAxis = topAxesCollection[0]; } else { vAxis = direction === "vertical" ? catAxis : seriesAxesCollection[0]; } if(!this._getBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis") && vAxis) { this._setBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis", vAxis); } if(this._getBaseAttribute(vgl, "axis")) { graph.set("verticalGridlines", vgl); } } }, /** * Default Function for the axes attribute. * * @method _getDefaultAxes * @return Object * @private */ _getDefaultAxes: function() { var axes; if(this.get("dataProvider")) { axes = this._parseAxes(); } return axes; }, /** * Generates and returns a key-indexed object containing `Axis` instances or objects used to create `Axis` instances. * * @method _parseAxes * @param {Object} axes Object containing `Axis` instances or `Axis` attributes. * @return Object * @private */ _parseAxes: function(axes) { var catKey = this.get("categoryKey"), axis, attr, keys, newAxes = {}, claimedKeys = [], newKeys = [], categoryAxisName = this.get("categoryAxisName") || this.get("categoryKey"), valueAxisName = this.get("valueAxisName"), seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys").concat(), i, l, ii, ll, cIndex, direction = this.get("direction"), seriesPosition, categoryPosition, valueAxes = [], seriesAxis = this.get("stacked") ? "stacked" : "numeric"; if(direction === "vertical") { seriesPosition = "bottom"; categoryPosition = "left"; } else { seriesPosition = "left"; categoryPosition = "bottom"; } if(axes) { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; keys = this._getBaseAttribute(axis, "keys"); attr = this._getBaseAttribute(axis, "type"); if(attr === "time" || attr === "category") { categoryAxisName = i; this.set("categoryAxisName", i); if(Y_Lang.isArray(keys) && keys.length > 0) { catKey = keys[0]; this.set("categoryKey", catKey); } newAxes[i] = axis; } else if(i === categoryAxisName) { newAxes[i] = axis; } else { newAxes[i] = axis; if(i !== valueAxisName && keys && Y_Lang.isArray(keys)) { ll = keys.length; for(ii = 0; ii < ll; ++ii) { claimedKeys.push(keys[ii]); } valueAxes.push(newAxes[i]); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "type"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "type", seriesAxis); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[i], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute( newAxes[i], "position", this._getDefaultAxisPosition(newAxes[i], valueAxes, seriesPosition) ); } } } } } cIndex = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, catKey); if(cIndex > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(cIndex, 1); } l = seriesKeys.length; for(i = 0; i < l; ++i) { cIndex = Y.Array.indexOf(claimedKeys, seriesKeys[i]); if(cIndex > -1) { newKeys = newKeys.concat(claimedKeys.splice(cIndex, 1)); } } claimedKeys = newKeys.concat(claimedKeys); l = claimedKeys.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i = i + 1) { cIndex = Y.Array.indexOf(seriesKeys, claimedKeys[i]); if(cIndex > -1) { seriesKeys.splice(cIndex, 1); } } if(!newAxes.hasOwnProperty(categoryAxisName)) { newAxes[categoryAxisName] = {}; } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "keys"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "keys", [catKey]); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "position", categoryPosition); } if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "type"))) { this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[categoryAxisName], "type", this.get("categoryType")); } if(!newAxes.hasOwnProperty(valueAxisName) && seriesKeys && seriesKeys.length > 0) { newAxes[valueAxisName] = {keys:seriesKeys}; valueAxes.push(newAxes[valueAxisName]); } if(claimedKeys.length > 0) { if(seriesKeys.length > 0) { seriesKeys = claimedKeys.concat(seriesKeys); } else { seriesKeys = claimedKeys; } } if(newAxes.hasOwnProperty(valueAxisName)) { if(!(this._getBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "position"))) { this._setBaseAttribute( newAxes[valueAxisName], "position", this._getDefaultAxisPosition(newAxes[valueAxisName], valueAxes, seriesPosition) ); } this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "type", seriesAxis); this._setBaseAttribute(newAxes[valueAxisName], "keys", seriesKeys); } if(!this._wereSeriesKeysExplicitlySet()) { this.set("seriesKeys", seriesKeys, {src: "internal"}); } return newAxes; }, /** * Determines the position of an axis when one is not specified. * * @method _getDefaultAxisPosition * @param {Axis} axis `Axis` instance. * @param {Array} valueAxes Array of `Axis` instances. * @param {String} position Default position depending on the direction of the chart and type of axis. * @return String * @private */ _getDefaultAxisPosition: function(axis, valueAxes, position) { var direction = this.get("direction"), i = Y.Array.indexOf(valueAxes, axis); if(valueAxes[i - 1] && valueAxes[i - 1].position) { if(direction === "horizontal") { if(valueAxes[i - 1].position === "left") { position = "right"; } else if(valueAxes[i - 1].position === "right") { position = "left"; } } else { if (valueAxes[i -1].position === "bottom") { position = "top"; } else { position = "bottom"; } } } return position; }, /** * Returns an object literal containing a categoryItem and a valueItem for a given series index. Below is the structure of each: * * @method getSeriesItems * @param {CartesianSeries} series Reference to a series. * @param {Number} index Index of the specified item within a series. * @return Object An object literal containing the following: * *
Object containing the following data related to the category axis of the series. *
Reference to the category axis of the series.
Category key for the series.
Value on the axis corresponding to the series index.
Object containing the following data related to the category axis of the series. *
Reference to the value axis of the series.
Value key for the series.
Value on the axis corresponding to the series index.
*/ getSeriesItems: function(series, index) { var xAxis = series.get("xAxis"), yAxis = series.get("yAxis"), xKey = series.get("xKey"), yKey = series.get("yKey"), categoryItem, valueItem; if(this.get("direction") === "vertical") { categoryItem = { axis:yAxis, key:yKey, value:yAxis.getKeyValueAt(yKey, index) }; valueItem = { axis:xAxis, key:xKey, value: xAxis.getKeyValueAt(xKey, index) }; } else { valueItem = { axis:yAxis, key:yKey, value:yAxis.getKeyValueAt(yKey, index) }; categoryItem = { axis:xAxis, key:xKey, value: xAxis.getKeyValueAt(xKey, index) }; } categoryItem.displayName = series.get("categoryDisplayName"); valueItem.displayName = series.get("valueDisplayName"); categoryItem.value = categoryItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(categoryItem.key, index); valueItem.value = valueItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index); return {category:categoryItem, value:valueItem}; }, /** * Handler for sizeChanged event. * * @method _sizeChanged * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _sizeChanged: function() { if(this._axesCollection) { var ac = this._axesCollection, i = 0, l = ac.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { this._addToAxesRenderQueue(ac[i]); } this._redraw(); } }, /** * Returns the maximum distance in pixels that the extends outside the top bounds of all vertical axes. * * @method _getTopOverflow * @param {Array} set1 Collection of axes to check. * @param {Array} set2 Seconf collection of axes to check. * @param {Number} width Width of the axes * @return Number * @private */ _getTopOverflow: function(set1, set2, height) { var i = 0, len, overflow = 0, axis; if(set1) { len = set1.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set1[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, Math.abs(axis.getMaxLabelBounds().top) - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, height) ); } } if(set2) { i = 0; len = set2.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set2[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, Math.abs(axis.getMaxLabelBounds().top) - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, height) ); } } return overflow; }, /** * Returns the maximum distance in pixels that the extends outside the right bounds of all horizontal axes. * * @method _getRightOverflow * @param {Array} set1 Collection of axes to check. * @param {Array} set2 Seconf collection of axes to check. * @param {Number} width Width of the axes * @return Number * @private */ _getRightOverflow: function(set1, set2, width) { var i = 0, len, overflow = 0, axis; if(set1) { len = set1.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set1[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, axis.getMaxLabelBounds().right - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, width) ); } } if(set2) { i = 0; len = set2.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set2[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, axis.getMaxLabelBounds().right - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, width) ); } } return overflow; }, /** * Returns the maximum distance in pixels that the extends outside the left bounds of all horizontal axes. * * @method _getLeftOverflow * @param {Array} set1 Collection of axes to check. * @param {Array} set2 Seconf collection of axes to check. * @param {Number} width Width of the axes * @return Number * @private */ _getLeftOverflow: function(set1, set2, width) { var i = 0, len, overflow = 0, axis; if(set1) { len = set1.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set1[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, Math.abs(axis.getMinLabelBounds().left) - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, width) ); } } if(set2) { i = 0; len = set2.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set2[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, Math.abs(axis.getMinLabelBounds().left) - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, width) ); } } return overflow; }, /** * Returns the maximum distance in pixels that the extends outside the bottom bounds of all vertical axes. * * @method _getBottomOverflow * @param {Array} set1 Collection of axes to check. * @param {Array} set2 Seconf collection of axes to check. * @param {Number} height Height of the axes * @return Number * @private */ _getBottomOverflow: function(set1, set2, height) { var i = 0, len, overflow = 0, axis; if(set1) { len = set1.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set1[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, axis.getMinLabelBounds().bottom - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, height) ); } } if(set2) { i = 0; len = set2.length; for(; i < len; ++i) { axis = set2[i]; overflow = Math.max( overflow, axis.getMinLabelBounds().bottom - axis.getEdgeOffset(axis.get("styles").majorTicks.count, height) ); } } return overflow; }, /** * Redraws and position all the components of the chart instance. * * @method _redraw * @private */ _redraw: function() { if(this._drawing) { this._callLater = true; return; } this._drawing = true; this._callLater = false; var w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), leftPaneWidth = 0, rightPaneWidth = 0, topPaneHeight = 0, bottomPaneHeight = 0, leftAxesCollection = this.get("leftAxesCollection"), rightAxesCollection = this.get("rightAxesCollection"), topAxesCollection = this.get("topAxesCollection"), bottomAxesCollection = this.get("bottomAxesCollection"), i = 0, l, axis, graphOverflow = "visible", graph = this.get("graph"), topOverflow, bottomOverflow, leftOverflow, rightOverflow, graphWidth, graphHeight, graphX, graphY, allowContentOverflow = this.get("allowContentOverflow"), diff, rightAxesXCoords, leftAxesXCoords, topAxesYCoords, bottomAxesYCoords, graphRect = {}; if(leftAxesCollection) { leftAxesXCoords = []; l = leftAxesCollection.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { leftAxesXCoords.unshift(leftPaneWidth); leftPaneWidth += leftAxesCollection[i].get("width"); } } if(rightAxesCollection) { rightAxesXCoords = []; l = rightAxesCollection.length; i = 0; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { rightPaneWidth += rightAxesCollection[i].get("width"); rightAxesXCoords.unshift(w - rightPaneWidth); } } if(topAxesCollection) { topAxesYCoords = []; l = topAxesCollection.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { topAxesYCoords.unshift(topPaneHeight); topPaneHeight += topAxesCollection[i].get("height"); } } if(bottomAxesCollection) { bottomAxesYCoords = []; l = bottomAxesCollection.length; for(i = l - 1; i > -1; --i) { bottomPaneHeight += bottomAxesCollection[i].get("height"); bottomAxesYCoords.unshift(h - bottomPaneHeight); } } graphWidth = w - (leftPaneWidth + rightPaneWidth); graphHeight = h - (bottomPaneHeight + topPaneHeight); graphRect.left = leftPaneWidth; graphRect.top = topPaneHeight; graphRect.bottom = h - bottomPaneHeight; graphRect.right = w - rightPaneWidth; if(!allowContentOverflow) { topOverflow = this._getTopOverflow(leftAxesCollection, rightAxesCollection); bottomOverflow = this._getBottomOverflow(leftAxesCollection, rightAxesCollection); leftOverflow = this._getLeftOverflow(bottomAxesCollection, topAxesCollection); rightOverflow = this._getRightOverflow(bottomAxesCollection, topAxesCollection); diff = topOverflow - topPaneHeight; if(diff > 0) { graphRect.top = topOverflow; if(topAxesYCoords) { i = 0; l = topAxesYCoords.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { topAxesYCoords[i] += diff; } } } diff = bottomOverflow - bottomPaneHeight; if(diff > 0) { graphRect.bottom = h - bottomOverflow; if(bottomAxesYCoords) { i = 0; l = bottomAxesYCoords.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { bottomAxesYCoords[i] -= diff; } } } diff = leftOverflow - leftPaneWidth; if(diff > 0) { graphRect.left = leftOverflow; if(leftAxesXCoords) { i = 0; l = leftAxesXCoords.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { leftAxesXCoords[i] += diff; } } } diff = rightOverflow - rightPaneWidth; if(diff > 0) { graphRect.right = w - rightOverflow; if(rightAxesXCoords) { i = 0; l = rightAxesXCoords.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { rightAxesXCoords[i] -= diff; } } } } graphWidth = graphRect.right - graphRect.left; graphHeight = graphRect.bottom - graphRect.top; graphX = graphRect.left; graphY = graphRect.top; if(topAxesCollection) { l = topAxesCollection.length; i = 0; for(; i < l; i++) { axis = topAxesCollection[i]; if(axis.get("width") !== graphWidth) { axis.set("width", graphWidth); } axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", graphX + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", topAxesYCoords[i] + "px"); } if(axis._hasDataOverflow()) { graphOverflow = "hidden"; } } if(bottomAxesCollection) { l = bottomAxesCollection.length; i = 0; for(; i < l; i++) { axis = bottomAxesCollection[i]; if(axis.get("width") !== graphWidth) { axis.set("width", graphWidth); } axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", graphX + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", bottomAxesYCoords[i] + "px"); } if(axis._hasDataOverflow()) { graphOverflow = "hidden"; } } if(leftAxesCollection) { l = leftAxesCollection.length; i = 0; for(; i < l; ++i) { axis = leftAxesCollection[i]; axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", graphY + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", leftAxesXCoords[i] + "px"); if(axis.get("height") !== graphHeight) { axis.set("height", graphHeight); } } if(axis._hasDataOverflow()) { graphOverflow = "hidden"; } } if(rightAxesCollection) { l = rightAxesCollection.length; i = 0; for(; i < l; ++i) { axis = rightAxesCollection[i]; axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", graphY + "px"); axis.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", rightAxesXCoords[i] + "px"); if(axis.get("height") !== graphHeight) { axis.set("height", graphHeight); } } if(axis._hasDataOverflow()) { graphOverflow = "hidden"; } } this._drawing = false; if(this._callLater) { this._redraw(); return; } if(graph) { graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("left", graphX + "px"); graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("top", graphY + "px"); graph.set("width", graphWidth); graph.set("height", graphHeight); graph.get("boundingBox").setStyle("overflow", graphOverflow); } if(this._overlay) { this._overlay.setStyle("left", graphX + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("top", graphY + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("width", graphWidth + "px"); this._overlay.setStyle("height", graphHeight + "px"); } }, /** * Destructor implementation for the CartesianChart class. Calls destroy on all axes, series and the Graph instance. * Removes the tooltip and overlay HTML elements. * * @method destructor * @protected */ destructor: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), i = 0, len, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), axesCollection = this._axesCollection, tooltip = this.get("tooltip").node; if(this._description) { this._description.empty(); this._description.remove(true); } if(this._liveRegion) { this._liveRegion.empty(); this._liveRegion.remove(true); } len = seriesCollection ? seriesCollection.length : 0; for(; i < len; ++i) { if(seriesCollection[i] instanceof Y.CartesianSeries) { seriesCollection[i].destroy(true); } } len = axesCollection ? axesCollection.length : 0; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(axesCollection[i] instanceof Y.Axis) { axesCollection[i].destroy(true); } } if(graph) { graph.destroy(true); } if(tooltip) { tooltip.empty(); tooltip.remove(true); } if(this._overlay) { this._overlay.empty(); this._overlay.remove(true); } }, /** * Returns the appropriate message based on the key press. * * @method _getAriaMessage * @param {Number} key The keycode that was pressed. * @return String */ _getAriaMessage: function(key) { var msg = "", series, items, categoryItem, valueItem, seriesIndex = this._seriesIndex, itemIndex = this._itemIndex, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"), len = seriesCollection.length, dataLength; if(key % 2 === 0) { if(len > 1) { if(key === 38) { seriesIndex = seriesIndex < 1 ? len - 1 : seriesIndex - 1; } else if(key === 40) { seriesIndex = seriesIndex >= len - 1 ? 0 : seriesIndex + 1; } this._itemIndex = -1; } else { seriesIndex = 0; } this._seriesIndex = seriesIndex; series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)); msg = series.get("valueDisplayName") + " series."; } else { if(seriesIndex > -1) { msg = ""; series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)); } else { seriesIndex = 0; this._seriesIndex = seriesIndex; series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)); msg = series.get("valueDisplayName") + " series."; } dataLength = series._dataLength ? series._dataLength : 0; if(key === 37) { itemIndex = itemIndex > 0 ? itemIndex - 1 : dataLength - 1; } else if(key === 39) { itemIndex = itemIndex >= dataLength - 1 ? 0 : itemIndex + 1; } this._itemIndex = itemIndex; items = this.getSeriesItems(series, itemIndex); categoryItem = items.category; valueItem = items.value; if(categoryItem && valueItem && categoryItem.value && valueItem.value) { msg += categoryItem.displayName + ": " + categoryItem.axis.formatLabel.apply(this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]) + ", "; msg += valueItem.displayName + ": " + valueItem.axis.formatLabel.apply(this, [valueItem.value, valueItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]) + ", "; } else { msg += "No data available."; } msg += (itemIndex + 1) + " of " + dataLength + ". "; } return msg; } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Indicates whether axis labels are allowed to overflow beyond the bounds of the chart's content box. * * @attribute allowContentOverflow * @type Boolean */ allowContentOverflow: { value: false }, /** * Style object for the axes. * * @attribute axesStyles * @type Object * @private */ axesStyles: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, styles = this._axesStyles; if(axes) { for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i) && axes[i] instanceof Y.Axis) { if(!styles) { styles = {}; } styles[i] = axes[i].get("styles"); } } } return styles; }, setter: function(val) { var axes = this.get("axes"), i; for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i) && axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this._setBaseAttribute(axes[i], "styles", val[i]); } } return val; } }, /** * Style object for the series * * @attribute seriesStyles * @type Object * @private */ seriesStyles: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var styles = this._seriesStyles, graph = this.get("graph"), dict, i; if(graph) { dict = graph.get("seriesDictionary"); if(dict) { styles = {}; for(i in dict) { if(dict.hasOwnProperty(i)) { styles[i] = dict[i].get("styles"); } } } } return styles; }, setter: function(val) { var i, l, s; if(Y_Lang.isArray(val)) { s = this.get("seriesCollection"); i = 0; l = val.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { this._setBaseAttribute(s[i], "styles", val[i]); } } else { for(i in val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty(i)) { s = this.getSeries(i); this._setBaseAttribute(s, "styles", val[i]); } } } return val; } }, /** * Styles for the graph. * * @attribute graphStyles * @type Object * @private */ graphStyles: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return(graph.get("styles")); } return this._graphStyles; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); this._setBaseAttribute(graph, "styles", val); return val; } }, /** * Style properties for the chart. Contains a key indexed hash of the following: *
A key indexed hash containing references to the `styles` attribute for each series in the chart. * Specific style attributes vary depending on the series: *
A key indexed hash containing references to the `styles` attribute for each axes in the chart. Specific * style attributes can be found in the
A reference to the `styles` attribute in the chart. Specific style attributes can be found in the *
* * @attribute styles * @type Object */ styles: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { var styles = { axes: this.get("axesStyles"), series: this.get("seriesStyles"), graph: this.get("graphStyles") }; return styles; }, setter: function(val) { if(val.hasOwnProperty("axes")) { if(this.get("axesStyles")) { this.set("axesStyles", val.axes); } else { this._axesStyles = val.axes; } } if(val.hasOwnProperty("series")) { if(this.get("seriesStyles")) { this.set("seriesStyles", val.series); } else { this._seriesStyles = val.series; } } if(val.hasOwnProperty("graph")) { this.set("graphStyles", val.graph); } } }, /** * Axes to appear in the chart. This can be a key indexed hash of axis instances or object literals * used to construct the appropriate axes. * * @attribute axes * @type Object */ axes: { lazyAdd: false, valueFn: "_getDefaultAxes", setter: function(val) { if(this.get("dataProvider")) { val = this._setAxes(val); } return val; } }, /** * Collection of series to appear on the chart. This can be an array of Series instances or object literals * used to construct the appropriate series. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type Array */ seriesCollection: { lazyAdd: false, valueFn: "_getDefaultSeriesCollection", setter: function(val) { if(this.get("dataProvider")) { return this._parseSeriesCollection(val); } return val; } }, /** * Reference to the left-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute leftAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ leftAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the bottom-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute bottomAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ bottomAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the right-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute rightAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ rightAxesCollection: {}, /** * Reference to the top-aligned axes for the chart. * * @attribute topAxesCollection * @type Array * @private */ topAxesCollection: {}, /** * Indicates whether or not the chart is stacked. * * @attribute stacked * @type Boolean */ stacked: { value: false }, /** * Direction of chart's category axis when there is no series collection specified. Charts can * be horizontal or vertical. When the chart type is column, the chart is horizontal. * When the chart type is bar, the chart is vertical. * * @attribute direction * @type String */ direction: { getter: function() { var type = this.get("type"); if(type === "bar") { return "vertical"; } else if(type === "column") { return "horizontal"; } return this._direction; }, setter: function(val) { this._direction = val; return this._direction; } }, /** * Indicates whether or not an area is filled in a combo chart. * * @attribute showAreaFill * @type Boolean */ showAreaFill: {}, /** * Indicates whether to display markers in a combo chart. * * @attribute showMarkers * @type Boolean */ showMarkers:{}, /** * Indicates whether to display lines in a combo chart. * * @attribute showLines * @type Boolean */ showLines:{}, /** * Indicates the key value used to identify a category axis in the `axes` hash. If * not specified, the categoryKey attribute value will be used. * * @attribute categoryAxisName * @type String */ categoryAxisName: { }, /** * Indicates the key value used to identify a the series axis when an axis not generated. * * @attribute valueAxisName * @type String */ valueAxisName: { value: "values" }, /** * Reference to the horizontalGridlines for the chart. * * @attribute horizontalGridlines * @type Gridlines */ horizontalGridlines: { getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return graph.get("horizontalGridlines"); } return this._horizontalGridlines; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(val && !Y_Lang.isObject(val)) { val = {}; } if(graph) { graph.set("horizontalGridlines", val); } else { this._horizontalGridlines = val; } } }, /** * Reference to the verticalGridlines for the chart. * * @attribute verticalGridlines * @type Gridlines */ verticalGridlines: { getter: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(graph) { return graph.get("verticalGridlines"); } return this._verticalGridlines; }, setter: function(val) { var graph = this.get("graph"); if(val && !Y_Lang.isObject(val)) { val = {}; } if(graph) { graph.set("verticalGridlines", val); } else { this._verticalGridlines = val; } } }, /** * Type of chart when there is no series collection specified. * * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { getter: function() { if(this.get("stacked")) { return "stacked" + this._type; } return this._type; }, setter: function(val) { if(this._type === "bar") { if(val !== "bar") { this.set("direction", "horizontal"); } } else { if(val === "bar") { this.set("direction", "vertical"); } } this._type = val; return this._type; } }, /** * Reference to the category axis used by the chart. * * @attribute categoryAxis * @type Axis */ categoryAxis:{} } }); /** * The PieChart class creates a pie chart * * @class PieChart * @extends ChartBase * @constructor * @submodule charts-base */ Y.PieChart = Y.Base.create("pieChart", Y.Widget, [Y.ChartBase], { /** * Calculates and returns a `seriesCollection`. * * @method _getSeriesCollection * @return Array * @private */ _getSeriesCollection: function() { if(this._seriesCollection) { return this._seriesCollection; } var axes = this.get("axes"), sc = [], seriesKeys, i = 0, l, type = this.get("type"), key, catAxis = "categoryAxis", catKey = "categoryKey", valAxis = "valueAxis", seriesKey = "valueKey"; if(axes) { seriesKeys = axes.values.get("keyCollection"); key = axes.category.get("keyCollection")[0]; l = seriesKeys.length; for(; i < l; ++i) { sc[i] = {type:type}; sc[i][catAxis] = "category"; sc[i][valAxis] = "values"; sc[i][catKey] = key; sc[i][seriesKey] = seriesKeys[i]; } } this._seriesCollection = sc; return sc; }, /** * Creates `Axis` instances. * * @method _parseAxes * @param {Object} val Object containing `Axis` instances or objects in which to construct `Axis` instances. * @return Object * @private */ _parseAxes: function(hash) { if(!this._axes) { this._axes = {}; } var i, pos, axis, dh, config, AxisClass, type = this.get("type"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), node = Y.Node.one(this._parentNode); if(!w) { this.set("width", node.get("offsetWidth")); w = this.get("width"); } if(!h) { this.set("height", node.get("offsetHeight")); h = this.get("height"); } for(i in hash) { if(hash.hasOwnProperty(i)) { dh = hash[i]; pos = type === "pie" ? "none" : dh.position; AxisClass = this._getAxisClass(dh.type); config = {dataProvider:this.get("dataProvider")}; if(dh.hasOwnProperty("roundingUnit")) { config.roundingUnit = dh.roundingUnit; } config.keys = dh.keys; config.width = w; config.height = h; config.position = pos; config.styles = dh.styles; axis = new AxisClass(config); axis.on("axisRendered", Y.bind(this._itemRendered, this)); this._axes[i] = axis; } } }, /** * Adds axes to the chart. * * @method _addAxes * @private */ _addAxes: function() { var axes = this.get("axes"), i, axis, p; if(!axes) { this.set("axes", this._getDefaultAxes()); axes = this.get("axes"); } if(!this._axesCollection) { this._axesCollection = []; } for(i in axes) { if(axes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { axis = axes[i]; p = axis.get("position"); if(!this.get(p + "AxesCollection")) { this.set(p + "AxesCollection", [axis]); } else { this.get(p + "AxesCollection").push(axis); } this._axesCollection.push(axis); } } }, /** * Renders the Graph. * * @method _addSeries * @private */ _addSeries: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"); this._parseSeriesAxes(seriesCollection); graph.set("showBackground", false); graph.set("width", this.get("width")); graph.set("height", this.get("height")); graph.set("seriesCollection", seriesCollection); this._seriesCollection = graph.get("seriesCollection"); graph.render(this.get("contentBox")); }, /** * Parse and sets the axes for the chart. * * @method _parseSeriesAxes * @param {Array} c A collection `PieSeries` instance. * @private */ _parseSeriesAxes: function(c) { var i = 0, len = c.length, s, axes = this.get("axes"), axis; for(; i < len; ++i) { s = c[i]; if(s) { //If series is an actual series instance, //replace axes attribute string ids with axes if(s instanceof Y.PieSeries) { axis = s.get("categoryAxis"); if(axis && !(axis instanceof Y.Axis)) { s.set("categoryAxis", axes[axis]); } axis = s.get("valueAxis"); if(axis && !(axis instanceof Y.Axis)) { s.set("valueAxis", axes[axis]); } continue; } s.categoryAxis = axes.category; s.valueAxis = axes.values; if(!s.type) { s.type = this.get("type"); } } } }, /** * Generates and returns a key-indexed object containing `Axis` instances or objects used to create `Axis` instances. * * @method _getDefaultAxes * @return Object * @private */ _getDefaultAxes: function() { var catKey = this.get("categoryKey"), seriesKeys = this.get("seriesKeys").concat(), seriesAxis = "numeric"; return { values:{ keys:seriesKeys, type:seriesAxis }, category:{ keys:[catKey], type:this.get("categoryType") } }; }, /** * Returns an object literal containing a categoryItem and a valueItem for a given series index. * * @method getSeriesItem * @param series Reference to a series. * @param index Index of the specified item within a series. * @return Object */ getSeriesItems: function(series, index) { var categoryItem = { axis: series.get("categoryAxis"), key: series.get("categoryKey"), displayName: series.get("categoryDisplayName") }, valueItem = { axis: series.get("valueAxis"), key: series.get("valueKey"), displayName: series.get("valueDisplayName") }; categoryItem.value = categoryItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(categoryItem.key, index); valueItem.value = valueItem.axis.getKeyValueAt(valueItem.key, index); return {category:categoryItem, value:valueItem}; }, /** * Handler for sizeChanged event. * * @method _sizeChanged * @param {Object} e Event object. * @private */ _sizeChanged: function() { this._redraw(); }, /** * Redraws the chart instance. * * @method _redraw * @private */ _redraw: function() { var graph = this.get("graph"), w = this.get("width"), h = this.get("height"), dimension; if(graph) { dimension = Math.min(w, h); graph.set("width", dimension); graph.set("height", dimension); } }, /** * Formats tooltip text for a pie chart. * * @method _tooltipLabelFunction * @param {Object} categoryItem An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the category is bound.
The display name set to the category (defaults to key if not provided)
The key of the category.
The value of the category
* @param {Object} valueItem An object containing the following: *
The axis to which the item's series is bound.
The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)
The key for the series.
The value for the series item.
* @param {Number} itemIndex The index of the item within the series. * @param {CartesianSeries} series The `PieSeries` instance of the item. * @return {HTMLElement} * @private */ _tooltipLabelFunction: function(categoryItem, valueItem, itemIndex, series) { var msg = DOCUMENT.createElement("div"), total = series.getTotalValues(), pct = Math.round((valueItem.value / total) * 10000)/100; msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(categoryItem.displayName + ": " + categoryItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]))); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createElement("br")); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(valueItem.displayName + ": " + valueItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [valueItem.value, valueItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]))); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createElement("br")); msg.appendChild(DOCUMENT.createTextNode(pct + "%")); return msg; }, /** * Returns the appropriate message based on the key press. * * @method _getAriaMessage * @param {Number} key The keycode that was pressed. * @return String */ _getAriaMessage: function(key) { var msg = "", categoryItem, items, series, valueItem, seriesIndex = 0, itemIndex = this._itemIndex, len, total, pct, markers; series = this.getSeries(parseInt(seriesIndex, 10)); markers = series.get("markers"); len = markers && markers.length ? markers.length : 0; if(key === 37) { itemIndex = itemIndex > 0 ? itemIndex - 1 : len - 1; } else if(key === 39) { itemIndex = itemIndex >= len - 1 ? 0 : itemIndex + 1; } this._itemIndex = itemIndex; items = this.getSeriesItems(series, itemIndex); categoryItem = items.category; valueItem = items.value; total = series.getTotalValues(); pct = Math.round((valueItem.value / total) * 10000)/100; if(categoryItem && valueItem) { msg += categoryItem.displayName + ": " + categoryItem.axis.formatLabel.apply(this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]) + ", "; msg += valueItem.displayName + ": " + valueItem.axis.formatLabel.apply(this, [valueItem.value, valueItem.axis.get("labelFormat")]) + ", "; msg += "Percent of total " + valueItem.displayName + ": " + pct + "%,"; } else { msg += "No data available,"; } msg += (itemIndex + 1) + " of " + len + ". "; return msg; }, /** * Destructor implementation for the PieChart class. * * @method destructor * @protected */ destructor: function() { var series, axis, tooltip = this.get("tooltip"), tooltipNode = tooltip.node, graph = this.get("graph"), axesCollection = this._axesCollection, seriesCollection = this.get("seriesCollection"); while(seriesCollection.length > 0) { series = seriesCollection.shift(); series.destroy(true); } while(axesCollection.length > 0) { axis = axesCollection.shift(); if(axis instanceof Y.Axis) { axis.destroy(true); } } if(this._description) { this._description.empty(); this._description.remove(true); } if(this._liveRegion) { this._liveRegion.empty(); this._liveRegion.remove(true); } if(graph) { graph.destroy(true); } if(tooltipNode) { tooltipNode.empty(); tooltipNode.remove(true); } } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Sets the aria description for the chart. * * @attribute ariaDescription * @type String */ ariaDescription: { value: "Use the left and right keys to navigate through items.", setter: function(val) { if(this._description) { this._description.set("text", val); } return val; } }, /** * Axes to appear in the chart. * * @attribute axes * @type Object */ axes: { getter: function() { return this._axes; }, setter: function(val) { this._parseAxes(val); } }, /** * Collection of series to appear on the chart. This can be an array of Series instances or object literals * used to describe a Series instance. * * @attribute seriesCollection * @type Array */ seriesCollection: { lazyAdd: false, getter: function() { return this._getSeriesCollection(); }, setter: function(val) { return this._setSeriesCollection(val); } }, /** * Type of chart when there is no series collection specified. * * @attribute type * @type String */ type: { value: "pie" } } }); /** * The Chart class is the basic application used to create a chart. * * @class Chart * @constructor * @submodule charts-base */ function Chart(cfg) { if(cfg.type !== "pie") { return new Y.CartesianChart(cfg); } else { return new Y.PieChart(cfg); } } Y.Chart = Chart; }, '3.17.2', { "requires": [ "dom", "event-mouseenter", "event-touch", "graphics-group", "axes", "series-pie", "series-line", "series-marker", "series-area", "series-spline", "series-column", "series-bar", "series-areaspline", "series-combo", "series-combospline", "series-line-stacked", "series-marker-stacked", "series-area-stacked", "series-spline-stacked", "series-column-stacked", "series-bar-stacked", "series-areaspline-stacked", "series-combo-stacked", "series-combospline-stacked" ] });